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Llythyrau Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf

Llythyrau, 1916-1918, yn ymwneud â phrofiadau F. Wynn Jones yn y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf ac fel carcharor rhyfel yn Yr Almaen yn 1918 ac o'r Iseldiroedd wedi iddo gael ei ryddhau, gan gynnwys llythyr, 1918, a anfonwyd at ei rieni yn eu hysbysebu ei fod ar goll a llythyr, 1918, a gylchredwyd oddi wrth y Brenin George VI, yn estyn croeso nôl iddo; a llythyrau, 1918, oddi wrth aelodau'r teulu a chyfeillion yn cydymdeimlo gyda hwy pan ofnwyd ei fod wedi colli'i fywyd, ynghyd â thri llythyr, [1918]-1919, oddi wrth Thomas Jones, brawd F. Wynn Jones, at y teulu.

George VI, King of Great Britain, 1895-1952

Letters from Ithel Davies to his parents Benjamin and Anne Davies and brother Goronwy, 'Glan-yr-afon', Cwm Tafolog, co Montgomery. Letter ...,

Letters from Ithel Davies to his parents Benjamin and Anne Davies and brother Goronwy, 'Glan-yr-afon', Cwm Tafolog, co Montgomery. Letter no 8 includes a draft of Ithel Davies's statement to the military court, 11 May 1916. Poems by him are contained in nos 69, 110, 117, 125-6, 135, 141, 146, 149, 153-4, 163, 195, 197-8.

Letter to Ifor's father,

He is glad to hear of his father's engagement in Carmarthen. Ifor is sure it will be a big affair and expects his father will be glad to see Uncle Harry once more. Ifor asks after the Professor and his family; he would much like to see them again but fears it will be some time before he does so. He also asks for his best remembrances to be passed onto a Mr and Mrs Jones; Ifor asks if Mr Jones would correct an English composition(once a month) for him. He writes that he has not received his father's order; the postal service being very slow. Ifor proposes staying in Germany until the middle of November, which will cut his French stay to 2 or 3 weeks. Instead of going to Tours which is far from the German frontier, he shall split his time in France between Nancy and Lille. He will then come home via Dover. He states that his new route will be more economical than going to Paris. He submits his plans for consideration. Ifor also details his planned work; he hopes to be able to read German fairly well in a months time. He has been in bed since Monday evening due to a sore throat and ear ache. Ifor is much better today but not quite 100%.

Letter to Ifor's parents,

Ifor's life continues much as usual. His hours of service have been cut to 8 conversations a week. He is in good health and can work almost as well as before the war. Ifor fancies that he will be ready for the examination on Constitutional law as well as the other subjects. However he does not find coaching by correspondence to be satisfactory. He then discusses and explains the marks he has received for his compositions. States that he is gradually succeeding in memorising the functions of administrators, from Archbishops to Justices of the Peace. Ifor encloses a post card to be sent by his parents in respect to his application to the University of London and requests his parents arrange for someone well deposed to him to provide a certificate of good conduct for him. He writes that he is quite certain that Michenean was killed in 1915, a friend of his has endeavoured to find out further information and not succeeded. Ifor will return home almost immediately after Whitsum and states that David has not made the progress with his French he had anticipated. He describes the friends he has recently met and those he hopes to see shortly. He was in Paris last Sunday and attended a very enjoyable concert. He will go again next Saturday to hear 2 concerts by the New York Symphony Orchestra.


Diary, 1914-15, written whilst he was a prisoner of war in Germany, and a claim, 1919, for baggage lost when he was wounded and taken prisoner.

Letter to Ifor's parents,

He explains that he is quite comfortable in Nuremburg but under no condition permitted to leave the city. Ifor fears he may have to winter in Nuremburg and requests that his parents send £25 on receipt of this letter. As direct communication between England and Germany is cut off, he explains how they should send the sum requested. He expresses hope for an exchange and explains that his parents can keep themselves informed by writing to the foreign office. Ifor goes on to say that he currently has a nice room at a bed and breakfast; he obtains his meals from 'one or other of the Vegetarian restaurants here'. Fortunately Ifor is not alone sharing the hotel with a number of other detained British subjects (named). He is in good health, exercises daily and is starting to work. Above all he asks his parents not to worry.

Confirmation by Nicholas [ap Gwrgant], Bishop of Llandaff [1148-1183], to Margam Abbey, of all things which Rodbert Earl of Gloucester ...,

Confirmation by Nicholas [ap Gwrgant], Bishop of Llandaff [1148-1183], to Margam Abbey, of all things which Rodbert Earl of Gloucester [d. 1147] gave for construction of an Abbey into the hands of the monks of Clairvaux, viz. all the land between Auen and Chenefeg, from the brow of the hills to the sea, as the waters descend from the hills, and the fisheries of Auen; and of the gift of William Earl of Gloucester [1147-1173], son of the above, all the wreck on that land, and the fishery of Chenefeg; and of the gift of Roger de Haubertunia, with assent of William Scurlag, [See G. T. Clark's Cartae, No. lxiv, 1205], the Grange of Langewi. Witnesses: Bertramnus, Prior of Eweni [founded in 1141]; Peter, Hugh, Adam, Edwine, monks of Gloucester; Herewald and William, canons of Llandaff; William, chaplain of Rumi; Adam son of Walter, Roger de Bona-uilla, Richard de Rumi, Thomas de Landiltuit, Alward de Penmarc. Latin. Pointed oval seal, red wax, edge chipped, 31/4 x 2 in., appended by a cord. The Bishop, with mitre and vestments, holding a staff or crozier in the left hand, lifting up the right hand in benediction. + SIGI......NICHOLAI. D[ei . Grac]ia . Landavensis . Episcopi.

Letter from J. G. Gibbon,

Note written on the back signed by W. M. T. says that this letter should be passed on to Mrs Evans. The letter provides information on Ifor's movements; he went to the south of Germany in July when he left Gibbon's pension, in consequence of the war he was detained for being an Englishman in Nuremberg. It also states that in his last postcard Ifor claimed his parents had sent him enough money.

Gibbon, J. G..


Mrs Harold is pleased to have Mrs Evans letter of the 27th. She is grateful to her for passing on the news that her boy is well and in good company. She writes that her son has been examined by a Doctor, that 2 Englishmen and he were found unfit for military service and may be let out of prison. Mary Harold has been very anxious about her son who is 25 and a teacher of German. She mentions a recent death in the family; her eldest son died 2 weeks previously in Huddersfield.


The file includes a letter, dated October 1915, containing information on Allied attacks on German positions in France, and an undated letter documenting a soldier's experiences between March and July 1915 and the injuries he sustained at Dardanelles.


The file includes a letter, dated 15 October, from a soldier serving in Egypt regarding his views on conscientious objection.

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