Dangos 67 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Thomas, R. S. (Ronald Stuart), 1913-2000 Saesneg
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

1 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol

Emyn i Gymro

Deunydd yn ymwneud ag Emyn i Gymro, gwaith a gomisiynwyd ar gyfer Gŵyl Tŷ Newydd 2001 i ddathlu bywyd a gwaith y bardd R. S. Thomas (geiriau gan Menna Elfyn, cerddoriaeth gan Pwyll ap Siôn), sy'n cynnwys copïau drafft a theg o'r gerdd a rhaglen a phosteri printiedig.

General correspondence: Meic Stephens

The file comprises mainly of correspondence, 1968-1969, relating to the preliminary meeting and other early meetings of the English Language Section of the Academi. The preliminary meeting was arranged by Meic Stephens and the file includes invitations sent out by him, letters of reply, and letters commenting on this first meeting. The file also includes letters inviting writers to become members of the Academi, their replies and lists of those writers who have accepted or declined membership. There are a few references to discussions about the establishment of a new English language literary magazine, an idea which was rejected for the time being. There are letters from and references to, many prominent Anglo-Welsh and Welsh language writers including Dannie Abse, Alison Bielski, W. H. Boore, Alexander Cordell, Brenda Chamberlain, Tony Conran, Rhys Davies, Tudor David, Menna Gallie, Bryn Griffiths, Peter Gruffydd, Raymond Garlick, Ll. Wyn Griffith, Gwenallt, Cledwyn Hughes, Richard Hughes, Emyr Humphreys, A. G. Prys Jones, David Jones, Dedwydd Jones, Glyn Jones, Gwyn Jones, Jack Jones, John Idris Jones, Sally Roberts Jones, Bill Meilen, Gerald Morgan, Robert Morgan, Roland Mathias, Leslie Norris, John Ormond, Alun Owen, D. Parry-Jones, Cecil Price, Alun Richards, Gwyn Thomas, R. S. Thomas, John Tripp, Aled Vaughan, Richard Vaughan, Harri Webb, Gwyn Williams, Herbert Williams, John Stuart Williams and Raymond Williams.

Stephens, Meic

General research material

General material collected by John Pikoulis in relation to his research into the life and work of Alun Lewis, including: Original and photocopied press cuttings of published work by Alun Lewis; original and photocopied press cuttings and articles relating to Alun Lewis; John Pikoulis's notes on Alun Lewis taken from published or broadcasted sources; John Pikoulis's notes on unpublished works by Alun Lewis (kept in marked envelope); biographical notes, mostly rough handwritten jottings, relating to Alun Lewis and to members of his family (notes on the Reverend Melchisedec Evans, father of Alun Lewis's mother Gwladys, and handwritten Lewis and Evans family trees drawn by John Pikoulis kept in marked envelopes); copy of Alun Lewis's birth certificate (kept in marked envelope); photocopied press articles noting the death of Alun Lewis (kept in marked envelope); notes made by John Pikoulis on letters of Alun Lewis (kept in marked envelope); material relating to events marking the centenary (in 2015) of Alun Lewis's birth, which includes letters to John Pikoulis, published poetry and prose by Alun Lewis (photocopies), minutes of meetings and details of a conference and a symposium (kept in marked folder); unsigned pencil portrait of Alun Lewis (kept in marked envelope); photocopy of The Heart's Assurance (1951), a song cycle by Sir Michael Tippett on poems by Alun Lewis and fellow Second World War poet Sidney Keyes (kept in marked envelope); copies of poems written in tribute to Alun Lewis by R. S. Thomas ('Alun Lewis'), John Tripp ('A Quest for Light') and Lovita J. R. Morang ('Lewis on Nilgiri Hills'); and rough notes taken by John Pikoulis during interviews with those who knew or were otherwise associated with Alun Lewis (see also interview notes under various categories elsewhere within the archive).
This section also includes a bound typescript thesis in two volumes by Keith Picton Evans titled 'Alun Lewis: The Development of a Writer', submitted as part of an MA degree at the University of Lancaster, September 1971.

Gohebiaeth gyffredinol: 1958

Mae'r ffeil yn cynnwys gohebiaeth yn trafod sefydlu'r Academi Gymreig dan ysgrifenyddiaeth a chadeiryddiaeth dros dro Bobi Jones a Thomas Parry, ac yn cynnwys trafodaeth ar natur ac aelodaeth wreiddiol yr Academi, gwahoddiadau i ymuno â hi ac ymatebion y rhai a wahoddwyd, ynghyd â llungopïau o'r ymateb a fu i'r newyddion yn y wasg. Mae'r llenorion dan sylw yn cynnwys Gwenallt, Gwilym R. Jones, J. Gwyn Griffiths, Waldo Williams, Islwyn Ffowc Elis, Kate Roberts, Euros Bowen, Aneurin Talfan Davies, Alun Llywelyn-Williams, Elis Gwyn Jones, Emyr Humphreys, R. S. Thomas, John Gwilym Jones a Pennar Davies. Ar gefn drafft o lythyr gan Bobi Jones mae copi o eirda a roddwyd iddo gan Griffith John Williams ym 1952.

Jones, Bobi, 1929-2017

Gohebiaeth gyffredinol: 1966

Mae'r ffeil yn cynnwys llythyrau sy'n trafod gwaith yr Academi o ddydd i ddydd dan ysgrifenyddiaeth Euros Bowen, a threfniadau Cynhadledd Caredigion Taliesin yn benodol, ynghyd â sylwadau ar gyhoeddi Taliesin. Mae'n cynnwys llythyrau gan, a chyfeiriadau at, nifer fawr o lenorion adnabyddus, yn eu plith; J. E. Caerwyn Williams, R. S. Thomas, Islwyn Ffowc Elis a Gwenallt. Ceir cyfeiriadau at roi Gwobr Griffith John Williams i Gwaed Gwirion, Emyr Jones, yn ogystal â chyfeiriadau Tecwyn Lloyd at rai o helyntion is-etholiad Sir Gaerfyrddin, 1966 a llythyr oddi wrth Vernon Jones, athro yn Ysgol y Berwyn y Bala, yn cynnig y syniad, am y tro cyntaf, o enwebu Saunders Lewis ar gyfer Gwobr Nobel.

Bowen, Euros,

Gohebiaeth gyffredinol: 1968

Mae'r ffeil yn cynnwys llythyrau sy'n trafod gwaith yr Academi o ddydd i ddydd dan ysgrifenyddiaeth Gwyn Thomas, a threfniadau Cynhadledd Caredigion Taliesin yn benodol, ynghyd â sylwadau ar gyhoeddi Taliesin. Mae'n cynnwys llythyrau gan, a chyfeiriadau at, nifer fawr o lenorion adnabyddus, yn eu plith; Hugh Bevan, Kate Roberts ac R. S. Thomas. Ceir cyfeiriadau at ystyried, a gwrthod, rhoi Gwobr Griffith John Williams i Cymru Fydd, Saunders Lewis, at sefydlu Cymdeithas Awduron Cymru ac Adran Saesneg yr Academi Gymreig yn sgîl anogaeth gan Meic Stephens a than ysgrifenyddiaeth Sally Roberts.

Thomas, Gwyn, 1936-

Gohebiaeth gyffredinol: 1987-1988

Mae'r ffeil hon yn cynnwys gohebiaeth gyffredinol sy'n adlewyrchu gwaith yr Academi o ddydd i ddydd dan gadeiryddiaeth yr Athro Geraint Gruffydd, 1987-1988. Mae'n cynnwys cryn dipyn o ohebiaeth yn trafod y gwaith ar Eiriadur yr Academi, achos R. S. Thomas yn erbyn y Cyhoeddwr Christopher Davies, adroddiad manwl ar Gynllun Ymchwil yr Academi a gyhoeddwyd yn Ionawr 1988 a datganiadau bod J. Beverly Smith a Ray Evans wedi ennill Gwobr Goffa Griffith John Williams ar gyfer 1986 am eu cyfrolau Llywelyn ap Gruffydd Tywysog Cymru a Y Llyffant.

Gruffydd, R. Geraint

Gohebiaeth gyffredinol/General correspondence

Yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth/Includes letters from: Dr Carl Clowes; Huw Edwards, BBC; Robat Gruffudd (3); Ursula Masson; Ralph Maud; Geraint Morgan AS/MP (2); Dr Dylan Morris; Parch./Rev. W. Rhys Nicholas; Emyr Price (2); Robert Rhys; J. Beverley Smith; Meic Stephens; Dr Ceinwen Thomas; Dafydd Elis Thomas (2); R. S. Thomas (2); Dafydd Wigley (2).

Clowes, Carl

Gohebiaeth gyffredinol/General correspondence

Yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth/Includes letters from: D. J. Bowen; Dr Noelle Davies; David Ennals; June Gruffydd (2); Denis Howell; E. D. Jones (2); Harri Pritchard Jones; Robyn Lewis (2); D. Elystan Morgan; R. S. Thomas; William Whitelaw; Dafydd Wigley.

Bowen, D. J. (David James), 1925-

Gohebiaeth wedi'i threfnu yn ôl pwnc / Correspondence arranged by subject

Llythyrau at ac oddi wrth Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys, ynghyd â rhai papurau cysylltiedig, wedi'u trefnu fesul pwnc yn bum grŵp: Papurau cynnar a llythyrau (1945-1972); gohebiaeth i ac oddi wrth gyhoeddwyr ac asiantwyr (1981-2007); gohebiaeth yn ymwneud â materion llenyddol eraill (1929; 1984-2002); gohebiaeth yn ymwneud â chomisiynau a digwyddiadau (1962-2009); a gohebiaeth arall ([?1933]-2015). / Letters to and from Emyr and Elinor Humphreys, together with some related papers, arranged by subject into five groups: Early papers and letters (1945-1972); correspondence to and from publishers and agents (1981-2007); correspondence relating to other literary matters (1929; 1984-2002); correspondence relating to commissions and events (1962-2009); and other correspondence ([?1933]-2015).

John Ormond,

Letters to Sam Adams from John Ormond (4) concerning personal matters, together with copies of two poems by Ormond, and a copy of a BBC transcript of his interview with R.S. Thomas, with a manuscript review of the broadcast interview in the hand of Adams.

Ormond, John, 1923-1990

Letters from R. S. Thomas

Letters to Gwyneth Lewis from R.S. Thomas and his wife, Betty, concerning developments in their respective literary and personal lives, as well as wider literary matters; also included are letters relating to an interview with R.S. Thomas conducted by Gwyneth Lewis and Peter Robinson at Jesus College, Oxford, together with two typescript copies, one with manuscript amendments, of the interview in which he discusses his work and his views on poetry and its relationship with prose, religion and language.

Letters to John Elwyn : L-N

Some one hundred and sixty letters, 1938-1997, in English and Welsh, to John Elwyn from various correspondents (surnames L-N), both personal and work related.
The correspondents include Morland Lewis, 16 October 1939 (f. 15), Richard Macdonald, 1938-[?1939] (ff. 26-28), Ronald Maddox, 1995-1996 (ff. 96-98), Roland Mathias, 1957, 1992 (ff. 101-102), Robert Morgan, 1980-1993 (ff. 112-141), Prof. T. J. Morgan, [c. 1980] (f. 150), Carey Morris, 14 August 1944 (f. 153), James Nicholas, 20 February 1992 (f. 176), W. Rhys Nicholas, 7 January 1976 (f. 177), and Leslie Norris, 1972-1997 (ff. 178-201); there are also two letters on behalf of the actor Robert Morley, 1957 (ff. 151-152). Letters from Nicolas and Frances McDowall of the Old Stile Press, Llandogo, 1979, 1990-1997 (ff. 30-93), relate mainly to the volume Dafydd ap Gwilym, Houses of Leaves (Llandogo, [1993]), illustrated by John Elwyn; letters from Megan Ellis, National Library of Wales, 1959-1961 (ff. 157-173, 175), relate mostly to an exhibition at the Library in 1959 to which John Elwyn contributed. Also included are copies of poems by Robert Morgan (ff. 137, 139) and Leslie Norris (ff. 184, 186, 198), cards produced by Old Stile Press, 1979-1991 (ff. 33-34, 38-41, 53, 57), and an exhibition catalogue relating to Robert Morgan, [?1994] (ff. 142-147). The letters from Leslie Norris contain references to John Arlott (f. 180), R. S. Thomas (f. 180), John Petts (f. 183) and Robert Morgan (ff. 193, 194).

Letters to Kyffin Williams,

Includes letters from Alistair Crawford (7), Bernard Dunstan (5), Mike Tooby, Cledwyn Hughes, Eleri Mills (2), Bernard Mitchell (including a photograph of Will Roberts), Eiluned Rees, Colin See-Paynton (2), Paul Manousso, Toby Ward (includes watercolour sketches), R. S. Thomas (2), John Ward (4), Micky Burn (including holograph poem 'What I see'), John Meirion Morris, Denis Lowson, Derec Llwyd Morgan, Jonah Jones, Barry Morgan, and David Backhouse.

Letters to Kyffin Williams,

Includes letters from Karel Lek, D. Huw Owen (4), Rebecca John (2), David Griffiths (2), Emlyn Hooson (2), Henry Paget (Marquess of Anglesey, 3), R. S. Thomas, Ivor Davies, Anna Haycraft (2), Arfon Haines Davies, Emyr Jenkins, John Ward, Colin See-Paynton (7), Margaret Thomas (2), Bernard Dunstan (2), Ioan Bowen Rees, John Rogers, Meg Stevens (3), Leonard (?)McComb, Peter Coate (2), Alistair Crawford (2), Wyn Roberts (2), Emyr Wyn Jones, Marcelle Davies (including a picture of an embroidery by her 'Kyffin in his studio'), Charles Windsor (Prince of Wales, 2), and Alun Michael.

Letters to Kyffin Williams,

Includes letters from John Sergeant, Colin See-Paynton (5), Barry Jones (2), David Burnett (4), Meg Stevens (4), Anthony Green, Ivor Davies (2), R. S. Thomas, Eiluned Rees, David Carpanini, Alistair Crawford, John Elwyn, and Nicholas Edwards (3).

Letters to Meic Stephens

Over a hundred and fifty letters, 1961-88 in English, Welsh and French, from various correspondents (surnames Jones-W). The letters, some of which include fair copies of published poems, are chiefly concerned with contemporary writing in Wales in both English and Welsh and with the recipient's work as editor of a number of volumes in this field. The correspondents include Glyn Jones (36, and three poems) 1967-86, Gwyn Jones (6) 1967-87, Saunders Lewis (1) 1974, Roland Mathias (17) 1961-86, Leslie Norris (32, and one poem) 1967-86, Eigra Lewis Roberts (2) 1970-3, R. S. Thomas (1) 1975, John Tripp (8) 1968-78, Harri Webb (14) 1967-79, and Kyffin Williams (8) 1970-1.

Letters to Sam Adams,

The file comprises twenty-one letters to Sam Adams from Douglas Cleverdon (2), Rhys Davies (1), Seamus Heaney (1), Richard Hughes (3), Emyr Humphreys (2), Gwyn Jones (2), Moelwyn Merchant (2), Conor Cruise O'Brien (1), Alun Richards (3), R. S. Thomas (1), Gwyn Thomas (2), and Ted Walker (1). The correspondence relates to contributions to Poetry Wales and to other publications by Sam Adams.

Cleverdon, Douglas

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