Pressure groups -- Wales



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Pressure groups -- Wales

Termau cyfwerth

Pressure groups -- Wales

Termau cysylltiedig

Pressure groups -- Wales

9 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Pressure groups -- Wales

9 canlyniad yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig Eithrio termau culach

Papurau Ymchwil Dylan Phillips,

  • fonds
  • 1960-1995 (crynhowyd [c. 1993]-1995) /

Papurau, 1960-1995, yn ymwneud â Chymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, a gasglwyd gan Dylan Phillips, gan gynnwys papurau Gareth Miles, 1960-1979, Dafydd Iwan, 1967-1987, Rheinallt Llwyd, 1968-1995, ac Ann Ffrancon,1967-1984, sydd yn ymwneud yn arbennig â'r 1960au a'r 1970au, ac yn cynnwys gohebiaeth yn bennaf, ynghyd â deunydd yn ymwneud ag ymgyrchoedd yn Gymdeithas ac ychydig bapurau gweinyddol = Papers, 1960-1995, collected by Dylan Phillips relating to Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, comprising papers of Gareth Miles, 1960-1979, Dafydd Iwan, 1967-1987, Rheinallt Llwyd, 1968-1995, and Ann Ffrancon, 1967-1984, relating especially to the 1960s and 1970s, and consisting mainly of correspondence, together with material relating to the Society's campaigns and some administrative papers.

Papurau ymchwil ychwanegol Dylan Phillips, yn cynnwys gohebiaeth, papurau swyddogol a thorion o'r wasg, 1983-1992, wedi eu crynhoi gan Mr John Phillips. Nid yw'r rhain wedi eu catalogio eto.

Phillips, Dylan.

Campaigns and pressure groups

The group comprises papers relating to international affairs, 1919-1978, racism and the anti-apartheid movement, 1955-1995, the peace movement and CND, 1960-1992, the People's March for Jobs, 1981-1983, and the poll tax campaign, 1988-1990.

Archif Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg,

  • GB 0210 CYMAEG
  • Fonds
  • 1967-1998 /

Mae'r archif yn cynnwys: pamffledi, cylchlythyron etc., amrywiol; dwy gyfrol o gofnodion cyfarfodydd Pwyllgor Canolog (1967-70) a Senedd (1970-Ionawr 1975) Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg a rhai y cyfarfodydd cyffredinol blynyddol; cofnodion y Senedd,1974-1981 ac adroddiadau gan wahanol grwpiau o'r Gymdeithas, 1976-1981; papurau gweinyddol,1970-1981, yn cynnwys copïau o benderfyniadau a gyflwynwyd yng nghyfarfodydd cyffredinol y Gymdeithas a deunydd printiedig; papurau yn ymwneud â Grŵp y Dysgwyr, 1974-1985; papurau yn ymwneud â Mudiad Rhyddid yr Iaith, 1977; papurau yn ymwneud ag ymgyrchoedd y bu'r Gymdeithas yn eu canlyn,1970-1981, gan gynnwys yr ymgyrch dros sianel deledu Cymraeg; ffeiliau gohebiaeth,1966-1986; ffeiliau swyddfa,1971-1981; datganiadau i'r wasg etc., 1970-1990; cofnodion y Senedd,1979-1991; ffeiliau amrwiol,1975-1991; papurau yn ymwneud â darlledu, 1974-1980; ffurflenni aelodaeth, 1979-1990; papurau ynghylch y grŵp addysg, 1982-1989; papurau ynghylch tanysgrifiadau i Tafod y Ddraig, 1980-1990; llyfrau lloffion, 1965-1967, yn cynnwys papurau yn adlewyrchu ymgyrchoedd a gweithgareddau y Gymdeithas; cofnodion cyfarfodydd, 1966; atgofion am sefydlu'r Gymdeithas yn 1962 a'i datblygiad cynnar; amrywiol dorion o'r wasg; a phosteri amryfal. Y mae grŵp Mai 1996 yn cynnwys papurau, 1971-1993, yn ymwneud â gwahanol ranbarthau y Gymdeithas a phapurau,1984-1993, yn ymwneud â'i chynghorau, cyfarfodydd seneddol etc. Y mae'r grŵp mawr o gofnodion a dderbyniwyd ym mis Gorffennaf 1998 a mis Ionawr 1999 yn cynnwys y canlynol: llyfrau lloffion,1971-1996,yn cynnwys torion o'r wasg yn disgrifio ymgyrchoedd a gweithgareddau y Gymdeithas a bywyd gwleidyddol Cymru; papurau yn ymwneud ag Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd a'r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, 1986-1994, gohebiaeth oddi wrth y Swyddfa Ganolog,1988-1997; papurau ynglŷn â chelloedd a rhanbarthau y Gymdeithas, 1977-1996; papurau gweinyddol, 1977-1998, yn cynnwys dyddiaduron swyddfa, rhestrau aelodaeth, papurau yn perthyn i wahanol swyddogion y Gymdeithas, papurau ynglŷn â grŵp addysg y Gymdeithas, deunydd yn deillio o lawer o ymgyrchoedd y Gymdeithas, papurau ynglŷn â chyrsiau ar gyfer dysgwyr, papurau ynglŷn â'r Ddeddf Eiddo, a datganiadau i'r wasg. = The archive comprises: a series of forms bearing signatures supporting the Welsh Language Society's Petition to the new local authority bodies in Wales requesting them to strengthen the Welsh Language and Welsh Society; a series of forms bearing signatures supporting the Society's declaration of support for the workers of Shotton; miscellaneous pamphlets, circulars; etc.; two volumes of minutes of meetings of the Central Committee (1967-70) and Senate (1970-January 1975) of the Welsh Language Society and of some of the annual general meetings; minutes of the Senate, 1974-1981 and reports from various groups of the Society, 1976-1981; administrative papers, 1970-1981, including copies of resolutions presented to the general meetings of the Society and printed matter; papers concerning the Learners' Group, 1974-1985; papers concerning the Language Freedom Movement, 1977; papers concerning the campaigns pursued by the Society, 1970-1981, including the campaign for a Welsh language television channel; correspondence files, 1966-1986; office files, 1971-1981; press releases etc., 1970-1990; Senate minutes, 1979-1991; miscellaneous files, 1975-1991; papers relating to broadcasting, 1974-1980; membership forms, 1979-1990; papers concerning the education group, 1982-1989; papers concerning subscriptions to Tafod y Ddraig, 1980-1990; scrapbooks, 1965-1967, containing papers reflecting the campaigns and activities of the Society; minutes of meetings, 1966; reminiscences on the establishment of the Society in 1962 and its early development; miscellaneous press cuttings; and miscellaneous posters. The May 1996 group comprises papers, 1971-1993, relating to the various regions of the Society and papers, 1984-1993, relating to its councils, parliamentary meetings etc. The large group of records received in July 1998 and January 1999 comprise the following: scrapbooks, 1971-1996, containing press cuttings describing the campaigns and activities of the Society and Welsh political life; papers relating to the Urdd National Eisteddfod and the Welsh National Eisteddfod, 1986-1994, correspondence from the Central Office, 1988-1997; papers concerning cells and regions of the Society, 1977-1996; administrative papers, 1977-1998, including office diaries, membership lists, papers belonging to various officials of the Society, papers concerning the Society's education group, material deriving from many of the Society's campaigns, papers concerning courses for Welsh learners, papers concerning the Property Act, and press releases.

Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg.

Papurau Chwith Genedlaethol Plaid Cymru

  • GB 0210 CHTHGEN
  • Fonds
  • 1981-1990

Administrative papers of Plaid Cymru National Left/Chwith Genedlaethol including agendas, minutes, motions, correspondence, along with publications discussion papers.

Plaid Cymru. National Left

Cofnodion Ymgyrch Senedd i Gymru / Parliament for Wales Campaign Records,

  • GB 0210 PARWAL
  • Fonds
  • 1988-2000 /

Parliament for Wales Campaign records, 1988-2000, including minutes, accounts, correspondence, and files relating to membership, branches, policy, activities and publications.

A further consignment of papers were recived comprising correspondence, minutes of meetings and financial papers. This group remains uncatalogued.

Osmond, John

Printed political ephemera

  • NLW ex 1924
  • Ffeil

Printed material, leaflets, newsletters and circular correspondence relating to trade unions, pressure groups and left-wing organizations, c 1970s-80s, including the Communist Party Welsh Congress, 1972; the Welsh Committee Against Racialism, 1977; Defence of Trade Unions Committee, 1977; the Wales for the Assembly Campaign, 1977-9; Llafur: the Society for the Study of Welsh Labour History, 1978-9; Gwynedd CND, 1981; the National Left, 1982; and the National Union of Mineworkers, 1984-5; together with a pamphlet by the British and Irish Communist Organization entitled Is Wales a Nation?, 1972; three issues of Mirror on Rural Scotland, 1982-3; an issue of The Communist, undated; and a pamphlet by Plaid Gwerin Cymru entitled Capitalist Socialism, Capitalist Nationalism and Socialist Nationalism, undated.

Plaid Cymru: Hydro Group Papers,

  • GB 0210 HYDRO
  • Fonds
  • 1983-1986 /

Constitution and rules of the Hydro Group and minutes of meetings, 1983-1986; correspondence, 1983-1986; copies of Tonnau/Waves, 1984-1986; study reports and questionnaires, 1983-1984.

Plaid Cymru. Hydro Group.

Meurig Parri Papers,

  • GB 0210 MEURRI
  • Fonds
  • 1972-1987 /

Papers of Meurig Parri, 1972-1987, mainly correspondence and papers relating to anti-war campaigns in Northern Ireland, the Falklands War and CND; general political affairs in Wales, epecially the activities of Plaid Cymru; Welsh language groups; the General Election of 1983, and local elections of West Glamorgan County Council and Cardiff West Parliamentary Constituency, 1979-1984.

Parri, Meurig.