Poets -- Wales -- Archives.



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Poets -- Wales -- Archives.

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Poets -- Wales -- Archives.

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Poets -- Wales -- Archives.

11 Archival description results for Poets -- Wales -- Archives.

11 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Harri Webb Papers,

  • GB 0210 HARWEBB
  • Fonds
  • [c. 1919]-1995 /

Papers of Harri Webb, [c. 1919]-1995, including poetry, 1942-1989; reviews and reader's reports, 1974-1986; correspondence with publishers, broadcasters and editors relating to Webb's work, 1949-1995; correspondence from literary and artistic figures, [1940s]-1983; political correspondence, 1964-1974; political press cuttings, 1952-1981; papers relating to Plaid Cymru, 1961-1978, and Scottish politics, 1967-1969; and personal papers, [c. 1919]-1984.

A collection of Harri Webb's diaries. This group remains uncatalogued.

Webb, Harri, 1920-

Prof. Gwyn Williams papers

  • GB 0210 GWYAMS
  • Fonds
  • [1950]-[1981]

Literary papers of Professor Gwyn Williams including typescript texts of This Way to Lethe with notes and correspondence, [c. 1962]; notes for The Avocet, [c. 1970]; material relating to his poetry collections including manuscript and typescript drafts, [1970]-[1980]; typescript and manuscript texts for Troelus a Chresyd, 1954-[1976]; papers relating to Person and Persona, [c. 1981], An Introduction to Welsh Literature, [c. 1978], and ABC of (D.) G. W., [c. 1981]; material relating to translations of Welsh poetry, [1950]-[1976]; material relating to The Land Remembers book and series, [c. 1977]; radio scripts, 1954; texts, drafts, notes, correspondence, maps and photographs relating to his travel writing, [1963]-[1975]; and correspondence with publishers and the BBC, 1951-1978.

Additional literary papers including manuscript works and notes, typescript poems, plays, articles and reviews were received in July 2018; a list and bibliography compiled by the family are inserted in the first box.

Williams, Gwyn, 1904-1990

R. Bryn Williams Papers,

  • Fonds
  • 1865-1962 /

Papers of and acquired by R. Bryn Williams, mainly relating to the Welsh settlement in Patagonia, including a diary of Joseph Seth Jones, one of the first wave of emigrants on the Mimosa to Patagonia, 1865, and correspondence, 1865-1868; correspondence of his brother, Robert Charles Jones, 1867-1877; copy records of the Welsh courts in Y Wladfa, 1872-1881; letters and minute books relating to Vrondeg Baptist Chapel, 1875-1887, Gaiman, 1877-1891, Eglwys Llanddewi, 1891, Eglwys Bryn Gwyn and Cyfarfod Misol Y Wladfa (Calvinistic Methodists), 1881-1955; papers relating to the Centenary Celebrations of the Welsh settlement in Patagonia, 1952-1962; letters from the founders of the Welsh colony, 1866, and from others who had experienced life there; letters to R. Bryn Williams from Patagonia and from Wales relating to Patagonia, [c. 1941-1961]; research notes and manuscripts of books and radio plays by R. Bryn Williams, 1942-1962; miscellaneous records relating to Wales and elsewhere collected by Williams, 1865-1962; papers relating to John S. Williams, 1901-1962; papers and press cuttings on the history, culture and industry of Patagonia, 1869-1962; and typescripts of published and unpublished works, lectures, scripts, etc.

Williams, R. Bryn.

Robert Morgan papers

  • GB 0210 ROBGAN
  • Fonds
  • 1948-1992

Papers relating to the work and life of Robert Morgan, 1948-1992, including drafts of poetry and prose, 1967-1992; correspondence, 1963-1992; personal papers, 1947-1970; notebooks, [c. 1968]-1989; exhibition catalogues, 1966-1992; and publishers' contracts and financial papers, 1976-1985.

Morgan, Robert, 1921-1994

Papurau Wil Ifan,

  • GB 0210 WILFAN
  • Fonds
  • 1896-1966, 2019

Papurau Wil Ifan, 1896-1982, yn cynnwys llythyrau ato, 1902-1966, ac oddi wrtho at ei deulu, 1915-1966; gweithiau cyhoeddedig a barddoniaeth a rhyddiaith, yn Saesneg yn bennaf, yn cynnwys nodiadau, [1920]-1956; pregethau, 1921-1933; dyddiaduron, 1900-1947; sgriptiau radio, 1952-1963; a chopïau o Celt a olygwyd gan Dan Evans, 1896-1897. = Papers of Wil Ifan, 1896-1982, including letters to him, 1902-1966, and from him to his family, 1915-1966; published works and poetry and prose, mainly in English, including notes, [1920]-1956; sermons, 1921-1933; diaries, 1900-1947; radio scripts, 1952-1963; and copies of Celt, edited by Dan Evans, 1896-1897.

Hefyd yn cynnwys astudiaeth Shirley Wynne Vinall, 2019, wedi ei argraffu a’i rwymo yn ddwy gyfrol, o 'Llyfr yr Achau' gan 'Wil Ifan', yn cynnwys detholiadau o lyfr nodiadau ei thaid ar hanes ei deulu, gwybodaeth am deuluoedd ei fam a’i dad yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, Cwmafan a Sir Aberteifi, a theulu ei wraig Nesta Wyn Edwards, Dolgellau, ynghyd â phennod ychwanegol gan y rhoddwr ar ei yrfa a’i ysgrifau. Ceir hefyd gopi llawysgrif o’r emyn "O Jesu, King most wonderful", a gyfieithwyd gan y Parch. E. Caswall, gyda cherddoriaeth gan B[ertram] J. Orsman, 1946, wedi’i lofnodi a’i gyflwyno gan y cyfansoddwr i’r Parch. W. Evans ('Wil Ifan'). = Also includes a study by Shirley Wynne Vinall, 2019, printed and bound in two volumes, of 'Llyfr yr Achau' by 'Wil Ifan', including extracts from her grandfather’s notebook on his family history, and containing information about his maternal and paternal families in Carmarthenshire, Cwmavon and Cardiganshire, and the family of his wife Nesta Wyn Edwards, Dolgellau, together with an additional chapter by the donor on his career and writings. Also included is a manuscript copy of the hymn "O Jesu, King most wonderful", translated by Rev. E. Caswall, with music by B[ertram] J. Orsman, 1946, signed and presented by the composer to the Rev. W. Evans ('Wil Ifan').

Papurau a roddwyd Hydref 2022: gweler y disgrifiad dan y Gyfres ychwanegol.

Wil Ifan, 1883-1968.

Papurau Thomas Gwynn Jones

  • Fonds
  • 1621-1985 (crynhowyd 1871-1985)

Papurau T. Gwynn Jones, 1871-1949, yn cynnwys: gohebiaeth, gan gynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth amrywiaeth eang o ffigurau llenyddol ac academaidd; cerddi a phapurau llenyddol eraill, yn cynnwys adysgrifau ac arnodiadau gan T. Gwynn Jones o waith gan awduron canoloesol a modern, a deunydd, [17 gan.]-[20 gan.], a gasglwyd ganddo neu a roddwyd iddo; papurau academaidd, yn cynnwys nodiadau ar gyfer ei lyfrau ac erthyglau, cofiannau a mynegeion i'w waith ei hun a gwaith pobl eraill, a nodiadau bywgraffyddol ar lawer o ffigurau llenyddol; cyfieithiadau; darlithoedd ac anerchiadau, yn cynnwys nodiadau; sgriptiau radio; adolygiadau llyfrau; gwahanlithiau; torion o'r wasg; dramâu, beirniadaethau eisteddfodol, deunydd yn ymwneud â'i Dysteb yn 1944; llongyfarchiadau ar ei CBE yn 1937; a dyddiaduron, 1927-1947, a phersonalia arall; ceir hefyd papurau teuluol, 1621-1871, gan gynnwys gohebiaeth, dau Feibl teuluol, a llythyrau, 1949-1985, at deulu Jones, yn ymwneud yn enwedig â'i fywyd a'i waith, a chofiannau iddo. = Papers of T. Gwynn Jones, 1871-1949, comprising: correspondence, including letters from a wide variety of literary and academic figures; poems and other literary papers, including transcripts and annotations by T. Gwynn Jones of works by medieval and modern authors, and material, [17 cent.]-[20 cent.], collected by him or given to him; academic papers, including notes for his books and articles, bibliographies and indexes for his own and other works, and biographical notes on many literary figures; translations; lectures and addresses, including notes; radio scripts; book reviews; offprints; press cuttings; plays; eisteddfod adjudications; material relating to his Testimonial in 1944; congratulations on his CBE in 1937; and diaries, 1927-1947, and other personalia; also included are family papers, 1621-1871, including correspondence, two family bibles, and letters, 1949-1985, to Jones's family, especially concerning his life and work, and memorials to him.

Jones, T. Gwynn (Thomas Gwynn), 1871-1949

Papurau R. Williams Parry

  • Fonds
  • 1873-1971

Papurau Robert Williams Parry, 1873-1971, gan gynnwys llawysgrifau, copïau teipysgrif a phrintiedig o gerddi Robert Williams Parry (yn bennaf rhai cyhoeddedig, gyda pheth amrywiadau), [1900]-[1956]; cyfieithiadau o'i gerddi,1941-1942; cerddi gan bobl eraill a anfonwyd at RWP, 1943-1956; erthyglau gan RWP ar feirdd a barddoniaeth,1911-1933; cyfieithiadau RWP o ddramâu Saesneg, [20fed ganrif]; sgriptiau radio gan RWP, 1941-1953, a sgriptiau radio rhaglenni ar RWP, 1956; erthyglau RWP i gylchgronau, 1918-1957; erthyglau ar RWP a'i waith, 1925-1959; llyfrau nodiadau yn cynnwys nodiadau RWP ar lenyddiaeth Gymraeg a'r ieithoedd Celtaidd, [20fed ganrif]; llythyrau at RWP, 1908-1954; llythyrau yn llongyfarch RWP, 1910-1953; copïau o lythyrau RWP at Aneirin Talfan Davies, 1937-1949 llythyrau RWP at Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1935-1953; llythyrau eraill a phapurau Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1953-1971; llythyrau'n cydymdeimlo â Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1956; llythyrau at J. Maldwyn Davies, 1971-1975; cardiau post, cardiau Nadolig a chardiau coffa, [20fed ganrif]; dyddiaduron poced RWP a Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1923-1969; tystysgrifau geni, priodi a marw a chopi o ewyllys RWP, 1884-1956; adroddiadau ysgol, tystysgrifau a cheisiadau am swyddi, 1896-1914; copïau o bapurau arholiad, 1938-1944; torion papur newydd yn ymwneud ag RWP, 1907-1971; taflenni apêl Cofeb R. Williams Parry, 1956-1971; llyfrau printiedig, 1890-1969; a phapurau amrywiol, 1873-1969. = Papers of Robert Williams Parry, 1873-1971, comprising manuscripts, typescripts and printed copies of poems by Robert Williams Parry (mainly published, with some variations), [1900]-[1956]; translations of his poems, 1941-1942; poems by others addressed to RWP, 1943-1956; articles by RWP on poets and poetry, 1911-1933; translations by RWP of English plays, [20th century]; radio scripts by RWP, 1941-1953, and radio scripts of programmes about RWP, 1956; magazine articles by RWP, 1918-1957; articles on RWP and his work, 1925-1959; notebooks containing notes by RWP on Welsh literature and Celtic languages, [20th century]; lecture notes of RWP on Welsh literature and individual poets, [20th century]; letters to RWP, 1908-1954; letters of congratulation to RWP, 1910-1953; copies of letters from RWP to Aneirin Talfan Davies, 1937-1949; letters of RWP to Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1935-1953; other letters to papers of Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1953-1971; letters of condolence to Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1956; letters to J. Maldwyn Davies, 1971-1975; postcards, Chritsmas cards and memorial cards, [20th century]; pocket diaries of RWP and Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1923-1969; birth, marriage and death certificates and copy of RWP's will, 1884-1956; school reports, certificates and job applications, 1896-1914; copies of examination papers, 1938-1944; newspaper cuttings relating to RWP, 1907-1971; pamphlets of the Cofeb R. Williams Parry appeal, 1956-1971; printed books, 1890-1969; and miscellaneous papers, 1873-1969.

Parry, Robert Williams

Papurau T. Eirug Davies

Papurau T. Eirug Davies yn cynnwys ei ohebiaeth, dyddiaduron, barddoniaeth, a chyfansoddiadau a anfonodd i gystadlaethau’r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol.

Davies, T. Eirug (Thomas Eirug), 1892-1951

Papurau W. J. Gruffydd

  • Fonds
  • [1903]-[1952]

Papurau W. J. Gruffydd,[1903]-[1952], yn cynnwys drafftiau o erthyglau'n ymwneud â'r Mabinogi; nodiadau darlith ar gyfer ei gyrsiau Cymraeg yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd; nodiadau darlithoedd ac erthyglau eraill; sgyrsiau a darlledwyd gan y BBC; personalia; a grŵp sylweddol o ohebiaeth oddi wrth ffigurau llenyddol blaenllaw = Papers of W. J. Gruffydd, [1903]-[1952], including drafts of articles relating to the Mabinogi; lecture notes for his Welsh courses at University College of Wales, Cardiff; other lecture notes and articles; BBC broadcast talks; personalia; and a substantial group of correspondence from notable literary figures.

Gruffydd, W. J. (William John), 1881-1954

Papurau Caradog a Mati Prichard

  • GB 0210 CARADOG
  • Fonds
  • 1921-1982

Mae grŵp 1983 yn cynnwys: dyddiaduron Caradog Prichard,1963-1980 (bylchog); gohebiaeth, yn cynnwys llythyrau, 1942-1946, oddi wrth Caradog at ei wraig Mati, tra'r roedd yn gwneud ei wasanaeth milwrol, llythyrau a negeseuon yn ei longyfarch ar ennill y Gadair yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Llanelli yn 1962, llythyrau amrywiol,1954-1979, a gyfeiriwyd at Caradog Prichard, llythyrau o gydymdeimlad a dderbyniwyd ar farwolaeth Caradog Prichard yn 1980 a phapurau eraill yn ymwneud â'i farwolaeth; copïau o'i farddoniaeth, yn cynnwys cyfieithiadau Saesneg o'r tair cerdd a enillodd y Goron i Caradog Prichard yn Eisteddfodau Cenedlaethol 1927, 1928 a 1929; dramâu a sgriptiau teledu a radio; gweithiau rhyddiaith ac anerchiadau a baratowyd gan Caradog Prichard, 1963-1977, yn cynnwys nifer heb ddyddiad; deunydd printiedig, 1921-1974, yn cynnwys llawer o dorion o'r wasg; papurau personol, yn cynnwys cyfrifon,1951-1981. Mae grŵp 1994 yn cynnwys: llythyrau, 1945, a ysgrifennodd Caradog Prichard at ei wraig Mati yn ystod ei gyfnod yn y fyddin yn New Delhi, llythyrau, 1946-1987, a anfonwyd at Mati Prichard, llythyrau, cardiau a thelegramau, 1940-1970, a anfonwyd at Caradog a Mati Prichard, cardiau post, 1929-1987, a anfonwyd at Caradog a Mati Prichard; cerddi, rhyddiaith ac anerchiadau yn bennaf gan Caradog Prichard; deunydd personol Caradog Prichard, 1927-1980; a deunydd personol ac amrywiol, 1926-1978, rhan ohono yn ymwneud â Mati Prichard. = The 1984 group comprises: Caradog Prichard's diaries, 1963-1980 (with gaps); correspondence, including letters, 1942-1946, from Caradog Prichard to his wife Mati, during his period of military service, letters and messages congratulating him on winning the chair at the Llanelli National Eisteddfod in 1962, miscellaneous letters, 1954-1979, addressed to Caradog Prichard, sympathy letters received on the death of Caradog Prichard in 1980 and other papers relating to his death; copies of his poetry, including English translations of the three poems which won the Crown for Caradog Prichard at the National Eisteddfodau of 1927, 1928 and 1929; plays and television and radio scripts; prose works and addresses prepared by Caradog Prichard, 1963-1977, including many undated; printed matter, 1921-1974, including many press cuttings; personal papers, including accounts, 1951-1981. THe 1994 group comprises: letters, 1945, from Caradog Prichard to his wife Mati during his army service at New Delhi, letters, 1946-1987, addressed to Mati Prichard, letters, cards and telegrams, 1940-1970, addressed to Caradog and Mati Prichard, postcards, 1929-1987, addressed to Caradog and Mati Prichard; poems, prose writings and addresses mainly by Caradog Prichard; Caradog Prichard's personalia, 1927-1980; and general personalia and miscellanea, 1926-1978, some concerning Mati Prichard.

Prichard, Caradog, 1904-1980

Papurau Gwenallt

  • GB 0210 GWELLT
  • Fonds
  • 1913-1970

Llawysgrifau a chopïau teipysgrif o gerddi Gwenallt, 1922-[1968], yn cynnwys 'Mynach','Ynys Enlli', a cherddi eraill a gyhoeddwyd; sgriptiau, dramâu ac anerchiad, yn bennaf ar gyfer y radio,1947-1952; llyfrau, nodiadau rhydd a phenawdau'n cynnwys nodiadau a gopïwyd o lyfrau ac erthyglau wedi eu paratoi ar gyfer darlithoedd, sgyrsiau, anerchiadau, gweithiau cyhoeddedig ac ysgolion, 1913-1958; llythyrau, at Gwenallt yn bennaf, a rhai at ei weddw, 1926-1970; deunydd yn ymwneud â'i gofiant i Idwal Jones (1958) yn cynnwys llyfrau nodiadau a chopïau drafft o ran o'r llyfr yn ogystal â chaneuon, cerddi a pharodïau gan Jones, 1922-[1958]; a llyfr cofnodion,1929-1933, 'Cymdeithas yr Hwrddod' a ffurfiwyd gan Gwenallt ac Idwal Jones yn Aberystwyth. Derbyniwyd cyfrol o gerddi cynnar, heb eu cyhoeddi, a hefyd cyfrol o nodiadau llawysgrif, Medi 2013 a llyfr nodiadau yn cynnwys dyfyniadau o lyfrau Saesneg a drafftiau o gerddi cyhoeddedig gan Gwenallt yn Gymraeg yn Nhachwedd 2015. = Manuscripts and typescripts of poetry by Gwenallt, 1922-[1968], including 'Y Mynach', 'Ynys Enlli' and other published poems; scripts, dramas and an address, mostly written for radio, 1947-1952; notebooks, loose notes and headings containing notes copied from books and articles in preparation for lectures, talks, addresses, published works and for school, 1913-1958; letters, mostly to Gwenallt, with some to his widow, 1926-1970; material relating to his biography of Idwal Jones (1958) including notebooks and drafts of parts of the book as well as songs, poems and parodies written by Jones, 1922-[1958]; and a minute book, 1929-1933, of 'Cymdeithas yr Hwrddod', formed by Gwenallt and Idwal Jones at Aberystwyth.

A further volume of early poetry in Gwenallt's hand, not published, and a volume of manuscript notes were received, September 2013.

Papurau ychwanegol Gwenallt yn cynnwys llyfr nodiadau gyda dyfyniadau o lyfrau hanesyddol Saesneg yn bennaf. Tua chanol y gyfrol ceir cerdd: ‘Y gweithfeydd hyn’ [cyhoeddwyd yn Christine James (gol.), Cerddi Gwenallt: y casgliad cyflawn (Llandysul, 2001) fel ‘Y gweithfeydd segur’ ac yn wreiddiol yn Baner ac Amserau Cymru, 25 Awst 1943], a dau englyn: ‘Er cof am David Lewis, Dolanog’ [cyhoeddwyd fel ‘Er cof am Ddafydd Lewis, Gwasg Gomer’, yn Cerddi Gwenallt a chyn hynny yn Baner ac Amserau Cymru, 8 Medi 1943]; derbyniwyd Tachwedd 2015.

Llyfr nodiadau yn cynnwys dyfyniadau yn llaw Gwenallt, [1962]-[?1968], o lyfrau diwinyddol yn nodi’r gweithiau printiedig, rhifau tudalen a rhai ffynonellau llawysgrif. Maent yn ymwneud â John Bunyan, Williams Pantycelyn ac eraill ac mae’r mwyafrif mewn Saesneg; derbyniwyd Medi 2016.

Derbyniwyd papurau ychwanegol ym mis Rhagfyr 2021.

Bwndel ychwanegol o bapurau Gwenallt, yn cynnwys tri llyfr nodiadau, nodiadau ar bapurau rhyddion, album yn ymwneud â dadorchuddio plac ar gartref y bardd ym Mhenparcau ym Mawrth 1997, rhai ffotograffau, dau dâp caset o Ŵyl Gwenallt, Pontardawe, Hydref 1984, a ffeil o lythyrau oddi wrth Gwenallt at Nel Owen Edwards, 1935-1936, cyn eu priodi; Rhagfyr 2022.

Gwenallt, 1899-1968