Dangos 841377 canlyniad

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Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

9637 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol

Edward Lhuyd: English-Welsh dictionary

A volume, [c. 1700], containing an English-Welsh dictionary in the hand of Edward Lhuyd (1660-1709). The plan adopted was to write the English words in two columns, leaving a space after each word for the insertion of the Welsh equivalent; the manuscript begins with 'Badge' and ends with 'Calander' [sic], but the Welsh equivalents have only been given in comparatively few cases.

Lhuyd, Edward, 1660-1709


A volume containing miscellany of prose and verse items in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'), divided into three sections each described on its 'title-page' as 'Brith y Coed sef cynnulliad cymmysg o hen Bethau Cymreig Rhyddiaith a Phrydyddiaeth Cynnulliad Iolo Morganwg'. These three sections are numbered Rhifyn 1, 11, 111 respectively. The contents of section 1 (pp. i-viii, 1-153) consist of miscellaneous items including notes on the three bardic brothers Ednyfed, Madawc (Benfras), and Llywelyn ap Gruffudd of Marchwiail [co. Denbigh] (11), copies of versions of the dedicatory epistle to Richard Mostyn and the letter to the reader which Gruffudd Hiraethog composed as introductory material to his booklet or volume 'Lloegr drigiant ddifyrrwch Brytanaidd Gymro' which contained, inter alia, his collection of Welsh proverbs (see D. J. Bowen: Gruffudd Hiraethog a'i Oes (Caerdydd, 1958), tt. 32-7) (33-42), a list of old Welsh words extracted from the aforementioned booklet (37), a copy of Simwnt Vychan's licence as 'pencerdd' granted at the Caerwys eisteddfod, 1567 (42- 3), miscellaneous Welsh proverbs (44-5, 72), a list of fifteenth and sixteenth century Welsh bards with the names of their burial places (59-62 ), an anecdote relating to Siôn Mowddwy (64), a copy of the marriage vow ( Welsh) in force in the time of Oliver Cromwell (73), a brief note on the orthography of the 'Black Book of Carmarthen' (73), medicinal recipes (74- 5), a description of a traditional Glamorgan game called 'Chware cnau mewn Llaw' (see IM, tt. 51-2) (76), anecdotes purporting to give biographical data re Dafydd ap Gwilym (77-85), an anecdote relating to Rhisiart Iorwerth 'o Langynwyd' incorporating an 'englyn' attributed to him (86-7), an anecdote re the imprisonment of people in Cardiff gaol for their religious views in the reign of Mary [Tudor] (93-6), an anecdote re a meeting of poets at Ystrad Ywain [co. Glamorgan] in 1720 (98), a note relating to Llywelyn Bren Hen (100), a brief pedigree of the Abermarlais family (101), a list of Welsh proper names derived from Latin (105-06), a note on 'cerdd gadair' and 'cerdd deuluaidd' (107), a series of triads entitled 'Trioedd y Cybydd' (117-20), a few triads with other miscellanea ( 132-3), a note on violent winds near Ruthyn [co. Denbigh] in 1628-1629 (137-8 ), an extract from a letter from John Lloyd ap Huw to Edward Llwyd of the [Ashmolean] Museum [Oxford], 1698, concerning the location of certain ' cistiau' and stone circles (138-9), a note on Tudur Aled with a list of bards licensed at an 'eisteddfod' held at Caerwys in 1565 (150-51), and an anecdote relating to Tomas Llywelyn 'o Regoes' (152); prose items, lists, etc., with the superscriptions 'Llyma enwau Pedwar Marchog ar hugain Llys Arthur . . .' (1-10), 'Llyma enwau Arfau Arthur' (10), 'Llyma Enwau llongau . . . Arthur' (10), 'Casbethau Cattwg Ddoeth' (16), 'Enwau y Pedair camp ar hugain (24 accomplishments) a'r achos y gwnaethpwyd hwynt' (17-19), Pedwar Marchog ar hugaint oedd yn Llys Arthur . . .' (20-23), 'Cynghorion Ystudfach fardd' (27-8), 'Cyngor Taliesin . . . i Afawn ei Fab . . .' (46), 'Llyma achau a Bonedd rhai o'r Prydyddion' (49), 'Ymryson yr Enaid a'r Corph yr hwn a droes Iolo Goch o'r Lladin yng Nghymraeg' (65-70 ), 'Naw Rhinwedd y gofyn Duw gan Ddyn' (70-71), 'Graddau Carennydd' (92), 'Coffedigaeth am ladd y Tywysog Llywelyn ap Gruffudd . . . ' (130-31), 'Y Saith Veddwl teithiol' (134-5), 'Llyma saith Rhad yr Yspryd Glân' (135), 'Llyma'r . . . saith Bechod marwol' (135), 'Llyma saith weithred y drugaredd' (135), 'Llyma Weddi y Pader' (136), 'Enwau y nawnyn a diriwys yn gyntaf yn Fforest Glynn Cothi' (142-3), and 'Chwe peth a ddifa Lloegr' (148); and transcripts of Welsh poems in strict and free metre, often single 'englynion', including poems attributed to Rhys Goch Eryri (12), Thomas Llywelyn 'o Regoes' (12,141), Gruffydd Hiraethog (13), Simwnt Fychan (? 13, 109), Bleddyn ddu (13), Dafydd Benwyn (13), Richard Hughes ( 14, 116), Wm. Llyn (14), Elis Wynn 'o blwyf Llanuwchlyn' (15), Taliesin Ben Beirdd (23, 90-91, 104), Ystudfach fardd (23-6), Thomas Gruffudd (32), Llen. Deio Pywel (46), Llywelyn Siôn 'o Langewydd' (47-8), Hopcin ap Thomas ap Einon 'o Ynys Dawy' (50), Gytto'r Glynn (55), Thomas Glynn Cothi (57-8), Tomas Lewys 'o Lechau' (63-4), Morys Dwyfech (72), Twm ab Ifan ab Rhys (87-8), William Dafydd 'o Abercwmyfuwch' (88-9), Siôn y Cent (97, 112- 14), Dafydd ap Gwilym (99, 108), Edward Richards (108), Revd. Mr. Davies, Bangor (108), Tudur Aled (109), Edward Maelor (109), Rhys Cain (110, 115), Dafydd ap Siancyn Fynglwyd (110), Roger Cyffin (110), Siôn Tudur (110), Syr Huw Dafydd 'o Euas' (111), Ieuan Brydydd Hir 'o Lanyllted' (111), Thomas Powel 'o Euas' (111), Dafydd ab Edmwnd (114), Rhisiart Iorwerth (115), Syr Ifan, 'offeiriad Carno' (115), Matthew Owen (115), ? Huw Morys ( 115), Rhisiart Philip (115), Cynddelw Brydydd Mawr (116), Seisyllt Bryffwrch (116), Dafydd Nanmor (131), Iago ab Dewi (140), Llywelyn Tomas ( 141), and Rhobin Ddu 'o Fôn' (143-8), a sequence of fifteen stanzas called 'Araith y Gwragedd' (29-32), a sequence of 'Englynion y Misoedd' attributed to Syppyn Cyfeiliog or Cneppyn Gwerthrynion reputedly 'o Lyfr Ysgrif yn llaw'r Dr. Dafis o Fallwyd' (121-4), and a sequence of thirty-two 'Englynion yr Eira' attributed to Macclaff ap Llywarch (125-30). (continued)

Section 2 (pp. 161-312) contains miscellaneous items including a note relating to Morgan Llywelyn ? 'o Regoes' (170), a short list of Welsh bards who had acted as bardic teachers to other bards (198), miscellaneous genealogical and chronological data (220-21), lists of Welsh bards 'yn amser y Clymiad cyntaf ar Gerdd', 'yn yr ail clymiad Cerdd', and 'yn amser y trydydd Clymiad ar Gerdd' (225-32), a copy of an introduction written by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' in 1800 to a proposed booklet to be called 'Gwern Doethineb' containing ? extracts from miscellaneous Welsh manuscript sources (268-70), a brief chronicle of events in Welsh and British history to 1318 A.D. (275-9), a further brief chronicle of events in Welsh and British history to 1420 A.D. (280-300), and a third brief chronicle of such events to 1404 A.D. (301-03); prose items or lists with the superscriptions 'Henaifion Byd' (171-5), '14 Prif geinciau Cadwgan a Chyhelyn' (186-7), 'Llyma Ddosparth Cerdd Dant' (211-14), 'Llyma enwau y pedwar mesur ar hugain Cerdd dant' (214-15), 'Llyma y saith mesur ar hugain' (215-16), 'Llyma Lyfr a elwir Cadwedigaeth Cerdd Dannau . . .' ( 217-19), 'Llyma yr ystatys a wnaeth Gruffudd ap Cynan i'r Penceirddiaid a'r Athrawon i gymmeryd Disgyblion . . .' (271-4), and 'Dosparth yr awgrym' ( 303); and transcripts of Welsh poems, sometimes a single 'englyn', including poems attributed to Dafydd ap Gwilym (169-70, 205), Siôn y Cent (175-9), Huw Machno (180-84), Thomas Carn (184-5), Thomas Dafydd ap Ieuan ap Rhys 'o Bwll y Crochan' (a sequence of twenty 'Englynion Eiry Mynydd ar Ddiarhebion') (187-93), Dafydd ap Edmwnt (194), Siôn Brwynog (195, 200), Hywel ap Syr Mathew (196), Dicc Huws (197), Syr Thomas Williams 'o Drefriw' (199), Dafydd Nanmor (200, 304), Thomas James (200), Rhys Cain (201, 203 ), Siôn Philip (201-02), Huw Pennant (202), Morgan ap Huw Lewys (202), Huw Arwystli (204), Tudur fardd coch (205), Llawdden fardd (206), Dafydd Manuel (207-10), Guttyn Owain (222-4), Edward Dafydd (265-7), and Thomas Llewelyn 'o Regoes' (304), a series of 'englynion' mostly to the nightingale reputedly composed in connection with 'eisteddfodau' held at Caerwys including 'englynion' attributed to Siôn Tudur, Wiliam Cynwal, Wiliam Lleyn, Rd. Davies, escob Mynyw, Robert Gruffydd ab Ieuan, Bartholom Jones, Huw Llyn, Elis ab Rhys ab Edward, Syr Lewys 'o Langyndeyrn', Hittin Grydd, and Lewys ab Edward (233-9), a series of one hundred and sixty stanzas with the superscription 'Chwedlau'r Doethion (o Lyfr Tre Brynn)' each stanza commencing 'A glywaist ti chwedl' (240-60), and a second sequence of thirty-four stanzas of the same nature (260-65).

Section 3 (pp. 313-444) includes prose items with the superscriptions 'Llyma Ragaraith Bardd Ifor Hael' (with a note thereon by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg') (335-9) 'Cas Bethau Bardd Ifor Hael' (339), 'Trithlws ar ddeg Ynys Prydain' (340-41), 'Llyma fal y telid iawn dros alanas gynt. . .' (352), 'Llyma ddosparth yr awgrym' (356), 'Dewis Bethau Bach Buddugre' (357-8) 'Casbeth Ieuan Gyffylog' (358-9), 'Casbethau Dafydd Maelienydd' (362-3), 'Llyma gynghorion y Dryw o'r Llwyn glas' (364-6), 'Llyma gynhorion Gwas y Dryw' (366), 'Araith Ieuan Brydydd Hir o Lanylltid' (with a note thereon by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg') (369-72), 'Llyma Enwau Prif Gaerydd Ynys Prydain' (393-7), and 'Dewis bethau Hywel Lygadgwsg' (424-5); transcripts of Welsh poems, sometimes a single 'englyn', including poems attributed to Wmffre Dafydd ab Han, 'clochydd Llan Bryn Mair' (321-7), Wiliam Philip 'o'r Hendre Fechan' (328-34), Morgan Mwcci Mawr (334), Richard Wiliam (343-9, 374), Dafydd Llwyd 'yn ymyl Llanrwst' (351), Dafydd Ddu 'o Hiraddug' (351), Llywelyn fawr y dyrnwr (360-61), Ieuan Brydydd Hir ( 372-4), Merfyn Gwawdrydd ('canu misoedd y flwyddyn') (375-82), Guttyn Owain (383-4), Maclaf ab Llywarch ('Eiry Mynydd' stanzas) (385-9), Taliesin Ben Beirdd (390-91, 398-401), Dafydd Edward 'o Fargam' (417), Thomas Llywelyn 'o Regoes' (417), Ednyfed Fychan (418), Morgan Llywelyn 'o Gastell Nedd' (419), Ystudfach Fardd (twenty-four 'Englynion y Bidiau') (421-4), Gwgan ab Bleddyn (426-7), and Davydd Davies 'o Gastell Hywel' (432); and miscellaneous items including instructions in Welsh for making fishing hooks ('Modd y gwneir Bachau enwair') (342-3), medicinal recipes (349-51, 420), lists of Welsh proverbs (353-5, 367-8), an anecdote re Taliesin and Maelgwn Gwynedd (391-2), a copy of the introduction written by Thomas Wiliems [of Trefriw] to his Latin - Welsh dictionary 'Thesaurus Linguae Latinae et Cambrobrytannicae' transcribed by [Edward Williams] ' Iolo Morganwg' from one of the manuscripts of Paul Panton of Plas Gwyn, Anglesey (now NLW MS 1983 of which see ff. 48-56) (402-13), a note by 'Iolo Morganwg' relating to Thomas Wiliems (414-15), a note relating to Cattwg Ddoeth (418), brief notes on Dafydd ap Gwilym, Llawdden Fardd, Dafydd ap Edmwnd, and Tudur Aled (428), four versions of the Lord's Prayer in Welsh 'o'r un llyfr yn llaw Edward Llwyd' (429-31), a note on Tudur Aled (432), and a short treatise commencing 'Llyma son am Fonedd ag anfonedd sef y traether am fonedd ac anfonedd yn hynn o fodd . . .' (433-9 ). Each section is preceded by a list of contents.


A composite volume containing a miscellany of literary and historical material, etc., in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') including pp. 1-13, an outline plan drawn up by Edward Williams in 1806 for setting up a committee and employing paid research workers with a view to publishing 'A Complete and Superb History of the County of Glamorgan' (see also NLW MSS 13103B, 13114B above); 17-22, brief topographical and historical notes on Glamorganshire; 25-33, notes on the princes of Glamorgan from the time of Morgan Mwynfawr to the time of Iestyn ab Gwrgan; 41-51, extracts from [John] Leland's Itinerary relating to cos. Glamorgan and Monmouth; 57-81, genealogical and historical extracts from Panton MS 15 (now NLW MS 1984A); 82-91, further genealogical data relating to the saints of Britain ('Bonedd Seint Ynys Prydain o Lyfr Mr. Elis'); 91-3, notes on the nine kings of Glywysyg 'sef y wlad a elwir y weith horn Cantref Gwaunllwg yrwng Afon Wysg . . . ac Afon Elerch' (see also NLW MS 13106B above); 93-4, two versions of an anecdote relating to Urien Rheged; 105-06 + 111-12, a printed copy of the resolutions of a committee of the Cambrian Society in Gwent held 10 May 1822 concerning arrangements for an 'eisteddfod'; 107-09, notes relating to two 'eisteddfodau' held at Carmarthen [?1451] and 1461; 113-15, a record of 'Remarkable frost in Britain', A.D. 220-1788; 117-29, notes headed 'Rural knowledge' containing miscellaneous information on a variety of topics, e.g. the growing of hawthorn hedges, manures, the making of carrot marmalade, the planting of potatoes, carrots, etc.; 131-3, anecdotes relating to Inigo Jones ? extracted from [Horace] Walpole: Anecdotes of Painting [in England]; 134- 41, copies of two letters, 1797, [from Edward Williams] to Sir Richard Hoare, Bart., Stourhead, Wiltshire, the first reciting a traditional story concerning the brothers William and Richard Twrch and the latter's work as a stonemason at Bewper (Beaupre) Castle [co. Glamorgan] (see also NLW MSS 13089E, 13103B above), and the second relating mainly to ancient memorial inscriptions at Lantwit Major including inscriptions on a stone unearthed by the writer in the churchyard there; 149-65, a transcript of notes relating to Saint Illtud, the ancient school and monastery founded at Llanilltud, and the abbots of the said monastery allegedly compiled by the Reverend David Nicholls in 1729 (see also NLW MS 13114B above); (continued)

163 (2) -74, further notes [? by Edward Williams] on Saint Illtud and the school and monastery at Llanilltud, and a transcript of the inscriptions on the 'Cross of Iltutus' at the said place, etc. (see again NLW MS 13114B above); 175-8, notes in English, in the hand of Taliesin Williams, on the nine kings of Glewiseg (see pp. 91-3 of the present manuscript); 183-4, an account of the division of Glamorgan between Syr Rhobert fab Amon and his twelve Norman knights (written on the blank verso of a printed sheet, 1797, proclaiming an 'eisteddfod' to be held in Caerwys [co. Flint] in 1798 under the patronage of Cymdeithas y Gwyneddigion); 188-201, extracts relating to members of various branches of the English peerage, e. g. earls of Gloucester, Worcester, Leicester, Pembroke, etc.; 204-26, an alphabetical list of names of persons (historical, pseudo-historical), names of places, elements in place-names, etc.; 228-31, notes relating to medieval lords of Gower; 234-5, genealogical data relating mainly to the Gawntlo family; 236-9, historical data relating to the lordship of Glamorgan ('Morganwg') in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries; 248, an extract from a letter, 1698, from John Lloyd ap Huw from Bryn Blaen y Ddol, Meirionethshire, to Edward Llwyd of the [Ashmolean] Museum relating to stone circles and 'cistfeini' (see NLW MS 2029B); 248-55, miscellaneous extracts including names of ancient kings of Gwent, Glamorgan, Ercyng, Glewisig, and [Brycheiniog], notes on St. Illtud, etc.; 256-80, an alphabetical list of Welsh poets, 5th-late 17th cent., with dates when they flourished and occasional biographical notes extracted 'o Lyfr y diweddar Barchedig Mr. Dafydd Ellis o Amlwch ym Môn'; 280-85, addenda to the list contained in pp. 256-80; 286-7, notes headed 'Bonedd ag anfonedd' extracted from Panton MS 63 (now NLW MS 2029B); 287-9, further addenda to the list in pp. 256-80; 292-9, a copy of the words of a 'Song for the Glamorgan Volunteers . . . By Edward Williams' with notes on the text (see also NLW MS 13089E); 309, notes from Nennius relating to the 'origin of the Britons'; 316-18, brief notes on a few ancient inscriptions in Glamorganshire, Breconshire, etc.; 324-6, extracts from the Liber Landavensis; 332-3, proposals for publishing 'Traethawd ar Areithyddiaeth o Saesneg y Dysgedig Dr. Blackwell gan Iolo Morganwg'; 336, a note on Dafydd ap Gwilym; 338-41, extracts from [Thomas] Astle: The Origin and Progress of Writing [2nd ed.], 1803; 346-59, notes on the erection of cob walls, the use of clay ashes and coal ashes in mixing mortar, rough casting, the erection of rough stone walls, ashlar fronts, varieties of stone for building in Glamorgan, the mixing of mortar, pointing, outside plastering, and the making of mortar floors; 364-7, notes relating to the history of South Wales in the eleventh century; 373-4, a table tracing the line of chief poets of Morgannwg with their disciples from the time of Dafydd ap Gwilym to the time of Siôn Bradford, circa 1780; 378-9, advice re the planting of orchards in Glamorgan; 384-7, notes on the topography, etc., of Glamorgan; 394-421, extracts from [William] Camden: Britannia (ed. Edmund Gibson) relating to inscribed stones in Wales, and 'Antient Gallick words collected out of Roman Authors compared with the Welsh', etc.; 426- 30, miscellaneous genealogical and historical data; 431, a note relating to the 'eisteddfod' held at Caerwys, co. Flint, in 1523 or 1524; 432-4, a list of poets and authors of cos. Denbigh, Merioneth, Caernarvon, and Anglesey 'ar a oedd ar unwaith an cyfoes ni yn canu ar eu bwyd i hun mal y mae y ddiareb yn fonheddigion ag uchelwyr da'; 435-6, extracts from the Liber Landavensis; and 438-49, lists of towns, markets, villages, seaports, and bays or inlets in co. Glamorgan, and notes on 'Native fruits of Glamorgan', etc.


Miscellaneous papers containing notes, transcripts, extracts, etc., in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound together in one volume. The contents include pp. 10-18, notes on the royal ancestors of Iestyn ab Gwrgan, lord of Glamorgan, to the time of Morgan Mwynfawr extracted 'o Lyfr Mr. Thos. Trueman o Bantlliwydd' (for the Welsh text see Iolo Manuscripts . . ., pp. 3-11, and for an English translation ibid., pp. 331-56); 21, extracts [from Thomas Carte: A General History of England . . . (London, 1747-1755)]; 22-38, notes on the rulers of Glamorgan from the time of Morgan Mwynfawr to the time of the aforementioned Iestyn ab Gwrgan, the quarrels leading to the conquest of Glamorgan by the Normans under Robert Fitzhamon, the subsequent Norman lords of the territory, and the coming of the Flemings to Glamorgan (for the Welsh text of pp. 22-9 see Iolo Manuscripts . . ., pp. 12-17, and for an English translation ibid., pp. 357-83); 39-40, a brief chronicle of political events, earthquakes, plagues, extreme weather conditions, etc., temp. William I to temp. Edward VI; 41, a short chronicle of events in South Wales, 1030-1079; 42-3, a list of the bishops of Llandaf, 436-1396; 44- 7, miscellaneous topographical and historical notes on Glamorgan; 48-9, notes on Dafydd ap Gwilym; 50-51, 'Hanes y tri Marchog ar ddeg' (an incomplete account of the thirteen Norman knights who conquered Glamorgan); 52-4, miscellaneous historical anecdotes relating mainly to Glamorgan (see Iolo Manuscripts . . ., pp. 64-7, 450-53); 56-60, genealogical and historical notes on the Stradling family, eleventh-seventeenth cent. ('allan o hen lyfr St. Dunwyd gan y Parchedig Mr. Edward Gamage, Periglor St. Athan'); 64-7, a Welsh-English list of species of apples found in Glamorgan and Gwent and of pears ?found in the same region (see IM., tt. 334-8); 68-9, a list of mountains and rivers in Glamorgan; 72-4, further notes on the lordship of Glamorgan and its conquest by the Normans (from British Museum Harleian MS 368; see Cambrian Journal, 1859, pp. 68-71); 78-81, a brief account of the history of Glamorgan from the time of Morgan Mwynfawr to the reign of Henry VIII 'translated from a Welsh MS late in the possession of the Revd. Mr. Gamage, Rector of St. Athan, and now of Mr. John Spen[ ] of the same place'; 82-5, historical anecdotes relating to the lords of Bewper Castle [co. Glamorgan], anecdotes relating to the brothers William and Richard Twrch and the building of the porch and chapel gateway at Bewper, late sixteenth-early seventeenth cent. (see IM, tt. 272-3), a note on Inigo Jones, and notes on Dunraven Castle; 86-95, notes relating to St. Illtud, the monastic church and school at Llanilltud [or Llantwit Major, co. Glamorgan], and the abbots of the said monastery, including extracts from [Thomas] Carte: op. cit., and a manuscript sketch plan of Llantwit Major, ? late eighteenth cent. (see note in IM, t. 316); 95-115, general notes on British history to the second half of the thirteenth cent., including extracts from Carte: op. cit.; 116-23, miscellaneous brief notes on the topography, agriculture, industries, commerce, etc., of Glamorgan, with references to the iron works at Merthyr Tidvil, Aberdare Vale, Newbridge, Pentyrch, and Melin Griffith, the porcelain works at Nantgarw, etc.; 125, extracts from Archaeologia, vol. VI; 126-7, notes on the Voss family more particularly William Voss of St. Athan and Nicolas Vosse of Lantwit (circa 1750) [both of co. Glamorgan], and the latter's books; 128-31, 'Cursory Remarks on reading Camden's account of Glamorgan'; 132-3, copies of extracts from the register of the parish of Lantwit Major [co. Glamorgan] and other data relating to the Vosse family; 134, proposals [by Edward Williams] for publishing a periodical to be called Dywenydd Morganwg (see IM, tt. 214, 363, 387-91); 135, a note on 'Y modd i wneuthur Lloriau da mewn tai' (see IM, t. 363); 136, notes on the village of Llandaff [co. Glamorgan] and the vicinity; 137, anecdotes relating to the poet Dafydd o'r Nant, [the Methodist cleric, the Reverend] Daniel Rowland, and a seventeenth century poet Will Tabwr; 142-3, a ? draft copy of a letter to the clergy of the town and neighbourhood of Cowbridge [co. Glamorgan], suggesting a plan for adding [Bishop Richard Watson's work A Collection of] Theological Tracts [Cambridge, 1785] to a circulating library the writer had established in the town; 146-7, copies of three English poems headed 'Poetical Anecdotes of Glamorgan', one being by Christopher Roberts of St. Athan and ? two by Edward Williams of Lancarvan; 148 and 151, brief notes on the Glamorgan towns, etc., of Caerffily, Merthyr Tidvil, Cowbridge, Bridgend, Lantrisant, Landaff, and Cardiff; 150, a list of the products of Glamorgan which were, or could become, articles of trade and commerce; 154-7, copies of the memorial inscription ? on the tomb of Roger Seys in the church of Lantwit Major, and notes on the Seys family's connection with the Boverton estate [co. Glamorgan]; 158- 69, notes on the topography, agricultural produce and methods, horticulture, etc., of Glamorgan headed 'Remarks on J. Fox's General View of the Agriculture of [the county of] Glamorgan ([London], 1796)', and notes on the pastime known as 'Bandy playing' (see IM, tt. 54-6); 170-76, observations on Newton Down [co. Glamorgan], and on Brandon Hill and Cliffon Hill near Bristol; 181, a report on a survey of the pillars and arches dividing the nave from the south aisle in Cowbridge parish church carried out in 1810 by the churchwardens assisted by Edward Williams ['Iolo Morganwg'] and Taliesin Williams, masons, and David Jenkins, carpenter; 182-3, an incomplete draft or copy of a letter in Welsh addressed to the Protestant dissenters of Glamorgan advising them to vote for [Thomas] Wyndham of Dwnrufan (Dunraven) rather than for his opponent Captain Thomas Windsor in the Glamorgan parliamentary election [? of 1789]; 188, notes on Boverton house [co. Glamorgan]; 192-3, an anecdote relating to Penmark church [co. Glamorgan]; 196-231, a transcript of the section of [John] Leland's Itinerary which deals with Glamorgan; 232-51, miscellanea including an incomplete Welsh poem on the county of Carmarthen, its towns, etc., observations on statements in the first few pages of [Edward] Jones: [Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh] Bards . . ., 2nd ed. [1794], and further notes on 'bandy playing' (some of these on the blank versos and margins of printed proposals for publishing Edward Williams's volume of English verse Poems Lyric and Pastoral in 1792, and his Cyfrinach Beirdd Ynys Prydain in 1821); 253-4, the words and music of a 'Catch written for the Pine Apple Catch club in Bristol . . . by [Thomas] Chatterton, father of Thomas Chatterton, the poet'; 256-7, a copy of a letter in Welsh from Rhys Morgan from Pencraig nedd [co. Glamorgan], to [ ], 1751 (praise for recipient's poems, the continuance of the Welsh bardic tradition in Glamorgan, the state of the Welsh language in the county, its use in church services, the failure of the county of Monmouth to produce Welsh poets) (for the text of this letter with the opinion that it is a forgery to be attributed to Edward Williams himself see TLLM, tt. 260-61; see also ibid., tt. 101-02, and IM, tt.77-8, 274); 258-61, a copy of an eight-stanza 'Song for the Glamorgan Volunteers' by Edward Williams, with preface and notes on some of the proper names in the text; 262-73, notes on early Welsh literature, the extant manuscript sources thereof, the authenticity of the material in these manuscripts, etc., written on the verso and in the margins of copies of a printed handbill containing proposals, 1793, for publishing The Celtic Remains (vol. I by Lewis Morris, vol. II by Walter Davies), and of a printed handbill announcing an 'eisteddfod' to be held at Caerwys [co. Flint] in 1798 under the patronage of the Gwyneddigion Society (some of this material appears to be a draft version of sections of the essay 'A Short Review of the Present State of Welsh Manuscripts' which forms the preface to The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales . . ., vol. I, (London, 1801)) (continued)

278-9, notes headed 'Llyma'r Ddosparth a wnaeth y Brenin Arthur ar achoedd a'r Cof a'r cadw arnynt ac ar fonedd Cenedl y Cymry a'u Breiniau'; 279, anecdotes relating to Gruffydd ap Llywelyn ap Seisyllt and opposition to his claim to the principality of Powys circa 1040, and a convention held at Henffordd ( Hereford) in connection therewith when matters relating to the genealogy and rights and privileges of the Welsh nobility, etc., were discussed and ? an agreed code was drawn up, and notes on the duties of the Welsh bards with regard to genealogy and heraldry; 280-85, notes relating to the Welsh bardic order and Welsh musicians including notes with the superscription 'Llyma hen Ystatut Cadair Tir Iarll fal a'i trefnwyd yn amser yr Arglwydd Clâr diweddaf . . .'; 286-9, miscellanea including notes on the meaning of the expressions 'Mab aillt' and 'Mab aillt beirdd', notes on the loss of a manuscript copy of the statutes of Grulfudd ap Cynan from the Ashmolean Museum [Oxford] and of a Welsh translation of the works of Aristotle by John David Rhys from the library of Jesus College [Oxford], a comment on Jesus College, and brief notes on the Welsh strict poetic metres; 295, a copy of an 'englyn' attributed to Dafydd ap Edmund; 303, notes on the relationship between the vocabulary of a language and the cultural and technical attainments of the speakers of the language; 305, a copy of an 'englyn' attributed to D[afydd ap] G[wilym]; 306-07, an incomplete transcript of a Welsh poem entitled 'Cynghorion Tad i'w Fab' attributed to Henry Evans 'o'r Gelli Gaer ym Morganwg'; 308-09, a transcript of twenty- two stanzas of Welsh verse entitled 'Englynion Marchwiail' and attributed to Mab claf ab Llywarch; 314, ? an extract re the Latin language from a letter from R. Flaherty to E[dward] Llwyd; 315, a note on Llywelyn Siôn, the Glamorgan scribe [late sixteenth cent.], a note on the possible origin of the 'coelbren' and 'coelfain' amongst the Welsh bards, and a transcript of four 'englynion' ? attributed to Rhys Brydydd; 316, a list of the descendants of Caw o Brydyn, a list of the achievements of the Stradling family ('Gweithredoedd y Stradlingiaid'), a note on Mauritius Morganensis, poet and rhetorician, a copy of an 'englyn' written by Prince Llywelyn ab Gruffudd after the battle of Aberconwy, a list of 'Saith Brif Glaswrdai Ynys Prydain', and a note on the castles of the kings of Morganwg; 317, notes relating to Caerfilly castle [co. Glamorgan] and to Sir Gilbert Stradling (temp. Richard I) and the origin of the Knights of the Garter; 317 + 322, notes on Sir Edward Stradling and his connection with Dr. John David Rhys and Dr. Thomas Lleison; 320, a note on the teaching activities of Glamorgan bards circa 1700, and ? a list of bards at an eisteddfod held at Llandaf in 1564; 320, 328, 329, 334-5 343, 363, 392, lists of Welsh proverbs, popular sayings, etc.; 322-7, notes on Welsh poetic metres, bardic meetings, and the tradition re the original home of the Ancient Britons (Deffrobani); 330-33, brief biographical notes on a number of Welsh bards (medieval- eighteenth cent.); 333, notes headed 'Gosgorddiadau'r ser ydynt fal hynn'; 335, a copy of six stanzas of Welsh verse entitled 'Pennillion Morganwg'; 337, lists of Welsh names for the months of the year (see John Williams: Barddas . . ., vol. I, pp. 410-17); 339, a copy of an 'englyn' attributed to Wm. Cynwal; 357, notes on an oak tree at Cefn Mabli, co. Glamorgan; 360, notes on an 'eisteddfod' held at Y Pil [co. Glamorgan], circa 1740, a brief list of Welsh triads, and a list of troubadours and Welsh poets, ob. 1122-1300; 361, notes on Dafydd ap Gwilym and the 'cywydd' measure, Dafydd o'r Llwyn, an 'eisteddfod' held at Nant Conwy [co. Caernarvon], 1 Edward IV, and the confusion concerning the date of the 'eisteddfod' held at Carmarthen, 1451 or 1461; 362, a transcript of an 'englyn' attributed to Samuel Jones 'o Fryn Llywarch'; 363, a transcript of an 'englyn' attributed to Thos. Llywelyn 'o Regoes' and a few Welsh triads; 370, a transcript of an 'englyn' attributed to Thos. Lln.; 371, a copy of an elegy in Welsh with the superscription 'Carmen Britanicum on the Death of Queen Caroline per Ned Edwards of Talgarth . . .', and a note on a copy of 'Dr. Gr. Roberts Grammar printed in Italy, A.D. 1567, in the hands of Mr. E. Evans. . .'; 381, a version of the Lord's Prayer (Welsh) in verse, and transcripts of 'englynion' attributed to Rhys Cain and ?D. o'r Nant; 387, a brief note on the building of Landaff Bridge and Rumney Bridge in the seventeenth century; 388, historical notes relating to Carfilly Castle; 390, transcripts of 'englynion' attributed to Huw Llyn, Wm Llyn, Siôn Tudur, and Dr. Morgan, Esgob Llandaf; 391, miscellaneous Welsh triads; 393, seventeen maxims headed 'Llyma ymadroddion Barddas o Lyfr Ieuan ab Hywel Swrdwal' (see John Williams: Barddas . . ., vol. I, pp- 270-75; 394, miscellaneous Welsh triads; 395, 'Gwyddor Dewiniaeth Gildas Broffwyd' (see Iolo Manuscripts . . ., pp. 195-6, 608-09); 396-7, miscellaneous notes on bardism, a few Welsh triads, and transcripts of ? two 'englynion' attributed to Siôn Tudur; 401, transcripts of two 'englynion' attributed to ? y Capten Middelton and Morys Cyffin; 405, an extract from a letter from Captain Wm. Myddelton to his nephew, and transcripts of 'englynion' attributed to D. Ddu Eryri and D. Davies, Castell Hywel; 460-09, a Latin-English list of rare plants to be found in various English counties; 410-12, extracts from the English version of [William] Camden ['s Britannia]; 416-19, notes on the Welsh bardic order headed 'Llyma Llafar Gorsedd Beirdd Ynys Prydain Ile gellir gweled Breiniau a Defodau Beirdd Ynys Prydain . . .' (see John Williams: Barddas . . ., vol. II, pp. 10-23); 422-67, miscellaneous notes in English on British or Welsh bardism, its organisation, ceremonial, connection with druidism and the Christian religion, etc. (there is considerable repetition in these notes, they possibly represent several drafts of parts of an essay on the subject of bardism); 468-70, a transcript of the title-page, advertisement, and part of the introduction to Charles Wilkins: The Bhagvat-Geeta . . . (London, 1785); and 472-3, extracts from [Edward] Jones: [Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh] Bards . . ., 2nd ed. [London, 1794], pp. 83-4. Also included, pp. 278-470, are lists of Welsh words sometimes with English definitions and/or illustrative excerpts from the works of Welsh poets, notes on Welsh words or elements in Welsh words, etymological and philological notes on the Welsh language, notes on Welsh grammar, extracts of varying length (one line, 'cywydd' couplets, etc.) from the works of Welsh poets, and a multitude of miscellaneous items of historical, literary, or bardic significance.


A composite volume containing miscellaneous material in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'). The contents include p. 1, a copy of a proclamation announcing the holding of an 'eisteddfod' at Caerwys, co. Flint, in the year 1523; 2-26, extracts from, or versions of, the statutes for regulating the organisation and conduct of Welsh bards and musicians associated mainly with the name of Gruffudd ap Cynan; 26-35, a series of triads with the superscription 'Llymma Drioedd Gruffudd ap Dafydd Ychan'; 39-43, a copy of an 'Awdl perthynol i'r Rhyfel bresenol ag America' attributed to I[orwerth] ap G[wilym]; 49-60, transcripts of two Welsh poems attributed to Llywarch Brydydd y Moch and Cynddelw Brydydd, three 'englynion' from 'Llyfr Hir Llanharan', and an 'englyn' attributed to Siôn y Cent; 65-94, transcripts of miscellaneous Welsh verse including a series of twenty-two stanzas with the superscription 'Llyma'r Englynion a fu rhwng Trystan ab Tallwch a Gwalchmai ab Gwyar . . . ', 'Casbethau Arthur', stanzas from the 'Black Book of Carmarthen' attributed to Taliesin, a sequence of twenty-seven stanzas ('Gwasgargerdd Merddin yn ei Fedd') attributed to Myrddin ab Madawg Morfryn, a 'marwnad' attributed to Gruffydd Llygad gwr, a four-line 'darogan' attributed to Peredur Fardd, thirty stanzas from the 'Red Book of Hergest' entitled 'Ymatreg Llywelyn a Gwrnerth', forty-four stanzas with the superscription 'Tribanau yr Eiry Mynydd ar y mesur a elwir yr Hen Driban' attributed to Mab claf ab Llywarch or Llywarch Hen, and a further series of twenty stanzas with the superscription 'Llyma Englynion Eiry Mynydd eraill . . .' attributed to Ystyffan Bardd Teilo or Talhaiarn; 97-101, a list of the twenty-four traditional Welsh accomplishments ('Y Pedair Camp ar hugain'); 103-24, transcripts of 'cywyddau', etc., attributed to Bedo Philip Bach, Howel Dafydd ab Ieuan ab Rhys, Gr. Hiraethog, Siôn Mawddwy, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Trehaearn Brydydd Mawr, and Gutto'r Glynn, and of a series of 'englynion' to commemorate the year of accession of every English monarch during the period 1067-1558, these last being attributed to Berud ap yr Ynad Coch, Bleddyn Ddu, Cynddelw Brydydd Mawr, Llywelyn Fardd, Dafydd y Coed, Harri Haram Param, Llefot Wynebcolawr, Cyssymdaith Llefot Wynebcolawl, Mabwaith Hengrys o Ial, Llygad Gwr, Llywelyn ap Hywel Wrnerth, Gwilym Ddu 'o Arfon', Dafydd Bach ap Madoc Gwladaidd, Hywel Ystorun, Daniel Llosgwrn Marw, Dafydd Eppynt, Ieuan Brydydd Hir, Bleddyn ap Ieuan Hen, D. ddu, Ierwerth Fynglwyd, Rhys Nanmor, Hywel ap Bleddyn Mathew, Owain y Bardd 'o Wynedd', and Huw Arwystli; 129-35, a list of mainly Welsh authors who had written about the island of Britain ('am holl ynys Brydain') and of Welsh bards who had written of the three regions of Wales ('tair talaith Cymru'), etc.; 137, receipts for making ink; 138-9, transcripts of the Lord's Prayer in Welsh as versified by Dafydd Benwyn, and of 'englynion' attributed to Thos. Llen. 'o Regoes', Daf. o'r Nant, and Iolo Morganwg; 140-50, a transcript of a letter from Dafydd Tomas from Pandy'r Ystrad to Dafydd Rhys touching upon the course of the Reformation and the rise of Nonconformity in Glamorgan and mentioning Rhawlins White, Siôn Penri, William Erbri, and Walter Cradoc, and a translation of the Bible into Welsh by Tomas Llywelyn 'o Regoes' (the text of this letter was published in L. J. Hopkin James and T. C. Evans: Hen Gwndidau, Carolau, a Chywyddau . . . (Bangor, 1910), pp. 207-13; for doubts as to its authenticity and the opinion that it was composed by Edward Williams himself see TLLM, tt. 127, 245); 151-3, an anecdote relating to Gwilym Hir Saer and three stanzas in the 'triban' measure attributed to him; 154-64, two versions of 'Dengair Deddf y Beirdd' or 'Dengair Deddf Beirdd y Cymry' (published in James and Evans: op. cit., pp. 199-207); 165-74, a transcript of a letter from Dafydd Nicolas ? of Aberpergwm from Glyncorrwg to Edward Han of Aberdar, 1754, in which the writer gives his views on the relative merits of Welsh strict- and free- metre verse (the text of the letter was published in Taliesin . . ., cyf. I, 1859-60, tt. 92-5; for doubts as to its authenticity and an opinion that it was composed by Edward Williams himself see TLLM, tt. 241, 290-92); 175-6, a short chronicle of events in Welsh history, 1221-1419; 177-216, transcripts of Welsh poems attributed to Howel ab Owain Gwynedd, Casnodyn Fardd, ? Cynddelw, ? Teulu Owain Cyfeilyawc, Prydydd y Moch, Meilir Brydydd, Bleddyn Fardd, Llywelyn Fardd, Taliesin, Rhobin Ddu, Y Bergam o Faelor, Ieuan Trwch y Daran, D. ab Edmund, Ieuan Tew Hen, and Lln. ap Guttun, and miscellaneous extracts; 217, a copy of the prophecy of Friar Bacon ('Prophwydoliaeth y Brawd a elwid Ffreier Bacon'); (continued)

218-21, miscellanea including transcripts of two 'englynion' attributed to Sir Huw Dafydd and Thomas Powel, and a list of the cantrefi and cymydau of Morganwg 'ex Havod MS.'; 222-4, miscellaneous domestic and medicinal recipes; 243-5, a copy of a foreword reputedly written by Benjamin Simon in 1754 to a collection of the poems of Dafydd ap Gwilym; 246-52, transcripts of Welsh poems attributed to Ieuan Tew o Gydweli and Edward Llwyd; 253-5, a list of castles in Britain ('Caerau Ynys Prydain sef y Prif Gaerau'); 255-69, transcripts of miscellaneous 'englynion', three triads, and poems attributed to Siams ab Harri 'o Euas' and Gruffudd ap Ieuan ap Llywelyn Fychan; 270-87, transcripts of series of 'sayings', proverbs, triads, etc., with the superscriptions 'Saith gamp a ddylai fod ar wr', 'Saith ymofynion a'u hattebion', 'Geiriau Gwir Cattwg Ddoeth', 'Gorddodeu Cattwg ddoeth', 'Gorddodeu'r Hen Gattwg o Ial', 'Synnidau Cattwg Ddoeth', 'Trioedd amrafaelion', 'Diarhebion amrafaelion', 'Diarhebion Cenhedlig a Lleol', 'Llyma Ddiarhebion Tymmor a Thywydd', and 'Diarhebion Meddygol'; 287-95, a sequence of fifty-three stanzas entitled 'Englynion yr Eira Gwyn ar Ddiarhebion'; 296-323, transcripts of miscellaneous Welsh prose and verse items including prose items headed 'Llyma wyth llawenydd y Nef', 'Llyma Rinwedd y Ceiliog', 'Cas Betheu gan Dduw', 'Wyth o Drioedd', 'Naw Gradd yr Awgrym', 'Naw gradd Carrenydd', 'Llyma y pum achos sydd i gadw achau', 'Nodau Rhifyddiaeth yr Hen Gymry', 'y Llythyrenau Cymreig Hen a Newydd', 'Tri chynghor a roddes Iesu Grist iddei Ganlynwyr', 'Enwau Ynys Prydain a'i Rhag ynysoedd a'i chaerydd', and 'Hwedl Rhitta Gawr', 'englynion' attributed to Dafydd Benwyn 'o Forganwg', Edward Dafydd 'o Fargam', and Ieuan Gethin ab Ieuan ab Lleison, twenty-six stanzas attributed to Rhys Llwyd Brydydd 'o Lanharan', and verse attributed to Merddin Emrys, Taliesin, and Goronwy Owain; 324-438, transcripts of Welsh poems, mainly 'cywyddau', attributed to Iolo Goch, Gwilym ab Ieuan Hen, Rhys ab Cynfrig Goch, Dafydd ab Edmwnd, Iorwerth Fynglwyd, Thomas Llywelyn, Lewys Môn, Rhys Nanmor, Huw Cae Llwyd, Rhys Goch 'o'r Eryri', Siôn Philib, William Llyn, Rhisiart Fynglwyd, Rhys Llwyd ab Rhys ab Rhisiart, Meredydd ap Rhys, Ieuan Du'r Bilwg, Siôn y Cent, Ieuan Cae Llwyd, Tudur Aled, Syr Owain ab Gwilym, Owain Gwynedd, Taliesin, Dafydd Llwyd ab Llywelyn ab Gruffydd 'o Fathafarn', and Siôn Mowddwy; 439-42, transcripts of items with the superscriptions 'Gweddi Talhaearn . . .', 'Y Deuddeg Prif Gynnegolion . . .', 'Llyma Bennill Cadair Gorsedd Alban Arthan', 'Llyma Weddi'r Orsedd', and 'Cylch Byd a Bywyd', and examples of the strict metre known as 'gorchest y beirdd'; 459-95, transcripts of poems attributed to Dafydd ap Gwilym and some unattributed poems; 555-65, three sequences of stanzas (16, 13, and 8) with each verse commencing 'Coronog Faban' attributed to Aneurin Gwawdrydd or Gildas ap y Caw, Jonas Athraw Mynyw, and Rhys Goch 'o Eryri', with comments on the three series; 566, transcripts of four stanzas of Welsh strict-metre verse attributed to Rhys Llwyd and Iorwerth Fynglwyd; 571-86, a version of the statute relating to Welsh bards and musicians associated with the names of Gruffudd ab Cynan and Bleddyn ab Cynffyn; 587-9, notes relating to an 'eisteddfod' held by Rhys ab Gruffydd in Cardigan and rules formulated relating to the bards and 'eisteddfodau'; and 590-626, transcripts of miscellaneous Welsh prose and verse items including notes headed 'Llyma fal y dychre Dosparth ar Gelfyddyd cerdd dafawd yn Llyfr Iago ab Dewi', series of triads with the superscriptions 'Llyma Drioedd o hen Lyfr Tre'r Eos', 'Llyma Drioedd Gwilym hir, saer Hopkin ap Thomas ab Philip', and ['Trioedd] o Lyfr y Dr. Williams o Gaernarfon', Welsh poems attributed to Taliesin, Iorwerth Beh, Mabclaf ab Llywarch, and ? Daniel Llosgwrn Mynyw, a version of the bardic statute associated with the name of Gruffudd ap Cynan, prose items with the superscriptions 'Llyma Gasbetheu Doethion Rhufein', 'Dewisa Gwr nid amgen', 'Saith rhodd yr Yspryd Glan', 'Llyma Ddewisolion Dafydd Maelienydd', and 'Dewisolion Hywel Ystoryn', and an anecdote relating to Huw Llwyd Cynfel, brother of Morgan Llwyd 'o Wynedd'.


A composite volume containing notes, lists, transcripts, etc., of a very miscellaneous nature in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'). The contents, pagination in brackets, include reflections on looking at the ruins of medieval castles more particularly those of Glamorgan (xi + xiv); lists or groups of Welsh words, sometimes with English definitions and / or illustrative excerpts from Welsh poems (5-8, 11, 13, 42-3, 45-52 72, 117, 124, 145-7, 163, 215, 218, 221-2, 227-9, 231, 233, 243-7, 251-4, 268, 302, 307, 316); a list of the titles of 'Cywyddau Ior[wer]th Morganwg' i.e. Edward Williams himself (9-10); a seven-stanza poem entitled 'Cân y Bore' by [Edward Williams] 'Iorwerth Morganwg' (15-19); brief lists of events with dates extracted from [Henry Rowlands:] Mona antiqua [restaurata] and [William] Camden [:?Britannia] (20-21); an extract relating to the 'cantrefi' of Morgannwg from 'Vol. 17, Plas Gwynn' [i.e. Panton MS 17 now NLW MS 1986] (22); notes on laws promulgated by Sir Robert Fitshammon [in Glamorgan in the late eleventh century] (53); brief notes headed 'Peculiarities of the orthography of Mr. Bassett of Lanelays Welsh MS. History of the 13 Knights' (41); brief notes referring to the Norman knights Sir Lawrence Berckrolls, Gilbert Humphrefil, and Sir William Le Esterling and the lands given to them [on the conquest of Glamorgan] (39- 40); brief notes headed 'Llyma son am Dywysogaeth a Phendefigaeth a Bonedd Morganwg' (36-7); a list of sixteen [Glamorgan] castles with brief notes thereon (34-5); notes relating to Morgannwg ? in the late eleventh and first half of the twelfth century with references to Paen Twrbil, an attack on Cardiff Castle ? led by Ifor Bach, a political and judicial system ? set up by Ifor Bach, a law promulgated by 'ffwg Morganwg' against foreigners, etc. (30-33); brief notes relating to meetings of the Welsh bards held in the various princes' courts four times a year ? during the second half of the eleventh century, the supervision of the bards' use of Welsh by the princes, the patronage of the bards by Rhys fab Tydyr Fawr and Nest, wife of Iestyn [ap Gwrgant], and a meeting arranged between the said Rhys, Nest, and Iestyn (27-9); brief notes relating to the division of his domain by Rhodri Mawr amongst his sons, the conditions imposed on them, the status and duties of the kings of various parts of Wales, etc. (24-6); drafts of a proposed title-page for Cyfrinach Beirdd Ynys Prydain to be published in 1822 (57, 68); lines of Welsh verse to illustrate 'cynghanedd' of the 'groes rywiog' type (58, 67); brief notes on and a sketch to illustrate 'Cylch yr Abred', 'Cylch y Gwynfyd', and 'Cylch y Ceugant' (59); a list of bardic 'gorseddau' (60-61); notes relating to the creation of the twenty-four Knights of the Round Table by King Arthur and to the qualities and duties expected of such knights, a list of the twenty- four accomplishments they should be capable of, and a list of the names of sixteen of the said knights (62-6); a brief note relating to the bardic 'Cadair Tir Iarll' ? instituted in the time of Gilbart y Clâr (69); a brief note referring to the bards Risiart ap Iorwerth Fynglwyd and Hywel Hir ap Rhys ap Llywelyn (78); notes headed 'Y Ford Gron' referring to the organising of the Welsh bards, musicians, etc. (81-2); notes relating to procedure in connection with bardic meetings (86-7); a brief note attacking 'Win. Owen, Edward Davies, a'r Hen darn Tant E. Jones' (87); a note relating to the contents of 'Greal Beirdd Morganwg' ? an intended quarterly periodical (94); notes relating to the knowledge of letters amongst the Cimmeri on their arrival in Britain and amongst the Druids with references to Roman inscriptions and ancient British inscriptions (95- 6); brief notes on solemn days or festivals observed by Glamorgan bards and the bardic 'Round Table' of Morgannwg (113); an extract from a 'cywydd' attributed to William Cynwal ? illustrating certain bardic terms (115); an example of the bardic alphabet allegedly used by the Welsh bards (118-19); notes relating to the migrations of the Cymry and their coming to Britain ( 125); a brief note on the possible uses of inscribing on billets of wood, etc. (127); a list of ancient Welsh musical instruments ('offer cerdd oslef yr hen Gymry') extracted allegedly from 'an old imperfect MS. in Goetre Hen Library circa 1767 borrowed by John Bradford' (128); a note referring to the genuine poems of Taliesin and the spurious poems attributed to him, the writer disclaiming responsibility for including some of the latter in the 'Welsh Archaiology' stating that his main work in connection therewith had been 'travelling thro' Wales in search of old MSS.' (132 + 129); notes relating to 'coelbrenni rhin', 'coelfeini cyfrin', etc. (137-8); notes referring to the reintroduction of the bardic 'Dosparth y Ford Gron' into Wales from Brittany by Rhys ap Tewdwr, a meeting ? in 1075 between Rhys and Iestyn ap Gwrgan for this purpose and ? to organise the order of Welsh bards and musicians, a further meeting between the two in 1077 leading to a quarrel concerning Nest, wife of Iestyn, the coming of Robert fab Ammon and the Norman knights to Iestyn's aid, and their eventual conquest of his realm (139-41); a suggestion relating to 'Y Bardd Glas o'r Gadair' and 'cynghanedd' (142-3); notes relating to bardic ceremonial headed 'Dosparth y Ford Gronn' (149-51); notes relating to ? the proclaiming of 'eisteddfodau', etc. (161-2); a brief note on the 'bardd teulu' (163); a brief note relating to the intellectual state of the [early] Cymry (169); general remarks contrasting the poets of North and South Wales (170-71); notes relating to the fate of the souls and spirits of men after death (177-9); a note relating to the work of the 'Welsh bards as tutors' (181); an anecdote relating to Einigan Gawr and Menw ap y Teirgwaedd and the origin of knowledge (183); transcripts of two 'awdlau' attributed to Prolh o Gil Fai and Iorwerth Llwyd ap y Gargam, stanzas attributed to Gwalchmai ap Meilir, and unattributed verse (187-97); extracts from [Edward Davies's series of 'Letters on Celtic Literature to Mr. Justice Harding previous to the publication of The Celtic Researches'] with occasional comments [by Edward Williams] (205-11); (continued)

A transcript of three of the old Welsh 'englynion' usually designated 'englynion y Juvencus' with a version in modern orthography [all probably transcribed from Edward Lhuyd: Archaeologia Britannica, p. 221] (212); copies of two 'englynion' by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' himself (215); extracts relating to the early Cimbrians or Kimmeri and their connection with Thrace (223); miscellaneous extracts from Welsh verse (225-6, 239-40); a list of titles headed 'Odes by E. Wins.' (232); an agricultural note headed 'Irish Course of Culture' (233); a list of personal names headed 'July 28th Bath. Poems delivered to' (234); a list of Welsh phrases headed 'Phrases in common use in Glamorgan & also amongst the Persians and other Mahometans' (249-50); two lists of Welsh triads the first headed 'Dewisolion o Drioed[d] Cerdd Iaco ap Dewi gerllaw dechreu Llyfr Mr. Thos. Evans o Frechfa', and the second 'Trioedd gweddus ar ddyn & ex idem (Dewisolion)' (273-6); extracts by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' from one of Lewis Morris's manuscripts called Prif Ancwyn Gorhoff' being No. 43 of the Welsh School Manuscript Collection in London including a version of the statute for Welsh bards and musicians attributed to Gruffydd ab Cynan ('Statud y Gwyr wrth Gerdd o waith Gruffydd ab Cynan'), bardic triads, a list, with examples of some, of the twenty-four Welsh strict poetic metres, lists with headings such as 'Saith cas ar ferched', 'Chwe casbeth gan Dduw', and 'Cas gan hwsmon bum peth', etc. (277-93; this manuscript numbered 43 was one of the manuscripts listed as missing from the Welsh School Collection when it was presented to the British Museum in 1844, see B. M. Additional MS 14955); a list of Welsh triads headed 'Dewisolion o Drioedd gweddus eu dysgu Iaco ab Dewi (Ll. Th. Evans)' (294-6); a copy of a proclamation that a 'Cadair wrth Gerdd Dafawd' would be held 'ar dwyn y Bettws yn Nhir Iarll' in 18[?2]1 (301); extracts from the preface to Thomas Jones: [An] English [and] Welsh Dictionary, 1811, with a comment by E[dward] W[illiams] (304-05); a list of eleven Glamorgan river-names ('enwau nentydd ag afonydd Morganwg') (312); historical notes relating to Welsh poetry including notes on the 'Silurian School', 'a monster to whom we may apply the appellation of the School of Carmarthen . . . engendered between the false Taste of Dafydd ap Edmund and the ignorance of Gruffudd ap Nicolas', the establishing of the Carmarthen school in North Wales and its duration for two centuries, the decline of the said school and the emergence of a new school with the coming of bards such as Hugh Morris, Edward Morys, etc., the attempts of the Gwyneddigion Society to revive the Carmarthen school in North Wales, the song-writing tradition in South Wales, and Richard Hughes, the sixteenth century Caernarvonshire poet, described as 'the oldest song writer of undoubted authenticity' [in North Wales] (313-14, 311-12); horticultural and agricultural notes giving instructions what to do in each month of the year (324, 321-3, 326, 319-20 ); and notes headed 'Llyma'r ddosparth a wnaeth y Brenin Arthur ar gadw achau a chof am fonhedd Cynhenid Cenedl y Cymry' (328-9). Some of the notes are written on the verso or margins of an incomplete copy of a pamphlet announcing a literary competition (composing a 'cywydd') organised by the Gwyneddigion in 1822, a ? holograph letter from William Williams from Cowbridge to Mr. Williams, Geilston, 1806 (requesting assistance in 'taking estimat of the work unfinis'd at the bridwell'), and copies of a pamphlet announcing the printing of Edward Williams's two volumes of English poems entitled Poems Lyric and Pastoral. Inset is a printed copy of a circular letter from Thomas Stephens as honorary secretary of the Merthyr Cymreigyddion Society, 184 . . ., announcing the society's intention of holding an eisteddfod on (blank), stating what the objectives of the society were, and asking for subscriptions.


Miscellaneous papers and note-books containing notes, extracts, transcripts, lists, etc., in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound together in one volume. The contents of pp. 53-60, 73, 75, 86-9, 91, 143-206, 209-17, 233-8, and 279-90 consist mainly of lists or groups of Welsh words and phrases sometimes with English definitions and/or illustrative excerpts from the works of Welsh poets. Some of these lists or groups contain words extracted from one source such as poems by, or attributed to, Taliesin, or to be found in 'The Book of Taliesin', John Bunyan: Taith y Pererin, William Wotton: Cyfreithieu Hywel Dda . . . (London, 1730), etc. P. 13 is inscribed 'Glynn Papers 1821. Customs of the Manor of the Lordship of Coity Wallia. From a Copy in the Hand Writing of Richard Jenkins, Esqr., of Hensol Castle, Glamorgan, 1714', and is followed (pp. 17-27) by an incomplete copy of the presentments of a jury of survey for the lordship and manor of Coyty Wallia aforesaid [co. Glamorgan], 1631 [/2]. Other items in the volume include pp. 33-6, anecdotes relating to the brothers Richard and William Twrch and the building of the chapel (1586) and the porch (1600) at Bewper [ co. Glamorgan], with references to Inigo Jones (see also NLW MS. 13089E above); 37-41, a copy of Sir Walter Scott's 'Hymn to Christopher North, Esqr.' transcribed from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, April 1821; 45-9, notes relating to the ruins of a ?Roman 'glass and pottery manufactory' near Caer Rhun [co. Caernarvon], and to nature in the languages and literatures of Wales and England; 69-71, a transcript of the answers to a questionnaire relating to the parish of Llantrithyd [co. Glamorgan]; 72, stanzas of ?two Welsh hymns; 83-4, notes on differences in the use of the verb in the Welsh of North and South Wales; 107-10, notes relating to the Welsh bardic tradition, more particularly the use of triads by the bards, with examples of such bardic triads and English translations; 112, a list of the persons (?commissioners) in whose presence the 'eisteddfod' was held at Caerwys [co. Flint] in 1565 (sic) and of the bards and musicians who were licensed at the said 'eisteddfod'; 113-34, ?extracts from [Paul Henri] Mallet: Northern Antiquities . . . [? the translation from the French by Thomas Percy, London, 1770] and [Joseph] Ritson: A Select Collection of English Songs (1783); 135-41, draft proposals for publishing a multi-volume work containing essays on aspects of Welsh literature, history, bardism, etc., with transcripts of, or extracts from, original Welsh documents and manuscripts relating thereto and English translations of the original source material (see Prospectus of Collections for a New History of Wales in Six Volumes . . . by Edward Williams (Carmarthen, 1819 )); 142, a note on the aims of 'Cymreigyddion Deheubarth, a Corresponding Literary (Philological) Society of South] W[ales]' and a list of six rules headed 'Unitarian Discipline and Polity'; 207-08, a list of Latin words, mainly common nouns, commencing with the letter v with English definitions and, occasionally, Welsh ? derivatives; 221, suggestions by E[dward] Williams re the cultivation of vineyards in Britain; 225-32, miscellaneous horticultural notes ('A New Method of propagating trees', 'A new . . . method of raising Cowcumbers', 'To ripen Grapes'), etc., extracted mainly from the Weekly Miscellany, [Philip] Miller: The Gardener's Dictionary . . ., and Ra[lph] Austen: A Treatise of Fruit Trees . . . ; (continued)

239-46, extracts ? from letters of L[ewis] Morris and a commonplace book of R[obert] Vaughan of Hengwrt relating to matters of Welsh etymological, bardic, and antiquarian interest, with comments, sometimes severely critical of the opinions expressed by Morris and Vaughan, added presumably by Edward Williams ('ignorance . . . inconsistency … willful lies, a complete triad of Lewis Morris' grand accomplishments', 'the abominable falshoods of Robert Vaughan'); 247 + 250, transcripts of 'englynion' attributed to Jenkin Richards and a note on Richards's religious attitudes (written on the blank margins, etc., of an incomplete copy of printed proposals, 1792, by [Sir] Herbert Croft for publishing a new edition of Dr . [Samuel] Johnson's Dictionary); 251-66, miscellaneous items including a list of the 'Names of Constellations in Wales', two notes relating to the bard Iolo [Goch], a note on a volume containing prophesies by various bards 'collected by Mr. Ellis Wynne of Las Ynys', ? an extract from a letter from W[illia]m Wynne to L[ewis] Mor[ris] relating to an ode by Goronwy [Owen] and his use of the 'Cadwyn fyr' measure, an extract from a letter from Edw[ar]d Llwyd to Robert Davies at Llannerch [co. Flint] referring to glass beads which may have been 'Roman or referable to our glain Neidr', an extract from a letter from R[ober]t Vaughan of Hengwrt to Archbishop Usher relating to the different yokes used in yoking oxen in Wales, a critical comment ? by Edward Williams on the opinions of Lewis Morris and [Robert] Vaughan of Hengwrt with regard to the story of Brutus, a brief note on 'The Cantref Breiniol' and the 'saith cantref' of Morganwg, an extract from a letter on the subject of freemasonry published in the Gentleman's Magazine, September 1794, lists of 'Y chwebeth a wnaeth i'r Brytaniaid golli anrhydedd ei Pendefigaeth', 'Meibion Cynfarch', 'Rhyfeddodau Ynys Prydain', 'Geiriau Gwir Taliesin', and 'Deuddeg pwnc cas gan Grist . . .', versions of the Lord's Prayer in Welsh, transcripts of four 'englynion' attributed to Huw Caerog, Huw Llyn, Hugh Pennant, and Wiliam Cynwal, and headed 'Englynion Eisteddfod Caerwys', extracts from various Welsh poems, etc.; 267-78, a fourteen point 'Outline of a Plan for a Complete and Superb History of the County of Glamorgan Sketched by Edward Williams, 1806'; 293 + 296, a memorandum of a proclamation, 1795, of a bardic meeting to be held at Pen Bryn Owain, co. Glamorgan, in 1796; 294-5, notes on Hywel Siôn of Brofeisgyn [co. Glamorgan] (2nd half 17th cent.) and 'Yr Hen Saphin' of Pen y bont ar Ogwr [co. Glamorgan] (? early 18th cent.), to both of whom many proverbial or popular sayings were attributed, and comments on the use of proverbs by the Welsh (? part of an introduction to a proposed collection of Welsh proverbs); 301-08, a copy of the introduction, the letter to the reader, and the notes on Arthur and his knights to be found at the beginning of Lewys Dwnn's volume of pedigrees of the families of cos. Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan (see S. R. Meyrick (ed.): Heraldic Visitations of Wales . . . by Lewys Dwnn . . . (Llandovery, 1846), pp. 7-10); and 309, a list of 'Grammars in the possession of E. Williams' (? 'Iolo Morganwg').


Miscellaneous papers containing notes, lists, transcripts, extracts, etc., in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound together in one volume. The contents include pp. 13-39, copies of ten tales or fables in Welsh, nine bearing the titles 'Dammeg y Dial', 'Dameg y Ceiliog Rhedyn a'r Moryn', 'Dammeg y Dylluan, y golomen, a'r ystlym', 'Dameg y geifr, y Defaid, a'r bleiddiaid', 'Dameg y march gwyllt', 'Dammeg yr Eos a'r hebog', 'Dammeg Cenfigen yn Llosgi ei hun', 'Dammeg y Gwr a'r [Ebol]', and 'Dammeg Meredydd ap Rhosser o Lanbedr a'r Fro am gastell Tre Warin', and the tenth telling the story of Tanwyn, the son of Trahaearn, the bard (for the Welsh text of nine of these see Iolo Manuscripts . . ., pp. 167-84, and for English translations ibid., pp. 577-96); 38, brief notes with the superscription 'On the affinity of the ancient Gallic or Celtic with the Modern British', being presumably the introduction to a proposed essay or article on the said subject; 43-8, sketches ? in connection with the construction of a 'wheel oared boat'; 49- 64, 66, 68-96, 136-7, genealogical and other data relating to British saints some allegedly extracted from the manuscripts of Tho[mas] Truman, Iaean Deulwyn, Iaean Brechfa, Antoni Pywel, and Watkyn Owen; 65, a collection of miscellaneous Welsh words with English definitions, etc.; 66, ten stanzas of Welsh verse by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' attacking [Owen Jones] 'Owain Myfyr'; 67, a short list of Welsh triads; 97, an extract from the Gent[leman's] Mag[azine], 1780, relating to the cultivation of a new kind of wheat; 98, lists of pre-Saxon archbishops of London and early bishops of Llandaff; 99, notes on English history temp. Richard II - temp. Henry VII; loo, a list of the kings of Wales, A.D. 181- 517; 101, three draft stanzas of religious verse [? by Edward Williams]; 102, an incomplete, ? draft copy of a letter relating to Cattwg Sant and 'proverbs, moral aphorisms, etc., attributed to him'; 110, a Welsh-English list of species of apples; 111, a list with the superscription 'Llyma enwau wyth Esgobion Cymry Cyn dwyn o Saeson goreuon eu gwlad oddiar y Cymry'; 124, a list of 'Churches in Glam[organ which] are not generally called by the names of saints'; 131 + 133, an incomplete list of the names of those who had founded churches in Glamorgan ('Enwau y Rai a wnaethant Eglwysydd a Chorau ym Morganwg') (see Iolo Manuscripts . . ., pp. 219-22, 635-8); 155-74, 183-4, 187, 197, 203, notes relating to the special alphabets which, according to Edward Williams, were in use amongst the Welsh bards and monks, the four-sided billets of wood used as a writing surface when these two alphabets were used, the 'peithynen' (the name given to a series of such billets inserted in an upright frame so as to allow each to be rotated), the mythological account of the origin of letters and the basic alphabet, the acquisition and development of the alphabet by the Cymry, the use of wood as a writing surface in Wales in the Middle Ages, etc.; 166, four stanzas of English verse being doxologies written by Edward Williams in 'long metre', 'common metre', 'short metre', and the 'metre of Psalm 148'; 175-6, a copy (probably not in the hand of Edward Williams) of the assessment for poor rate in [the parish of] Lantwit Major [co. Glamorgan], 1753-1754; 180, 182, 194, 200, 205-08, 211, miscellaneous notes on bardic and literary matters; 181, a transcript of the beginning of a text of 'Brut y Brenhinedd'; 185-6, an incomplete ? copy of a letter from Edward Williams to John Nichols, esq., containing a description of an accompanying example of a 'peithynen' (see above), a note on the word 'peithynen', observations on the connection between Latin and Welsh, brief comments on Edward Llwyd and Doctor [John] Davies [of Mallwyd] and their knowledge of the Welsh language, etc.; 189-92, a list in Welsh of twenty-two of the basic principles or regulations of the bards of the Isle of Britain ('Defodau a Breiniau Beirdd Ynys Prydain') with an English version of the first twelve; 198, five stanzas of a Welsh hymn; 215-116, brief notes relating to the administration of justice in Glamorgan, 12th-16th cent.; 2117, an anecdote relating to Sir Risiart Grinvil [Norman knight, 1st half 12th cent.], the bringing of the builder Lalys ? from Rome to Glamorgan by the said Sir Risiart, and the building of the monastery at Glyn Nedd, the church of Llandaff, and castles at Caerdyf, y Coetty, San Dunwyd, etc., and the founding of Trelalys by the said Lalys; 218, an anecdote relating to [the Norman knight] Syr Rhobert Fitshamon and Ifor Bach, lord of Regoes and Glynrhondda; and miscellaneous notes, etc. The reverse side of printed handbills containing proposals for publishing Edward Williams's two - volume work Poems Lyric and Pastoral and a new edition of Dr. [Samuel] Johnson's Dictionary have been used in two instances for writing notes.

Rice Merrick's 'Glamorgan Antiquities',

A transcript by John Montgomery Traherne of Rice Merrick's manuscript (published in 1825 and again in 1887) usually known as 'A Book of Glamorganshire Antiquities by Rice Merrick Esq. 1578'. The transcript is preceded by the following note: 'The following extracts illustrating the History of Glamorganshire were made from a MS. in the possession of Canon Williams Wilkins Esq. of Pwllpant transcribed in 1702 by E. Lhuyd at the Ashmole Museum Oxford from a MS. bearing date 1657. This MS. appears to be extracted from of [sic] a folio MS. in the Library of Queens Coll. Oxford entitled A Book of Glamorganshire Antiquities ... The Provost and Fellows kindly permitted me to peruse this vol. a duplicate copy of which was burnt at Havod [Cardiganshire]'. There are also numerous additions, including lists of knights of the shire and sheriffs, pedigrees, copies of deeds and other charters, notes on the manor of Llanbleddian, etc.

Merrick, Rice, -1587

Pedigrees of South Wales families,

  • NLW MS 12689C.
  • Ffeil
  • 1807, 1834 /

A volume of pedigrees of South Wales families, with notes on their arms [in the hand of Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, antiquary]. The volume is described on the title-page as 'The British Geneologist, or A Collection of the Pedigrees and Arms of the families inhabiting the Counties called Monmouthshire, Glamorganshire, Caermarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, and Cardiganshire. To which is added Fragmenta Geneologica. The whole compiled From the best authorities, and assistance of the best Heralds, by Edward Llwyd, Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, 1693. Copied from the original, and augmented from later manuscripts and information, by Sam[ue]l Rush Meyrick, A.B., of Queen's College, Oxford, 1807'. The contents include pp. [i-x], preface (blank); 1-24, 'Book I. Of the gentry of Monmouth'; 25-36, 'Book II. Of the Gentry of Glamorganshire'; 37-40 (blank); 41-171, 'Book 3d. Gentry of Caermarthen'; 172 (blank); 161a- 172a (duplication of pagination), 173-264 (some 8 pp. blank), 'Book IIII. Of the Gentry of Pembrokeshire'; 235b-264b (duplication of pagination), 265-313 (266 omitted), 'Book V. Of the gentry of Cardiganshire'; 314-5 (blank); 316-54 (330 twice), 'Fragmenta Geneologica'; [355-63], Index of 'Houses'. Inset is a letter from Joseph Morris, from Shrewsbury, to Sir S. R. Meyrick, 1834 (returning recipient's manuscript, offering help).

Meyrick, Samuel Rush, Sir, 1783-1848

Notes on words, etc.,

A manuscript consisting of a number of ? home-made note-books or booklets containing material in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound together into one volume. P. 1 (which with pp. 2, 47-8 formed the covers of booklet 1) is inscribed 'Cymreigyddyn Rhif I, Silurian Words and others, miscellaneous'. The contents of pp. 3-24, 45-7 (other pages blank) of this booklet consist almost entirely of groups or lists of miscellaneous Welsh words with, variantly, English or Welsh equivalents or definitions, explanatory notes, phrases or poetic extracts to illustrate usage or meaning, etc. Also included is a list of words and phrases illustrating differences of usage in the Silurian and Venedotian dialects. P. 49 (which with pp. 50, 67-8 formed the covers of a second booklet) is inscribed 'Cymreigyddyn Rhif II. Casgliadau Llythyregawl' and (in the hand of Taliesin Williams) 'Poets and Poetry appertaining to Merthyr Tydvil Promiscuously inserted Mai 13, 1831', but the booklet is blank except for p. 68 which contains a note on the language and style of the Gogynfeirdd and the probability that such a poetic style had been introduced into Welsh poetry through Gruffudd ap Cynan's connection with Icelandic sources. P. 69 (which with pp. 70, 119-20 formed the covers of a third booklet) is inscribed 'Cymreigyddyn Rhif V (To go with the Salmau London proof paper)' and (in the hand of Taliesin Williams) 'Bannau'r flwyddyn. Tynghedfen Taliesin'. Most of this section is blank but pp. 71-5, 78-9 contain material similar to that which is found on pp. 3-24, 45-7, and also some verse attributed to Taliesin. P. 121 (which with pp. 122, 169-70 formed the covers of a fourth booklet) is inscribed 'Cymreigyddyn Rhif VI', but the section is blank except for pp. 122-9 which contain material similar to that on pp. 3-24, 45-7, 71-5, 78-9. P. 171 (which with pp. 172, 221-2 formed the covers of a fifth booklet) is inscribed 'Extracts from E. Llwyd's MS. in Mr. Nichol's possession', 'Topographical Anecdotes of Glamorgan, & c.', 'Gallia Togata, Celtica, & Braccata from Littleton. Last page of this book', and (in the hand of Taliesin Williams) 'Pit Falls and Subterranean Rivers in Glamorgan'. The greater part of this section is blank but pp. 173-9, 181-5 contain lists or groups of Welsh words with notes such as those noted in the preceding sections (some being associated with specified areas) and of names of dwellings or topographical features in specified parishes or counties in Wales, a sketch plan relating to a cross in Cowbridge churchyard, a brief note relating to Edward Llwyd, and a geological note, pp. 187-8, notes headed 'Topographical Anecdotes of Glamorgan', and pp. 220-21, a list of Latin proper names, etc., relating to Gaul, the Celts, the Cimmeri, etc., 'from Littlelton's Dictionary'. Frequently interspersed amongst the material on pp. 173-9, 181-5 is the name of Edward Llwyd and this material may have been extracted from one of his manuscripts as indicated on the cover to the section (p. 171). P. 223 ( which with pp. 224, 271-2 formed the covers of a sixth booklet) is inscribed '1. Extracts from Ystatut Rhuddlan. 2. Extracts from Hywel Dda end of this book reversed. 3. Historical Fragments from various MSS. Welsh'. The greater part of the section is blank but pp. 226-30 contain legal words, phrases, and extracts from a Welsh version of the Statute of Rhuddlan and ? other sources with English equivalents or definitions of the words and phrases, and pp. 269-70 miscellaneous extracts naming early, some legendary, Welsh poets, etc., and a transcript of the explicit of a copy of a version of the laws of Hywel Dda transcribed by 'Dafydd sgrifennydd i Iorwerth vab Llywelyn vab Tudur' giving the pedigree in direct line of the said Llywelyn. Pp. 273-84 (without previous covers) contain extracts from, or comments on statements in, [Theophilus Jones: A History of the County of Brecknock, vol. 1, Brecknock, 1805]. P. 285 (which may have been one of the covers of the booklet now paginated 293-340) is inscribed 'Philology - Bardism. Historical Anecdotes, &c., a few proverbs Glam. Gwasgargerdd Iolo Morganwg. Criticisms by E. Wms.', and (in the hand of Taliesin Williams) 'Pennillion Arwest. cynghanedd copied but not the pennillion (several)'. The greater part of the section is blank but pp. 292-308 contain Welsh words with notes of a varying nature thereon, poetic extracts to illustrate some of these words or quoted in connection therewith including transcripts of 'englynion' attributed to Raff ab Robert, Gwerfyl Mechain, Syr Siôn Gruffydd, and Thomas Llywelyn, a list of Welsh words which in Monmouth usage had an initial G but which in Glamorgan were used without this initial consonant, notes on stones called variously Maen Meian, Maen Gorchest, Maen Ambor, Maen Gobaith, and Gwal y Filast, seven four-line stanzas of Welsh free-metre verse by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg', further stanzas of Welsh free-metre verse, brief notes relating to mutations in Welsh compound words, etc.

MSS. collections relative to Wales, II

  • NLW MS 13215E.
  • Ffeil
  • [late 16 cent.]-[late 17 cent.]

A composite manuscript volume lettered on the spine 'MSS. Collections Relative to Wales, II', being a companion volume to, and a continuation of, NLW MS 6209E, which is also a composite manuscript (sections numbered I-XIII) bound in a similar manner and lettered on the spine 'MSS. Collections Relative to Wales, I'. It appears that the two volumes originally formed one folio manuscript belonging to Edward Lhuyd made up of transcripts by his assistants, contributions by Henry Rowlands and Hugh Thomas, and fragments of earlier manuscripts (see pp. 14-15 of NLW MS 13918F, 'Catalogue of Welsh M.S.S. in Beechwood Library by the Reverend Mr John Jones [?1746-1827] M.A. Fellow of Jesus College Oxon, 1781', i.e. part of the Sebright collection. The contents include: pp. 1-38 (XIV), a copy of [George Owen's] 'Treatise of Lordshipps Marchers in Wales . . .' from a 'MS. Borrowed of Mr. Will. Jones, Rector of Lhangower. . .'; 39-100 + 207-08 (misplaced) (XV-XVI), transcripts of Welsh poems attributed to William Phylip, Ievan Ddu'r Bilwg, H'l ap D'dh ap Ievan ap Rhys, Howel Davi, Bedo Brwynllys, Gytto'r Glyn, Ievan Deulwyn, Rhys Lhwyd ap Rys ap Rhiccard, Lewis Glynn Kothi, Gwilym ab Ievan Hen, Davydd ap Howel, D'd Lhwyd ap Lle'n ap Gr., Ieuan ap Ho'll Swrdwal, Davydd Epynt, Lewys Môn, Edward Urien, Gyttyn Owain, Ierwerth Beli, Bleddyn Vardd, Llygat Gwr, Meilir Brydydd, Llywelyn ap Ho'll, Prydydd y Moch, Gwalchmai, Symwnt Vychan, Iolo Goch, Syppyn Kyfeiliog, Tudur Aled, Deio ab Ivan Ddu, Rhys Goch o'r Yri, Llywelyn Moel o'r Pantri, Ivan Tudyr Penllyn, Ievan Brydydd Hir and Tudyr Penllyn, and of prose items with the superscriptions 'Llythyr i ofyn Rhwyd berked', ['Y Tri Thlws ar Ddeg'], 'Dewis Bethau Howel Lygad Gwr', 'Y Pedwar Marchog ar Hugain oedd yn Llys Arthur', 'Ymadrodd yr Henwr', 'Breuddwyd Ivan ab Adda ab Davydd . . .', 'Breuddwyd Ierwerth ab Adda ab D'd', and 'Llythyr i ofyn palffon', partly from manuscripts in the possession of John Lloyd of Aber Llyveni; 101-40 (XVII), transcripts of Welsh prose and verse items, mainly vaticinatory, attributed to Taliessin, Robin Ddy, Gryffydh ap Ieuan, Rhys Nanmor, Merdhyn, Adha Vras, Hinin Vardh, Ie'nn Drwch y Daran, D'd Nanmor, and Davydh Lhwyd; 141-206 (XVIII), transcripts of Welsh verse and prose items, again mainly vaticinatory, attributed to Taliesin, Merdhyn Wylht, Iolo Goch, Davydh Llwyd, Merdhyn Emrys, Adha Vras, Ievan Trwch y Daran, Davydh Nanmor, Ie'nn Hir, Lh. ap Owen, Meredydh ap Rhys, Rhys Goch o'r Yri, Lewys Glynn Kothi, Raph ap Robert, and Bardh Bergam; 213-35 (XIX), genealogical and historical material including genealogies of Welsh saints , '. . . hiachau [sic] pump brenhin llwyth Kymru', '. . . Iachau [sic] pymthek llwyth Gwynedd', a list of the daughters of Ronow Llwyd ap y Penwyn', etc.; 239-54 (XX), a copy, 'transcrib'd from ye original at Owlberry near Bishops Castle, Anno 1698', of an inspeximus and confirmation, 4 March [?1508], of charters granted to the abbey of Strata Florida (see S. W. Williams: The Cistercian Abbey of Strata Florida (London, 1889), Appendix, pp. lxxiv-lxxv, and Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry VII, vol. II, p. 567); 257-66 (XXI), transcripts of Welsh poems attributed to Prydydd y Moch, Gr. Lloyd ap D'd ap Einion, D'd Nanmor, D'd ap Gwilym, Guto'r Glynn, Kynddelw, Ievan Du y Bilwc, Bleddyn Vardd, Rys Goch or Eryri, Daniel ap Llosgwrn Mew, and Gwalchmai, from '. . . Cod. MS. Mod. in Chart. penes Dominum Rob't Pugh de Kevn y Garlheg in paroch. Lhan St. ffraid apud Denbigh'; 267-70 (XXII), 'Addenda Grammaticae D.J.J. ex Libro MS. D. R. V. penes D. R. P.'; 271-9 (XXIII), transcripts 'Ex Cod. Chart. penes D. Joan Lloyd de Aber Lhyveni' of Welsh poems attributed to Lewys Glynn Kothi, Gwilim ap Ie'nn Hen, Ievan ap Tydyr Penlhyn, Lhewelyn Goch ap Meirig Hen, and Tydyr Aled; 283-305 (XXIV), transcripts of (a) 'Ystori Gryffydd ap Cynan Brenin Gwynedd' from 'Cod. M.to Chart. pe[nes] Dom. R. Davies de Lhan[erch] convenit cum cod. antiquo me . . . penes D. Jo. Wyn . . ., Watstay', (b) 'Interdictio Papae adversus Lewelinum . . . fillium Ierwerth . . .', and (c) 'Literae Lewelini Principis Walliae ad Clerum Angliae apud London Convocatum', 1275; 307-11 (XXV), transcripts of 'cywyddau ymryson' exchanged between Owen Gwynedd and William Llyn; (continued)

315-400 ( XXVI), a copy of a Welsh-Latin vocabulary entitled 'Geiria Tavod Comroig. Hoc est Vocabularium Linguae Gomeritanae . . .' compiled by Henry Salesbury, with a list of the authors on whose works the vocabulary was based, and a list of 'Geiriau o Hen Gymraeg a'i Deongliad', etc., by the same author; 403-04 (XXVII), an incomplete copy of 'Braint ac Ystatus Griff. ap Kynan a Bleddyn ap Kynvyn'; 405-06 (XXVIII), a version of the prologue to, and a list of the court officials listed in, a Latin text of the Laws of Howel Dda; 409-65 (XXIX-XXX), a transcript of sections of the 'Red Book of St. Asaph' (see also Peniarth MS 231, NLW MS 7011D, MS SA/MB/2); 469-86 (XXXI), a copy of the 'Statutes of the Cathedrall Church of . . . Chester set forth by . . . Henrie the 8'; 489-505 (XXXII), extracts [from a version of Nennius' 'Historia Britonum']; 509-38 (XXXIII), seventeen chapters (Welsh) of pseudo-history and description of the Isle of Britain, supplementary notes on place-names, the wonders of Scotland and Ireland, and the conversion of the nations of Britain to Christianity, and a list of 'yr naw helwrieth'; 539-40 (XXXIV), lists of, and notes on, Welsh musical measures; 541-55 (XXXV-XXXVI), a list of Welsh triads ('Llyma drioedh mab y krinwas'), accounts of 'redditus assisus' of the vills of Colshull, Eulowe, Baghegr, and Rothelan, a list of the 'Consuetudines Molend' de Dee' from 'an old book of Ed'd Whitby, recorder of Chester', a list of those who rendered 'Homage and Fealty . . . to ye Prince of Wales', 29 Edward I, etc.; 557-63 (XXXVII), two lists headed 'A table for ye rest of ye contents of this book' and 'A table belonging to Coch Assaph' (for the contents of sections XXXI-XXXVII cf. the relevant parts of NLW MS 7011D); 569-95 (XXXVIII), replies [by Henry Rowlands to Edward Lhuyd's] parochial questionnaire in respect of the parishes of Llanidan, Llanedwen, Llanddeniel, Llanvair pull gwingill, and Llandysilio, co. Anglesey, partly in Rowlands's own hand; 597-9 (XXXIX), an account of 'A strange showre of Haile fallen in Anglesey and Carnarvonshire' in 1697; 601-05 (XL), extracts (Latin) with the superscription 'De Belli Marisci Origine . . .'; 607-09 (XXXVIII misplaced), notes on the words 'bod', 'caer', 'tref', etc. (pp. 597-609 probably in the hand of Henry Rowlands); 611-22 (XLI), 'A scheme of the wind and weather att Llanberis', 1 March [16]9[6] to 28 February [1697]; 623-52 (XLII), pedigrees of families in cos. Denbigh and Flint in the hand of Lewis Dwnn (described by J. Gwenogvryn Evans as a detached portion of Peniarth MS 268; see J. Gwenogvryn Evans MS 70A in the National Library of Wales, also Report on Manuscripts in the Welsh Language, vol. I, p. 1090); and 653-97 (XLIII), a copy, partly holograph, of an essay on 'The Parish of St. John Evangelist and Burrough of Brecknock' by Hugh Thomas (cf. NLW MS 777B). Holograph notes by Evan Evans ('Ieuan Fardd') on NLW MS 6209E and this volume, compositely described as MS I in the 'Seabright Collection, being Edward Lhuyd's MSS', appear in Panton MS 7 (NLW MS 1976) (see Report on Manuscripts in the Welsh Language, vol. II, p. 807 and a calendar description by J. Gwenogvryn Evans of this volume alone, described as the 'Nanhoron MS', is included in J. Gwenogvryn Evans MS 70A.

Miscellaneous poetry and prose,

A composite volume containing miscellaneous material, chiefly in the hand of William Owen [-Pughe] and lettered on the spine 'M.S.S., Vol. I'. The contents include: pp. 1-3, 'At y Beirdd yn Eisteddfod Caerwys', being a 'cywydd' by 'Y Bardd Clôff' [Thomas Jones]; p. 5, transcript of, and notes on, an inscription found at Pap Castle near Cockermouth, [Cumberland]; pp. 7-9, 'An outline of the Tale of Arthur and his Warriors, popular in Glamorgan and other parts of Wales, as given by Edward Williams'; pp. 11-13, notes on the Welsh and bardic alphabets, and the alphabet introduced by E. Llwyd [Edward Lhuyd] into his Archaeologia Britannica; pp. 17-18, further notes on Welsh orthography; pp. 19-24, 'Llyma Ystori Aza ac Eva - Wedi ithyny o' r ail Lyvyr o'r Beibl, yr hwn a elwir Genesys' (text published, see J. E. Caerwyn Williams: 'Ystorya Adaf ac Eua y Wreic', The National Library of Wales Journal, vol. VI, pp. [170]-75; this version is probably a copy of the text found in Wrexham MS 2 [NLW MS 873B], see the colophon at the end of the present text: 'Mez John Edmonde curad Tal-y-llyn. Adysgrived gan Gwilym Owain o Lyvyr Havod Uçdryd, Gorfenav 12d. 1799'); pp. 24-26, 'Llyma y saith gair azywed y doethion', and a series of questions and answers on Biblical and ecclesiastical subjects [cf. NLW MS 873B, pp. 138-42]; pp. 27-33, 'Llyma Ystori Titws Vesbessianws Arbenig a Filatws' (text published, see J. E. Caerwyn Williams: 'Ystorya Titus Aspassianus', The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, vol. IX, pp. 221-30; appended to the text is the following colophon: 'Gwilym Owain o Veirion a adysgrives hyn o lyvyr cylç 300 mlwyz oed, Gorfenav. 11d. 1799; Y llyvyr hwnw a berthynai i lyvrgell Havod Uçdryd' [cf. NLW MS 873B, pp. 83-90 ]); pp. 35 and pp. 37-38, drafts of two letters in the hand of William Owen [-Pughe], relating to the perusal of MSS and the compilation of his dictionary; p. 39, notes on bards and bardism; pp. 41, 43-44, onomastic notes attempting to prove the names 'Peebles', 'Fife' and 'Caledonia', to be of Welsh origin; p. 45, printed receipt, dated 7 January 1805, recording W[illia]m Owen [-Pughe]'s annual subscription to Cymdeithas y Gwyneddigion; p. 47, 'Proclamation for a Meeting of the Bards, at Midsummer, 1798' (printed); p. 51, printed proposals, dated 1801, for the second volume of Edward Jones, Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh Bards . . .; pp. 53-54 a poem entitled 'To Maenwyn', beginning: 'Maenwyn, e'er Age had shook my head . . .', being a translation of 'Llywarch a Maen' (see Ifor Williams: Canu Llywarch Hen (Caerdydd, 1935) tt. 20-21); p. 55, proposals for encouraging the Welsh bards by means of eisteddfodau; p. 56, draft proposals, dated 1 February 1789, for printing a Welsh and English Dictionary by [William Owen-Pughe]; pp. 57-58, notes 'On the etimology [sic] of London'; p. 59, a list of Welsh words, some of which are followed by phrases and couplets illustrating their meaning; p. 60, 'Gwedy dwyn koron Lundeyn ay theyrn wyalen . . . Ac ny bu en oes Vaelgun, ac wrth henny ny alley hwnnw vot en Vael da hynaf' (text published, see Dafydd Jenkins: 'Llawysgrif Goll Llanforda o Gyfreithiau Hywel Dda', The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, vol. XIV, pp. 103-04); p. 62, a table and extract relating to the payment of 'galanas' (see Dafydd Jenkins, art. cit ., p. 102); (continued)

pp. 63-65, 'Trioedd ynys Brydain en Llyfr Coch o Hergest. Ex eodem col. 599', p. 65 bears a note in Latin by Iorwerth ab Madog, 'Transcript taken by Moses Williams from the original M.S. in the House of Mr. Llwyd of Penyrallt, near Bangor'; pp. 67-68, 'Association for exploring the Madawca Country', stating the objects of the society intent on an expedition to America in search of the White Padoucas; pp. 69-70, Slavonic versions of the Lord's Prayer with an attempt to correlate them with a Cornish version (incomplete); pp. 71-72, a poem by 'Meilirion', entitled 'On the Revolution', and beginning: 'Hail sons of Cambria, bards of ancient lore . . .'; p. 73, notes on 'Brigant', a type of dance, in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'), including tunes entitled: 'Canu cylch y Brigant' and 'Canu rhedfa'r Brigant'; pp. 75-76, draft title of 'A Comparison Between The Erse language as contained in Shaw's Dictionary and the Welsh in II Parts. done in December 1797 by W.O.'; p. 77, a vocabulary of the terms of rhetoric; p. 78, draft proposals in English and Welsh for printing a guide to the Welsh language; p. 79, printed proposals for printing by subscription, Poems Lyric and Pastoral . . . by Edward Williams; p. 81, notes on 'Lleiku Llwyd' and 'Llywelyn Goch ab Meyrig Hen'; pp. 83-84, 'Hanes am grëad y Byd', being the beginning of the book of Genesis, written in William Owen [-Pughe]'s own orthography; pp. 85-86, further notes on the 'Etymology of London'; p. 87, [?] draft inscription for the tombstone of Robert Hughes, 'Robin Ddu yr Ail o Fôn'; p. 89, 'Cywydd Marwnad Robert Hughes o Fon. 1785' attributed in pencil to 'Sion Lleyn' [John Roberts, Pwllheli], beginning: 'Clywyd clych mynych ym Môn . . .'; p. 91, a list of some MSS of Welsh interest in the Cotton library; pp. 93-96, a collection of fifty-three miscellaneous 'englynion'; pp. 97-103, a paraphrase of a portion of the book of Job, chapters 38-41; pp. 105-06, 'Plan for exploring the country of the Padoucas, commonly denominated the White, or Welsh Indians . . .'; p. 108, invitation dated 2 Oct. 1784, to a meeting of the Cymmrodorion Society addressed to Mr. [William] Owen [-Pughe]; p. 109, a printed ticket ( blank) to the St. David's Day meeting of 'Cymdeithas y Gwyneddigion'; p. III, notice, dated 29 May 1784, of a meeting of the Cymmrodorion Society, addressed to Mr. [William] Owen [-Pughe]; p. 113, 'Cerdd arferol ei chanu gan y Gwyneddigion; Wrth dderbyn Cyfeillion', a printed poem beginning: 'Cyd unwn Wyneddigion, Brodorion freiscion fryd . . . '; p. 115, 'Buddugoliaeth Rhydd-did. Can Newydd', a printed poem by [Edward Williams ], 'Iolo Morganwg', beginning: 'Y Diddig Brydyddion, Wyr glewion o'n Gwlad . . .'; pp. 117-18, notes on punctuation and emphasis; p. 119, four 'englynion' headed: '1798 Un 87 o'i oed', by Rhys Jones, beginning: 'Rho fawl tro buddiol tra byddaf - erglyw . . .', together with another two entitled: 'I'w Wyr', beginning: 'Glân yr â'r baban i'r bedd . . .'; pp. 121-22, notes on the words 'Derwydd', 'Bardd' and 'Ofydd'; p. 123, English and Welsh versions of eleven Psalm-like verses, beginning: 'Simple are the children of the mountains, but their hearts beat high in their breasts'; p. 127, a copy of [?the Lord's Prayer] in unpointed Hebrew; and pp. 129-42, a draft by David Samwell, in the author's autograph, of portions of 'The Padouca Hunt', a satire on a debate by the Caractacan Society in 1791 on the existence of the Welsh Indians; and a printed booklet entitled: Araeth y Gwir Anrhydeddus Iarll Caernarfon, Yn Nghyfarfod Aelodau Lleyg Eglwys Loegr, a gynnaliwyd yn Winchester, Swydd Hants, Mehefin 29, 1834 . . . (Bala: R. Saunderson, 1834).

Lhuyd correspondence,

Autograph letters and copies of letters from Edward Lhuyd to the Reverend John Lloyd, Ruthin, David Lloyd, Blaenyddol, Richard Mostyn, Penbedw, and others, 1685-1708; a list of plants observed on Aran Benllyn and Snowdon, 1682; a short Irish-Latin-Welsh vocabulary, and a copy of Lhuyd's 'parochial queries'; miscellaneous letters, including autographs of Susannah Puleston, 1678, John Myddelton, 1713, Will: Gruffith of Llyne, 1660 (with Welsh sermon notes), B. Bulkeley, H. Egerton, M. Price, Margarett Coytmore, Thomas Pennant, John Anstis, etc.; the opinion of Sir Thomas Powys on the will of Owen Jones of Braichybib, 1687; and papers relating to the fishery of Dysynni, with an opinion by Sir William Williams, 'Speaker Williams'.

Lhuyd, Edward, 1660-1709

Letter books,

A letter book of Edward Lloyd of Llanforda, 1680, containing copies of outgoing correspondence to family members, Sir John Trevor, Sir Robert Owen, John Gadbury, Sir William Williams, and other acqaintances in London and Shropshire, relating to financial, legal and estate matters, horticulture, political and religious disputes of the Stuart period, publishing, domestic arrangements and personal affairs; there are occasional remarks on the activities of his son, 'Neddy' [Edward Lhuyd]. The letters include several scathing responses to a scurrilous attack on the author 's character, involving a Betty Rawson and her associates, which resulted in the publication of a retaliatory pamphlet entitled 'The Westminster Jilt'. The file also contains the empty cover of a letter book of Sir Robert Owen, inscribed 1702 by his daughter, later owned by William Owen and Robert Godolphin Owen.


  • NLW MS 10999C.
  • Ffeil
  • [1775x1825] /

A volume containing 'A Glossary To Explain The Original, the Acceptation, and Obsoleteness of Words and Phrases. And to Shew the Rise, Progress, and Alteration, Of Customs, Laws, & Manners. From [White] Kennett's Parochial Antiquities'; 'A Scottish Glossary Annex'd to Robert Burns's Scottish Poetry'; 'A Catalogue of Animals described by Mr. Pennant in his British Zoology, with their British Names, by Richard Morris, Esqr.'; and an incomplete transcript, with some additions by the scribe, of 'Some part of the Substance of a Letter to the Bishop of Carlisle, about the signification of the Names of Places in the British. by Edw. Llwyd, late Keeper of the Ashmolean Musaeum, in Oxford. Called 'D. E. Luidii Adversaria', & annexed to [William] Baxters Gloss[arium] Antiq[uitatum] Britannic[arum] 8vo Lond[ini] MDCCXXXIII'. There are slight variations in the script, but the volume is probably entirely in the hand of Henry Thomas Payne, archdeacon of Carmarthen.

Payne, Henry Thomas, 1759 or 60-1832.

Brecon Beacons National Park Committee Records,

  • GB 0210 BRECTEE
  • Fonds
  • 1984-1995 /

Records of the Brecon Beacons National Park Committee, 1984-1995, including committee agendas, minutes, correspondence and reports, 1986-1995, Development Control Panel and National Park Planning Committee agendas, minutes, planning applications, proposals and recommendations, 1986-1993, National Park Planning Sub-Committee agendas, minutes, planning applications and correspondence, 1988-1995, Park Management Committee agendas, minutes and reports, 1990-1993, Education & Information Working Party agendas, minutes and correspondence, 1992-1995, correspondence files, 1984-1995, tours, conferences and seminars, 1986-1995, and miscellaneous papers, 1986-1995.

Additional papers from Dr C. Stephen Briggs collected in connection with his appointment as a member by the Secretary of State for Wales on the Brecon Beacons National Park Committee, 1986-1995. This group remains uncatalogued.

An additional consignment of papers from Dr C. Stephen Briggs, comprising correspondence, minutes of meetings and various other papers, ca. 1989-1994. This group remains uncatalogued.

Brecon Beacons National Park Committee.

Cornish mystery plays,

Transcripts made for Edward Lhuyd of the trilogy of Cornish mystery plays 'Ordinale de Origine Mundi'; 'Passio Domini'; and 'Resurrectione Domini'.

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