English poetry -- Welsh authors



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English poetry -- Welsh authors

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English poetry -- Welsh authors

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English poetry -- Welsh authors

28 Archival description results for English poetry -- Welsh authors

28 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

A. G. Prys-Jones papers

  • GB 0210 PRYNES
  • Fonds
  • 1907-1989

Papers of A. G. Prys-Jones and, to a much lesser extent, of his friend Don Dale-Jones. A. G. Prys-Jones's papers include letters from him, mainly to Don Dale-Jones, 1967-1987; letters to him from various literary figures, 1934-1987; poetry, including drafts for his published collections, [c. 1923]-[c. 1987], unpublished collections, [c. 1924]-[c. 1968], other published and unpublished poems, 1913-1969, and some poetry notebooks, [c. 1984]; prose works, including short stories, [c. 1930s]-1975, and plays, 1932-1972, many of which were either published, performed or broadcast; drafts and press cuttings of articles and reviews published in newspapers, particularly the Western Mail, 1929-1968, as well as unpublished articles, [c. 1947]-[1960s]; press cuttings of articles about and reviews of Prys-Jones' work, 1923-1987; typescript copies and drafts of The Story of Carmarthenshire and other works, 1941-1972; papers relating to Welsh history, including education in Wales and Llandovery College, 1908-1970; drafts and typescripts of talks, lectures and speeches, including radio scripts, 1937-1958; poetry, prose and lectures by other authors, 1924-1987; and other personal papers and ephemera, 1933-1986. Don Dale-Jones's papers comprise letters, mainly from Dudley G. Davies, 1975-1989.

Prys-Jones, A. G. (Arthur Glyn)

Alun Lewis papers

  • GB 0210 ALEWIS
  • Fonds
  • 1919-1996

Papers of Alun Lewis, 1919-1996, including family correspondence and letters from Robert Graves; autograph and typescript copies of published and unpublished poems; typescript copies of published and unpublished prose; personalia; an unpublished autobiographical novella of college life; memorial tributes to Alun Lewis in poetry form; and notebooks containing poetry and other writings by him.

Lewis, Alun, 1915-1944

Berta Ruck letters,

Four letters, January 1957, March-April 1961, from Berta Ruck, Aberdovey, to the novelist Richard Blake Brown, mainly concerning family matters and Brown's work.
Ruck gives an account of the declining health of her husband Oliver Onions (ff. 105-106), and his subsequent death (f. 107). She also discusses the work of the novelist Marie Corelli (f. 104) and encloses a poem of her own composition entitled 'The Flying Shadow' (f. 103).

Ruck, Berta, 1878-1978

Berta Ruck's 'Birds in Winter'

A holograph poem, [?1950s], entitled 'Birds in Winter' by B[erta] R[uck], written in red ink and accompanied by a pen, ink and watercolour drawing by Ruck, depicting an airman holding a bird.
The poem is written on the back of a sheet of Ruck's notepaper, headed 'From Berta Ruck Aberdovey Merioneth North Wales'; Ruck lived in Aberdyfi from 1939 until her death.

Ruck, Berta, 1878-1978

Charles Davies Papers,

  • GB 0210 CHAVIES
  • Fonds
  • [1880s]-1969 (accumulated [1910s]-1969) /

Papers of Charles Davies, including scrapbooks, 1880s, personal and family papers, 1880s-1950s, academic notes, [c.1918]-1953], correspondence, 1918-1953, personal journals, [?1920s]-1940s, literary papers, [c.1920]-1953, printed material, [1920s]-[1940s], testimonials, 1920-1947, financial papers, 1924-1953, and papers of Dr Constance Bullock-Davies, including school and college notes, [1910s]-[1920s], manuscript drafts of short stories, poems and essays, [1920s]-[1930s], testimonials, 1921-1936, correspondence, 1925-1967, and household accounts, 1931-1934.

Davies, David Charles, 1901-1953

Dannie Abse Papers,

  • GB 0210 DANBSE
  • Fonds
  • 1943-1994 /

Literary, editorial and personal correspondence, draft and unpublished poetry, short stories and other works, and miscellaneous papers, 1955-1995; unpublished short stories and articles, articles and essays, reviews, lectures, plays, broadcasts, ghost-writing, miscellaneous prose, and editorials.

An additional consignment of papers, 2004-7, of Dannie Abse. This group remains uncatalogued.

A further tranch of papers, being letters, loose manuscripts, workbooks and miscellaneous papers, 2008-2013. This group remains uncatalogued.

Abse, Dannie

Douglas Houston notebooks

  • GB 0210 DOUTON
  • Fonds
  • [c. 1978]-2012

Notebooks and other papers of Dr Douglas Houston, including drafts of poems, notes, diary entries, correspondence and drafts of articles.

Houston, Douglas, 1947-

Eliza Phillipps Hughes: Poems and essays, &c.

  • NLW MS 1234C
  • File
  • 1861-1871

Poems, essays and other prose items written by Eliza Carmarthen (1825-1872), i.e. Eliza Phillipps Williams, Carmarthen, who married (1) the Rev. John Saunders Hughes and (2) the Rev. Thomas Johns.
The volume contains short essays and thoughts on Scriptural and other subjects, two short stories entitled 'I wish to be happy' and 'The Dying Student' and a large number of hymns and poems, mostly in English. Also included are two poems in English by Eliza's father John Williams, with a Welsh translation of one of them, and silhouettes by the late Miss Aldrit, Highbury Hall, Weston-super-Mare, and Mrs Johns.

Eliza Carmarthen, 1825-1872

Emyr Humphreys Papers

  • GB 0210 EMYREYS
  • Fonds
  • 1882-2019

Papers of Emyr Humphreys, 1882-2019, arranged in two groups.
The first group consists of papers of Emyr Humphreys, 1908-1993, comprising mainly correspondence, 1930-1993, including personal correspondence, 1939-1993, correspondence between parties other than Emyr Humphreys, 1930-1993, and correspondence relating directly to his work, 1942-1994, and his interests, such as the arts and politics, including papers relating to Plaid Cymru and Gymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, 1956-1992; volumes, published and unpublished, [1946]x1991; short stories, in manuscript and typescript form, together with some poems and scripts and unidentified prose, 1937x1981; articles, reviews, adjudications and lectures, c. 1949x1993; radio and television scripts, including scripts containing references to Emyr Humphreys, with contributions by him and reviews of his work, 1946xc. 1993; poems, 1936xc. 1993; together with miscellaneous items, which include a file of official publications, circulars, memoranda and related papers (c. 1945-1946) relating to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration in Italy, and Welsh and English newspaper cuttings, 1908-1990.
Additional papers, 1882-2019, were received in February 2022, comprising correspondence, 1929-2019; papers relating to novels and prose works by Emyr Humphreys and others, 1931-2017; papers relating to collections of poetry by Emyr Humphreys, 1902-2019, published and unpublished; notebooks and papers, [?1938x?1948]-2014, relating to collections of short stories by Emyr Humphreys, published and unpublished; scripts for stage and television and related papers, 1882-2010; administrative papers, 1943-2009; articles, lectures, and essays by Emyr Humphreys and others, 1938-2019; published items, 1917-2019, collected by and relating to the works of Emyr Humphreys, including cuttings and magazines; notebooks and papers, 1906-1966, of the Rev. Griffith Jones, Llanwnda; and other miscellaneous items and papers kept and collected by Emyr Humphreys, 1922-2013.

Humphreys, Emyr

Essays, &c.,

Autograph and typescript drafts by Dannie Abse of a lecture, 'Pegasus and the Rocking Horse', 1981, and autobiographical essays, 'Return Ticket to Cardiff', and 'A Voice of My Own', all published in A Strong Dose of Myself (1983); and a draft of a script for a BBC programme on Anglo-Welsh poetry.

Dannie Abse.

Idris Davies printed works

  • NLW ex 2921
  • File
  • 1943-1953

Printed copies of three of Idris Davies's poetry volumes: (i) The Angry Summer: A Poem of 1926 (London, 1943), (ii) Tonypandy and Other Poems (London, 1945) and (iii) Selected Poems (London, 1953), each inscribed (either on the title page or on the front flyleaf) by Davies to his fiancée Morfydd Peregrine.

Davies, Idris

Jean Earle Papers.

  • NLW ex 2298
  • File
  • 1977-2001

Papers of Jean Earle (1909-2001), poet, of Abergwili, Carmarthenshire, comprising letters, 1977-2001, draft copies of her poems and short stories.

Earle, Jean

'Last lines' by George Thomas

Manuscript, [?1859], of the poem 'Last lines' by George Thomas (1786-1859) of Llandyssil, Montgomeryshire, probably in the hand of his son John Thomas of Bank, Llandyssil (f. 20 recto-verso), together with a printed copy of the poem, [?1859] (f. 21).
The manuscript contains two minor emendations in a different hand, possibly that of George Thomas himself (f. 20 verso). The poem is printed in full in Frazer Thomas, 'George Thomas of Llandyssil, 1786-1859', in Montgomeryshire Collections, 97 (2009), 101-121 (pp. 120-121).

Thomas, George, approximately 1791-1859

Letters from B. S. Johnson to Bryn Griffiths

  • NLW MS 23789C.
  • File
  • 1965-1971

Nine letters, 1965-1971, from the poet, novelist and film director B. S. Johnson to the poet Bryn Griffiths, discussing the latter's poetry and prose contributions to Transatlantic Review and other publications edited by Johnson, as well as giving news of Johnson's own work.
Also included are a carbon copy of a testimonial from Johnson, supporting Griffiths's application for a bursary from the [?Welsh] Arts Council, [1967] (f. 4), and a contract (ff. 7-8) and letter (f. 9), February 1968, from the publishers Victor Gollancz, concerning Griffiths's article for The Evacuees, ed. by B. S. Johnson (London, 1968).

Johnson, B. S. (Bryan Stanley), 1933-1973

Literary papers

The series consists of papers relating to the poems, mostly published in Ray Howard-Jones, Heart of the rock: poems 1973 to 1992, 1993, which were written to complement her paintings. The series also includes letters from editors of the Anglo-Welsh Review, copies of poems which were included in exhibition catalogues, and miscellaneous papers.

Meic Stephens papers

  • GB 0210 MEIPHENS
  • Fonds
  • 1970-1987

Correspondence, 1970-1977, accumulated by Meic Stephens in the course of editing Artists in Wales, volumes 1-3 (Llandysul, 1971-1977), from artists in the fields of literature, drama, music and the visual arts; letters, 1977-1978, from poets invited to contribute to Green Horse : an anthology by young poets of Wales edited by him (Swansea, 1978); letters, 1978-1979, relating to The Welsh Language Today (second edition, Llandysul, 1979); and correspondence, 1986-1987, between Meic Stephens and Lady Amy Parry-Williams relating to the former's translations into English of essays by T. H. Parry-Williams, published in The White Stone - six essays by T. H. Parry-Williams (Llandysul, 1987).

An additional consignment of the papers of Meic Stephens. This group remains uncatalogued.


Miscellaneous letters and papers

  • NLW MS 23699E.
  • File
  • [early 18 cent.]-1998

A collection of miscellaneous letters and papers, [early 18 cent.]-1998, purchased or received by donation from various sources by the National Library of Wales during the period 1997-2004, and bound as one volume. A list of contents has been placed at the front of the volume (ff. i-viii).

Morfydd Peregrine (Idris Davies) papers

  • NLW MS 24075D
  • File
  • 1943-1990

Papers, 1943-1990, accumulated by Morfydd Peregrine, relating to her fiancée the poet Idris Davies, comprising Davies's diary, 16 October-15 December 1946 (ff. 1-16); four holograph poems, 1943-1952 (ff. 17-20), with a further two in Peregrine's hand, 1951 (ff. 21-22); and newspaper cuttings, 1943-1990, relating to Davies, consisting of poetry (ff. 24-26, 29-34, 43, 45) and reviews, obituaries and articles (ff. 23, 27-28, 35-42, 44).
The holograph poems are 'In Treorchy Cemetery', 21 December 1943 (published as 'David Allen Evans, R.A.F.' in Tonypandy and Other Poems (London, 1945), p. 38), 'Poem for Morfydd', Christmas 1943 (apparently unpublished), 'Rhymney Hill (January 1952)' (reproduced in facsimile in Islwyn Jenkins, Idris Davies of Rhymney (Llandysul, 1986), p. 227) and 'The Choice', [1952] (apparently unpublished). The poems copied by Peregrine are a version of 'Bedwellty Church' omitting the third verse (first published in the Western Mail, 5 March 1948) and 'Brecknockshire' (see The Complete Poems of Idris Davies, ed. by Dafydd Johnston (Cardiff, 1994), C109). Also included is a photograph of Davies and Peregrine (f. 19), as reproduced in the Western Mail, 12 February 1987 (see f. 41); and printed items to accompany the publication of the memorial volume Fe'm Ganed i yn Rhymni / I Was Born in Rhymney (Llandysul, 1990) (ff. 46-51).

Davies, Idris

Planet Archive

  • GB 0210 PLANET
  • Fonds
  • 1970-2007

Papers relating to the magazine Planet, including printers' copies for numbers 1-36 of Planet, 1970-1977, including typescripts of articles, artwork and proofs; manuscripts, 1971-1977, submitted to John Tripp as literary editor, with related correspondence; correspondence, 1970-1975, to the editors, Ned Thomas and Sarah Erskine; letters, 1972-1979, received by John Tripp in his capacity as literary editor; and records of subscriptions, 1971-1974. The papers include manuscripts and letters from many important Welsh and Anglo-Welsh writers.

Additional papers, 1978-2006 (mainly 1985-2006), mostly consisting of correspondence addressed to the editor John Barnie; these remain uncatalogued.

Papers of John Barnie, including correspondence from various poets and literary figures from Wales and other countries, and his own literary and personal papers.


Poems and miscellaneous prose works

The series comprises papers, [1930]-1995 (with gaps), including manuscript and typescript drafts of, and correspondence and notes relating to, various poems and prose works by Glyn Jones, together with books which he co-wrote or edited.

Results 1 to 20 of 28