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Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg.
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Cliff Bere Papers,

  • GB 0210 CLIERE
  • Fonds
  • 1933-1998 /

Welsh Republican Movement and Plaid Cymru papers collected by Cliff Bere, 1940-1973, including correspondence, [c. 1947]-1965; membership forms and subscriptions, [c. 1948]-1957; constitution, meetings and reports, 1949-1952; newspaper cuttings, 1949-1991; political and personal correspondence, 1933-1997; papers relating to Plaid Cymru, [c. 1949]-1996, including the Parliament for Wales Campaign, Cymdeithas yr Iaith (Welsh Language Society) campaign for bilingual road signs, 1971; 'Cofiwn', the National Commemoration Association, 1976-1987; the Welsh Socialist Republican Movement (Mudiad Gweriniaethol Sosialaidd Cymru) 1975-1985; Cymdeithas Cyfamod y Cymry Rhydd (the Society of the Covenant of the Free Welsh) 1986-1994; Cardiff City Planning Department, 1965-1982; Harri Webb papers, 1949-1996; Eurig ap Gwilym [d. 1988], 1976-1988; papers relating to holiday homes arson campaign and Bere's arrest, 1980-1982; Yr Undeb Celtaidd /The Celtic League, 1988-1993; the Free Wales Army, 1993-1998; unpublished drafts of articles, 1934-1996; various journals and pamphlets, [c. 1946]-1976; newspapers cuttings, 1946-1997; undated translations of pamphlets published by the National Museum of Wales; papers, 1984-1998, relating to his publications, and other printed ephemera, 1935-1956.

Bere, Cliff, 1915-1997


Letters received by WAAM in response to the petitioning of local stores and businesses regarding the sale of South African consumer goods, and similar activity carried out by affiliated organisations such as Cymdeithas Yr Iaith Gymraeg and the Barry Anti-Apartheid Group.

Rhys Evans research papers,

  • NLW ex 2371.
  • File
  • 2005.

Rhys Evans's research papers, 2005, on various topics such as establishing S4C, burning holiday homes, the miners' strike and the Welsh Language Society. The papers were collated by the donor in his position as Political Correspondent for BBC Wales.

Evans, Rhys.

Scrapbook 1989-1993,

Newspaper cuttings, 1989-1993, concerning subjects such as a break-in at the Conservative Association's offices in Caernarfon by members of Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, March 1990; and the subsequent court hearing, together with a copy letter from Margaret Thatcher offering her sympathy at what had happened and stating how the incident would not colour the Government's response to calls for a Welsh Language Act; 9 April 1990; alleged telephone death threats made to D. Elwyn Jones over the incident, July 1990; the argument for and against devolution, Nov. 1990; and the resignation of Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister and her succession by John Major, Nov. 1990.

Thatcher, Margaret


Llythyrau, 1964-1969. Ymhlith y gohebwyr mae Roland Mathias (2), [D.] Jacob [Davies], Islwyn [Ffowc Elis], J. E. [Jones], D. J. [Williams] (3), a Carwyn [James]. Ceir llythyrau'n ymwneud â'i benderfyniad i ymddiswyddo fel Llywydd Eglwysi Rhyddion Cymru yn 1967 a llythyrau yn ei wahodd i annerch mewn rali yng Nghefn Brith, ac mewn cyfarfod o Gymdeithas yr Iaith yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol y Fflint 1969.

Mathias, Roland

Papurau Alwyn D. Rees,

  • GB 0210 ADREES
  • fonds
  • [c. 1930]-1974 /

Papurau'r cymdeithasegydd Alwyn D. Rees, 1911-1974, yn cynnwys papurau'n ymwneud â Phrifysgol Cymru, yn bennaf â Choleg Prifysgol Cymru, Aberystwyth, 1920au-1974, gan gynnwys papurau'n ymwneud â'r comisiwn a sefydlwyd i archwilio strwythur ffederal Prifysgol Cymru yn y 1960au; papurau ynglŷn â lle'r Gymraeg yn y Brifysgol a'r ymgyrch i sefydlu neuadd Gymraeg i fyfyrwyr yn Aberystwyth,1967-1974; papurau'n ymwneud â llyfrau, erthyglau a darlithoedd Alwyn D. Rees, 1933-1973, a Chymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, [c.1964]-1974; papurau'n ymwneud â Barn, 1966-1967; papurau'n ymwneud â darlledu yng Nghymru, 1938-1974; papurau'n ymwneud â'r diwydiant llechi yng Nghymru,1946; papurau'n ymwneud â gwleidyddiaeth yng Nghymru, 1911-1974; gohebiaeth gyffredinol, 1935-1974; a phapurau a gohebiaeth bersonol , 1930-1974 = Papers of the sociologist Alwyn D. Rees, 1911-1974, including papers relating to the University of Wales, mainly the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1930s-1974, including papers relating to the commission established to examine the federal structure of the University of Wales in the 1960s; papers concerning the place of the Welsh language in the University and the campaign to establish a Welsh student hostel at Aberystwyth, 1967-1974; papers relating to the University of Malta, 1940-1951; Alwyn D. Rees's research papers, 1933-1973; papers relating to Alwyn D. Rees's books, articles and lectures, and further related research papers assembled by him, 1925-1974; papers relating to the Welsh language, 1952-1974, and 'Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg', [c. 1964]-1974; papers relating to 'Barn', 1966-1975; papers relating to broadcasting in Wales, 1938-1974; papers relating to the Welsh slate industry, 1946; papers relating to politics in Wales, 1911-1974; general correspondence, 1935-1974; and personal papers and correspondence, 1930-1974.

Rees, Alwyn D.

Gohebiaeth gyffredinol 1970-1974,

Ymhlith y gohebwyr mae Bernard Picton (Knight), Dafydd Iwan, John Jenkins o garchar Albany yn cynnig syniad am gardiau i garcharorion 'gwleidyddol', Judith Maro yn trafod ei nofelau, Gareth Miles yn trafod ei gyfraniad at LOL a gweithiau eraill, Islwyn Ffowc Elis, Derrick K. Hearne ar ei gyfrol The Rise of the Welsh Republic, a Watcyn Owen ar ran John Jenkins. Hefyd ceir llythyrau yn trafod ymgyrch Dwynwen, gwaith Cymdeithas yr Iaith, posteri ar gyfer Plaid Cymru, safiad Robat Gruffudd yn mynnu ffurflenni Cymraeg, ac adeilad y Lolfa.

Papurau Dr John Davies,

  • GB 0210 DRJIES
  • fonds
  • 1962-1971 /

Papurau John Davies, 1962-1971, y cyfan yn ymwneud â Chymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg a'r iaith Gymraeg, yn cynnwys gohebiaeth John Davies ag arweinwyr cynnar y Gymdeithas,1962-1971, yn eu mysg E. G. Millward, 1962-1965; cofnodion cyfarfodydd y Gymdeithas, 1962-1963; ffurflenni treth Cymraeg a dwyieithog, 1963-1964; amrywiol erthyglau llawysgrif a chyhoeddedig John Davies ac eraill, 1963-1968; copïau o Tafod y Ddraig, 1963-[1971]; papurau ariannol, [1960s]; a chardiau, taflenni a phamffledi, [1960au] = Papers of John Davies, 1962-1971, all relating to Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg and the Welsh language, including correspondence of John Davies with early leaders of the Society, 1962-1971, including E. G. Millward, 1962-1965; minutes of Society meetings, 1962-1963; Welsh and bilingual tax forms, 1963-1964; various manuscript and published articles by John Davies and others, 1963-1968; copies of Tafod y Ddraig, 1963-[1971]; financial papers, [1960s]; and cards, leaflets and pamphlets, [1960s].

Davies, John, 1938-

Papurau Cynog Dafis,

  • GB 0210 CYNFIS
  • fonds
  • 1934-2007

Papurau Cynog Dafis, yn cynnwys gohebiaeth gyffredinol,1964-1973, ffeiliau yn ymwneud ag addysg, 1961-1982, ffeiliau yn ymwneud â chynghrair Plaid Cymru/Y Blaid Werdd yng Ngheredigion, 1991-1997, papurau, 1996-1997, yn ymwneud ag etholiad cyffredinol 1997, areithiau, ymgyrch llywyddiaeth Plaid Cymru ac etholiad Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru 2007 = Papers of Cynog Dafis, including general correspondence, 1964-1973, files relating to education, 1961-1982, files relating to the Plaid Cymru / Green Party alliance in Ceredigion, 1991-1997, papers relating to the 1997 general election, 1996-1997, speeches, campaign for the role of President of Plaid Cymru and the National Assembly for Wales election 2007.

Derbyniwyd papurau ychwanegol sydd dal heb eu catalogio = Addition papers received remain uncatalogued.

Dafis, Cynog, 1938-

Papurau Ymchwil Dylan Phillips,

  • fonds
  • 1960-1995 (crynhowyd [c. 1993]-1995) /

Papurau, 1960-1995, yn ymwneud â Chymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, a gasglwyd gan Dylan Phillips, gan gynnwys papurau Gareth Miles, 1960-1979, Dafydd Iwan, 1967-1987, Rheinallt Llwyd, 1968-1995, ac Ann Ffrancon,1967-1984, sydd yn ymwneud yn arbennig â'r 1960au a'r 1970au, ac yn cynnwys gohebiaeth yn bennaf, ynghyd â deunydd yn ymwneud ag ymgyrchoedd yn Gymdeithas ac ychydig bapurau gweinyddol = Papers, 1960-1995, collected by Dylan Phillips relating to Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, comprising papers of Gareth Miles, 1960-1979, Dafydd Iwan, 1967-1987, Rheinallt Llwyd, 1968-1995, and Ann Ffrancon, 1967-1984, relating especially to the 1960s and 1970s, and consisting mainly of correspondence, together with material relating to the Society's campaigns and some administrative papers.

Papurau ymchwil ychwanegol Dylan Phillips, yn cynnwys gohebiaeth, papurau swyddogol a thorion o'r wasg, 1983-1992, wedi eu crynhoi gan Mr John Phillips. Nid yw'r rhain wedi eu catalogio eto.

Phillips, Dylan.

Archif Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, Rhanbarth Morgannwg Gwent

  • Fonds
  • 1984-2007

Papurau, 1984-2007, Gymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, Ranbarth Morgannwg Gwent, yn cynnwys gohebiaeth, datganiadau i’r wasg, nodiadau, a thorion o’r wasg, yn ymwneud â gweithredu polisi iaith Gymraeg fewn siopau, busnesau, a chwmniau preifat yn ardal Morgannwg Gwent. Mae rhan fwyaf o’r papurau yn deillio o Gell Caerdydd y Gymdeithas.

Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, Rhanbarth Morgannwg Gwent


Llythyrau, 1976-1979, gan gynnwys rhai oddi wrth Dafydd Rowlands yn amgau copi llawysgrif o'i gerdd 'Yr un yw glaw a chragen', Owain [Owain], Gilbert [Ruddock] (5), John Rowlands (2), Sandra Anstey, Saunders Lewis, Merêd [Meredydd Evans], [D.] Myrddin [Lloyd], Urien [Wiliam] a Ffred Ffransis. Ceir llythyrau o gefnogaeth iddo yn dilyn ei weithred yn diffodd trosglwyddydd teledu ym Mhencarreg yn 1979 gyda Meredydd Evans a Ned Thomas mewn protest ar ran Cymdeithas yr Iaith .

Rowlands, Dafydd.

Papurau Cymdeithas yr Iaith (Rhodri Williams),

  • GB 0210 CYMAMS
  • fonds
  • 1974-1980 /

Cofnodion yn ymwneud â Chymdeithas yr Iaith, 1974-1980, yn cynnwys cofnodion yn ymwneud â Chyfarfodydd Cyffredinol, 1974-1980, a chofnodion cyfarfodydd y Senedd, 1974-1980 = Records relating to the Cymdeithas yr Iaith, 1974-1980, including records relating to General Meetings, 1974-1980; and records of Senedd meetings, 1974-1980.

Williams, Rhodri.