Dangos 841102 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

9604 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol


First broadcast: 25 December 2000.
UID: CWC642W055/HCF80/642W055.
Typed script with written annotations.
BBC radio script for Celebration.

Daily Service

Daily Service.
First broadcast: 28 February 2000.
UID: 00RD0109CHO.
Typed script with written annotations.
BBC radio script for Daily Service: Rev. Ry Jenkins.

Sunday Half Hour

Sunday Half Hour.
First broadcast: 27 February 2000.
UID: 00RM1609CHO.
Typed script with written annotations.
BBC radio script for Sunday Half Hour: All Saints' Church Gresford.

Sunday Half Hour

Sunday Half Hour.
First broadcast: 10 December 2000.
UID: 00RM1650CHO.
Typed script with written annotations.
BBC radio script for Sunday Half Hour: St Woolos Cathedral. Theme: Good News to the Poor.

Sunday Half Hour

Sunday Half Hour.
First broadcast: 12 March 2000.
UID: 00RH8311CL0.
Typed script with written annotations.
BBC radio script for Sunday Half Hour.

The Act of Worship

The Act of Worship.
First broadcast: 11 February 2000.
UID: 00RM0506CHO.
Typed script with written annotations.
BBC radio script for The Act of Worship: Rev. Roy Jenkins.

Prayer for the Day

Prayer for the Day.
First broadcast: 29 February 2000 to 3 March 2000.
UID: Noted below.
Five typed scripts with written annotations.
BBC radio scripts for Prayer for the Day for the following dates in 2000:

29 February - UID: 00RY0309CH0;
1 March - UID: 00RY0409CH0;
2 March - UID: 00RY0509CH0;
3 March - UID: 00RY0609CH0.

Includes Pause for Thought: 1 March - UID: 00RP1509CL0/00RP1509CL1.

Sunday Half Hour

Sunday Half Hour.
First broadcast: 26 March 2000.
UID: 00RH8313CL0.
Typed script with written annotations.
BBC radio script for Sunday Half Hour. Includes programme of service.

Sunday Half Hour

Sunday Half Hour.
First broadcast: 9 July 2000.
UID: 00RH1819CLO.
Typed script with written annotations.
BBC radio script for Sunday Half Hour.

Sunday Half Hour

Sunday Half Hour.
First broadcast: 6 February 2000.
UID: 00RM1606CHO.
Typed script with written annotations.
BBC radio script for Sunday Half Hour.

The Act of Worship

The Act of Worship.
First broadcast: 7 July 2000.
UID: 00RM0527CHO.
Typed script with written annotations.
BBC radio script for The Act of Worship.

Texts on astronomy

Latin texts in prose and verse, the bulk of the contents relating to astronomy. There are numerous coloured sketches and diagrams.

Aratus, Solensis

'Llyfr Llandaf' (dyblygiad)

  • NLW MS 7000E.
  • Ffeil
  • [1931]

A photostat facsimile of 'Llyfr Llandaf' ('Liber Landavensis') (now NLW MS 17110E).
For a detailed description of the original manuscript see E. D. Jones, 'The Book of Llandaff', in The National Library of Wales Journal, 4, pp. 123-57.

Book of Llandaff (facsimile)

  • NLW Facs 1091.
  • Ffeil
  • 1931

Monochrome photostat facsimile of the Book of Llandaff (Liber Landavensis) (NLW MS 17110E), presented by the National Library of Wales to P. T. Davies-Cooke of Gwysaney in 1931 on receipt of the family's deposit of manuscripts at the Library.

Liber Landavensis manuscript

Contents in full (Latin unless otherwise specified): [ff. i-ii blank]; a fragment of unidentified text, largely illegible, probably patristic (f. iii); part of a quodlibet of Simon of Faversham (ff. 1-4 verso [flyleaves]); the Gospel according to St Matthew, from the Vulgate (ff. 5-28); [f. 28 verso blank]; the Life of Elgar the Hermit (f. 29); the Life of St Samson of Dol (ff. 29 verso - 36); a description of the city of Rome, and the titles of the cardinals (f. 36 verso); an account of the pontificate of pope Eleutherius (f. 36 verso); agreement between Robert, earl of Gloucester, and bishop Urban of Llandaf, 1126 (f. 37 recto-verso); papal letters and privileges of pope Honorius II (ff. 37 verso - 42 verso); exhortation of cardinal John of Crema in support of the diocese of Llandaf (f. 43); summons of William, archbishop of Canterbury, to a Council of London, summoned by John of Crema, papal legate, and the statutes of the Council (ff. 43-44 recto); two accounts of bishop Urban's first and second journeys to Rome in 1128 and 1129 (f. 44); papal letters of Honorius II and Innocent II (ff. 44-47 verso); an account of the foundation of Llandaf (ff. 48-49); charters of St Dyfrig (ff. 49-51); the Life of St Dubricius (Dyfrig) (ff. 51-53 verso); letter of Ralph, archbishop of Canterbury, granting an indulgence to those who would assist the church of Llandaf (f. 53 verso); letter of bishop Urban to pope Calixtus II (ff. 53 verso - 54); an account of bishop Urban's activities at the Council of Rheims in 1119 (f. 54); solemn privilege and papal letters of Calixtus II (ff. 54 verso - 56); Canons of the Council of Rheims (f. 56); the Life of St Teliau (Teilo) (ff. 56 verso - 62 verso); the privilege of St Teilo, in Latin (f. 63 recto-verso) and Welsh (f. 63 verso); charters of St Teilo (ff. 64-66 verso); the Life of St Oudoceus (Euddogwy) (ff. 66 verso - 69 verso); charters of St Euddogwy (ff. 69 verso - 75); charters and notes on episcopal successions up to the election of bishop Urban in 1107 (ff. 75-112 verso); the consecration of bishop Herewald (f. 108r-v); confirmation by Morgan Hen (f. 102 recto-verso); 'Omnipotens sempiterne deus ...', a collect for the Feast of St Teilo (f. 113); 'landauen' in tantum ...', dues of the archdeaconry of Llandaf (f. 113); 'Hec beneficia collata sunt Landauensi ecclesie per Henricum landauensem episcopum' (f. 113 verso); 'Nomina regum Britannie ...' to 1199 (f. 113 verso); 'Hec sunt estimaciones ecclesiarum commune landauensi ...', in a late 13 cent. hand (f. 113 verso); transcripts of papal bulls, added in a number of mid 12 cent. hands (f. 114); '[Eleutherius na]tione grecus ...' (f. 114 verso); 'Sub Innocentio ... heresis' (f. 114 verso); 'Memorandum ... monstarunt', dated 1332 (f. 114 verso); 'Pater noster ...' (f. 114 verso); 'Om[nibus] ... Pauli', dated 1245 (f. 115); 'V[niuersis] ... Knaytha et multis aliis' (f. 115); 'Carta Johannis de Hybernia', dated 1328 (f. 115); 'La Newlonde', extracts from the Exchequer of Pleas, 1304-1305 (f. 115 verso); 'In villa Wintonensi ... in episcopos' (f. 115 verso); 'Nos auctoritate ... assignamus', possibly referring to the consecration of Nicholas Ashby, 1441 (f. 115 verso); forms of oath of bishop and canons (f. 116 recto-verso); statutes of bishops William de Braose, 1275, John of Monmouth, 1323, John of Eglesclif, 1326, and John Paschal, 1354 (ff. 116 verso - 117 verso); names of the bishops of Llandaf from Dubricius to John Paschal, consecrated 1344, with a continuation to Theophilus Field, consecrated 1619 (f. 118 recto-verso); various memoranda relating to the diocese of Llandaf, including forms of oaths as on f. 116 (f. 119), statutes as on ff. 116 verso - 117 verso excepting those of John Paschal (ff. 119-120), a list of bishops to John Paschal with later additions to Nicholas Ashby (f. 120), 'Nomina episcoporum qui fuerunt in Ecclesia Landauensi ... Fet a rembrer ke en le tens de ces xl Eueskes ... MoCCCoxlviio. Et obiit apud' (ff. 120 verso - 121 verso), 'De procuracionibus annuis debitis domino Episcopo Landauensi ...' (f. 122 recto-verso), 'Synodalia debita' (ff. 122 verso - 124 verso), 'Nomina prebendarum' (f. 124 verso), 'Decima ad opus domini pape vel domini regis Anglie' (ff. 125-126) and 'Que beneficia ecclesiastica spectant ad collacionem Episcopi Landauensis' (f. 126 verso); and a leaf from a collection of decretal letters of pope Alexander III, mostly addressed to English bishops, and interspersed some of Gregory I and one canon of the third Lateran Council of 1179 (f. 127 recto-verso [flyleaf]); [ff. 128-129 verso blank]. For a fully detailed list of the contents of the manuscript, see Daniel Huws in idem, Medieval Welsh manuscripts, 146-150.

Explanatio in Psalmos

The Explanatio in Psalmos attributed to Haimo of Halberstadt (ff. 1-68 verso), here imperfect by the loss of a quire at the beginning: ']ipse semper est rex iudeorum ... et corpore spirituali et subtili'. The text, corresponding to Migne, Patrologia Latina cxvi, cols. 237-693, begins in the commentary on Psalm 15 and, unaccountably, breaks off at the foot of the first column of f. 68 verso, where the remaining column would have sufficed to complete the commentary on Psalm 150. Written in England, the manner of writing in omissions and the 'dragon initials', but not the script, are suggestive of Canterbury or Rochester.
Written by one good hand. Punctuation by point and punctus elevatus; hyphens. Ink brown. Omissions are regularly made good by writing in small in the margin with a signe-de-renvoi, sometimes by the scribe, sometimes by another hand, sometimes, otiosely, by both (cf. N. R. Ker, English Manuscripts in the Century after the Norman Conquest (Oxford, 1960), p. 50). Nota marks are by the scribe. Spaces for tituli, at least up to f. 45, were originally left blank, perhaps to be filled in in red; they were later filled in in ink, by the scribe, in capitals. Between ff. 21 verso and 45, tituli, written small, now partly cropped, appear in the outer margin.

History of Alexander the Great, &c.; Historia regum Britanniae

A volume containing three texts from the Alexander cycle, namely (a) the History of Alexander the Great in the abridged version of Julius Valerius ('Incipiunt Gesta Alexandri Magni') (ff. 1-17 verso); (b) Correspondence between Alexander the Great and Dindimus, king of the Brahmans ('Disputacio inter Alexandrum Inperatorem et Dindimum regem bragmanorum') (ff. 17 verso-32); and (c) 'Commonitorium palladii. Vita bragmanorum' (ff. 32-34 verso); together with an imperfect text of the Historia Regum Britanniae of Geoffrey of Monmouth ('Incipit hystoria britannorum') (ff. 34 verso-105). The volume was probably compiled in France. It is neatly written, with headings in red and initial letters in blue, green, red, and buff.

Confirmation by king John of a grant of 'Dunwallesland' near Abergavenny

Charter of king John, 5 December 11 John [1209], confirming the grant of an estate called 'Dunwallesland' ['Dyfnwal's land'] near Abergavenny, with all its woods, fields, paths, waters, mills, fishponds and so on, to Philip, son of Wastellion, to be held of the king and his heirs on the same terms as Philip’s father, Wastellion, had held it of William de Braose, including the service of one knight at Abergavenny castle. Issued on the king’s behalf by Robert de Vieuxpont at St Briavels, [Gloucestershire], and attested by twelve witnesses, notably William de Aubigny, earl of Arundel ('Will[el]mo Comite Arundell'), Robert de Thornham ('Rob[er]to de Turneha[m]'), Hugh de Neville ('Hugon[e] de Neuill') and Cadwallon ab Ifor ('Cadewallan filio Iuor' [of Senghennydd]).

John, King of England, 1167-1216


An early-thirteenth century collection of distinctiones from the Mostyn library. The distinctiones are theological and scriptural and, to a small extent, merely grammatical. They are set out in the characteristically medieval schematic pattern. Quotations in the distinctiones are mostly from Scripture; there are also however some from the Fathers, from the Liturgy and, among the pagan writers, Boethius, Virgil, Ovid and Lucan. The compilation appears in part at least to be an original one. It is the work of one hand, an English one, well written and prettily decorated in red and green.

Lucas Glosatus

The Vulgate text of St Luke's Gospel preceded by the usual prologue (F. Stegmuller, Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, Madrid, 1950-61, no. 620) (ff. 1-121 verso). Lucas, syrus natione, et antyochenus, arte medicus ... (f. 2) quam fastidientibus prodesse. Quoniam quidem multi conati sunt ... et benedicentes deum. The prologue has interlinear glosses by the scribe of the text, some of them giving variant readings. The text has marginal and interlinear glosses by the scribes of the text. These are the Glossa Ordinaria with a good number of additional marginal glosses (comparison with the Glossa Ordinaria in PL 114) all, so far as has been ascertained, deriving from Ambrose and Bede. There are further glosses on the text and on the Gloss in several contemporary smaller glossing hands, probably including both the main scribes, interlined and in the outer margin. Text flanked by gloss, varying number of columns. 35-38 lines (hands A and B), 44 lines (hand C, except when he has to match A or B), the text on alternate lines. Written above the top line. Ruling in plummet includes three sets of three lines at top, middle and bottom of the written space drawn across the full width of the page.
Written in good textura by three hands: A, ff. 1-17, 37-41 , 43 recto-verso; B, f. 17 verso; C ff. 18-32 verso, 42 recto , 44-121 verso. C writes a textura prescissa except when matching A or B. The Gloss is written in a smaller textura by each of the scribes, additional glosses in small glossing hands. Omissions by A have been made good by C. Ink is black-dark brown. Syntax letters and marks appear a few times (e.g. ff. 1 recto-verso, 11 verso).

Canlyniadau 1 i 20 o 841102