Sermons -- Wales



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Sermons -- Wales

Termau cyfwerth

Sermons -- Wales

Termau cysylltiedig

Sermons -- Wales

5 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Sermons -- Wales

5 canlyniad yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig Eithrio termau culach

Llythyr a phregethau,

A letter, 14 March 1846, from Morgan Howells, Tredegar, to [?Henry Richard]; notes of sermons by Ebenezer Richard and John Evans, Llwynffortun, 'yn Nghymanfa'r Bala', 20 June 1832; etc.

Richard, Ebenezer, 1781-1837.

Journal of a tour in North Wales

Journal of Rev. Henry Richard concerning a tour in North Wales, October [1847] (watermark 1842).
The volume comprises a diary kept during a week of sightseeing and preaching, travelling from Bala, Merioneth, to Llandudno, Caernarvonshire (ff. 4-9 verso), and including a copy of an englyn by an unknown author (possibly Richard himself) (f. 8), together with notes for sermons on Biblical texts which were probably delivered during the tour (ff. 10-26 verso, inverted text).

Henry Richard.

Rev. William Griffiths Papers,

  • GB 0210 WILTHS
  • Fonds
  • 1816-1948 /

Rev. William Griffiths's journals, 1816-1855; printed diaries, 1837, 1843-1845, 1850-1851; a 'day book' or diary, 1854-1861, with additional entries at the end by his son; a notebook of autobiographical data upon which his book Gower memories of William Griffiths (Aberaeron, 1957) is based; personal letters, 1825-1849; miscellaneous letters, 1840-1860; printed copies of reports and notices of general meetings of the Glamorgan Banking Co., 1845-1858; sermon notes, 1817-1861; notebooks relating to subscriptions for Bethesda Church, Gower, 1838-1843; translation of Robert Jones, Drych yr Amseroedd; letters, 1851-1882, addressed mainly to William Griffiths [junior] at Aberaeron, and an account book, 1849-1855, relating to his business at Aberaeron; and correspondence of Miss A. G. Jones relating to the Rev. William Griffiths, 1948.

Griffiths, William, 1788-1861.

Rev. Edward Jones ('Iorwerth Ddu') Papers,

  • GB 0210 IORDDU
  • Fonds
  • 1866-1924 (accumulated [c. 1877]-1924) /

Volumes of essays, lectures, and lecture notes by Edward Jones, 1880-1918; sermons by him and others, 1866-1924; manuscripts and papers, including essays on the history of Berthlwyd Baptist Chapel by Isaac Craigfryn Hughes and Edward Jones, 1883; and papers relating to Bethania Baptist Chapel, Maesteg, 1895-1909.

Jones, Iorwerth, 1852-1931

Evan Tawe Jones Papers,

  • GB 0210 ETONES
  • Fonds
  • 1842-1969 (mainly 1905-1969) (accumulated [?1920s]-1969) /

Papers of the Rev. E. Tawe Jones (b.1890), comprising exercise books containing sermons and sermon notes, 1917-1969; school and college notebooks, 1907-1909; miscellaneous notebooks containing Biblical commentary, lists of baptisms, marriages and burials, etc., 1905-1964; loose notes and press cuttings, 1919-1969; and papers acquired by him, consisting of notebooks of sermons by Rev. Llewelyn J. Jones, 1932-1936; and a notebook, 1842, containing sermons by the Rev. Joseph Jervis, Congregaionalist minister of Pen-y-graig, near Carmarthen.

Jones, Evan Tawe, 1890-1989