Welsh poetry -- 19th century



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Welsh poetry -- 19th century

Termau cyfwerth

Welsh poetry -- 19th century

Termau cysylltiedig

Welsh poetry -- 19th century

512 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Welsh poetry -- 19th century

512 canlyniad yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig Eithrio termau culach

Pryddest ar Joseph,

  • NLW MS 9331B.
  • Ffeil
  • [19 cent.] /

A poem entitled 'Pryddest ar Joseph' by 'Blagur'.

'Blagur' (pseudonym).

Press cuttings,

A collection of press cuttings, mostly Welsh poetry, compiled by 'Myrddin Fardd'.

Press cuttings,

A collection of press cuttings compiled by 'Myrddin Fardd', with manuscript notes and poetry by him.

Press cuttings,

Press cuttings of poems by Thomas Jones ('Taliesin o Eifion') and of letters and notes on 'Y Gadair Ddu' at the National Eisteddfod held at Wrexham, 1876.

Press cuttings,

A collection of press cuttings containing mainly poetry compiled by 'Myrddin Fardd', with manuscript notes by him.

Press cuttings,

A collection of press cuttings, mostly Welsh poetry, compiled by 'Myrddin Fardd'.

Pregethau a manion

Books of sermon notes, 1825-1855, by John Davies; a draft statement of a candidate for acceptane as a missionary under the London Missionary Society; a letter from D[aniel] Davies, Cardigan; an account of a journey by coach to London by John Davies, April 1832; notes by John Davies of sermons by D. Morgan, Laugharne and G[riffith] Griffiths, Ebenezer, H[enry] George, Brynberian, J[ames] Griffiths, St Davids and others, including notes of sermons preached at the opening of chapels at Ffynnon Bedr and Trelech, 1828; notes of a meeting held at Glandwr, 16 December 1829; and drafts of poems by John Davies.

Poetry, prose, letters and miscellanea,

A collection of papers, mainly in the hand of William Owen [-Pughe], containing original Welsh poetry, poetical translations, transcripts of medieval Welsh poetry and prose texts, autograph letters and miscellaneous notes, including: 1, 'Englynion i Mr. Aneiryn Owen ar ddydd ei enedigaeth 1808' by Rob[er]t Dafies, with a pencil sketch on the dorse; 2, 'Anerchiant i Deulu Egryn Calan Ionawr 1834' by R.D.; 3, translations by 'Dafydd Ddu o Eryri', [David Thomas], one dated 1790, entitled 'Sibli's Prophecy' and 'The Lover's Complaint'; 4, 'Awdyl Dydd y Varn, yn of Geiriau Ysbryd y Gwirionedd. Cyvieithiad Gan Idrison' [=William Owen- Pughe], dated 1808, and three 'englynion' by Tho[mas] Jones, Llynlleiviad, 1820; 5-7, 'Coroni Sior IV' by 'Idrison', 1820, (printed, three copies); 8- 9, a translation by 'Idrison', 1820, and a second copy set to music, of Alexander Pope's poem 'The Dying Christian to his Soul'; 10, a 'cywydd', 1821, entitled 'I Gyfieithydd Einioes Dyn', and five 'englynion' 'At y Parçedig J. W. Jencyn, Erbrwyad [sic] Ceri'; 11, 'Englynion Cofa [sic] am y Parç Evan Richards, [i.e. Evan Richardson] Gynt o Gaerynarvon yr hwn . . . a hunodd . . . Mawrth 29 1824', by 'Iago Triçrug', [James Hughes]; 12, translations by 'Idrison' of two poems by F[elicia] Hemans entitled 'A Dirge on the death of a child' and 'The Invocation'; 13, transcripts, 1826, of poems entitled 'The Memory of the Brave' and 'The Star of the Mine' by Felicia Hemans; 14, transcripts of poetry by Gwalchmai, Casnodyn, Owain Cyfeiliog and Llywarch Prydydd y Moch; 15, 'Llythyr Angen at yr hybarch Wyneddigion i ofyn Geiriadur dros Fardd Newynog', an 'awdl', 1826, sent by 'Dewi ap Huw Cynwyd' to Docr. Owain Pugh; 16, stanzas entitled 'Can i Hav'; 17, a stanza with variations by 'Gwylim [sic] ab Owen', dated 1782, 'A'r Bardd a safodd ar y tywyn . . .'; 18, 'Awdl y Raglawiaeth', (?incomplete); 19-21, poems transcribed from 'Llyfr Taliesin' and 'Llyfr Du Caerfyrddin' in 1819 and 1834; 22, 'Arymes Prydain', with translation and notes, (incomplete); 23, transcripts, dated 1825, of parts of the tales of 'Peredur' and 'Siarlymaen' copied from [Peniarth MS 7]; 24, text and parallel English translation of 'Cymdeithas Amlyn ac Amic', dated 1831; 25, transcript of ['Imago Mundi'] beginning 'Y [ sic] Asia y mae paradwys. . .' and ending '. . . y mvc hvnnv aesgyn or dvfyr', and a Welsh chronology text from Adam to the year 1318; 26, transcript of part of the tale of 'Culhwch ac Olwen' beginning 'Cerdded á orugant hvy y dydd hvnv eduçer . . .' and ending '. . . Ac velly y cavas Culhvq Olwen, merç Yspyddadan Pencavr'; 27, a transcript, 1825, of Gruffudd Hiraethog's licence as 'Penkerdd', from [Peniarth MS 194]; (continued)

28-41, a group of letters: 28, William Probert, Walmsley Chapel, 1822, to William Owen Pughe in London (literary matters), 29, Wm. Owen Pughe at [?Egryn, Denbigh], 1826, to Capt. Tuck, North Brixton (a journal of their travels, including a visit to Hengwrt), 30, Rich. Llwyd, Chester, [1830], to Dr. Owen Pugh, Egryn, Denbigh (regarding a memorial to Owen Jones, 'Owain Myfyr'), 31, Richd. Llwyd, 1833, to Dr. Owen ab Huw (health matters and 'Myfyr' memorial), 32-33, S. Prideaux Tregelles, Neath Abbey, 1833, to Aneurin Owen at Egryn (2) (concerning various chronicles), 34, J. C. Williams and Thos. Hughes, Aldermen, Denbigh, 1834, to Aneurin Owen at Egryn (invitation to a public dinner in honour of his father, cf. item 45), 35, Wm- Owen Pughe, 1834, to Aneurin [Owen] (financial and family matters), 36- 38, Wm. Blamire, Tithe Office, London, 1843, to [Aneurin] Owen (3) (re Enclosure Bill), 39, [Lord] Worsley, London, 1843, to Aneurin Owen, Egryn (an agrarian query), 40, draft reply, 1843, from [Aneurin Owen] to [Lord Worsley], 41, R. Llwyd, [Chester], [n.d.], to Dr. W. Owen Pugh, Egryn (concerning a memorial to 'Owain Myfyr'); 42, an essay entitled 'Y Cyvnewidiadau a ddygwyd asant yn yr iaith gymraeg er dyddiau Taliesin; a'r achosion ei bod wedi cadw yn ei phurdeb dros gyniver o oesoedd', by 'Pryderi'; 43, lists of poems in 'Llyfr Taliesin' and 'Llyfr Du Caerfyrddin', together with a list of 165 MSS in the Vaughan [Hengwrt] library; 44, a printed letter, 1818, from Thomas Roberts, Llwynrhudol, on behalf of 'Cymdeithas y Gwyneddigion' in London, to the parishioners of Llanbeblig, co. Caernarfon, commending their protest against the appointment of an Englishman to the incumbency; 45, printed announcement, 1834, of a public dinner to be held in honour of W. Owen Pughe, D.C.L.; 46, notes, 1806, recording a visit to Llyn Llymbren, etc., with two sketches; 47, notes of a visit to Penmynydd, co. Anglesey; 48, chronicle of events, 720-872 A.D.; 49, particulars of the altitude of mountains in England and Wales copied from a survey made by Col. [William] Mudge; 50, a drawing of a 'Golden Lorica found at Mold'; 51-52, Welsh versions, one incomplete, of Chapter 1 of the Gospel according to John, by [William Owen-Pughe], dated 1832; 53, translations of poems and extracts, including 'Preiddeu Annwn' and part of 'Y Gododdin', and notes on 'The Manner in which Arthur is spoken of by the Bards. . .'; 54, a note on 'Dalriada' from [George Chalmers], Caledonia, I, (London, 1807); 55, extracts from [James] Grant, Thoughts on the origin and descent of the Gael . . . (Edinburgh, 1814), notes on bee-keeping, and the dimensions of the Rotheram Plough; 56, a broadside entitled 'At y Cymry', being an appeal by 'Y Cymro' to his fellow-countrymen to resist the menace of France; 57, a royal proclamation commanding economy in the use of grain, 1800, (printed); 58-59, two versions of 'O, nid i ni, ein Ior . . .'; 60, stanzas beginning 'Digona y daioni . . .'; 61, Rheolau . . . Cymdeithas Gyfeillgar Nantglyn (Dinbych, 1834); 62, attested copy, 1829, of a terrier of the glebe lands and tithes of the parish church of Nantglyn, co. Denbigh, dated 1791; 63, 'Amry govion Hydr. 24, 1823', containing an incomplete religious tract headed 'Y Gwir yn erbyn y byd', being a translation by 'Idrison' dated 1821, expository notes on the Book of Genesis, an incomplete draft letter to the editor of The Political R[egister], as well as notes relating to the science of obi or witchcraft; 64, 'Amrywion', containing 'Ateb i Wrthwynebiadau i'r galwad hwn. II Lyvyr o Weledigaethau, Tam. III. T.D. 64 .'; and 65, notes, 1826, relating to medieval romances.

William Owen-Pughe.

Poetry, etc.

A notebook with clasp used as a commonplace-book by John Peter ('Ioan Pedr') c. 1851-56. The contents include 'englynion' headed 'Cyngor Goronwy Owain i Ellis y Cowper', verses entitled 'L'antienne Nationale' with a Welsh translation, the Lord's Prayer written in several languages, items of verse by [Thomas Edwards] 'Twm o'r Nant', [Walter Davies] 'Gwallter Mechain', [Elis Roberts] Ellis Cowper [sic], [Owen Griffith] Y. Meirion, Huw Morys, Glyn Ceiriog and R. Davis, Nantglyn 'y teiliwr', etc., 'Traddiad [sic] o hanes Gwr Caer-Gai Llanuwchlyn', translations into Welsh of extracts from Rousseau, Le Sage, Pascal, Descartes, etc., observations entitled 'Taith "o'm hamgylch fy hunan", vocabularies and grammatical notes.

Poetry, etc.

A composite volume from the collection of John Jones ('Myrddin Fardd') written in several hands of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and comprising ten main sections: (I) The first section (pp. 1-121 and some unnumbered items) contains poetry by Tomas Edwards Nant, S[ion] Owen, [David Owen] 'Dewi Wyn Eifion' [sic] and (mainly) Robert Williams ('Robert ap Gwilym Ddu'), some possibly in his autograph. Other items include a list of books ('Catalek of all ye books that I Have'), some accounts headed 'Cost Capel garn talwyd' and 'heb Daly am Capel garn', observations entitled 'Lwybr Dyn neu Ysdyriaethau ar bedair rhan oes Dyn' by Robert Williams, a letter, 1845, from Ellis Owen, Cefn y Meusydd, to Mr Robert Williams, Bard, Bettws fawr, Llanystumdwy, containing verses by Robert ab Gwilym Ddu entitled 'Pererindod o'r Aipht i Ganaan; and a list of poems by ['Robert ap Gwilym Ddu']. There are also some press cuttings and other additions by John Jones ('Myrddin Fardd'). (Ii) A memoir of David Owen ('Dewi Wyn o Eifion') by and in the autograph of John Thomas ('Siôn Wyn o Eifion'). (Iii) Miscellaneous items including 'Pymtheg Llwyth Gwynedd', poetry by Huw Llwyd Cynfal, Dafydd ap Sion and y Parchedig Mr Goronwy Owen o Fôn, and draft of a letter from 'Dyngarydd' [?David Owen ('Dewi Wyn o Eifion') ] to Mr Gomer' [? for Seren Gomer ], and 'A Memorandum Book' in the autograph of John Thomas ('Siôn Wyn o Eifion') containing notes on natural history, etc. in English transcribed from various printed sources. (Iv) Notes in Welsh in the autograph of John Thomas ('Siôn Wyn o Eifion') on theological subjects including extracts from 'Patrick's Places' i.e. the work of Patrick Hamilton, followed by short accounts of Phoenicia, Palestine, Assyria, Babylon, etc. (V) An incomplete poem entitled 'Carol Plygain am Bwrcas Crist tros eu [sic] Ddyweddi ...... (Vi) Two items in the autograph of John Thomas ('Siôn Wyn o Eifion') entitled 'Cyfrifiad byr am amryw o enwau neu Sectau a ymddangosasant yn y byd' (? incomplete) and 'Ateb i rai holiadau, mewn Llythyr oddi wrth yr Ysgrifennydd at ei ewythr John Roberts', which last item includes observations by Michael Roberts on one of the questions. (Vii) This section consists of sixteen pages and one loose folio. The first fourteen pages are in the autograph of William Elias, c. 1731-44, and contain poetry by Evan ap Llywelyn Vychan (beginning wanting), D. Parry, William Elias, J. Rhydderch, Owen Griffiths and D[afydd] N[anmor]. The next two pages contain verses in English by Gr: Lloyd and the loose folio contains 'englynion', one by Moris ap Evan ap Dafydd ['Morus Dwyfech']. A note at the foot of p. 9 reads 'Oed ein harglwydd, pan dorwyd, y ffordd y mynydd Bwlch Derwin gynta, 1739, y rhan isa, ai gorphen: Mehefin 18: 1740: Wm Ellias, a Griffith Davidd o fodychen, overseers', and there is a recipe for making ink on p. 10. (Viii) 'Englynion' by Edward Charles and a number of Welsh hymns (author's name not given). (Ix) This section is in the autograph of John Roberts [?'Siôn Lleyn'], 1767, and contains poetry by Roger Thomley, Michel Prichiard, Sion Thomas Bod-edern, Gwen Arthur, William Elias, Owen Griffith, John Philip, John Roberts, Hugh Roberts, Thomas Jones, Rich[ar]d Parry niwbwrch, ? W. Ell... and John Rogar [sic]. (X) Veterinary and other recipes, mainly in Welsh.

Poetry, &c.

A collection of poetry and prose, and some miscellaneous documents, partly in the hand of John Jones (Tegid), vicar of Nevern, Pembrokeshire. Among them are elegies on the death of David Griffiths, vicar of Nevern; 'Pennillion a gyfansoddwyd i Mr. James Evans, o'r Cilau, ger Abergwaen, swydd Penfro, y dydd y canodd yn iach a Choleg Dewi Sant, Llanbedr Pont Stephan' by Tegid, 1844; an englyn by Tegid to Mary Evans, Ciliau-wen; 'Marwnad Morwr sef; mab Dafydd Salmon, o'r Llysdin, Nanhyfer'; verses written by 'Mr. Harries Landisilo' for B[ridget] Evans [Cilau-wen]; 'A Specimen of Welsh Preaching'; 'Prince Eugene's Prayer, which all the Officers of the Duke of Marlborough's Army knew by Heart or Memory'; press cuttings containing elegies on the death of Lieut.-General Sir Thomas Picton, etc.; Can, am hanes pechod, yr hwn yw colyn angau by Dafydd (David) William, Llandeilo-fach, Glamorgan; an account of monies paid to masons at Cilau-wen, 1840-1843; etc.

Jones, John, 1792-1852

Poetry, &c.

A manuscript collection of prose and verse in the hand of an amanuensis of Dr John Davies, Mallwyd. The volume comprises 'Ystori Peredur fab Efrawg', with five missing folios at the beginning supplied by John Jones ('Tegid'); 'Achau'r Kwrwf'; Caerwys Eisteddfod roll, May 26, 9 Elizabeth [1567]; triads; recipes; 'Tlysau Ynys Brydain'; 'Araith Wgan'; an extensive selection of 'cywyddau' and 'awdlau', mainly 'cywyddau merched', by Bedo Aeddren, Bedo Brwynllys, Dafydd ab Edmwnd, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Dafydd Nanmor, Gruffudd Gryg, Gruffudd Hiraethog, Guto'r Glyn, Gutun Owain, Iolo Goch, Lewis Glyn Cothi, Rhisiart Phylip, Sion Cent, Sion Phylip, Simwnt Fychan, Tudur Aled and others; a collection of eulogies offered to Dr John Davies, Mallwyd, some of the poems having the date of composition recorded and including poems by Huw Machno, Sion Cain, Rhisiart, Gruffudd, Siôn and William Phylip and others; and miscellanea in various hands, including 'englynion marwnad Sion Dafis Athro parchedig mewn devinyddiaeth [Dr John Davies, Mallwyd]' by 'Rowland Vaughan esgwier o Gaergai' (1644), 'penillion gwr ifanc i'w gariad' (1688), 'moliant Sion Foulkes, Llanymowthwy', by Huw Morus (1674), 'moliant . . . maer Dinas Mowthwy' by Richard Lloyd, a fragment of 'Achau y Cwrw a'i hanes', an account of mizes paid (1646-1647), notes on Latin grammar, recipes, pedigrees, and a fragment of an interlude ('Argolws and Symoniax').


Two sets of transcripts of Welsh poems - 'Ffordd Gofidiau' and 'Dioddefaint Crist', with English counterpart, to be set to music for chorus and solo voices by Thomas Edwards. There are marginal notes by Thomas Edwards, and he has dated 'Ffordd Gofidiau' 25 January 1895.

Thomas Edwards ('Pencerdd Caer').


Manuscript and printed poetry collected by John Owen ('Owain Alaw'), including poems in the hand of John Ceiriog Hughes ('Ceiriog'), and Ellis Owen, Cefnymeusydd. Among other poets represented are John Jones ('Talhaiarn'); John Blackwell ('Alun'); Roger Edwards, Mold; Robert Parry ('Robin Ddu Eryri'); Edward Roberts ('Iorwerth Glan Aled'), etc. There is also (a) a cutting, from Yr Herald Cymraeg, of a letter, 26 March 1859, from Evan James ('Ieuan ap Iago'), Pontypridd, enclosing a copy of his 'Hen Wlad fy Nhadau', the first song to be sung to the tune 'Glan Rhondda', composed by his son James James, Harp Inn, Pontypridd; (b) a photograph of Owen Wynne Jones ('Glasynys'); and (c) a transcript of a 'Carol Nadolig', with comments by S[idney] A[urelius] J[ones], Ynys, St. Asaph. The items are mounted in a volume of Kearsley's Gentleman's and Tradesman's Pocket Ledger, 1844, containing some manuscript entries.

John Owen ('Owain Alaw') and others.


An early nineteenth century manuscript, in three hands, containing miscellaneous poetry. The titles include ['Ayron's vale'] (two copies), 'On the death of admiral lord Nelson', 'On the death of the right honorable William Pitt', 'Hymn', 'Ode to Christmas day', 'A Father's advice to his son: an elegy', 'Edgar and Emma A legendary tale', 'Edward and Laura A tale', 'Epitaph', 'Sequal [sic] to the tale of Edward & Laura', 'The Suppliant', 'Cerdd i fari Merch Morgan' by Taliesin Lloyd, 'On A little favorite Dog', 'The Lassie's Lament', etc.: with one exception, the poems are anonymous.

Poetry and Sunday schools report,

Miscellaneous Welsh poetry by William Roberts ('Clochydd Llannor'), Robert Parry ('Robin Ddu Eryri'), John Jones ('Myrddin Fardd') and others; and a report on the Sunday schools of Penygroes.

Canlyniadau 61 i 80 o 512