Catholic Church



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Catholic Church

Termau cyfwerth

Catholic Church

Termau cysylltiedig

Catholic Church

1 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Catholic Church

Dim ond canlyniadau sy'n uniongyrchol gysylltiedig

Carmarthenshire elections, &c.,

Material from the library of the Reverend John Lloyd, Brunant, Cayo, relating almost entirely to late eighteenth and early nineteenth century parliamentary elections for the county of Carmarthen and for the county of the borough of Carmarthen. They consist of poetry, including 'An Essay on the Characters &c. of the Governors of the Boro' of Carmarthen', 1789, 'From plain Truth addressed ... to the Cambrian Sappho' by Mrs. [Maria Justina] Cowell, 1802, 'The Carmarthenshire Parson and a Freeholder. A Dialogue' by [Lewis] Lewis, rector of Clovelly, 1802, etc.; a state of the poll for the hundred of Cayo in the Carmarthenshire election, 16 July - 2 August 1802; holograph and autograph letters, 1807, of Herbert Lloyd, Carmarthen, [Lord] Robert Seymour, Llandilo, and Danl. Price, Junior, Talley; addresses to the Freeholders of the county of Carmarthen by 'A Freeholder', 1807, and to Lord D[ynevor] by 'A Carmarthenshire Freeholder', undated; and printed matter including a poem entitled 'County of the borough of Carmarthen. November, 15th, 1796. The Independent Burgesses's Glory', 'Carmarthen Election Committee, April 5th, 1803. Extract from Mr. Adam's Speech at the Close of the Proceedings', addresses to the electors of co. Carmarthen by W[illiam] Paxton, 1803, 1806, R. Seymour, 1807, and [Sir] Willm. Mansel, Iscoed, 1807, and to the electors of Cardigan Boroughs by J[ohn] Vaughan, Crosswood, 1807, 'The recent Roman Catholic Concerns considered' ('Diweddar Negesau'r Papistiaid wedi eu hystyried') by 'A Protestant of Carmarthenshire' ('Protestant O Sir Gaerfyrddin'), etc.