Welsh poetry -- 1400-1550



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Welsh poetry -- 1400-1550

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Welsh poetry -- 1400-1550

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Welsh poetry -- 1400-1550

285 Archival description results for Welsh poetry -- 1400-1550

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A book of precedents,

Examples of deeds, entries in court rolls, patents, and other legal instruments collected by Edward ap Rys ap David, auditor of Powis, receiver of Chirk and Chirkland, circa 1509. The documents quoted relate to the lordships of Bromfield and Yale, Chirk and Chirkland, Oswestry, and Cowres, the boroughs of Holt and Beaumaris, and Oxfordshire. There are a few Welsh recipes and verses in the margins.

A Display of Herauldry; Dosparth Edeyrn Dafawd Aur; etc.

A manuscript in the hand of David Richards ('Dewi Silin') containing transcripts of John Davies: A Display of Herauldry (Salop, 1716); 'cywyddau' and 'englynion' by Hugh Morys; 'Edeyrn Dafawd aur' (see Cwrtmawr MS 233); 'cywyddau' by Ieuan ab Hywel Swrdwal and Gruffudd ab Ieuan ab Llywelyn, and 'Chwedl Rhitta Gawr' from a transcript by Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') of a manuscript of James Davies ('Iaco ap Dewi'); a 'Letter from Mr Owen [William Owen-Pughe], Author of the Welsh and English Dictionary, containing Remarks on the Structure of the Welsh Language, and on the Characteristic of the Gwentian Dialect ...', printed in William Coxe: An Historical Tour in Monmouthshire, part II (London, 1801), pp. 405-7; and 'cywyddau', an 'awdl' and 'englynion' by Hugh Morys, Jno. Davies ('o'r Rhiwlas'), William Miltwn, Doctor Sion Kent, Simwnt Fychan, Richart Phylip, Sion Philip and Sion Cain, and incomplete poems. Pasted on the inside lower cover is an imperfect printed prospectus of Seren Gomer, 1813.

A treatise descriptive of arms

A manuscript in three hands containing a treatise on arms addressed to Morgan Elfael (fl. c. 1528-1541) from Hywel ap Syr Mathew (d. 1581); also poetry, etc. Pp. 1-165 are in the autograph of Hywel ap Syr Mathew and were written in 1557 (cf. the writing in Peniarth MS 138 and Cardiff MS 51); pp. 167-194 are in a second hand and written about 1598; pp. 195-204 are in a third hand and were written about 1600. The poets whose works are cited include Dafydd ab Edmwnt, Siôn Cent, Gruffudd Hiraethog and Iolo Goch. The volume also contains medical recipes (pp. 166-170) and a chronicle of the reign of British rulers (p. 198).

Hywel ap Syr Mathew and others.

Achau, barddoniaeth, etc.

A volume of Crogen Iddon (Pontfadog, Denbighshire) provenance, written mainly during the second half of the seventeenth century. It contains pedigrees of North Wales families (including Owen of Crogen Iddon); 'cywyddau', etc., by Guto['r] Glyn, William Llyn, Davydd Llwyd ab Ll'n ab Gr., Euan Llafar, Lewis Mon, Thomas Price (Plas Iolyn), Gryffydd Phylib, Watkin Klywedog, Rees Kain, Ivan Clowedog, Sion Tvdyr, Ifan brydydd da, Sion Philip, Lewis Morganwc, David ap Rees, Edmund Prys, Sion Glyn ap Digan, Doctor Sion Cent, Morgan ap Hugh Lewis, Robt. Lewis, Richard Gele, John Clywedog, Ivan Gethin ap Ivan, Robyn Dyfi, William Phillip ('o ddyffrun y dudwu'), William Cynwal, Gryffydd Hiraethog, Mredydd ap Rys, Howel ap D'd ap Ie'nn ap Rys, Iolo Goch, Hugh Lloyd Cunwal, ?Jon. Hughes (Crogen Ithon), Hugh Moris, Rob. Cylidro, Sion Tudur, Ro[bert] Mydd[elton], Lewis Glyn Cothi, Mathew Owen, John Moris, Moris Becwn, Roger Kyffin, Wiliam Puw Llafar, Ffowlke Prys, and Tudur Aled; 'A sacred Mystery of ye Jesuits delivered in french to a Louer of ye reformed Religon, shortly After ye Murder of Henry ye 4th King of France'; 'Arfav twysogion Kymry ag arglwyddi'; and a list of contents of the pedigrees and poetry. Some of the later additions are in the hand of John Davies, Rhiwlas, Llansilin. The copious arithmetical calculations recorded in the margins are probably by John Edwards of Crogen Iddon, etc. (1755). Bound in at the end are six pages of notes on the volume in the hand of John Ceiriog Hughes ('Ceiriog'), 1880, together with an undated holograph letter from 'Ceiriog', Van Railway, Caersws to Nicholas Bennett [at Glanrafon, Trefeglwys].

Achau, barddoniaeth, etc.

An early seventeenth century manuscript, fragile, written c. 1611-1621 and possibly earlier by Roger Williams, clerk, rector of the parish of St. Nicholas, co. Glamorgan [the scribe of parts of Llanstephan MS 41] and containing pedigrees, Welsh poetry, medical and veterinary recipes, etc. Roger Williams [TLLM, 41n, 213-4] was the son of Roger William of Prisk [in the parish of Llanddunwyd (Welsh St. Donats)] and he married Elinor Rees [daughter of Rhys Amheurug (Rees Merrick)]: his pedigree is on p. 27 of this manuscript (cf. Llanstephan MS 41, p. 173). A folio or folios are wanting at the beginning and someone has written the words 'The Isue [sic] of Gruffydd fawr [De Radyr]' opposite the first page (p. 4). The contents, except where otherwise stated, consist of genealogical data relating to the persons or places specified as follows: p. 8, part of an account mentioning Pwllymyn, etc.; 9, the issue of Lle'n ap Kynwrige; 10, a 'cywydd' by Rys Brychan; 12, a 'cywydd' by Howel ap Davyd ap Ievan ap Rees; 14, mention of William Thomas, son of Thomas Gwilim Jenkin of Gwern ddy in the parish of St. Brids near Abergenvenye [sic]; 16, a copy of a general release, 1613, from Elizabeth Howell of Welshe St. Donettes, co. Glamorgan, spinster, to William Rosser of the same, yeoman, executor of the will of Thomas Rosser late of Welshe St. Donettes aforesaid, deceased; 17, recipes; 18, a 'cywydd' by Llewelyn ap Howell ap Ievan Gronow; 21, recipes, extracts, etc.; 24, pedigree of the Mansells; 26, a copy of a note from John Robertes, rector of Langan; 27, descendants of Howell Vawr apris ap Cradocke . . .; 28, Mansells, etc.; 29, descendants of Roger de Londres of Ogmor and Kydwelye; 29-30, 'englynion' by Thomas Lle'n and Sion Tomos Hwel, in another hand, followed by a note concerning the jointure of Agnes Rosser, wife of Thomas Edwardes late deceased of St. Hilarye, co. Glamorgan, gent.; 31, Rychard Thomas of Tree r groes within the parish of Coychurch (cf. 45), copy of a writ, 1598, medical recipes; 34, Bassetts [cf. Llanstephan MS 41, p. 62]; 35, lines of Welsh poetry and a note of a bond [1614], with an 'englyn' by Watkin apowell in the margin; 36, a copy of the will of John Bassett of Bewper in the parish of St. Hilary, 1512[/13] (Latin); 38, weather lore, husbandry, etc.; 45, an 'englyn' by Thomas William Howell, instructions for conducting prayers ('Chwi estyngwch y lawr ar dal ych glynie . . .'); 46, Thomas ap Rychard, register of the consistory court of Landaph, Rys Brydyth o Lanharan and his descendants including Lewis Morganwg (cf. p. 144); 47, Tho: ap Morgan, clerk, vicar of Pentrych [sic], Tho: ap ho'll ap ph'e; 48, veterinary recipes; 49, Sr Mathew Cradock, kt.; 116, Justyn, lo: of Glamorgan, Sr John Carn ('owt of Thomas Johns Collections'); 117, 'ach Godwyn Iarll Kernyw y dynnwyd o lyvyr Iollo goch'; 50, a 'cywydd' by Griffith llwyd davyd ap Inon Liglyw; 52, Collene [sic]; 53, descendants of Davyd Mathew including John Mathew Myles 'late gayler [sic] indicted for willfull escape of John Jenkin one of the murderers' [?1592-1593], Mayndy, Sr. Jo: Gams; 54, Bolston, George Gibon of Trecastell, Howell Johns 'yt dwellyth now in London', etc.; 55, Trym Bennoc ap Maynyrch; 56, 'englynion' by Thomas Lewis 'o Lleche'; 57, Lansannor gwin (Gwyn); 58, Coedbychan. . ., Miskin wrth gornel y park, Lanharan; (continued)

59, Talygarn; 60, Castell Scurla . . ., Hendre vorgan; 61, Byrthyn, parish of Llanblethian; 62, Llanwensan, parish of Peterston super Eley [sic], Abergorky ('Morgan davyd Cadwgans petygree accordinge to Tho: Johns Collections'); 64, John ap Davyd ap Hopkyn ['Ynys Dawe']; 65, Bettus (Llwarch ap Aren); 66, Lantryssent, Kelly gronn nere Collenne . . ., Lanwinno; 67, Colleney (cf. p. 52), Turbills [sic]; 68, Morgan Cradock ap Ph'e . . ., Carries (Wenny); 69, Nash [Carne]; 71, Turbervills; 72, 'drawen owt of Rychard tho: ap gr' gochs Card of William llyn his drawing', Chadles; 74, Davyd ap hopkin ap tho: ap hopkin, Harrye John ap Richard; 75, Goed tree (cf. p. 144), Brigan; 76, Glynogwr; Ryw gwrach y blawd, Rywperrey; 77, Lanbradach and also a reference (twice) to the marriage of 'younge Mr Kemis of monmouth shire dwellynge verye nere to Catch asse', 1613[/14]; 78, Blaen Baglan, Aberavan, and Tir Iarll; 79, Langowyd [?Llangonydd], Neth (Mr Lyson Ievans); 80, Mr (Wm) Price, Cradock ap Iestyn - Blaen Baglan, Gwyrvill verch Hopkin ap d'd ap Hopkin; 81, Wm ap John ap Res ap Jenkin and Lantwyt vaer dree in miskin; 82, Bettus, Bridgend, William ffilib william; 83, Marlas (Rychard ap thomas ap gr' goch) 'drawen owt of Rychard tho: his Card'; 84, Caerwige (parish of Pendoylown), Jenkin ap wm ap gebb'n; 85, Rydlavar, Ystradvellte, Lantrissent; 86, Bach ap Gwayt, Lanylyd; 87, Landow; 88, Marcrosse [Vann], Splott. Bawdripps; 89, (?) Monnton ['Fflemings'], Lantrythed; 90, Groeswen, Sweldon, Margam; 91, Braych y kymor, Langynwyr; 92, Kelligaer i n Seynhenydd, Lewis ap Res, Pendoylon; 93, Broviskin; 94, St Nycholas, Lanharan, Saint fagans. Gibons; 95, Michelston, Bedwes, Broviskin; 96, Pendoylon; 97, 'from Ievan Jenkins of Langowyd' and [from] Thomas Jones; 98, Justyn lo: of Glamorgan; 99, Bleddyn ap Convyn, prince of powis, Griffith ap. Conan k of Gwynedd; 100, Rys ap Tewdwr k of Deheybarth, Elystan Glodrydd, prince betwyn wye and Severn; 101, Bleddyn ap Meynyrch lo: of Brecon, Trym bennog lo: of Cantre selyff, Guillyn lo: of ydstradyw, Einon ap gollwyn, and Argwydd [sic] lle'n; 102, Griffith ap yr argwydd [sic] Rys; 103, descendants of Ph'e fleming; 104, Baydan, parish of Langowyd - Gwayr ap Aren, Ystradyvodwg; 105, Cayre, Sergeant (d'd) Williams; 106, Brigan; 107, Ystrad ffin, Rys Gryg; 111, Aleth k of dyved; 112, Mathravan, followed by miscellaneous pedigrees; 118, (?) Abercrag; 119, Llanvrynach, Maesmawr; 120, Llandy bie, Kydweli, Aber Afan; 121, Brecon [Awbrey]; 122, Llandybie, Tir Rawlff, Arth brengi, Arwystly, Kaer Sws yn Arwystly; 123, Shere drevaldwyn. Kyviliog, Yskethrog Brecon, Sheree [sic] Gaervyrthin [Sr Rys ap tho:]; 126, Gada, Gwinionydd ywch kerdyn, Gwinionydd iskerdyn, Caer wedros; 127, Gwinionydd ywch aeron, Mab ffynion [sic] yn isaeron, Hirvryn, Eifel yn Swydd gaer, Penryn dyfed yn Swydd gaer, Mallaen yn Swydd gaer, Cayo yn Swydd gaer; 128, Carnwllon, Kydweli, Gener glyn yng Credigion, Cwmwd perfedd, Cryddyn ywch arfon ['aeron']; 128(a), Glyn aeron, Llangibi, with a note of the names of the sons of Rice Kemis of Llanvayr, co. Monmouth, 1617 and 1621; 128(b), descendants of Lle'n lia; 129, Ystradyvodwg, Brigan; 130, Langonoyd, Veddifnych yn Sheere gaer; 131, Y Slough, Aber yskyr; 132, Tyr Raulff (cf. p. 122), Pymtheg llwyth Gwynedd; 133, Mibon [sic] kynvarch oer, Shir Gaer [Griffith dwn]; 135, Owein glyndyfrdwy; 136, Langattwg dyffryn vsk; 137, Plant Ievan ap Jenkyn Kemys or began, Plant Sr Tho: Morgan hen o pencoyd, Mibon kenedda wledig ay tiveddiaeth; 139, Meibion kynwyd kynhwydion, Plant llwarch hen, Yal; 140, Pyctown in Pembroke Shire, Whit Church in monmoth Shire; 141, Penros, Troe, Tremsaran in Caerm'then Shire; 142, Aber Gwili Elystan glodrydd; 143, Wm Bleddyn Bishop of landaph, etc., and [(?) an extract from] Davydd Benwyn ' in an ould Rowl of Marlas'; 144, Goed tree (cf. p. 75), and Rys brydydd and his descendants (cf. p. 46); 145, a religious poem in Welsh consisting of thirty-three stanzas in free metre ('tribanau'); 150, recipes; 151, Caerwige, parish of Pendoylown, co. Glamorgan; 152 (insert, in another hand) 'of Troy'; and 155, 'Pymb Brenhinllwyth kymru'. The manuscript contains annotations by both Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg', and Taliesin Williams, 'Taliesin ab Iolo'.

Roger Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg' and Taliesin Williams.

Adysgrifau 'Manoethwy',

A composite volume of transcripts in the hand of Owen Jones ('Manoethwy'). The contents include 'cywyddau', 'awdlau', 'englynion', 'carolau' and 'cerddi' by Ifan Tew Brydydd, Hari ap Howel alias Harri Hir, Wiliam Cynwal, Sion Tudur, Morus Dwyfech, Gruffudd Hiraethog, Sr. Dafydd Llwyd Ysgolhaig, Llywelyn ap Gytyn, Guto'r Glyn, Hywel D'd Bevan ap Rhys ('o Sir Fon'), Rhydderch ap Sion, Dafydd Nanmor, Rhys Goch o Eryri, Huw Arwystl, Morys ap Ifan ap Einion ('Morus Dwyfach Medd MS arall') Sr. Dafydd Trefor ('Dr. John Kent ... Medd MSS M.P.', 'Sion Dafydd Trefor ... Medd MSS L.O.'), Howel ap Reinalld, Mredydd ap Rhys, Gruffudd D'd ap Howel, Rhisiart ap Howel Da 'Beinion, Bedo Phylip Bach ('Rhai a ddywaid mae Deio ap I'n Du ai Cant... '), Huw Pennant, Sion y Kent, Lewis Glyn Cothi, Edward Maelor '('Mae'n debig mae Edward ap Rhys Maelor ydyw Hwn... '), Dafydd ap Gwilim, Iolo Goch, Simwnt Vychan, Sr. Huw Jones ('Vicar Llanfair ynyffryn Clwyd'), Tudur Aled, Dafydd Llwyd ap Llew ap Gruff., Sion Brwynog, Iorwerth Fynglwyd, Taliesyn Aneurin G[wawdrydd], Maer Glas ('medd rhai'), Robin Ddu, Owain Twna, Dafydd Gorllech, Ifan Brydydd Hir, Edward [ap Rhys], Ie : Dyfi, Llywelyn ap Owain, Thomas Prys ('o Blasiolyn Esquire'), Edmund Prys, G[ruffydd] Philip, W. Elias (1730), Owain Gruffydd, Gruffydd Nannau (1654), Owain Gwynedd, Thomas Owen (1730), William Llyn, Tudur Penllyn, Huw Kae Llwyd, Llywelyn Goch Amheurig Hen, Edward Davies (Rhiwlas), Rich. Abram, Moris ab Evan ab David, Cadwaladr Roberts (ab Robert), Dafydd ab Sienkin, Richard [Davies] ('Esgob Dewi'), Ragiar [sic] Kyffin, Huw Morys, Arthur Jones (1734), Mathew Owain, Ellis Cadwaladr, Moris Rhobert ('o Sir Feirionydd'), Thomas Davies ('o Sir Drefaldwyn'), Robert Cadwalad[r] ('o Blwy Pennant'), Richd. Thomas D'd ('o Sir Fon'), Richard Ffoulkes, John Edwards, John Hughes, Moris ab Evan ap Dafydd ('o Lanoge'), Sion Ffoulke, Sion ab William Griffith ('o Lanfihangel ... '), Sion Phylip, G[ruffudd] Leiaf, D. Sion, W[iliam] Phylip, Rhisiart Philyp, H. ab Evan, [John Davies] 'Sion Davydd Las', Lewis Owain, Morgan Dafydd, Edwart Morris and Robert Klidro, and anonymous poems; 'englynion', etc. by contemporary poets, largely of the Richards (Darowen) circle of friends e.g. John Evans ('Ioan Maelor'), W[alte]r Davies ('Gwallter Mechain'),' R[ober]t Davies ['Bardd Nantglyn'], 'G. Brwynog', R[owland] P[arry] (Carndochan), H. K. (1851), Phoebe neu Eunice Jones (Llynlleifiad), [Peter Jones] 'Pedr Fardd', [William Edwards] 'Gwilym Padarn', [Morris Jones] 'Meurig Idris' and J. Blackwell ('Alun'), and anonymous poems; 'Sidanen Or a Song in Praise of the Glorious Queen Elizabeth' by Edward ap Rhys Wynne ap William Prys of Clygyrog, 'The meritorious gratulation of Esqr. Strangways to Llangedwyn ...' by John Davies, and anonymous English poems; prose texts, in some cases two copies, of 'Tri thlws ar ddeg o Frenindlysau Ynys Brydain ... ', 'Drygioni Medd'dod', 'Dewis bethau Howel lygad Cwsg', 'Trws'neiddrwydd Gruffydd ap Adda ap D'd', 'Achau Llewelyn ap Gruffydd y Tywysog diwaethaf o'r Cymru', 'Ymddiddanion ffraethion Cynhengras a fu rhwng y Pawn bach o Wickwair yn y Rhôs Is Conwy a Gwgon o Gaer Einion y Mhowys. A elwir yn gyffredin Araith Wgon', 'Cronigl Cymru a Lloy(e)gr yn amgyffred fal y treuthir isod' (with an additional 'narration' by Rice Jones), 'Taliesin a'i traethodd', 'Rhwng Merddin a Gwenddydd ei chwaer' and 'Merddin a Gwenddydd', 'The Most noted Poems in Mr Bulkeley of Brynddu's Collection' (now NLW MS832); 'An account of the wages paid the workemen for raissing a fence upon Ceiriog under Pentre gwyn a Tenem[en]t of the Hond. John Myddelton Esqr.', with a covering letter from Richd. Ffoulkes (transcribed from Cwrtmawr MS 222, p. 57v.); a power of attorney from Oliv[er] Thomas, Shrewsbury, yeoman to John Thomas Rees, Llanymowthwey, Merioneth, yeoman, 1674 (original in Cwrtmawr MS 222, p. 61) and a letter relating thereto from Robert Vaughan, Salop to John Thomas Rees (original in Cwrtmawr MS74, No. 3); records of the births and baptisms, 1712-33 [at Llansilin], of the children of Richard Ffoulkes (original in Cwrtmawr MS 222, p. 60v); transcripts of fifty-nine letters of Walter Davies ('Gwallter Mechain'), 1793-1831 and undated, largely addressed to Thomas Richards at Berriew and Llangynyw; a prospectus, 1793, of 'Celtic Remains' in two volumes, the first by 'the Late Lewis Morris Esq.' and the second by Walter Davies, All-Souls College, Oxford; letters largely to Thomas Richards, Berriew and Llangynyw or David Richards ('Dewi Silin') from Peter Bayley Williams, Llanrug, 1828, John Jones ('Tegyd'), Christ Church, Oxford, 1819-22 and undated, W[illiam van Mildert] bishop of Llandaff, 1822, D. Davies, Chester, 1825, Wm. Owen Pughe, London, 1812-19, Ebenezer Thomas ('Eben Fardd'), Llangybi, 1824, Robt. Parry ('Robyn Ddu Eryri'), 1824 and undated, Tho. Jones, Long Acre, London, 1825, W. Owen ('Eos Glan Hafren'), Newtown, 1824, John Roberts, Tremeirchion, 1822, Robt. Davies ['Bardd Nantglyn'], 1825 and undated, and A[neurin] Owen, [Nantglyn], 1821; a list of titles and first couplets of the poems of Dafydd ap Gwilym; 'Llyma henwe y 24 brenin or brutanied... ' (originally from a manuscript of William Thomas, Llanallgo). Inset at the end of the volume are transcripts of Montgomeryshire pedigrees, etc. Much of the material in the volume has been transcribed from other volumes now in the Cwrtmawr Collection (e.g. MSS 200, 222, 242 and 243) and there are references to such sources as 'un o lyfrau Maesglas Mallwyd' (transcribed in 1857) (p. 269), a manuscript in the hand of Robert Arthur (p. 342), 'Llyfr ym meddiant Lowri Jones' (p. 380), etc. A note pasted on the inside of the upper cover states 'This Vol. was copied by Owen Jones (brother of Myrddin Fardd) from a MS Vol. ... in the handwriting of Lewis Morris [Cwrtmawr MS 200] now at Bryntanad, Llanerfyl Montgomerys[hire] (Richards) E. Breese'. Owen Jones was for a short time a private tutor at BrynTanad (see The Dictionary of Welsh Biography). The spine is lettered 'Mannoethwy MSS'.

Adysgrifau 'Manoethwy',

A composite volume of transcripts in the hand of Owen Jones ('Manoethwy'). The contents include 'cywyddau', 'englynion', 'carolau', etc. by John Cent, Meredydd ab Rhys, Guto o'r Glyn, Gruffydd Hiraethog, [Gruffyth ap Ievan ap Lle'n Vychan], Ieuan ap Gruffydd Leia, Dafydd ab Edmwnt, Sr. Rys ap Hary, Tudur Aled, Ieuan Lla[far], Huw Llwyd Cynfal, [ ] Llwyd, Morys ap Ieuan ap D'd, Hugh ap Morys, Sion Phylip, R[obert] Leiaf, G[ruffydd] P[hilip], Gronwy Owain, Jonathan Hughes, Edward Urien, Rowland Fychan, Ifan Llwyd, Sion Tudur, Dafydd Llwyd Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, Llywelyn ap Gutyn, Syr Rhys Carno, Edward Morys, Wmffre Dafydd ap Ifan, Lewis Owen, Rowland Owen, John Vaughan (Caer-gai), William Phylip, Dafydd Nanmor, Robin Ddu o Fôn, John Owen (1668), Bedo Brwynllysg, Jon. Phylip, Dafydd ab Ifan ab Owen, John Brwynog, Rowland Prys, John Davies ['Siôn Dafydd Las'], Sion Dafydd, Huw Morys, Oliver Roger, Ellis Wynne, Rees Evan, William Hwffra [recte Humphreys], Robert Owen, [Dafydd?] Cadwaladr and Dafydd Dafis, and anonymous poems; 'englynion', etc., mainly by poets of the Richards (Darowen) cycle of friends e.g. [Evan Evans] '[Ieuan] Glan Geirionydd', [William Jones] 'Gwilym Cawrdaf', [Rowland Parry] 'Ieuan Carn Dochan', Evan Jones (Darowen), Sion Powel, [Henry Griffith] 'Harri Goch o Wynedd', E. Lewis ('Ab Dewi'), Robert Parry (Eglwys-bach), [Morris Jones] 'Meurig Idris', Walter Davies ('Gwallter Mechain'), 'I. ab Iorwerth', David Richards ('Dewi Silin'), W. H., John Prys (Pennant Mawddwy), Robert Davies (Nantglyn), [John Jones] 'Myllin', Dafydd Ellis (Llan y Mawddwy), William Owen, John Roberts (Hersedd), [Hugh Jones] 'H[uw] Erfyl', John Morgan [Glanfread, Ceredigion], Evan Evans (Arwydd yr Arth, Trallwm), [John Jones] 'Ioan Tegyd', [Benjamin Jones] 'P. A. Mon', Lewis Williams (Cefn Bachedydd), John Blackwell ('Alun'), etc., and anonymous poems; letters from W[alter] D[avies] ('Gwallter Mechain') to the Reverend T[homas] Richards, Berriew School, 1824, and John Blackwell ('Alun') to D[avid] Richards, Llansilin, undated, a pedigree of Dr John Davies, 'person Mallwyd'; 'Achau y Brenin' [a pedigree of King Edward VI]; essays on 'Cywyddau Serch', 'Araith Gwgan' and 'Cyfeillach' (1862); etc. Much of the material has been transcribed from Cwrtmawr MSS 207, 238, and 243. The volume is lettered 'Mannoethwy MSS'.

'Ail Biser Sioned',

  • NLW MS 9047A.
  • File
  • [1724x1800] /

A collection of poems, medical and veterinary recipes, and miscellanea entitled 'Ail Biser Sioned sef Casgliad Cadwalader Davies [Gwyddelwern] wrth ei bleser . . .', with some additions. The poems include 'carolau', 'cerddi', 'cywyddau' and 'englynion' by Hugh Morys, Dafydd Nanmor, Maredudd ap Rhys, William Wynne, John [Siôn] Cadwaladr, Jonathan Hughes, Lewis Morris ('Llywelyn Ddu'), Ellis Roberts, Rees Ellis, Roger Thomley, Ellis Cadwaladr, Matthew Owen, Edmwnd Prys, Dafydd Manuel and others. A valentine from Cadwaladr Davies to Jane Jones is dated 14 February 1749.

Davies, Cadwaladr, b. 1704


A volume entitled 'Amrywiaethau' on the spine, and 'Amrywion sev o gynnulliad Idrison' [i.e. William Owen-Pughe] on the fly-leaf. The contents, a miscellaneous collection of prose and poetry, include: pp. 1-8, four 'cywyddau' attributed to Dafydd ap Gwilym and others; pp. 9-10, 'Can y Mai, ar fesur Awdlgywydd o waith Gwilym Tew, medd Llyfr Lewys Hopkyn'; pp. 11-14, a transcript of 'Annerch-lythr Gronwy Owain Len at William Elias o Blâs y Glyn, Llanfwrog ym Môn', dated at Donnington, 30 Nov. 1751; pp. 15-17, English translation by W[illiam] O[wen-Pughe] of a poem by Taliesin entitled 'Gwaith Gwenystrad', and of another (pp. 18-21) beginning: 'Teithi edmygant yn Nyffryn Garant . . .'; pp. 22-25, an incomplete transcript of 'Gorhoffet Gwalchmei'; pp. 32-34, 'Emyn Ambros ac Awstin, yr hwn a elwir y Te Deum o gyfieithiad Dafydd ddu o Hiraddug'; p. 35, 'Darneb yn iaith Phoenicia yn Llythyrenau Seisnig'; p. 36, part of the tale of Manawydan fab Llyr (cf. Ifor Williams, Pedeir Keinc y Mabinogi (Caerdydd, 1951), t. 52); pp. 37-40, 'Memorandums from Whartons History of English Poetry'; p. 41, 'Enwau Duw', Hebrew terms for God with Welsh equivalents; p. 42, a further Hebrew-Welsh vocabulary; p. 43, a note concerning Edward Williams ['Iolo Morganwg'], Edward Evan of Aberdare (ob. 1798) and their knowledge of 'Cyfrinach y Beirdd'; p. 44, 'tribannau' attributed to Sion Rhys o Ystrad Dyvodwg and Ed. William o Lantrisaint (cf. Tegwyn Jones, Tribannau Morgannwg (Llandysul, 1976), no. 334); pp. 45-50, 'Awdyl Cyflafan y Beirdd, Testyn Dinbych - 1792', beginning 'Deffro duedd dew ffrwd awen - o'th fedd . . .' by ?B.C.; pp. 53-55, a copy of a letter dated at London, 1 Oct. 1788, from William Owen to Mr. George Riveley, Portsmouth in Virginia; pp. 59-63, 'Hymn to Narayena' by Sir William Jones, beginning 'Spirit of spirits, who, thro' every part . . .'; pp. 64-66, copy of a letter written by [William Owen-Pughe] from London, 22 April 1789, recipient uncited; pp. 67-71, copy of a letter from William Owen [- Pughe] to Thomas Pennant, esq., dated 22 April 1789; p. 73, a remedy for a cold; p. 75, extract from a poem, 'the Pleasures of Memory', beginning 'The father strew'd his white hairs in the wind . . .'; pp. 77-79, a prose translation of 'Ymbil ar Ddwynwen . . .' (see Barddoniaeth Dafydd ab Gwilym (Llundain, 1789), t. 154) entitled 'The Invocation of Saint Dwynwen '; pp. 83-85, transcript of a letter from J. G. Boccius, dated at Leipzig, 19 Oct. 1793, to [William Owen-Pughe], followed by a list of Wendish words with Latin equivalents; pp. 85-88, transcript of a letter from Dr. [Carl Gottlieb] Anton, dated at Gorliz in Ober Lausiz, 2 Aug. [17]94, written in French (for the original see NLW MS 13223C, p. 145); pp. 88-95, copy of a letter written by W[illiam] O[wen-Pughe] from London, 20 Jan. 1796, in reply to Dr. Anton's letter; pp. 96-98, 'Song to May', a translation of pp. 9-10 above; pp. 101-06, transcript of a letter dated 15 April 1800 from E[dward] Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg', to [Owen Jones], 'Owain Myvyr'; pp. 107- 116 & 119-120, transcript of another letter from the same to the same, dated at Flimston, 17 June 1800; (continued)

p. 117, memoranda, 1800, recording the death and burial of various members of the Owen family; pp. 121-36, transcript of a letter from 'Iolo Morganwg' to 'Owain Myvyr', dated at Cardiff, 6 Oct. 1800; p. 139, the dates of death of four relatives and acquaintances of William Owen [-Pughe]; p. 141, lines dated 29 Dec. 1830 by Ro[bert] Davies, 'Bardd Nantglyn', beginning 'Y llwdn hwq, and nid o ddig . . .'; pp. 143-5, 'Cywydd i Vordeyrn sant yn Nantglyn' beginning 'Y sant nevol addolwn . . .', attributed to Davydd ab Llywelyn ab Madog, transcribed by 'Idrison' at Egryn, 18 March 1833; p. 147, a list of 'Correspondent words'; pp. 149-150, notes by 'Idrison' on the cure of 'Davaden Wyllt (Cancer)' dated 14 Feb. 1834; p. 339, note of financial loans and gifts made to [William Owen-Pughe], 1796-98; pp. 411-40, a narrative beginning 'Ac Elphin á gymmeres y Gôd, ac ai bwris hi ar gevn un o'i veirç mewn cawell . . .', said to be 'O Lyvyr Iolo Morganwg . . . Gwaith Hopcin Tho. Phylip o Varganwg [sic] o gylç 1370'; pp. 444-46, 'Profwydoliaeth Llywelyn Vawr (o'r Brithdir meddir)', beginning 'Mae hen goelion yn ein gwlid . . .'; pp. 447-85, a series of 'Coronog Faban' poems and prophecies, variously attributed to Aneurin Gwawdrydd, Jonas Athraw Mynyw, Rhys Gog o Eryri, and Gildas Brofwyd (pp. 459-63 contain a copy of observations by 'Iolo Morganwg' on the preceding 'Coronog Faban' poems); pp. 486-88, 'Llyma englynion Marçwiail, o lyvyr Havod Uçtryd : ei enw Hen ddihenydd', beginning 'Marçwiail bedw briglas . . .', attributed to Mabclav ab Llywarrq; PP- 489-9o, 'Gweddi Taliesin', beginning 'Gweddiav Dduw Dâd . . .'; pp. 491-93, 'Llyma Gerdd y Bardd Glas o'r Gadair "o Lyvyr Joseph Jones o Gaer Dyv, à ysgrivenwyd cylç 1590." Iolo Morganwg', beginning 'Deg gormes caredvorion . . .'; pp. 494-97, 'Llyma Englynion a vuant rwng Caradawg Llan Carvan a Gwgan Varvawg o Lan Dathan, o'r un Llyvyr', beginning 'Gwgan Varvawg, hanpyç gwell! . . .'; pp. 497-502, 'englynion' attributed to Gwgan Varvawg o Landathan alias Gwgan Vardd alias Gwgan Vardd Iestyn; p. 503, 'Hen vesurau, sev Englynion gan Gwydion ab Don: o Lyvyr y Mabinogi yn Llyvyrgell Mostyn', beginning 'Dâr á dyv yn arddväes . . . '; pp. 504-06, 'Llyma Awdyl à gânt Teilaw sant', beginning 'Govynawd ysgen . . .', attributed thus: 'Teilaw Sant ai cant pan ydoedd yn myned i Ynys Enlli: O Lyvyr Harri Sion o Bont y Pwl'; p. 506, two verses entitled 'Llythyr Merq at ei Çariad' and 'Atteb y Mab'; pp. 507-10, 'Llyma' r Bader yn Gymbraec: o Lyvyr Havod Uçtryd', beginning 'Yn Tat ni yr hwn wyt yn y Nef . . .'; pp. 511-12, 'Englynion ar enwau Duw: gwaith Sion y Cent: o Lyvyr Wm. Rhosser', beginning 'Duw Tri, Duw Celi coelion, Dav, Eli , . . .'; and pp. 592-3, 595, & 597, notes, 1800-03, & 1808 by [William Owen-Pughe]. Certain of the above items appear to have been published in The Myvyrian Archaiology and the volume Iolo MSS. Pasted in at the end of the volume are a few loose items including notes on ancient alphabets, etc., dated 1821; a tune with words in ?Hebrew and Welsh based on Ps. 115, 1; a receipt dated 20 June 1793 for 5 guineas, being the admission fee to the Society of Antiquaries of London of William Owen [-Pughe]; and a copy of printed proposals to publish Pethagoras; or, The Hindoo's Researches.

William Owen-Pughe.

Ballads, deeds, pedigrees, etc.

A volume lettered 'Ballads, Deeds, Pedigrees &c. MS', being a collection in the hand of J. H. Davies of transcripts of ballads by 'Daniel Gloff', David Jones (Llanbydder), James Thomas (Llanwenog), William Bowen, 'Prydydd Bach Glan Teifi' and Joseph Jenkins, Trecefel [Tregaron] 'Amnon II') and of 'cywyddau' by Gruff. Llwyd ap Davyd ap Einion, Ieuan ap Rhydderch, Rys Goch O Ryri, and Morys ap Ll'n; transcripts, abstracts, and extracts, largely of genealogical interest, taken from public records, Harleian MSS, the Golden Grove Book and printed sources (e.g. the families of Venables of Llysdinam Hall, Clement of Caron, etc. and Wogan of Wiston, Prydderch of Ystradwallter, etc., Lloyd of Abermâd, Price of Rhiwlas, Nanney of Nannau, Owen of Dolserau, Prys of Plas Iolyn, and Salesbury of Llanrwst); abstracts of Abermeyrick estate deeds and documents, 1552-1796, in the parishes of Nant-gwnlle, Llanddewibrefi, Llanbadarn Odyn, Dyhewyd, Llanerchayron, Lledrod, Llandissill, Bettws Bledrws, Llangybi, Llangeitho, Bangor [Teifi], and Llangynllo and in the lordships of Pennarth and Caron, Mabwnion, and Lligenydd, Cardiganshire, etc. There is a list of contents at the beginning and among a number of insets is a transcript in the hand of John Davies, Lampeter, 1900, of a schedule of estate deeds, 1544-1682, of Dyffrynllynod, Llandyssul in the possession of J. E. Rogers, Abermeurig relating to properties in Bangor, Penbryn, Llanguillo [sic for Llangunllo] and Landissel, Cardiganshire.


A sixteenth century transcript of 'cywyddau' by Dafydd ab Edmwnd, Dafydd Nanmor, Iolo Goch, Morys ap Hywel, Maredudd ap Rhys, Robert Leiaf, Ieuan Brydydd Hir [Hynaf], Gwerful Mechain, Sion Cent, Wiliam Llŷn, Hywel ap Dafydd ab Ieuan ap Rhys, Wiliam Cynwal, Bedo Brwynllys, Dafydd ap Gwilym, 'Prydydd da', Sion Tudur, Gruffudd Hiraethog, Lewis Glyn Cothi, Bedo Aeddren, Lewis Menai, Simwnt Fychan, Edwart ap Raff, Roger Cyffin and Catrin ferch Gruffudd ab Ieuan ap Llywelyn Fychan; and prose extracts, including a translation of the first part of the Gospel of St John.


A volume containing transcripts, 17 cent., of cywyddau and other poetry by Dafydd ab Edmwnd, Rhys ap Hywel, Dafydd Nanmor, Guto'r Glyn, Iolo Goch, Sion Cent, Huw Arwystli, Lewis Morganwg, Maredudd ap Rhys, Edmwnd Prys, Dafydd ap Rhys, Taliesin, Sion Gwyn ap Digan, Morgan ap Huw Lew[y]s, Ieuan Brydydd Hir [Evan Evans or Ieuan Fardd], Catrin ferch Gruffudd ap Hywel ('o Landdeiniolen'), Lewis Glyn Cothi, Syr Phylip o Emlyn, Robert Lewis, Sion Phylip, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Wiliam Cynwal, Dafydd Nanconwy, Wiliam ap Robert, Robin Clidro, Gruffudd Hiraethog, Sion Tudur, Syr Huw Roberts and Hywel Swrdwal.


'Cerddi', 'cywyddau' and 'englynion' by Huw Mor[y]s, Owen Gruffydd, Thomas Prys, Mathew Owen, Robert Dafydd Llwyd, Caleb Gruffydd, William Prichiart [or Pritchard], El[l]is Cadwaladr, Ritiart [?i.e. Richard] Barru, Thomas Buttry, Wi[l]liam Phylip, Elis Roberts, John Richiart [i.e. Richard], John Edwards ('O glun Ceiriog'), Thomas Edwards ('o'r tai yn rhos'), Richiart [i.e. Richard] Llwyd ('or Plas Meini'), Edward Parry, Rhys Wynn, Thomas Morus, Edward Mor[y]s, Siôn Tudur, R. Jones, Edmund Prys, Richard Hughes, Huw Machno, Morus Wynne, Thomas Lewis, Tudur Aled, John Parry, Lewis Cynllwyd, etc. in the autograph of Hugh Jones ('cowper').

Barddoniaeth a rhyddiaith,

A composite manuscript in the hand of David Richards (1725-82), curate of Llanegwad, Carmarthenshire containing 'cywyddau', etc. by Lewys Glyn Cothi, Raff ap Robert, Lewys Daron, Lewys Menai, W[ilia]m Llyn, Ie[a]'n ap Madog, and Dafydd ap Gwilym, and anonymous poems; 'englynion' by D[afyd]d ap Edmwnt, [Richard Davies] ('Escob Dewi') and H[uw] Lewis; extracts from 'cywyddau' by Ieuan Tew Brydydd, I[euan] Deulwyn, R[h]is[iart] Philyp, Sion Tudur, H[uw] Llwyd [Cynfal], and T[homas] Prys; extracts from William Baxter: Glossarium Antiquitatum Britannicarum ... (Londini, 1719); a stanza by [John] Dryden in honour of St David's Day; lists of contents of 'Hen Lyfr Carpiop [sic] B[en] Simon'; 'Llyfr Dauliw Ben Simon', and 'Llyfr y Brut Ben Simon'; 'Englynion y Misoedd' by Aneurin Gwawdrydd; 'Llyma Ddifregwawd Taliesin'; 'Llyma Ystori Owain ap Urien Reged'; 'Llyma val y Cafad Taliessin'; 'Llyma Ystori Saith doethion Rhufain'; 'Cyngor Arystotlys i Alexander mawr i ydnabod'; lists of words from the poetry of D[afydd ap] G[wilym] quoted in John Davies: Dictionarium Duplex, etc. The name of the scribe occurs twice on one of the fly-leaves.

Barddoniaeth a rhyddiaith,

An imperfect interleaved manuscript containing prayers, psalms and Scripture readings; 'Ystori Peilat'; 'Bychedd Saint Margred', 1642; poetry in strict metres by Sion Reithar, John Brwynog, Huw ap Dafid Lloyd, Ifan Brydydd Hir, Rhys Pennardd, Sypyn Kyfeiliog, ('yr hwn a gyfieithir dafydd bach am hadog wladaidd'), Sion Kain (1609) (holograph), Dogtor John Kemp, Robert Mredydd, Mathew Brwmffild, Rhobert ap D'd Llwyd, Dafid ap Gwilim, William Llyn, Syr Dafid Trefor, Ierwerth Fynglwyd, John Tvdyr, Huw ap Richard ap Dafid, Morys Dwyfech, Richard John Brwynog, Morgan ap Huw Lewis, John Ffylipp, Huw Machno, Gr[u]ffuth Grvg, Grvffvth ap Ieuan ap Llewelvn Fychan, Dafydd Ddv o hir addig, D'd ap Edmwnd, and Ri'd ap Hoell; 'Penillion', for the most part anonymous, but with occasional stanzas by Gwen Williams, William Phillip, Sr Huw Robert, [Rob]ert Lewis, etc.; prognostications of Erra Pater based on the incidence of New Year's Day, and weather prognostications based on the phases of the moon; 'Ymddiddan tydyr ag Ronw'; 'Y rhif euraid'; and a few accounts for clothes; etc. An incident during the Second Civil War, on 5 June 1648, is recorded on p. 85 ('y pvmed dydd or mihefin y bv yr maes Rhwng syr John owen a gwyr y parlmant yn llandygai ag yn Rhayth yr lafan ...'), and it is probable that the manuscript was compiled about the period 1642-8.

Barddoniaeth a rhyddiaith,

Forty-four loose leaves (many imperfect and stained) and a fragment containing miscellaneous material in a number of ?late sixteenth and seventeenth century hands. The contents include notes in English and Welsh on palmistry; transcripts, largely incomplete, of Welsh poems in strict and free metres by ? Owen Jones, Griff. ap Dd. Fychan, ? Willi[am] ffylyp, Dd. Llwyd ?Lln. ap Owain, Robin Ddu o Fôn, David Lloyd ap Lln. ap Griffith, Thomas Price, Owen Gwynedd, Wiliam Llyn, Sowdwal, Siôn Keri, Siôn Tudur, Tomas Brydydd, Doctor Siôn Kent, Siôn ap Howel, Gruffudd Hiraethoc, Rys Kain, and Edw[a]rt Maelor; transcripts of two 'englynion', one in English and one in Latin; etc. The inscription 'Hwn o Lyfr Meyryg Dafydd, July 1821' (in the hand of Edward Williams) appears in the volume.

Barddoniaeth a rhyddiaith,

A seventeenth century manuscript with a previously loose leaf not forming part of the original manuscript bound in at the end. Ff. 1-125 contain a corpus of Welsh verse and prose items mainly of a vaticinatory nature which, according to a holograph note on f. 125 recto, were transcribed by Thomas ab Ieuan, the scribe of NLW MSS 13061-13063B and 13085B, in 1674 ('Yma y diwedda y llyfr hwn a ysgrifenna[is] i Thomas Ieuan o Dre'r brynn pan oedd [oed] krist 1674 . . .'; see also TLLM, t. 171). Included are 'cywyddau' by Robin Ddu (5), Rhys Nanmor, Dafydd Gorlech, Iolo Goch (2) and others (ff. 1-50 verso); verse or prose items by, or attributed to, Myrddin Wyllt, Myrddin Emrys, Taliesin, Ieuan Drwch y Daran, Adda Fras, Rhys Nanmor, Robin Ddu and others, and including, inter alia, 'Prophwydoliaeth yr Eryr mawr or glyn yng wynedd', conversations between Myrddin and his sister Gwenddydd, a sequence of twenty-one stanzas each commencing with the words 'Koronog faban . . .', a poem commencing 'Gwyr Môn a arganfyddant oi ar yn penryn', versions of the prophesies usually known as 'Prophwydoliaeth y Lili' and 'Prophwydoliaeth y Wennol', and a version of the five dreams of Gwenddydd and their interpretation by her brother Myrddin (see R. Wallis Evans: 'Pum Breuddwyd Gwenddydd', The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, vol. XII, pp. 19-22) (ff. 50 verso-107 recto); and further poems, including 'cywyddau' by Robin Ddu (2), Iolo Goch and others, an 'awdl' by Rhys Nanmor, and 'englynion' by Siams Parri (ff. 107 rector-125). F. 126, the previously loose leaf bound in at the end, is in the same hand as the rest of the volume and contains a seven-stanza vaticinatory poem by Thomas ap Ieuan ap Rhys in the poetic form known as 'triban Morgannwg' (see TLLM, tt. 117, 136), etc.

Thomas ab Ieuan.

Barddoniaeth a rhyddiaith,

An imperfect manuscript, the greater part of the volume being written in one hand of the ? late sixteenth century. The contents include transcripts of Welsh poems in strict and free metres including poems by Siôn y Kent, Davydd Meifod, Ieuan Kydweli, Davydd aprys 'o Veni', Davydd ab Edmwnt, Lewys y Glyn, Lle'n ap Howel, Phylip Ievan 'o Drerydynok', Ieuan Tew, Iolho Gogh, Davydd ap Glm., Ieuan Duy ap Dd. ap Owen, Howel Dauid ap Ieuan aprys, William Meredith, Ievan aprydderch ab Ieuan Llwyd, Hwel Swrdwal, Ifan Daylwyn, Hyw Karllwyd, Mr. Talhai, 'vickar llangadoc vawr', Tomas Derllys, Dd. Nawmor, Lewys Glynn Kothi, Taliesin Benbeirdd, Siôn Davydd, gwndidwr, Llywelyn ap Gwilim Llygliw, Daio Lliwel, Ieuan ap Rys ap Ll'n, Rys aparri, Syr Dauydd Llwyd, Thomas Brwynllis, Rys Duy, and Dd. Ddy Hiraddi[g]; transcripts of prose items with the following headings or incipits - '[ll]ymma saith llywenydd mayr vorwyn', 'llymma y pymp llywenydd y gafas mayr vorwyn am y mab', 'llymma gynghorau Kattwn ddoe[th ]', 'llymma enway y naw gogyfyr', 'llymma gymmraeg o waith Iolho gogh', 'llymma y saith kwestiwn y vy rwng y saithwyr doythion', 'llymma bymp pryder . . . meyr vorwyn o achos y mab', 'llymma y dec prif dri arbennic val y may Taliessin . . yn dywedyd', 'llymma gas ddynion Selyf', '[lly]mma Vychedd y gardawd', 'llymma gynghorau Taliesin yddy vab', 'llymma yr ymrysson . . . yr enaid ar korff', 'Giltas pen proffwydi y Bryttaniait a ddywait . . .', 'llymma gas bethau Owain Kyvailioc', 'llymma beth o gynghorau Kattwn ddoeth ar Bardd glas or gadair', 'llymma Tri achaws arddec y sydd yn dangos paham y mae iawnach ymprydiaid diwgwener no diwarnod arall', 'Gwyl yr hollsaint a gyfoded o dri achos . . .', and 'llyma yr ystori a venic am ystyr y seren wenwynic . . . a elwir seren y kwn'; Welsh triads and aphorisms; etc.

Barddoniaeth Dafydd ap Gwilym ac eraill,

A composite volume containing transcripts of Welsh strict-metre poems in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'). Pp. 19-51 contain fourteen 'cywyddau' by, or attributed to, Siôn Cent, with Nos. 7, 8, and 12 attributed alternatively to Ieuan Du Dai Bowain, Thos. Derllys, and Lln. ab Howel ab Ieuan ab Gronwy respectively. Pp. 67-205 (previously paginated 1-141) contain a collection of seventy-four 'cywyddau' (No. 74 incomplete) with the general superscription 'Barddoniaeth Dafydd ap Gwilym' probably compiled by Edward Williams circa 1780 (see IMCY, tt. 7, 119, 42; see also the relevant sections of the same work for the poems or sections of poems in this group which were probably written by Edward Williams himself and attributed to Dafydd ap Gwilym). Pp. 209-454 (pp. 209-429 previously numbered 1-221) contain a corpus of approximately two hundred and fifty 'cywyddau', 'awdlau', etc., under the general superscription 'Barddoniaeth Dafydd ap Gwilym' and with a concluding note 'Diwedd Gwaith Dafydd ap Gwilym o Lyfr Mr. Owain Jones o Lanmihangel Glyn y Myfyr'. These poems are believed to have been transcribed by Edward Williams, circa 1775, from a manuscript collection of Dafydd ap Gwilym's work [now Bangor MS 6 in the library of the University College of North Wales, Bangor] compiled by Owen Jones ('Owain Myfyr') mainly from the manuscripts of Lewis and William Morris (see IMCY, tt. 3, 7; IM, t. 213; and Thomas Parry (gol.): Gwaith Dafydd ap Gwilym (Caerdydd, 1952), tt. clxv-clxix and the accompanying chart). Pp. 457-60 contain poems by, or attributed to, Siôn ap Howel ap Lln. Uchan, Siôn Cent, R. Goch o'r Yri, and Dafydd ap Edmund, and pp. 461-73 a further group of twenty-one 'cywyddau' by, or attributed to, Dafydd ap Gwilym. Some of the notes accompanying the poems in this volume are in English.

Results 1 to 20 of 285