Dangos 7 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Gruffydd ap Ieuan ap Llywelyn Fychan, ca. 1485-1553 Ffeil
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Geirfau, etc.,

Miscellaneous papers containing notes, extracts, transcripts, lists, etc., in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound together in one volume. Pp. 9-62, 68-73, 76- 90, 107-48, 213-20 and various other pages in the volume contain miscellaneous Welsh word lists frequently, but not invariably, with English definitions and illustrative excerpts from the works of Welsh poets. Other items include pp. 63-5, an incomplete 'Cornish - Silurian vocabulary' (words beginning with letter A only); 75, a comparative word list with the superscription 'Peculiarities of the Silurian and Venedotian dialects'; 93-106, a list of popular proverbial and figurative expressions or phrases in Welsh (see IM, t. 389); 149-50, 157-63, lists of Latin proper names, common nouns, etc., largely connected with ancient Gaul; 153- 6, 165-208, a French - English vocabulary with Welsh cognates of the French words; 221-30, a Cornish - English vocabulary with the superscription 'Borlace Vocabulary' [probably transcribed from, or based upon, the vocabulary to be found in William Borlase: Antiquities, Historical and Monumental, of the County of Cornwall . . . (1754, 2nd ed. 1769)], with Welsh cognates of the Cornish words; 236, 'Some Names of Rivers in Glamorganshire'; 237, a copy of a poem attributed to Taliesin; 240, notes headed 'Names of Mountains'; 241-2, notes headed 'Appelative Name of Watter', and 'Proper Names of Rivers'; 251-8, a collection of Welsh proverbs arranged alphabetically according to the initial letter (incomplete, G-Y only); 260-61, a Welsh poem by Edward Williams; 262, a list of 'Silurian words agreeing with Armoric'; 273-4, two lists with the headings 'Books and MSS. useful towards the History of Cardiff', and 'Hints and Materials for the History of Cardiff' respectively; 281-2, a copy of a thirty-eight stanza anti-Puritan poem entitled 'Cân i Ladron Morganwg' attributed to 'Jenkin Rhichards o Flaenau Gwent' and dated 1646 (for an assessment of the historical evidence presented in this poem see Thomas Richards: A History of the Puritan Movement in Wales (London, 1920), p. 211, and the same author's Religious Developments in Wales, 1654-1662 ( London, 1923), pp. 191-4, and for doubts as to its authenticity IM, tt. 254-63); 283-4, a transcript of a letter from [the Reverend] Edw[ar]d Gamage [from St. Athan] to Llywelyn [ab Ifan] 'o'r Cannerw', undated (replying to a request for the names of books for the study of the Welsh language, observations on differences between the dialects of Glamorgan and North Wales, a suggestion that a scholarly, bardic language be formed from the best elements in all regional dialects) (for a holograph copy of a letter from Edward Gamage to Llywelyn ab Ifan see NLW MS 13077B and for transcripts by Edward Williams of letters from, or allegedly from, Gamage to the same recipient in addition to the present example see NLW MSS 13095B, 13100B; for observations on these letters and the dubious authenticity of the Williams transcripts see IMCY, tt. 58-60, TLLM, tt. 107, 195, and IM, tt. 245-6); 285, a copy of an 'englyn' descriptive of a silkworm and 'composed of vowels'; 291, an incomplete transcript of [Thomas] Gray's 'Ode on the Pleasure arising from Vicissitude'; 295-8, a chronicle of events in British-Welsh history, 1076-1110; 299-300, notes on the Welsh bardic order with references to [James] Macpherson's theories about the druids and bards and a comment on his Fingal poem; 302, extracts from the Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure, 1768; 303-04, a transcript of [Taliesin's poem] 'Gwaith Argoed Llwyfain' with an English translation thereof by W[illia]m Whitehead (see Edward Jones: Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh Bards . . . (1784), pp. 5-6); 307-10, an English translation of the title-page of Theophilus Evans: Drych y Prif Oesoedd . . ., ail arg. [1740], and of pp. 107-10 of the text of the work; 315-16, a copy of a letter from 'Christopher Crabstick', servant of Mr. Windham [Thomas Wyndham of Dunraven Castle, co. Glamorgan], to Captain Wind[s]or [Captain Thomas Windsor, R.N.), undated (a satirical attack on recipient's decision to offer himself as a candidate in the parliamentary election for the county of Glamorgan [?1789]); 323, draft copies of an election song to accompany the preceding item; 317-20, brief notes on the topography, agriculture, mineral wealth, etc., of the three main divisions of Glamorgan; 321-2, an advertisement for a proposed history of the town of Cardiff and lordship of Glamorgan; 326, a copy of the proposed title- page of Edward Williams's intended 'History of the Ancient British Bards or Druids' to be published in 1795; 327-30, notes on Welsh poetic metres ('Am gysefin ansawdd y mesurau') and on bardic ceremonial ('defodau . . . wrth gynnal gorsedd'); 333-4, prose items with the superscriptions 'Casbethau serchog', 'Llyma lythr anfon serch o waith D.G. o lyfr Ovydd', 'Dewisbethau serchog o lyfr Ofydd', and 'Casbethau Eiddig'; 335-6 two sequences of stanzas (twenty-one and twenty-four respectively) of Welsh prophetic verse with each stanza commencing with the words 'Coronog faban . . .', the first sequence being taken, with revised orthography, from Thomas Pugh: Brittish and Out-landish Prophesies . . . (London, 1658) [pp- 47-51, 37-8] (for the text of both sequences see Iolo Manuscripts . . ., pp. 276-82); 337-8, an incomplete copy of a Welsh poem describing the county of Glamorgan, its towns, etc. (for the missing portion, i.e., stanzas 1-30, see Iolo Aneurin Williams MS 97 in the National Library of Wales); 339-40 transcripts of two 'cywyddau' attributed to Ieuan ap Hywel Swrdwal and Gruff. ap Ieuan ap Llywelyn Fychan; 341-2, a transcript of a letter in Welsh from the poet Gronw Owen from Donnington, co. Salop, to William Elias, 1751 (for the text of this letter and notes on problems relating thereto see J. H. Davies (ed.): The Letters of Goronwy Owen . . . (Cardiff, 1924), pp. 3-4, 203-04); 343-5 medical maxims in Welsh; and 347-8, transcripts of 'englynion' by Wm. Llyn, H[uw] Llyn, and Edward Morris. Also included are miscellaneous notes on bardic, literary, and historical matters, etc.


A volume of transcripts of miscellaneous poems in English, Latin, and Welsh. The Welsh verse consists of one 'cywydd' each by Davydd Nanmor, Gr[uffydd] ap Ieuan, Iolo Goch, Ll[ewely]n ap Holl ap Ieuan ap Gronwy, and Mredydd ap Rys, and some thirty 'englynion', all anonymous except one which is attributed to Gruffith Llwyd. The English verse includes poems entitled 'A l[ett]re to Ben Johnson' by Nic[ ] Oldisworth, 'A Poem made on Rob[er]t Deuorex, Earle of Essex, by Mr. Henry Cuff, his Chaplaine', 'Epit[aph] on Prince Henery', 'On 2 lawyers who mett at the Hoops tauerne nere Billingsgate', 'On Queene An's Death', 'On Queene Elizabeth', 'On Dandy, sometyme Steward of Greyes-In who died suddenly', 'On Mr. Whitehead, an Attorney', 'On the death of S[i]r Fran[cis] Vere', 'Epit[aph] on S[i]r John Spencer', 'Epit[aph] on John More', 'On The Marriage of the Arts plaid before the King at Christ Church in Oxford', 'Epit[aph] on the Butler of Christ Church in Oxford', 'The Distracted Puritan', 'On one Samborne (a miserable fellow), Sheriff of Oxford', 'On the Remoue of Queene Elizabeth's body from Richmond (where she dyed) to Whitehall', 'Epit[aph] on Prince Henry', 'Sonnett by Queene Elizabeth', 'Made by K[ing] James, 1622', 'Epit[aph] on S[i]r Philip Sid[ney]', 'Mr. Carew on the Fly ', 'Verses mad[e] on ye Duke of Buck[ingham]', 'On feltons hanging in chaynes', 'S[i]r Peeter Mutton', 'Dauenat's neweyeares guift to K[ing] Charles, 1631', 'An Elegie on Gabriell lloyds horse', 'An Epitaph written by S[i]r Andrew Corbett, Knight, vppon a monument w[hi]ch was laid ouer the bodie of Edward Burton, Esqr., who liued and died a true protestant in the later end of the Reigne of Queene marie and was not admitted christian buriall, and . . . was laid in his owne garden at Longner neere Shrewsburie', 'An Epitaph made by S[i]r Thomas Bromley vppon two yonge babes of S[i]r Thomas Littletons w[hi]ch were bewitched to death', 'A Prophesie found in Saint Bennetts in Norfolke', 'An Epitaph on Dr. Dunn, Dean of St. Paules', 'An Elegie vpon the death of S[i]r John Burrowes', 'S[ i]r Walter Rawleigh's Pilgrimage', 'An Elegy on the Death of the Religious and noble gentleman Edward Price of newtowne, Essqr.', 'Poetry made on ye suspected marriage of o[u]r soueraigne w[i]th ye Lady of Spayne', 'An Epitaph on queene Eliza[beth]', 'Clauell his verses when he was arraigned at the king's bench for robbery' by Joh[n] Clauell, 'A poeme as it was presented before his M[ajes]tie in Cambridge . . . To the tune of Bonny Nell', and 'On Doctor Corbets sermon before the King'. The volume appears to have been compiled in the mid and late seventeenth century. As marginalia or on blank pages, etc., and generally in a later hand than the text of the poems, are various inscribed names (see note below) and memoranda, including a copy of a note signed by Edward David, Evenechtyd.


A volume containing transcripts of Welsh verse in strict metre (consisting mainly of 'cywyddau') transcribed, October [18]89 - February [18]90, by I[saac] F[oulkes] [newspaper proprietor and publisher]. Many of the poems are annotated to indicate that they were copied out of a volume in the possession of 'W.J.' of Llangollen, and the whole work appears to be an incomplete transcript of NLW MS 670D, which itself consists of a collection of Welsh poems transcribed by William Jones ('Bleddyn'), antiquary, local historian, etc., of Llangollen. The poets whose work is represented include Gwerfil Mechain, Howel Dafi alias Hywel ap Dafydd ap Ieuan ap Rys (Bardd Raglan), Sion ap Phelppot, Robert ap Dafydd Llwyd, Iorwerth Fynglwyd, Dafydd Llwyd ap Llywelyn ap Gruffydd (o Fathafarn), John ap Howel ap Tudur, Huw Cae Llwyd, Lewys Daron, Bedo Brwynllys, ? Gruffydd ap Ieuan Fychan, Syr Rhys o Garno, Morus ap Hywel ap Tudur, Gruffydd Hiraethog, Huw Llwyd Cynfael, Ifan Tew, Dafydd Nanmor, Cadwaladr Cesail, Huw Ifan ap Huw (o'r Bryn bychan), John Ifan, Rhisiart Cynwal, Huw Machno, Syr John Leiaf, Huw Pennant, Rhys Nanmor, Sion Dafydd Penllyn alias Sion Dafydd Las alias y Bardd Meddw (o Nannau), Syr Dafydd Owain, Gruffydd ab Ieuan ab Llewelyn Fychan, Hywel Cilan, Lewis Môn, Hywel Gethin, Efan ab Gruffydd Leiaf, Watkyn ab Risiart, Hywel ap Reinallt, Mathau Bromffield, Watkyn Clywedog, William Lleyn (Bencerdd), William Cynwal, Simwnt Fychan (Bencerdd), Euan Llafar, Thomas Prys (o Blasiolyn), William Vaughan, Huw Arwystli, Sion Phylip, Richard Phylip, Ifan Dyfi, Lewis Menai, Dafydd Owen, and Llewelyn ap Gutyn. A note on p. 123 indicates that three 'englynion' by [Thomas Edwards] 'Twm o'r Nant', which were to be found at this point in W[illiam] J[ones]'s volume [NLW MS 670D], had not been copied by the transcriber, as he intended including them in a proposed new edition of that poet's works, to be published by him in 1889. A second note on the same page indicates that, similarly, fourteen 'cywyddau' by Tudur Aled had not been transcribed in the present volume, but had been copied into another book, with the intention of publishing these and other poems by the same bard, together with poems by Guto'r Glyn and Sion Tudur. In fact, fourteen 'cywyddau' and four other poems by Tudur Aled, and all of the poems by Guto'r Glyn and Sion Tudur, which appear in NLW MS 670D, have been omitted from the present volume, the presence of poems by the two latter bards in NLW MS 670D being usually indicated by the transcriber by quoting the title, or title and first line, of such works. A note on p. 153 states that eighty ' cywyddau' by Dafydd ap Gwilym [which appeared in William Jones's book, i.e ., NLW MS 670D, pp. 149-263], had been used to correct the published edition of that poet's work ('Yma daw LXXX Cywydd o waith Dafydd ab Gwilym, y rhai a ddefnyddiwyd i gywiro ei waith argraffedig'). These eighty poems, and also five retaliatory poems composed by Gruffydd Grug, in a poetic contention with Dafydd ap Gwilym, and found interspersed among the eighty 'cywyddau', have been omitted from the present volume. A further note on p. 264 states that the last three 'cywyddau' [in NLW MS 670D] had not been copied, as the transcriber believed the text to be so corrupt, that they did not merit transcription. A fly-leaf is marked 'Bk i', and this possibly connects the volume with NLW MS 19313, which, marked on a fly-leaf 'Bk ii', consists of a similar volume of Welsh verse transcribed, March - April [18]90, by I[saac] F[oulkes], again, by inference, from a book in the possession of W[illiam] J[ones].

Isaac Foulkes.


An imperfect manuscript consisting of thirty folios of uniform size and two smaller leaves, with the two halves of ? the lower cover of an early nineteenth century periodical or part publication, which at one time seems to have served as a protective covering, bound in at the beginning. A considerable part of the original manuscript appears to have been lost as the volume was described by the Reverend John Williams ('Ab Ithel'), circa 1856, as containing 'about 100 pages' (see L. James: Hopkiniaid Morganwg . . . (Bangor, 1909), p. 91). The former protective cover bears the inscription 'Llyfr Llanfihangel Iorwerth. Cywyddau amrafaelion. Siôn Cent hyd Dafydd Hopcin o'r Coetty. Englynion Eiry Mynydd, &c.', in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'), and the contents consist of transcripts of Welsh verse mainly in strict metre. Dafydd Hopkin of Coety, co. Glamorgan is sometimes named as the copyist (see L. James: op. cit., p. 91; TLLM, tt. 229, 267; and IMCY, t. 139). The poems include 'cywyddau' and 'englynion' by Thomas Prys, Ieuan Tew Brydydd, Dafydd Hopkin (1734), Ieuan Brechfa, Lewis Morganwg, Iorwerth Fynglwyd, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Rys Dynfwal (sic), Rhys ab Morys, ?Mredydd ap Rees, Swrdwal Hen, Huw Dafydd Probert, Siôn Tudur, Owain Gwynedd, Gwilim ap Ieuan Hen, Dafydd ap Edmwnt, Daio Lliwiell, Ieuan Tew Brydydd Ifangc, Huw Lewis, Gruffydd ab Ifan ab Llewelyn Fychan, Wiliam Cynwal, Morus ab Hywel ab Tudur, Siôn Cent, Hywel ab D'd ab Ieuan ab Rhys, Llywelyn Goch, Gruffydd Dafydd Fychan, Ieuan ab Hywel Swrdwal, Bleddyn Fardd, and Dafydd Llwyd Fach, a series of pseudo- gnomic poems with each stanza commencing with the words 'Eira mynydd' some of which are attributed to Llywarch Hen and Mabclaf ab Llywarch, and poems attributed to Taliesin and Aneurin. There are marginal notes by Edward Williams and his son Taliesin Williams.

Hopkin, Dafydd, fl. early 18 cent.

'Llyfr Meyrig Davydd' ,

An imperfect manuscript consisting largely of a collection of Welsh strict-metre poems including a number of 'cywyddau' and 'awdlau', 1534-1593 and undated, by, and possibly in the hand of, Meurig Dafydd [of Llanisien, near Cardiff] (see IMCY, tt. 67-70, 108-10; and TLLM., tt. 72, 76-8), and transcripts of poems by Dafydd Bennwynn, W[i]llia]m Kynwal, Gr[uffydd] ap Ieuan Lle'nn Vychan, William Llun, Sils ap Siôn, Ieuan ap Howel Swrdwal, Davydd Goch, Tyder Alled, Sion Tydyr, Ieuan ap Huw, Deio Dyo Dy Benedeniol, Hari Prys Gwilim Goch ? Domas 'o sir Gaervyrddin', John y Kent, Howel D'd ap Ieuan ap Ris, and Rus ap Hari. Of this second group of poems some appear to be in the same hand as the poems by Meurig Dafydd and some in a different hand or hands of the same or a later period. There are a few marginal notes in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg').

Dafydd, Meurig, 1514-1595

Brithwaith Gwillim Pue, M. B.,

A manuscript written, 1674-1676, by Gwilym Pue [Puw], a member of the Roman Catholic family of Puw of Penrhyn Creuddyn, Caernarvonshire [D.W.B. (1959), p. 819] and containing a miscellany of verse and prose, much of it by Gwilym Pue himself. The title is given as 'Opera et Miscellania Domini Gwiliellmi Pue Cambrbrittanni M.B.' and 'Brithwaith Gwillim Pue M.B. Hefyd Gerdd yr un gwr a beirdd ereill Anno 1674: Pump o Garole Mr White, Hefyd Dau Garol o Fûchedd y Santes Gwenfrewy o waith Gwillim Pue 1674 M.B.,' and the volume is similar in content to, but not identical with, NLW MS 4710B, another volume written by Gwilym Pue but slightly later in date (1676). The contents following after 'Cyfrwyddiad y llyfr. Index libri' (to p. 648), a sketch of a harp ('Lyra' 'Telyn') and 'Trefn Cowair Telyn' are briefly as follows: pp. 1-44, 'Deongliad ar y Miserere', and pp. 45-61, 'Deongliad ar y Magnificat', two series of 'cywyddau' by Gwilym Pue; pp. 62-75, more 'cywyddau', by Gwilym Pue; pp. 76-196, 'Awdwley ag Englynnion', and also 'cywyddau' by Morgan Gwynn (Taliarys), Gwilym Pue, Thomas Williams, Edw. Bach o Dreddfyn [sic], Meredydd ap Prosser, Syppyn Cyfailiog, William Egwad, Siôn Cent, Thomas ap Ieuan Prys, Hugh Min, Howel Dafydd, Gruffydd ap Euan llewelyn Vychan, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Edward Turberuille, Thomas llûn, Taliessyn, Siôn Brwynog, Dafydd Ddu Hir Addig [sic], Iuan Tew Brydydd, Ieuan Daylwyn, Howel Da: ab Iuan ap Rhûs, Llewelyn ap Howel ap Ieuan ap Gronw, Gryffyth llwyd ap Da: ap Einion, Dafydd Nam'or, Dafydd ap Edmund, Syr Dai: llwyd Alijs Deio: Scolhaig, Rhus a [sic] Parry, Sieiles ap Siôn, and Twm Siôn Catti Alias Thomas Jones Esqr.; pp. 203-360, 'Prophwydoliaethay, Brudiay a Daroganay Britannaeg a Gasglodd yn Ghûd Gwilym Pue', 1674-1675, attributed to Taliessyn (Fardd), Rhûs Fardd, Merddyn (Merddyn Emrys, Merddyn ap Morfran, Merddyn Wyllt), Dewi Sant, Gronw Ddu o Fôn, Molwngwl Abad, y Bergam, Robin Ddû o Fôn, Dafydd Gorllech, Iolo Goch, Rhys Nammor, Dafydd Nammor, Edward ap Rhys, Llewelyn ap Owain ap Cynric Moel, Rhys llwyd ab Einion llygwy [sic], Llewelyn ap Ednyfed, Ieuan Brydydd Du, Ieuan leia, Rhys Goch or Yri, Ieuan yr offeiriad, Llewelyn ap Mredydd ap Dywydd, Llewelyn Cetifor, Hugh Pennant, Dafydd llwyd llewelyn ab Gryffydd, and Rhys y lashiwr; pp. 365-430, 'Carmen Euangelicum, Cerdd Efangylawl Gwilym Pue, Buchedd yn Arglwydd Iessu Grist. . . 1675' in the form of a series of 'cywyddau'; pp. 452-47 (inverted text), 'Enwey Brenhinoedd Prudain' and 'Twyssogion Cymry'; pp. 453-5, 'Enway Twysogion Cymry A Gadwodd Ei Braint yn ôl Cadwalader Frenin' . . . and 'Enway Y Brenhinoedd Lloegr o Amser y Cwncwerwr o Normandi' in the form of 'englynion' by Gwilym Pue; pp. 457-91 'Caroley Mr Richiard White, Merthyr', five in number, followed by 'Buchedd Gwenfrewy' and other carols by Gwilym Pue, with one by John Jones; pp. 495-514 'Pllaswyr Iessu A Gyfleuthodd Gwilym Pue or Saesnaeg Ir Gymmraeg'; pp. 515-28, 'Erfynnion neu Littaniau Aur; pp. 529-54, '1676, Panegyris Penryniana, Llwyrwis Penrhyn (Mawl Penrhyn) o waith Gwilym Pue; pp. 563-579, 'Achau Gwilym Pue o rann Tad a Mam a Theidiau a Neiniau' followed by 'Achau Ieirll a Marqwezis Caerfrangon', etc.; pp. [583]-618 (recte 608), 'De Sceletyrbbe uel Stomacace or A Traetice of the Scorbut by William Pue Gentelman [sic] gathered oute of Seuerall Authors . . . 1675'; pp. 619 [609]-624, 'Another Discourse of the Scorbute by William Pue Gentleman, 1675'; pp. 625-48, 'Enchiridium Chatechisticum siue Chatechismus pro Pueris Scolaribus' again by Gwilym Pue, in two parts; pp. 649- 60, 'Execitium Quotidianum, Ymarfer Beunyddawl'; and p. [661], 'Gweddi Foreuawl' and 'Gweddi Brud Gosper'. Some of the pages, particularly the headings, have been embellished by Gwilym Pue.

Gwilym Puw.

Barddoniaeth, &c.

  • NLW MS 11816B.
  • Ffeil
  • [17 cent.]-[19 cent.]

An incomplete volume (ff. 1-85, 176-243) consisting largely of cywyddau and englynion by Sion Kent, Sion Tudvr, Grvffydd Grvg, Meredith ap Rees, Will'm ap Sion ap D'd, Gruff' Hiraethog, Will'm Llynn, Huw Arwistl, D'd ap Edmwnd, D'd ap Gwilim, Rob't Leiaf, Rys Goch or Yri, Mastr Hari, Ifan Tew Brydydd, Gytto Glyn, Sion Philipp, Roger Kyffyn, Ievan Fychan, Sr. Davydd Trevor, Tudur Penllyn, Rowland Fychan, Tomas Prys, Evan Tudvr Owen, Ievan Brydydd Hir, William Elias, Tudur Aled, Gruff' ap Ievan, Rys Pennarth, Bedo Aerdrem, Bedo Brwynllys, Iolo Goch, Ellis Rowland, Howel ap D'd ap Ievan ap Rys, D'd Namor, D'd Ddv o Hiraddvc, Lewys Glyn Kothi, Howel ap Ievan ap Rys, Owen Gruffydd, Michael Prichard, Edmwnd Price, Hughe ap Ed'd Lloyd, Rice Kain, Richard Hughes, [Richard Davies] 'Escob Dewi', Ed'd Maelor, Ievan ap Tudvr Penllyn, Harrie Howell, Sion Kain, and Robin Ddv. Towards the end of the volume there are short texts such as englynion in Latin, 'llyma gas bethav Owain Kyveiliog', 'xxiiij gwell', 'Geirie gwir Taliesin', triads, proverbs, the nine grades of kinship, medical recipes, 'Llyma henwau y pedair Caingc ar ddeg Cydwgan a Cyhelyn', and 'Henwau'r pedwar Gosdeg Cerdd dannau'. The greater part of the manuscript was written in the seventeenth century; but there are additions and marginal notes to the nineteenth century. There is an index ('Tabl y llyfr') to ff. 1--76, in a seventeenth century hand. Between ff. 4 and 6 are inserted two leaves (pp. 129-30, 135-6) of David Jones (Trefriw) (ed.): Cydymaith Diddan (Caer Lleon [1766]).