Public records 12-15 cents, extracts from (19 cent.), NLW MS 4224A -- Great Britain



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Public records 12-15 cents, extracts from (19 cent.), NLW MS 4224A -- Great Britain

Termau cyfwerth

Public records 12-15 cents, extracts from (19 cent.), NLW MS 4224A -- Great Britain

Termau cysylltiedig

Public records 12-15 cents, extracts from (19 cent.), NLW MS 4224A -- Great Britain

1 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Public records 12-15 cents, extracts from (19 cent.), NLW MS 4224A -- Great Britain

1 canlyniad yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig Eithrio termau culach

Extracts from memoranda rolls

One of four volumes containing extracts from the memoranda rolls of the Exchequer (King's Remembrancer and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer) for various years during the reigns of Henry II, Edward I, Edward II, Henry IV and Henry V. There are a few Welsh references amongst the volumes.