Princes -- Wales.



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Princes -- Wales.

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Princes -- Wales.

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Princes -- Wales.

3 Archival description results for Princes -- Wales.

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Cyfreithiau Hywel Dda, etc.,

A volume containing (pp. 1-131) an eighteenth century copy of a Welsh text of the laws of Hywel Dda corresponding to the text of the 'Dimetian' version or that published as Cyfreithiau Hywel Dda yn ôl Llyfr Blegywryd (Dull Dyfed) (Caerdydd, 1942). A note at the end of the text states that it was transcribed by Edward Whittington at the request of the Reverend David Wynne, incumbent of the parish of Machynlleth (1711-1732], and that the task was completed in July 1715 ('Y Llyfr hwn ar archiad y parched[i]g wr Mr. Dafudd Wynne, sef person plwy Machynlleth, a ysgrifenwyd gen Edward Whittington, ag y dibenwyd y 26 dudd o fis Gorphenaf yn y flwyddyn 1715 ynghylch 775 o flynyddoedd ar ol gwneuthur y y [sic] gyfreith hon'). Pages 137-75, which are possibly in the hand of the Reverend David Wynne himself, contain miscellaneous historical and genealogical notes relating to Dyfnwal Moelmud ('Gosodedigaeth Dyfnwal'), the hundreds and commotes of Wales ('Llyma y modd y Rannwyd Cantrefoedd a Chymydau holl Gymru yn amser y Tywysogion diwaethaf or Brutaniaid nid amgen Gr[uffudd] ap Ll[ywely]n a Ll[ywely]n ap Gr[uffydd]'), the princes of Wales ('Notes . . . taken out of a Coppy of Record had in the Tower of London. De Principibus Walliae Notae breviter desumptae'), the lordship of Oswestry ('Llyma ddangos y modd yr aeth Arglwyddiaeth Groes Oswallt oddiwrth y Cymry'), and the fifteen tribes of North Wales, these last having been extracted from the book of Lewis Dwnn ('Allan o Lyfr Lewis Dwnn Deputy Herald at Arms dros holl Gymru dam Glarencieux a Norroy . . .').

Edward Whittington and [?David Wynne].

Descriptio Angliae et Genealogiae Regum Angliae

Two tracts - (a) a description of England, in fifteen chapters, compiled in 1445, beginning 'tractatus iste compendiose extractus de diversorum historiographorum diversis ... describit Angliam ... '; (b) a genealogical chronicle in the same hand projected from Adam to Brutus and from Brutus to Henry VI, but in execution brought only to Edward I, with a continuation in a sixteenth century hand to Henry VIII (1518). The pattern of this genealogical chronicle is that of the Promptuarium Bibliae attributed to Petrus Pictaviensis. The text begins 'Adam in agro damasceno ...' (cf. Thomas Jones, Y Bibyl Ynghymraeg (Cardiff, 1940), p. xiii) and has lines added for the Saxons, kings of Britain, princes of Wales, the different divisions of Saxon England, kings of England, princes of Demetia, princes of Venedotia, &c.

The charter of Chirk, etc.,

An incomplete Welsh translation by Richard Owen [? 1552] of Joannes Ludovicus Vives: De institutione faeminae Christiana; 'proffwydoliaeth sibli ddoeth'; a Welsh vocabulary - 'henwau arglwydd', etc.; pedigrees - mythological and biblical, Welsh princes, 'Bonedd y Saint', etc.; accounts for corn and straw, 1589; an incomplete copy of the Welsh version of the Earl of Arundel's charter to the inhabitants of Chirk and Chirkland, 1334; a fragment of a transcript of Brut y Brenhinedd; a letter by John Ley; directions concerning preachers by James I; the assize of arms and tables of precedence; medical recipes; and a fragment of an English play (published in Malone Soc. Collections, vol IX (1977) pp. 24-9) in which the sexton of St Denys Church is a character.
The first eight pages are fragmentary.

Richard Owen, John Ley, James I and others.