Dangos 841573 canlyniad

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Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

9637 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol


First broadcast: 4 January 1992 to 12 April 1993.
UID: Noted below if known.
Typed script with written annotations, edits and handwritten notes.
BBC radio script for Sportstime. Details as follows:

4 January 1992, UID: 331K501;
11 January 1992, UID: 331K502;
18 January 1992, UID: 331K503;
2 February 1992, UID: 331K505;
8 February 1992, UID: 331K506;
15 February 1992, UID: 331K507;
22 February 1992, UID: 331K508;
29 February 1992, UID: 331K509;
7 March 1992, UID: 331K510;
14 March 1992, UID: 331K511;
21 March 1992, UID: 331K512;
28 March 1992, UID: 331K513;
4 April 1992, UID: 331K514;
11 April 1992, UID: 331K515;
18 April 1992, UID: 331K516;
20 April 1992;
25 April 1992, UID: 331K517;
2 May 1992, UID: 331K518;
9 May 1992, UID: 331K519;
16 May 1992, UID: 331K520;
5 September 1992, UID: 331K536;
12 September 1992, UID: 331K537;
19 September 1992, UID: 331K538;
26 September 1992, UID: 331K539;
3 October 1992, UID: 331K540;
10 October 1992, UID: 331K541;
17 October 1992, UID: 331K542;
24 October 1992, UID: 331K543;
31 October 1992, UID: 331K544;
7 November 1992, UID: 331K545;
14 November 1992, UID: 331K546;
21 November 1992, UID: 331K547;
28 November 1992, UID: 331K548;
5 December 1992, UID: 331K549;
12 December 1992, UID: 331K550;
19 December 1992, UID: 331K551;
26 December 1992, UID: 331K552;
28 December 1992, UID: 331K752;
12 April 1993, UID: 371L415.

In Tune

In Tune.
First broadcast: 12 October 1993 to 6 June 1996.
UID: Noted below if known.
55 typed scripts, some with written annotations.
BBC radio scripts for In Tune, details as follows:

12 October 1993, UID: 91BA2085;
19 October 1993;
4 November 1993, UID: 93BE2729CBO;
16 November 1993, UID: 93BE2737CBO;
14 December 1993;
15 December 1993;
16 December 1993;
4 January 1994;
20 January 1994, UID: 93BE93BE8116CBO;
3 February 1994, UID: 93BE8117CBO;
15 February 1994, UID: 93BE8119CBO;
1 March 1994, UID: 93BE8118CBO;
29 March 1994, UID: 93BE8180CBO;
12 April 1994, UID: 94BE8279CB0;
28 April 1994, UID: 94BE8436CB0;
19 May 1994, UID: 94BE8436CB0;
2 June 1994, UID: 94BE8466CB0;
7 June 1994, UID: 94BE8468CB0;
23 June 1994, UID: 94BE8433CB0;
19 July 1994, UID: 94BE8677CBO;
11 August 1994, UID: 94BE8684CBO;
18 August 1994, UID: 94BE8695CBO;
23 August 1994, UID: 94BE8682CBO;
13 September 1994, UID: 94BE8697CBO;
11 October 1994, UID: 94BE8982CBO;
1 November 1994, UID: 94BE8988CBO;
15 November 1994, UID: 94BE8992CBO;
29 November 1994, UID: 94BE8996CBO;
20 December 1994, UID: 94BE8003CBO;
19 January 1995, UID: 94BE2119CBO;
2 February 1995, UID: 94BE2120CBO;
14 February 1995, UID: 94BE2121CBO;
28 February 1995, UID: 94BE212CBO;
14 March 1995, UID: 94BE2123CBO;
27 April 1995, UID: 95BE0951CB0;
9 May 1995, UID: 95BE0952CBO;
16 May 1995, UID: 95BE0953CB0;
30 May 1995, UID: 95BE0954CB0;
20 July 1995, UID: 95BE1938CB0;
3 August 1995, UID: 95BE1942CB0;
10 August 1995;
7 September 1995, UID: 95BE2004CBO;
14 September 1995, UID: 95BE1953CBO;
19 October 1995, UID: 95BE3008CB0;
26 October 1995, UID: 95BE3009CB0;
9 November 1995, UID: 95BE3010CBO;
5 December 1995, UID: 95BE3011CB0;
19 December 1995, UID: 95BE3012CBO;
25 January 1996, UID: 95BE3487CB0;
1 February 1996, UID: 95BE3488CB0;
13 February 1996, UID: 95BE3489CB0;
29 February 1996, UID: 95BE3490CB0;
12 March 1996, UID: 95BE3491CB0;
4 June 1996, UID: 96BE4605CB0;
6 June 1996, UID: 96BE4606CB0.

John Wandesforde, at his old lodging, to Sir John Owen,

The writer's diet is constantly at home and private: he never goes to the court, rarely to persons of quality, which Owen will find from the advices he sends him. The Presbyterian is now upon the stage alone - their priests are discharged of the pulpit, though they endeavoured much to be indulged, as notoriously pleased to hear themselves preach and pray there; but as they misguided the world formerly, so by other men in their places the world will in time be disabused. The King and the Duke of York are to have the honour of purging the Church of this generation, and the chief instrument was the Bishop of London; now the great work is how to quiet their proselytes. Many of the soldiery's officers are found here contrary to the proclamation and are imprisoned; divers have affronted the Book of Common Prayer seditiously, and suffer. Yesterday was said to have been designed for their choice of a general, but all their plots were discovered and prevented, for the guards have not rested in bed these ten nights. Commission for arms in the City sits often. New commissions have been granted to the Earls of Cleveland and Northampton for raising volunteer horse. So all diligence is used by the King who is here in his royal person. But Owen will inquire of Cavaliers how they are looked upon: certainly if they serve well in their stations, they will find their merit; for if the King vindicate upon the insolency of the Presbyterian, he must do it by the Cavalier. If Owen would know the government of their moneys, it had much ado to escape Sir Evan Floyd's design to put it into notorious Presbyterian hands as treasurers, which makes the writer wonder at the constitution of man-kind: as if 'we' had not suffered sufficiently already by their powers, for if they reduce 'us againe they will not spare us.'.

Margaret Edwards, at Bangor, to Sir John Owen at Clenennau,

Desires Owen's favour concerning some lands in Whittington which belonged to one John Gruffyth whose grandchild the writer is, being the daughter of Edward John his son. Desires Owen, if his leisure permits, to write one or two lines if he thinks she has any claim that she may seek her right. If he thinks it is her right and if he has a mind to have the land, he may have it at a more easy rate than any, so that she may have something for her poor children and her own sustenance.

Ed(ward) Agberowe, at London, to Sir John Owen and the rest of the Deputy-Lieutenants of the County of Caernarvon,

Has been commanded by the Lord President to give them an account of the money left over of the proportion sent up for the arms. There is £42 which is designed for 'trophees'. Has already contracted for two 'halberts' and a 'partizan' at £3 complete with 'tossells'. The 'coullers 'will be £3.10.0. The two drums have not yet been completely contracted for. He reckons the whole for each company in their regiment will amount to £9. Wishes to know how many companies there are, and what 'ffancies' he designs for the regiment as most agreeable to their coat-of-arms, which is usually referred to the colonel. He will speedily dispatch as many as the money will hold out for: if there be occasion for more they must send what money shall be wanting. PS The horse 'cullers' and staff will cost at least £6 for anything handsome.

History Key Stage 1 - Welsh History Stories: 5. Jane Pritchard (Child of The Manor) by Dr Elin Jones

History Key Stage 1 - Welsh History Stories: 5. Jane Pritchard (Child of The Manor) by Dr Elin Jones.
First broadcast: 24 October 1996.
UID: 519R904.
Typed script with written annotations.
BBC radio script for History Key Stage 1 - Welsh History Stories: 5. Jane Pritchard (Child of The Manor) by Dr Elin Jones.

Archifau'r Bwrdd Ffilmiau Cymraeg

  • Fonds
  • 1970-1991

Cofnodion Bwrdd Ffilmiau Cymraeg, 1970-1991, yn cynnwys papurau gweinyddol, gohebiaeth gyffredinol, gohebiaeth yn ymwneud â chynhyrchu ffilmiau i'r Bwrdd, a phapurau a gohebiaeth yn ymwneud â phynciau ariannol,1972-1986, gan cynnwys cofnodion y Bwrdd, 1970-1972, dan yr enw Panel Ffilmiau Cymraeg Gregynog; a chofnodion ariannol,1986-1991. = Records of Bwrdd Ffilmiau Cymraeg, 1970-1991, comprising administrative papers, general correspondence, correspondence relating to the production of films for the Board, and papers and correspondence relating to financial matters, 1972-1986, and including minutes of the Board for 1970-1972, under the name Panel Ffilmiau Cymraeg Gregynog; and financial records, 1986-1991.

Bwrdd Ffilmiau Cymraeg.

Canlyniadau 1 i 20 o 841573