Dangos 38 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Caernarvonshire (Wales)
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Anerchidau, sgriptiau, &c.,

Miscellaneous talks and radio scripts, 1922-1938, by Owain Llew Owain, including two addresses prepared for 'Clwb Awen a Chân', 1922 and 1927, four drafts of an essay entitled 'Beirdd Gwerin Arfon', a radio script, 1938, entitled 'A programme of Welsh rounds by Wythawd y Bonc', and a radio script containing the reminiscences of three sea captains, bearing the title 'Hwylio ar Led: Morwyr y Felinheli'.

Owain Llewelyn Owain.

Papurau Elfyn Jenkins

  • GB 0210 ELFINS
  • Fonds
  • 1950-1955

Papurau ymchwil Elfyn Jenkins, 1950-1955, yn ymwneud â thafodiaith Llŷn, sir Gaernarfon, a fwriadwyd ar gyfer gradd MA, gan gynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif a theipysgrif o'r traethawd anorffenedig = Research papers, 1950-1955, of Elfyn Jenkins relating to the dialect of Llŷn, Caernarfonshire, intended for an MA degree, including manuscript and typescript drafts of the unfinished thesis.

Jenkins, Elfyn.

'Rhwng Godro a Gwely',

Teipysgrifau a thorion, 1952-1959, o'i ysgrifau yn y golofn 'Rhwng Godro a Gwely' a gyhoeddwyd yn Y Cymro yn wreiddiol, ac fel casgliad gyda'r un teitl wedi'u golygu gan Eirwen Gwynn yn 1994.

Ellen Glynne's Charity

  • NLW MS 22887C.
  • Ffeil
  • 1796-1909

Minute-book, 1796-1909, of the trustees of the charity created by the will of Ellen Glynne of Elernion, parish of Llanaelhaearn, co. Caernarfon, spinster, respecting the almshouse at Llandwrog and property in the parishes of Llandwrog and Llanllyfni, co. Caernarfon, and in the parish of Llangoed, co. Anglesey. The minutes include details of admittances to the almshouse and details of tenants, rents and repair of trust property. Also included in the volume are copies of the will, 1727, with codicils, 1728 and 1732/3, of Ellen Glynne, proved at London, 1733 (tipped in between ff. i and ii; ff. 1-6v).

Glynne, Ellen, d. 1733?

William George, Criccieth,

Most of the letters, 1901-1920, are sent on behalf of the family legal practice Lloyd George and George, requesting J. H. Davies's opinion on legal cases and the estates of a number of deceased persons.

George, William, 1865-1967

Miscellaneous papers,

Papers relating to the activities of the Welsh Baptist Young Men's Society in Liverpool and District, 1878-1881; a programme of the inauguration meeting of the new building of the Liverpool Young Men's Christian Association, 1877, and a 'promises card' for December 1883; papers relating to temperance meetings in Liverpool, 1879, a circular entitled 'Cenhadaeth Ddirwestol Cylchdaith Caernarfon ... 1897'; and a handbill for a series of temperance meetings held at Denbigh, 1899.

Copy of oaths of John Jones, Talysarn

  • NLW MS 14030D.
  • Ffeil
  • [20 cent., first ½]

Photostat copy, [20 cent., first ½], of declarations and oath taken by the Rev. John Jones of Taldrwst, Talysarn, Caernarvonshire, as a Dissenting Minister, 20 October 1824.
The original document is NLW, CMA Bala College 1/788.

Jones, John, 1796-1857

Nodiadau cyfarfodydd misol,

  • NLW MS 12125A.
  • Ffeil
  • 1922-1930 /

Five pocket books containing notes by J. R. Williams, Rhosgadfan, of proceedings at monthly meetings within the Arfon C. M. Presbytery, 1922-1930.

Williams, J. R., Rhosgadfan

Conservative Party (North Wales) Papers,

  • GB 0210 CONLES
  • Fonds
  • 1953-1992 /

Minute books, correspondence and papers, 1953-1992, relating to the Conservative Party in North Wales, including general political papers and circulars, 1971-1989; papers of the North Wales European Election, 1989; news sheets produced by the Brecon and Radnor Conservative Association, 1963-1972; papers relating to the training of constituency agents, 1970-1978; minutes and correspondence of the executive council of the Caernarvon Division of the Conservative and Unionist Association, 1953-1992; papers concerning the Pwllheli Conservative Club, the Association's Annual General Meetings, briefings and reports, 1982-1992; papers including minutes of the executive council and other committees; correspondence, circulars, memoranda, balance sheets of the Conway Constituency Conservative and Unionist Association, 1967-1982; minutes of the Llandudno Junction branch, 1951-1986; records of the Denbigh Constituency Conservative Association, 1974-1982; papers of the National Society of Conservative and Unionist Agents, both the National and Wales and Monmouthshire branches, 1970-1980; and minutes of the North Wales European Constituency Conservative Council, 1978-1989.

Conservative Party (Great Britain). North Wales European Constituency Conservative Council.

O. Gilbert Davies collection of Denbighshire and Shropshire deeds

  • GB 0210 GILIES
  • Fonds
  • 1638-1897

Deeds, documents and letters, 1638-1897, relating mainly to properties in Denbighshire and Shropshire, but also Caernarfonshire, Cardiganshire, Montgomeryshire, Merionethshire, Radnorshire and Cheshire; plans relating to the activities of railway companies mainly in the parishes of Gresford and Wrexham, Denbighshire, 1845-1849; and printed material, 1863-1897.

Davies, O. Gilbert.

Clenennau, Glyn, Sylfaen and Ystumcegid rentals : : otherwise Caernarfonshire and Merionethshire rentals,

Rentals of the Clenennau, Glyn, Sylfaen and Ystumcegid estates, [1535x1572]-1849. They cover Eifionydd [1535x1572] and Clenennau, 1551-1689, combined with Brogyntyn, Llanddyn and lands in Anglesey from 1589 to 1606; Glyn, 1623; Ystumcegid, 1692-1723; and Clenennau, Glyn, Sylfaen and Ystumcegid, 1690-1849. Gest disappears from the rentals by 1678, which is consistent with Sir Robert Owen's loss of the township to William Price of Rhiwlas. Sir Robert married Margaret Wynn in 1683, but Glyn and Sylfaen in Merionethshire do not appear as joint property until 1690. Some of the Clenennau and Glyn properties appear collectively as the Merionethshire estates from 1727. Likewise by 1749 some of the other Caernarfonshire properties are not distinguished separately from Ystumcegid. From 1779 to 1804, the idividual properties are not identified, but the tenants' names are listed under the vague headings of 'Caernarfonshire estate' or the Merionethshire estate'. The purchased property of Dolbenmaen is incorporated from 1742 and part of the Shropshire and Denbighshire estates are included in 1773. Additions in the form of allotments and encroachments are in evidence from 1832. Several of the rentals incorporate accounts of arrears and repairs to property.

Letters (other families)

The group comprises mainly letters written to members of the families related by marriage to Griffith of Garn, such as Hughes of Gwydir, Llwyn Gronw, Cae'r berllan and Weeg, 1713-1823, Roberts of Bryn y neuadd, 1705-1757, and Wynne of Garthmeilio and Plasnewydd, 1793-1831, together with miscellaneous recipients, 1680-1882, mainly on Caernarfonshire and Denbighshire parliamentary elections, church matters, inheritance, debt and domestic affairs.

Adroddiad cronfa adeiladu capeli Sir Gaernarfon,

A report by John Roberts, Llangwm, on the scheme for monthly collections to defray the costs of building and to clear the debts of Calvinistic Methodist chapels in Caernarvonshire, 1797-1829, with a brief survey of arrangements made by the North Wales Association between 1779 and 1797.

John Roberts.

Nodiadau yn llaw Kate Roberts

A letter, dated 3 May 1972, from John Roberts, National Eisteddfod organiser (f. 68), and a Plaid Cymru circular letter, 7 June 1972 (f. 69), both addressed to Kate Roberts, and with notes on the verso of each folio in her hand relating to the early history of Calvinistic Methodism in Caernarvonshire, in particular Clynnog and Rhostryfan.
The notes appear to be taken mainly from W. Hobley, Hanes Methodistiaeth Arfon: [Vol. 1] Dosbarth Clynnog (Caernarfon, 1910).

Roberts, Kate, 1891-1985

History of the Knights of co. Carnarvon

  • NLW ex 1800
  • Ffeil

An essay entitled 'History of the Knights of the County of Carnarvon from 1542 to 1870' written by an unknown author, n. d., under the pseudonym "Rossell of Isgorfai".

Canlyniadau 1 i 20 o 38