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Equal Opportunities Committee (A-DEB-13),

Committee Secretariat files. These files may contain the agenda for the meetings, minutes, reports, correspondence, invitations and attendees, and printed items.
The purpose of the Equality of Opportunity Committee was to ensure that the Assembly had effective arrangements to promote the principle of equality of opportunity for all people in the exercise of its functions and the conduct of its business. The Equal Opportunities Commission, the Commission for Racial Equality, the Disability Rights Commission, Stonewall Cymru and the Welsh Language Board had standing invitations to attend meetings of the Committee as advisers.

Environment, Planning and Countryside Committee (A-DEB-27),

Committee Secretariat files. These files may contain the agenda for the meetings, minutes, reports, correspondence, invitations and attendees, and printed items.
Minister's portfolio embraced the environment and sustainable development; Town and country planning; Countryside and conservation issues; and Agriculture and rural development, including forestry and food production.

Education and training

Miscellaneous material (other than awards and honours) relating to Siân Phillips' education and training through school, university and the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA).

Education and Lifelong Learning Committee (A-DEB-26),

Committee Secretariat files. These files may contain the agenda for the meetings, minutes, reports, correspondence, invitations and attendees, and printed items.
Minister's portfolio covered, amongst other things Schools; Further education; Higher education; Skills development; Youth service; and the Careers service.

Economic Development and Transport Committee (A-DEB-29),

Committee Secretariat files. These files may contain the agenda for the meetings, minutes, reports, correspondence, invitations and attendees, and printed items.
The Minister's portfolio covered innovation and enterprise; industrial policy and business support; inward investment; promotion of indigenous companies and regional development; transport; energy; tourism; strategic co-ordinating responsibility for ICT; and the Structural Funds.

Dyddiadau a digwyddiadau nodedig = Notable events and anniversaries

Deunydd yn ymwneud â digwyddiadau a dyddiadau nodedig yn hanes brwydr trigolion Llangyndeyrn yn erbyn Corfforaeth Abertawe, sy'n cynnwys y mynych ddigwyddiadau lleol a chyfryngol i gofnodi hannercanmlwyddiant llwyddiant y frwydr. = Material relating to notable events and anniversaries in the history of the residents of Llangyndeyrn's battle against Swansea Corporation, which includes the many local and media events which took place to mark the half-centenary of their victorious stand.

Digwyddiadau amrywiol / Miscellaneous events

Mae'r gyfres yn cynnwys deunydd yn ymwneud â threfnu digwyddiadau a oedd o ddiddordeb i aelodau dwy adran yr Academi yn amrywio o gyrsiau ysgrifennu creadigol, cyfnod o godi ymwybyddiaeth o lenyddiaeth Wyddelig i ymgyrch i fynnu mwy o nawdd cyhoeddus i lenyddiaeth, 1979-1988. -- The series consists of material relating to the arranging of events which were of interest to members of both sections of the Academi, ranging from creative writing courses, a period of raising awarenenss of Irish literature, to a campaign demanding greater public funding for literature, 1979-1988.

Diaries and calendars

Diaries and calendars, 1960s - 2020s and undated, of Siân Phillips, some of the diaries having been printed for that purpose, others being notebooks used as diaries. The contents largely relate to Siân Phillips' personal, domestic and family affairs and to her professional life, some diaries being kept specifically alongside theatrical 'runs' or filming schedules. Many of the items contain inserts such as newspaper cuttings, letters, cards and notes.

Deunydd ychwanegol Mai 2023

Papurau o eiddo neu sydd yn ymwneud â'r bardd, dramodydd, colofnydd a golygydd Dr Menna Elfyn a ychwanegwyd at yr archif ym mis Mai 2023, yn cynnwys barddoniaeth, rhyddiaith a gweithiau llwyfan a chyfryngol (drafftiau llawysgrif, teipysgrifau a deunydd argraffiedig) gan Menna Elfyn; deunydd yn ymwneud â chyrsiau academaidd a gweithdai a diwtorwyd gan neu a gyd-gyfarwyddwyd gan Menna Elfyn; llyfrau nodiadau; gohebiaeth; erthyglau, adolygiadau a datganiadau i'r wasg gan awduron eraill sy'n ymwneud â bywyd a gwaith Menna Elfyn; ynghyd â rhai papurau'r Parchedig T. (Thomas) Elfyn Jones, tad Menna Elfyn.

Deunydd amrywiol = Miscellaneous material

Llungopi o archwiliad o'r enw The Flotilla Effect a gyhoeddwyd gan Adam Price a Ben Levinger yn 2011 tra'r oedd y ddau yn dilyn cyrsiau ymchwil mewn prifysgolion yn yr Unol Daleithiau. = Photocopy of a report titled The Flotilla Effect, published by Adam Price and Ben Levinger in 2011 while they were both conducting research at universities in the United States.
Copi o The National, 7 Medi 2019, papur newydd sy'n gefnogol i ymgyrch annibyniaeth yr Alban. = Copy of The National, 7 September 2019, a newspaper supportive of Scotland's campaign for independence.

Deunydd amrywiol = Miscellaneous material

Ysgrif yn llaw'r arlunydd Cymreig Aneurin Jones (arnodwyd ar frig yr ysgrif yn llaw John Meirion Morris: 'Ysgrif Aneurin Jones'); ac allbrint o gyfweliad gyda'r archaeolegydd a'r anthropolegydd Lithwanaidd Marija Gimbutas. = Article in the hand of the Welsh artist Aneurin Jones (annotated at the top of the article in John Meirion Morris' hand [translated]: 'Aneurin Jones' article'); and printout of an interview with the Lithuanian archaeologist and anthropologist Marija Gimbutas.

Deunydd amrywiol

Deunydd amrywiol, yn adlewyrchu gwaith a diddordebau llenyddol a gwleidyddol Menna Elfyn.

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