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Biblia Abbatie de Tinternie,

  • File
  • [mid 13 cent.].

A Bible, from Tintern Abbey, the Books in the usual order of 13 cent. French Bibles (see N. R. Ker and A. J. Piper, Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries (Oxford, 1969- ), I, 96-7) except that it lacks the Prayer of Manasses and includes after Ecclesiasticus the Prayer of Solomon. Compared with the usual set of prologues there are many omissions and divergencies. Written by two scribes. Good decorated initials. Substantial glossing by hands of 13 cent.

Dares Phrygius: Geoffrey of Monmouth,

  • File
  • [1250x1300] /

A Latin manuscript written on parchment in the second half of the thirteenth century and containing (a) ff. 1 recto-10 verso, the prose narrative generally known as Daretis Phrygii de Excidio Troiae Historia, and (b) ff. 11 recto-64 recto, a text of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae in eleven books, followed, f. 64 recto-verso, by a brief list of names (place-names, river-names, etc., beginning with 'Armorica') and their derivations. According to the colophon on f. 64 verso the scribe was William of Wodecherche, former lay brother of Robertsbridge [Abbey, Sussex] ('hanc hystoriam brittonum scripsit frater Willelmus de Wodecherche laicus quondam conuersus pontis Roberti cuius anima requiescat in pace. Amen'); there is an almost identical colophon in MS Bodl. 132. The manuscript has the red crayon pagination associated with Archbishop Matthew Parker, the numbering in this case being 1-127, and in Parker's time, and perhaps from the beginning, it appears to have been bound with Phillipps MS 26641 (William of Malmesbury, Gesta Regum Anglorum) and Phillipps MS 26642 (Giraldus Cambrensis, Topographia Hibernica, etc., and Edmund Campion, 'Two bookes of the histories of Ireland, purchased at Sotheby's by 3rd Earl Iveagh, and now Farmleigh Library, Dublin, Benjamin Iveagh Library, IV E 6). The text of the Historia Regum Britanniae is of the 'Variant Version' published by Jacob Hammer in 1951 (see 'Publications about Described Materials note). It should be added that the text includes the reading 'Que multa exercens ueneficia . . . haberet' (f. 36 verso), cf. Hywel D. Emanuel, 'Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britannie: a second variant version', in Medium Aevum, XXXV, pp. 103-10). The manuscript begins, f. 1 recto, 'Epistula cornelii ad Crispum salustium in troianorum hystoria. que in Greco a darete hystonographo facta est. Cornelius Gaio Crispo salutem' . . 'Explicit epistula. Narratio Daretis Trolani Excidii'; f. 10 verso, 'Explicit Troie Excidium. Incipit hystoria brittonum tracta ab antiquis libris brittonvm', with Geoffrey of Monmouth's prologue added in the margins in a sixteenth century hand ('Historla Galfridi Monumetensis. Cum mecum multa . . . interno gratulatur affectu'); f. 11 recto, the Geoffrey of Monmouth text, beginning 'Britannia insularum optima. . .', with running title 'hystoria brittonum' and a note, probably by Matthew Parker, 'hic liber multum variat a communi galfrido quamuis in multis concordant'; f. 64 recto, 'Explicit hystoria brittonum correcta et abbreuiata', followed by another note probably by Parker, 'et cum vulgari galfrido: non concordat' (a note in the margin of f. 63 verso, 'in hoc libro augustinus non habetur', is also probably by him). The divisions into books are marked and there is a lacuna in Book XI between ff. 62 verso and 63 recto (apparently by the loss of the two middle bifolia of the quire) although the pagination is continuous. On f. 64 verso William of Malmesbury's dedicatory letter to the earl of Gloucester has been inserted in a sixteenth century hand (cf. f. 10 verso).

William of Wodecherche

Fragment of missal,

  • NLW MS 22081D.
  • File
  • [mid 12 cent.], [15 cent.], 1572.

A bifolium of a noted missal, [mid twelfth century], used as wrappers of printed Acts of the Parliament held 8 May to 30 June 1572. The two leaves contain parts of the proper for Septuagesima and Sexagesima Sundays and for the first Friday, Saturday and Sunday of Lent. Written in two columns on 34 lines. Initials in red and green. Reading marks added. Prayers added in hands of fifteenth century.

Psalterium glossatum,

  • File
  • [12 cent., first ½].

The psalter accompanied by a commentary based on that of Gilbert de la Porrée (see C. F. R. de Hamel, 'Glossed Books of the Bible and the Origins of the Paris Booktrade' (Woodbridge, 1984), p. 20). Gathered in eights, single leaves wanting after ff. 46, 88 and 89 (cut out for their initials) and a quire at the end. Good multi-coloured initials in red, blue and green, large ones for psalms 26, 38, 68, 80 and 109 (those for psalms 1, 51, 52, 101 and 109 cut out).

Ystorya Dared; brutiau,

  • NLW MS 13211E.
  • File
  • [1575x1660] /

A folio manuscript volume written almost entirely in the last quarter of the sixteenth century, and containing (a) ff. 1-7 recto, 'ystori Gruffydd ap Cynan Brenin gwynedd' beginning 'Yn nyddiau Edward Brenin lloegr a Therdelach brenin y werddon . . .' and ending '. . . ynghyd ag eneidiav brenhinoedd da eraill yn oes oessoed [sic] Amen'; (b) f. 7 recto-verso, 'Interdictio papae aduersus Lewelinum Principem Northwalliae filium Ierwerthium [sic]', dated Anagnia, 5 October 1223 [see Haddan and Stubbs, Councils. . ., 1, pp. 459-61]; (c) ff. 8 recto-9 recto, 'Literae Lewelini Principis Walliae ad Clerum Angliae apud London Convocat' . . . ex ipso autographo penes Dominum Thomam Yale . . . remanente per Ed: Theloal, transcriptae penvltimo die Augusti 1574', the letter dated Tall y bont, 6 October 1275 [see Haddan and Stubbs, Councils . . ., I, p. 508]; (d) f. 15 verso, a painting of the arms of [Tudur Trevor] with the subscription 'kar bob kywirdeb medd John Trevor Trevalun'; (e) ff. 16 recto-29 recto, a text of Dares Phrygius (Ystorya Dared) beginning '[Ll]yma yn Gyntaf ddechrav y sidg o droea ar Rhyfeloedd a fv ynechrav y kronigl kanis peleas vrenin a oedd yn y kastell A Elwid Pelopens [sic] . . .' and ending 'a chidac Elennys vab Priaf ai ddwy chwiorydd ai vam i doeth davkant a thair mil o ddynnion/Ag velly y tervyna ystoria Dared am y Sidg o droyaf'; (f) ff. 29 recto-86 verso, a text of the 'Brut Tysilio' version of Brut y Brenhinedd beginning with the prologue followed by 'Gwedi kael y gaer y ffoes Enneas yssgwyddwynn ac Essganiws i vab gidac ef . . .' and ending 'Ag velly Twyssogionn a fv ar gymrv bob eilwers o hynny allann' with the colophon 'Gwallted [sic] archiagon rrydychen a droes y darn hwnn or kronigl o lading i gymraeg. /A minnav Edward kyffin ai ail Essgrivennodd fo i Sion Trevor Trevalyn yssgwier Pann oedd oed krist 1577'; and (g) ff. 92 recto-158 recto, a text of Brut y Tywysogyon beginning 'Rann [sic] oedd oed yn Arglwydd ni Iessv grist yn 681 yr aeth kydwaladrvendigaid i lydaw at Alan nai selyf. . .' and ending [1270] 'Deng mlynedd a thrvgaint a devkant a mil oedd oed krist pan fv farw mredydd ap grvffydd Arglwydd hirfryn yn i gastell ehvn yn llanymddyfri Trannoeth gwedi Gwyl Saint Lvwck Evyngylwr'. The main hand is that of Edward Kyffin; ff. 7 recto-9 recto are written in two later and contemporary hands, one being that of Hugh Robertes who wrote on f. 7 recto 'Hugh Robertes a scrifennodd hwnn yn Nantclwyd yng. chilch Kalan gaia 1651'. This is the manuscript referred to as 'Thelwall MS.' in Brut y Tywysogyon or The Chronicle of the Princes, Peniarth MS 20 Version, translated . . . by Thomas Jones, Board of Celtic Studies, University of Wales History and Law Series, No. XI (Cardiff, 1952), pp. li-liii.

Kyffin, Edward, ca. 1558-1603