Dangos 51 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

1 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol

Llyfr Melyn Tyfrydog

  • NLW MS 23969F.
  • Ffeil
  • 1763-1769

Cyfrol o achau, cerddi a nodion hynafiaethol, dyddiedig 1766 (ond a luniwyd tua 1763-1769), yn llaw Hugh Hughes (Y Bardd Coch o Fôn), ac sy'n dwyn y teitl 'Llyfr Melyn Tyfrydog [ne]u'r Gell Gymmysg' (t. xxv). Canolbwyntia rhan gyntaf y gyfrol ar achau disgynyddion Pymtheg Llwyth Gwynedd, y mwyafrif yn deuluoedd o Fôn (tt. 1-91; rhestrir y teuluoedd ar tt. xxvii-xxix). Ychwanegwyd arfbais liwiedig teulu Llwydiarth Esgob i gyd-fynd ag ach Hugh Hughes ei hunan ar t. 40. = A volume of pedigrees, poems and antiquarian notes, dated 1766 (but compiled around 1763-1769), in the hand of Hugh Hughes (Y Bardd Coch o Fôn), and entitled 'Llyfr Melyn Tyfrydog [ne]u'r Gell Gymmysg' (p. xxv). Pedigrees of the descendants of the Fifteen Tribes of North Wales, mostly Anglesey families, fill the first part of the volume (pp. 1-91; the families are listed on pp. xxvii-xxix). The coloured arms of the family of Llwydiarth Esgob are appended to the pedigree of Hugh Hughes himself (p. 40).
Cynhwysa'r gyfrol hefyd nodiadau hynafiaethol (t. 97 passim), trioedd a chynghorion (tt. 107-110, 116-119), ynghyd â nifer helaeth o gerddi Cymraeg (t. xiii passim), rhai wedi eu copïo o 'Delyn Ledr' William Morris, Caergybi (bellach BL Add. MS 14873) (tt. xvi, 119), ac eraill o gyfrol Evan Evans, Some Specimens of the Poetry of the Antient Welsh Bards (London, 1764) (t. 182). Ymysg cerddi cyfoes y llawysgrif, ceir rhai gan David Ellis (t. 282), Evan Evans (Ieuan Brydydd Hir) (t. 269), Hugh Hughes (tt. 260, 272, 275), Robert Hughes (Robin Ddu yr Ail o Fôn) (t. 235), a Goronwy Owen (t. 263). Diweddarwyd rhai o nodiadau hynafiaethol y gyfrol mewn dwylo diweddarach, hyd oddeutu 1858 (t. 50). Am restr o gynnwys y gyfrol, yn llaw Hugh Hughes, gweler t. xvii. = The volume also contains antiquarian notes (p. 97 passim), triads and wisdom (pp. 107-110, 116-119), together with a great number of Welsh poems (p. xiii passim), some copied from the 'Telyn Ledr' of William Morris of Holyhead (now BL Add. MS 14873) (pp. xvi, 119), and others from Evan Evans' Some Specimens of the Poetry of the Antient Welsh Bards (London, 1764) (p. 182). Amongst contemporary poems in the manuscript are compositions by David Ellis (p. 282), Evan Evans (Ieuan Brydydd Hir) (p. 269), Hugh Hughes (pp. 260, 272, 275), Robert Hughes (Robin Ddu yr Ail o Fôn) (p. 235), and Goronwy Owen (p. 263). Antiquarian notes of a later period were added to the manuscript, until c. 1858 (p. 50). For a list of the volume's contents, in the hand of Hugh Hughes, see p. xvii.

Hughes, Hugh, 1693-1776

Cerddi Rhys Jones o'r Blaenau

  • NLW MS 23904D.
  • Ffeil
  • [18 gan., hwyr]

Dwy gerdd gan Rhys Jones o'r Blaenau, [18 gan., hwyr], wedi eu hysgrifennu mewn dwy law debyg iawn o ddiwedd y ddeunawfed ganrif, ar dwy ddalen rydd. = Two poems by Rhys Jones, Blaenau, [late 18 cent.], written in very similar late eighteenth-century hands on two separate leaves.
Cyhoeddwyd y cerddi, 'Cywydd a wnaeth Rees Jones yn y Werddon' (f. 1) ac 'Englynion y Gisd Goch…1766' (f. 2), yn W. Leslie Richards, 'Dwy gerdd o'r ddeunawfed ganrif', Llên Cymru, 15 (1984-8), 355-359; ceir y ddwy, yn llaw y bardd ei hun, yn NLW MS 3059D (Mostyn MS 163), tt. 189 a 202. = Both poems, 'Cywydd a wnaeth Rees Jones yn y Werddon' (f. 1) and 'Englynion y Gisd Goch…1766' (f. 2), were published in W. Leslie Richards, 'Dwy gerdd o'r ddeunawfed ganrif', Llên Cymru, 15 (1984-8), 355-359; both may be found, in the poet's own hand, in NLW MS 3059D (Mostyn MS 163), pp. 189 and 202.

Jones, Rhys, 1713-1801

Barddoniaeth John Jones, Glanygors

  • NLW MS 23942B.
  • Ffeil
  • [1795]-[1811]

Llawysgrif yn cynnwys pump cerdd ar hugain, [1795]-[1811] (dyfrnod 1795), yn llaw John Jones (Jac Glan-y-Gors), gan gynnwys tair cerdd ar ddeg nad ydynt, fe ymddengys, wedi eu cyhoeddi (ff. 1-39 verso); dyddiwyd y cerddi 1790-1811. = A volume containing twenty-five autograph poems, [1795]-[1811] (watermark 1795), by John Jones (Jac Glan-y-gors), thirteen of which are apparently unpublished (ff. 1-39 verso); the poems are dated 1790-1811.
Cyhoeddwyd naw o'r cerddi (ff. 6 verso-8, 16-18, 22-25, 31 verso-35 verso, 36 verso-39 verso) yn Cerddi Jac Glan-y-gors, gol. gan E. G. Millward (Llandybïe, 2003), tt. 26-30, 45-51, 57-58, 69-70, 76-81, 95-97, 137-138; cyhoeddwyd 'Litani Newydd...' (f. 15 recto-verso) ac 'Englynion er coffadwriaeth am Mr David Samwell...' (ff. 20 verso-21 verso) yn y Chester Chronicle, 5 Awst 1796 a 28 Rhagfyr 1798 yn eu tro (gw. Marion Löffler, 'Cerddi newydd gan John Jones, "Jac Glan-y-Gors"', Llên Cymru, 33 (2010), 143-150); cyhoeddwyd 'Cerdd o ymddiddan rhwng J. J. Glan y Gors a Daniel Davies o Gorwen y ngylch Tref Lundain' (ff. 10-12 verso) mewn pamffled, Dwy o Gerddi Newyddion ([Caer]: Thomas Huxley, [?1791]) (JHD 209bii; heb ei gofnodi yn ESTC). Nodwyd ar f. 8 bod 'Cerdd yn dangos meddyliau Morwyn Ieuangc ddydd ei phriodas' (ff. 8-10) wedi ei gyhoeddi yn Llundain ym 1797 ond ymddengys nad oes copi wedi ei gadw. Ceir cerdd arall [?mewn llaw wahanol] ar ff. 128 verso-129. Mae eitemau a ddarganfyddwyd yn rhydd ar gychwyn y gyfrol wedi eu tipio i mewn ar ff. i-iv; yn eu mysg mae rhestr o gynnwys y llawysgrif (f. i), marwnad brintiedig i William Owen Pughe gan John Jones (Tegid), 1836 (f. iii), a chyfres o englynion gan Siôn ap Morgan (f. iv). = Nine of the poems (ff. 6 verso-8, 16-18, 22-25, 31 verso-35 verso, 36 verso-39 verso) appear in Cerddi Jac Glan-y-gors, ed. by E. G. Millward (Llandybïe, 2003), pp. 26-30, 45-51, 57-58, 69-70, 76-81, 95-97, 137-138; 'Litani Newydd...' (f. 15 recto-verso) and 'Englynion er coffadwriaeth am Mr David Samwell...' (ff. 20 verso-21 verso) were published in The Chester Chronicle, 5 August 1796 and 28 December 1798 respectively (see Marion Löffler, 'Cerddi newydd gan John Jones, "Jac Glan-y-Gors"', Llên Cymru, 33 (2010), 143-150); 'Cerdd o ymddiddan rhwng J. J. Glan y Gors a Daniel Davies o Gorwen y ngylch Tref Lundain' (ff. 10-12 verso) was published in the pamphlet Dwy o Gerddi Newyddion ([Chester]: Thomas Huxley, [?1791]) (JHD 209bii; not recorded in ESTC). A note on f. 8 states that 'Cerdd yn dangos meddyliau Morwyn Ieuangc ddydd ei phriodas' (ff. 8-10) was published in London in 1797 but there are no known copies extant. A further poem [?in a different hand] is on ff. 128 verso-129. Items found loose at the beginning of the volume have been tipped in on ff. i-iv; these include a list of contents of the manuscript (f. i), a printed elegy for William Owen Pughe by John Jones (Tegid), 1836 (f. iii), and a series of englynion by Siôn ap Morgan (f. iv).

Jones, John, 1766-1821

Barddoniaeth a chaneuon

  • NLW MS 14402B.
  • Ffeil
  • [1780au]

Cyfrol yn cynnwys barddoniaeth a chaneuon yng Nghymraeg a Saesneg, ynghyd â rhai testunau rhyddiaith Cymraeg, a gopïwyd, [1780au], gan Humphrey Jones o Gastell Caereinion, sir Drefaldwyn. = A volume of Welsh and English poetry, with some Welsh prose texts, transcribed, [1780s], by Humphrey Jones of Castle Caereinion, Montgomeryshire.
Ceir yn y llawysgrif gerddi Cymraeg gan John Thomas o sir Drefaldwyn (tt. 2-11), John Thomas 'o bentre'r Fidog' [Pentrefoelas] (tt. 12-14), Robert Evan[s] o Feifod (tt. 16-17) a David Evans o Lanfair Caereinion (tt. 23-24), pedwar cywydd gan Morys Probert [ap Robert], Huw Llwyd Cynfel ac eraill (tt. 46-52), a phedwar englyn (tt. 52, 54). Mae'r cerddi Saesneg, ar amrywiaeth o bynciau (tt. 1, 14-15, 19-23, 25-29, 44-45, 53), yn cynnwys y gân 'On Masons and Masonry' gyda'r dôn mewn hen nodiant (t. 53). Fe gynhwysir hefyd adysgrif o'r cyfan o'r gyfrol Histori Nicodemus… A osodwyd allan gan Dafydd Jones (Yr Amwythig, [?1745]) (tt. 30-43); a rysáit meddyginiaethol ar gyfer clefyd y brenin, neu'r mandwyn (tu mewn i'r clawr blaen). = The manuscript includes Welsh poems by John Thomas of Montgomeryshire (pp. 2-11), John Thomas 'o bentre'r Fidog' [Pentrefoelas] (pp. 12-14), Robert Evan[s] of Meifod (pp. 16-17) and David Evans of Llanfair Caereinion (pp. 23-24), four cywyddau by Morys Probert [ap Robert], Huw Llwyd Cynfel and others (pp. 46-52), and four englyns (pp. 52, 54). The English poems, on various subjects (pp. 1, 14-15, 19-23, 25-29, 44-45, 53), includes a song 'On Masons and Masonry' accompanied by the tune in staff notation (p. 53). Also included is a transcript of the whole of the volume Histori Nicodemus… A osodwyd allan gan Dafydd Jones (Shrewsbury, [?1745]) (pp. 30-43); and a medical recipe for the 'King’s Evil', or scrofula (inside front cover).

Jones, Humphrey, 1719-1810


  • NLW MS 23943B.
  • Ffeil
  • [1795]-[1830]

Cyfrol o farddoniaeth, [1795]-[1830], yn cynnwys copïau o faledi a cherddi eraill, yn dyddio'n bennaf o'r ddeunawfed ganrif. Mae'r rhan helaethaf o'r llawysgrif (ff. 1-42) yn llaw John Davies, gydag ychwanegiadau, [?1820au], gan John Evans, gof o Lanrhaeadr[?-ym-Mochnant], sir Ddinbych (ff. 42 verso-46). = A volume, [1795]-[1830], containing transcripts of Welsh ballads and other poems, mainly of the eighteenth century. The majority of the manuscript (ff. 1-42) is in the hand of one John Davies, with later additions, [?1820s], by John Evans, blacksmith, of Llanrhaeadr[?-ym-Mochnant], Denbighshire.
Ymysg y beirdd a gynrychiolir yn y gyfrol mae Jonathan Hughes (ff. 3-4 verso, 12 verso, 34 verso-36), Huw ap Huw [Hugh Hughes, y Bardd Coch o Fon] (ff. 4 verso-9 verso, 11 verso-12 verso), Rhys Jones [y Blaenau] (ff. 10-11), Jonathan Hughes Ifangc (f. 13), Walter Davies [Gwallter Mechain] (f. 13 recto-verso), David Thomas [Dafydd Ddu Eryri] (f. 13 verso), Ellis Roberts [Elis y Cowper] (ff. 14-16 verso, 18-22, 38 verso-41 verso), Hugh Roberts y Teiliwr o blwy Llanllyfni (ff. 16 verso-18), Richard Llwyd o'r Plas [Meini] (f. 22 recto-verso), Robert Richard o Bentraeth (ff. 24 verso-26 verso), Richard Parry [o Niwbwrch] (ff. 26 verso-29, 33 verso-34 verso), Humphrey Wiliam, Tywyn, Meirionnydd (ff. 29-30), Y Parch. [William] Williams, Llaneilian-yn-Rhos (ff. 30-32 verso), a Huw Morris [Huw Morys] (ff. 32 verso-33 verso). Ymddengys bod y mwyafrif o'r cerddi wedi eu copïo o ffynnonellau printiedig, gan gynnwys Blodeu-gerdd Cymry, o gynnulliad David Jones o Drefriw (Amwythig: Stafford Prys, 1759, Libri Walliae 2804) (ff. 22-34 verso) ac amryw bamffledi. Mae yn y gyfrol hefyd ymgais gan John Evans i ysgrifennu beddargraff, dyddiedig 1825 a 1830 (f. 44), a dwy fersiwn o 'Cerdd yr Offeiriad Dur neu Steel Parson', o bosib gan John Evans, [1820au] (ff. 43, 46 recto-verso), gyda chopi teipysgrif o'r ddwy fersiwn, [20 gan., ail ½], [?gan D. Tecwyn Lloyd] yn rhydd yn y gyfrol (2 ff.). Mae taflen o dablau rhifyddol a werthwyd gan P. Sandford, Amwythig, [c. 1795], wedi ei bastio y tu mewn i'r clawr blaen. = Amongst the poets represented in the volume are Jonathan Hughes (ff. 3-4 verso, 12 verso, 34 verso-36), Huw ap Huw [Hugh Hughes, y Bardd Coch o Fon] (ff. 4 verso-9 verso, 11 verso-12 verso), Rhys Jones [y Blaenau] (ff. 10-11), Jonathan Hughes, junior (f. 13), Walter Davies [Gwallter Mechain] (f. 13 recto-verso), David Thomas [Dafydd Ddu Eryri] (f. 13 verso), Ellis Roberts [Elis y Cowper] (ff. 14-16 verso, 18-22, 38 verso-41 verso), Hugh Roberts, tailor, of Llanllyfni (ff. 16 verso-18), Richard Llwyd ('o'r Plas [Meini]') (f. 22 recto-verso), Robert Richard, Pentraeth (ff. 24 verso-26 verso), Richard Parry [of Newborough] (ff. 26 verso-29, 33 verso-34 verso), Humphrey Wiliam, Tywyn, Meirionnydd (ff. 29-30), the Rev. [William] Williams, Llaneilian-yn-Rhos (ff. 30-32 verso), and Huw Morris [Huw Morys] (ff. 32 verso-33 verso). The majority of the poems were apparently copied from printed sources, including Blodeu-gerdd Cymry, selected by David Jones, Trefriw (Shrewsbury: Stafford Prys, 1759, Libri Walliae 2804) (ff. 22-34 verso) and numerous pamphlets. The volume also contains attempts by John Evans at composing an epitaph, in 1825 and 1830 (f. 44), and two versions of 'Cerdd yr Offeiriad Dur neu Steel Parson', possibly by John Evans, [1820s] (ff. 43, 46 recto-verso), with a typescript copy of both versions, [20 cent, second ½], [?by D. Tecwyn Lloyd], inserted loose in the volume (2 ff.). A sheet of arithmetical tables, sold by P. Sandford, Shrewsbury, [c. 1795], is pasted inside the front cover.

Davies, John, fl. 1795.


Miscellaneous papers in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound together in one volume. The contents (notes, extracts, lists, jottings, transcripts, etc.) are extremely varied and cover a multiplicity of topics. Included are notes or lists with the superscriptions 'Deg Rhan ymadrodd' (38), 'Llyma gof a son am gadeiriau prydyddion Morganwg a chof amcan eu hamserau' (72-3), 'Anecdotes of Merthyr' (83-4), 'Customs in Glam[organ]' (86-7), 'Rhywiau cerdd dafod parth arbenigrwyd[d] ansodd' (113), 'Llafar Gorsedd B[eirdd] Y[nys] P[rydain] yng nghadair Morganwg' (128-30), 'Trees that will flourish near the sea' (249), 'Llyma enwau'r llefydd lle arferai Feirdd Morganwg gynnal eisteddfod a Chadair' (252), 'Trees to be intermixed with fruit trees in an orchard' (264), 'Proper trees to [be] planted in an orchard' (265), 'Enwau Cymreig ar afalau ym Morganwg' (266-72), 'Enwau Gellyg Ynghymraeg' ( 275-6), 'Enwau Eirin a Phlemys ym Morganwg' (277-8), 'The names of the Norman Peers of Glamorgan and the names of their Castles. . .' (293), '[Names of the] months [in] Armoric [and] Cornish' (313), 'Rhif Carennydd' ( 340), 'List of Publications on the inconsistency of War with the Christian Religion' with comments ? by Edward Williams on the church and war (363-70 ), 'Ex Old Vocabulary at Hafod' (388), 'Hints for the Dissertation on the Welsh Language' (389-?90), 'Llymma son am Eisteddfod Beirdd a Phrydyddion a fu ym Marchwiail ym Maelor' (mention of 'eisteddfodau' held at Gwern y Cleppa, Marchwiail, and Baglan) (396-8), and 'Cyfarwydd am Dri Brodyr Marchwial' (mention of the same three 'eisteddfodau') (398-400); notes, sometimes very brief, on 'cynghanedd' (34), early Christianity in Britain ( 40), the use of the bardic alphabet amongst the Welsh for teaching purposes temp. Henry IV (42), the 'chair of Tir Iarll' (69 + 71), the original home of the Cymmry, i.e. Defrobani (119), weather conditions in March 1811 (175), the Welsh language (181-2), Pythagoras (188), 'englynion' (189), the Essenes (197), Druids (197), Druids and bards amongst the Celtic peoples (207-13), materials used as writing surfaces in ancient and medieval times with mention of a few medieval libraries (213-15), the Druids of Britain and Gaul (216-33), mortar making, garden terracing, and fruit planting (245-6), Welsh culinary recipes (247-9), brick making (254), the growing of trees and fruit near the coast in Glamorgan (262-3), Welsh metrical measures (279), Castletown house [co. Glamorgan] (283), the family of Berkrolles (302), and 'y Ford Gronn' (401); transcripts of Welsh poems including 'cywyddau' attributed to Dafydd ap Edmwnd and Gruff. ab Ifan ab Llywelyn Fychan, an incomplete poem (stanzas 1 and part of 2 missing) attributed to Thos. Llen. o Regoes, and part of a 'cywydd' attributed to Dafydd Alaw (95-109), a 'cywydd' attributed to Siôn Dafydd Rhys (255-6), and an 'englyn' attributed to Daf. Llwyd Bryn Llyfrith (309); transcripts of English verse including ? a translation from the Welsh with the superscription 'A prophecy by Thomas ap Evan ap Rhys in the time of Edw[ar]d the VI' (47-8), twenty-two stanzas entitled 'The Welsh Batchelor' s wish' attributed to the Revd. Mr. Christ. Roberts of St. Athan (289-92), and ten stanzas ? from . . . Bulmer: Pleasantness of Religion (307); miscellaneous items including miscellaneous triads (151-4), ? a draft of a title-page for an anthology of Welsh verse to be called Y Bardd Teulu (147 ), a draft of a prefatory letter, 1796, by Edward Williams to a proposed volume containing an anthology of Welsh prose and verse items, material relating to Welsh bardism, etc. (157-8), an incomplete triad re the 'bardd teulu' (196), a plan of the layout of a dwelling house with orchards, kitchen gardens, fruit gardens, etc. (274), historical anecdotes relating to the lordship and county of Glamorgan reputedly from a manuscript 'of the late William Roberts of St. Athan' (293-8), a list, with examples, of twenty classical metrical feet (306), a genealogical table showing descendants of Iestin, lord of Morgannwg (415-16), biographical notes on members of the Stradling family to the late sixteenth century ? from [ British Museum] Harleian MS 368 (417-22), and a plan of a stone circle 'at Field Marshal Conway's . . . near Henly upon Thames' (429); and extracts from a variety of printed sources including Cambrian, March 1819 ( Welsh speaking Indians) (131), The Monthly Review, February 1819 (132 + 134), the works of [Isaac] Watts (135-?43), . . . Priestley: Tablet of Memory (159-?74), Cambrian, September 1819 (a proposal 'to obtain an Act of Parliament for making and maintaining a Pier and Harbour at Newton in the Parish of Newton Nottage [co. Glamorgan]', etc. (281), [W. Wotton: Cyfreithjeu Hywel Dda . . ., London, 1730] (relating mainly to the Welsh bards) (343-52) and the Ecclesiastical Review, January 1817 (359-62). Interspersed throughout the volume are lists or groups of miscellaneous Welsh words sometimes with English definitions, proverbs, grammatical or etymological notes, poetic extracts, and other miscellanea. In some instances the blank verso or margins of the following have been utilised for writing notes - an undated holograph letter from Mr. Dunn from St. Athans to Ed. Williams, Flemingstone, re materials for the tomb of the writer's mother (in third person) (185-6, 199-200), copies of a printed circular, 16 August 1820, appealing for subscriptions towards the completion of a Unitarian chapel at Merthyr Tydfil, copies of a printed 'advertisement' and 'proposals' for publishing Edward Williams's two volumes of English verse Poems Lyric and Pastoral in 1792, a folded sheet containing a copy of a Welsh poem entitled 'Canwyll gogan y Cymru' attributed to 'Siôn ?Flay o Bentre'r Lai' (284-5, 300-01), a holograph letter, 30 September 1818, from G. Birley, Methodist Chapel, Cardiff, to Edw[ar]d Williams (forwarding a copy of the first volume of [John Hughes:] Horae Britannicae at the author's request) (315-16, 333-4), a copy of a printed circular, 6 December 1802, announcing literary competitions to be held under the auspices of the Gwyneddigion Society (320 + 329), and an undated holograph letter from Edward Williams to John Llewelyn, esq., Penlle'r Gaer [co. Glamorgan], concerning recipient's 'usual benefaction' to the writer (379-82).


  • NLW MSS 2139A-2140E
  • Ffeil
  • [19 cent.].

Transcripts by Thomas Thomas, Cefnpennar, Aberdare, of poetry in free metre by himself and by Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'), Thomas Taylor, David Edwards (Gurnos), Robert Leyshon, Edward Evans (Toncoch), William Evans ('Cawr Cynon'), Howell Rees, 'William Tomos Shôn o Gilsanws Vaenor Yr hen Galchwr', and Roger Edwards; English poems; prose extracts; etc.

Thomas, Thomas, Cefnpennar, Aberdâr.

Barddoniaeth 'Dafydd Ddu Eryri',

  • NLW MS 10869B.
  • Ffeil
  • 1782-1808 /

An incomplete volume of free- and strict-metre poetry in the hand of, and largely by, David Thomas ('Dafydd Ddu Eryri') of Waunfawr, Caernarvonshire. The dated poems belong to the years 1782-1785, 1800, and 1808. Among the titles are: 'Can a gyfansoddwyd yn Niwedd y Gauaf 1783 Sef Gwahoddiad ir Prydyddion ddyfod ir Bettws bach Noswyl Fair'; 'Penill i Ferch Iefangc' and 'Y Ferch yn Atteb' by J. Parry, 1783; 'Cyngor i Ddafydd Thomas Waen fawr Briodi 1783' by John Jones, Cae Dronw, and 'Atteb, ir Gan flaenorol'; 'Cywydd Annerch ir Godidog Fardd Jonathan Hughes', with a reply, 1782 (incomplete); 'Englynion, a gyfansoddwyd 20 o Chwefr. 1784. Yn amser yr Eira mawr'; 'Englynion i Mary Thomas (Chwaer Daf. Thomas)' by Jonathan Hughes, 23 June, 1785, with a reply; 'Atteb i Englynion E[dward] Barnes', 1784; 'Englynion a luniwyd yn nhŷ Mr Robert William, Bettws fawr ['Robert ap Gwilym Ddu'] ('The above I receiv'd from Edmd. Francis, which he had it [sic] in Carnarvon. R. Solomon. Amluch April 26th. 1800'); 'Englynion i Rug, & Glyn Dyfrdwy'; 'An Address to the Visitors of Snowdon To be presented by the Miners - 1808'; and 'Englynion cof am Mr. W. Llwyd, o Gaio ... 1808. Pregethwr Methodistaidd'.

Thomas, David, 1759-1822

The Aberaeron Club,

One of two volumes of records, 1795-1849, of a benefit society called 'The Aberaeron Club'. There is a poem, 'Wel Gymdeithas lan gyweithias', by Daniel Jones, 'Long Island, Llanthewy Aberarth Parish Dec. 27th, 1795'.

Jones, Daniel, fl. 1795.


Transcripts by Nathan Dyfed of copies by Thomas John Jones ('Cynonwyson') of poems by Sion Llewelyn (Coed y Cymmer), Rhys Hywel Rhys (Blaen y Glais), Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'), Thomas Llywelyn (Ystrad y Fodwg), Evan Bevan, Thomas Evans ('Tomos Glyn Cothi'), Thomas Morgan (Blaengwrach), William Harri ('Gwehydd Garwdyle'), Edward Harri ('gwehydd Cefn Coed y Cymmer'), etc., together with original poems and translations.

Gwaith Robert Hughes, Tyddyn y Blawd,

  • NLW MS 9125B.
  • Ffeil
  • [18 cent., last ¼].

A holograph collection of poetry by Robert Hughes, Tyddyn y Blawd, Llanddeusant, Anglesey.

Hughes, Robert, 1755-1814.

Barddoniaeth, achau a nodiadau,

A transcript by John Thomas ('Sion Wyn o Eifion') of cywyddau and other poems by Robin Ddu, Rhys Goch Eryri, Iolo Goch, Tudur Aled, Dafydd Gorlech, Dafydd Llwyd ap Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, Dafydd ap Hwlcyn ap Madog, Rhys Llwyd ap Rhys, Maredudd ap Rhys, Mathew Owen, Edward Morus and Sion Lleyn; the manuscript also contains triads, genealogies, 'Breiniau Gwŷr Arfon', 'Meddygon Myddfai', 'geirlyfr William Lleyn', etc.

Poetry, recipes, etc.

A volume containing a number of veterinary and other recipes and cywyddau, englynion, etc. by the following poets: Sir Dafydd Trefor, Doctor Sion Kent, Meredydd ap Rhys, Lewis Môn, Dafydd Nanmor, Ifan Gethin ap Ifan ap Lleision, Iorwerth Fynglwyd, John Lloyd o Lys fasi, Sion Tudur, Owen Gwynedd, Wm. Llynn, Rhys Nantmor, Sion Brwynog, Gutto o'r Glynn, Lewis Daron, Gruffudd Grug, Iolo Goch, Owain waed da, Inco Brydydd, Rhys Penardd, Rhys Goch Glyn Dyfrdwy, Howel Cilan, Edward ab Rhys, Gryffydd ap Llewelyn Fychan, Dafydd Llwyd ap Lleweln ap Gruffudd, Sion Philipp, Gruffydd ap Ifan ap Llywelyn Fychan, Owen Griffith 'gwr a [sic] Lanystumdwy yn Efionydd', Ifan Tew Brydydd, Thomas Derllysg, Ifan Dyfi, Morgan ap Huw Lewis, Taliesin, Tudur Aled, Deio ap Ifan Du, Huw Arwystl, Llywelyn Goch ap Meurig hên, Syr Thomas Jones., Llywarch Hên, Mabclaf ap Llowarch, Aneurun Gwawdrydd, Evan Evans ['Ieuan fardd'] 1765, R. Jones 'o Drefdraeth ym Mon' (incomplete), Rys Kain, Simwnt Fychan, Hugh Lewis, Hugh Pennant, Wiliam Phylip, Lewis Glynn Cothi, Huw Elisse, Wiliam Kynwal, Hywel ap Reinallt, Rhys Llwyd ap Rhys ap Rhiccard, Thomas Celli, Hywel ap Dafydd ap Ieuan ap Rhys, Gwilim hen, Hugh ap Rhobert Wynn (neu ap Richard Wynne) [should probably be Huw ap Rhys Wyn], Bleddyn Fardd and Gwgon. The volume was bound by Lewis Edward for Lewis David in 1762. The first thirty pages are entitled 'the compleat horseman And exbert farrier'. The poetry appears to have been transcribed c. 1791-5, possibly by Peter Bailey Williams, from other manuscripts (mention is made of copying from manuscripts in the hand of Dd. Ellis, Person Crickaeth, Evan Evans, Prydydd Hir, and Lewis Morris). The text is imperfect in places, and there are some later additions, including an English translation by Peter B. Williams of 'Marwnad Lleucu Llwyd' by Llywelyn Goch ap Meurig hên and 'englynion' copied by P. B. W[illiams] in Lampeter churchyard, August 1817. Several folios have been removed at the end of the volume but the pagination is continuous.


'Cywydd Marwnad y parchedig Mr. Evan Llwyd or Fron'; 'cerddi' and 'englynion' by Ellis ap Ellis, Arthur Jones, Thomas Edwards ('Twm o'r Nant'), Huw Morus, John Prichard Prys, and John Davies ('Sion Dafydd Las'); poems submitted for competition at a Llanrhaiadr ym Mochnant eisteddfod; triads; a list of subscriptions 'to alleviate the present distressed Situation of the Widow and Five Children of the late John Humphreys Parry ...'; and notes and memoranda by Walter Davies and D. Silvan Evans.

Barddoniaeth a rhyddiaith,

  • Brogyntyn MS II.55 [RESTRICTED ACCESS].
  • Ffeil
  • [late 16 cent.]-[18 cent., first ½].
  • Rhan oBrogyntyn manuscripts

A composite manuscript of loose papers and fragments of manuscript volumes. It contains poetry and prose, mostly in Welsh, much of the poetry being addressed to the Owen family of Brogyntyn and Clenennau and other related families. Apart from a late-sixteenth century awdl by Wiliam Llŷn (ff. 57-58), the other items all belong between the first half of the seventeenth century and the first half of the eighteenth century.
Fragments apparently once part of books, some of which perhaps were never bound, are: a narrow folio of cywyddau and englynion by Mathew Owen, in the hand of Nathanael Jones (ff. 20-26), written not before 1656 (see ff. 24 verso-25), with autograph englynion added by Harri Howel (f. 20 verso) and by Nathanael Jones (f. 20 verso, 23); a folio manuscript containing cywyddau to Lewis Anwyl of Parc and his family, dated 1627-1636 (ff. 38-55), written by two good hands of the first half of the seventeenth century, one responsible for ff. 38-50 verso, the other ff. 51-55; a quarto manuscript with transcripts of poetry of the Gogynfeirdd (ff. 113-122; paginated 1-20), by a seventeenth-century hand similar to that of Morris Evans (cf. ff. 93-94, 123-141); pedigrees of Welsh royal lines, the Maurices of Clenennau, etc., in English (ff. 123-141; original foliation 1-12 survives), in the hand of Morris Evans (ff. 123-127 verso, 129-134 verso) and a second hand (ff. 128 recto-verso, 135-141); a narrow folio of canu brud attributed to Myrddin, Taliesin, etc. (ff. 178-186), written by Nathanael Jones, not before 1651 (ff. 182 verso, 183 verso 'aetatis suae a 21o Feb: 1650 27'); a folio manuscript of canu brud, mainly cywyddau, by Dafydd Llwyd and others (ff. 189-207), in a poor hand of the mid seventeenth century, probably that of Thomas Edwards to judge by pentrials on f. 196 verso, who refers to Tregeiriog (f. 199 verso) and 'Llanfylling fairings' (f. 207 verso); an octavo manuscript containing poems by Robin Clidro, etc., in a seventeenth or eighteenth century hand (ff. 210-219); and a folio manuscript of autograph cywyddau and englynion by Huw Morys, some addressed to William Owen and Sir Robert Owen (ff. 222-226 verso). Poetry written on loose papers includes autograph poems by Huw Morys (ff. 12-18), John Owens (ff. 59-71; f. 69 recto-verso may be his italic hand), Harri Howel (ff. 75-76 verso, 90 recto-verso), Owen Gruffydd (ff. 84-89, 230-231), William Phylip (ff. 97-98 verso), John Morgan, later vicar of Conwy (f. 101 recto-verso, the poem incomplete and anonymous, dated 1688, the hand his), Siôn Rhydderch, 1732 (ff. 104-105, 227-228), and Edward Lloyd, Brewis (f. 221 recto-verso). There are probable autograph poems by Edward Rowlant (ff. 72-74 verso, 79-80) and John Richard (f. 81), and possible autograph poems by 'J. Ll.' (f. 26 verso), Mathew Owen (ff. 77-78, 232 recto-verso), Siôn Roberts (ff. 91-92), Huw Cadwaladr (ff. 106-108) and 'R.C.' (f. 163). Other poetry is in the hands of Morris Evans (ff. 93-94) and 'Theo: Ro:' (ff. 152-154 verso). Also included is a letter, 1652, from the antiquary Meredith Lloyd to Thomas Vaughan, the alchemist and poet (ff. 1-3 verso), followed by a copy of Hanes Taliesin (ff. 5-10 verso). The 'Cywydd Marwnad i Mr William Owen o Borkynton' by Huw Morys, beginning 'Mae gwaedd oer lem Gweddw [yw'r wlad]', discussed in E. D. Jones, 'The Brogyntyn Welsh Manuscripts', National Library of Wales Journal, 7 (1951-2), 165-198 (pp. 186-189, 196-197), has not been found.

Poetry and prose,

  • Brogyntyn MS II.57i-ii [RESTRICTED ACCESS].
  • Ffeil
  • [1640s]-[19 cent., first ½].
  • Rhan oBrogyntyn manuscripts

Poetry and prose compiled at Brogyntyn for an album (cf. Brogyntyn MS I.29), but left unbound. The items, in various hands, are mainly in English but with a few in Latin, Welsh and French, and consist of political, satirical and occasional verse, both published and apparently unpublished (ff. 1-212 verso), together with a few letters (ff. 214-228), miscellaneous prose and commonplace entries (ff. 229-306), and printed material including song-sheets, pamphlets and newspaper cuttings (ff. 307-390). A number of items relate to Brogyntyn or Wynnstay or are addressed to family members.

Cerddi Cymraeg

  • Ffeil
  • [c. 1669]-[early 18 cent.]
  • Rhan oMostyn Manuscripts

A collection of cywyddau, englynion and carols, compiled [c. 1669]-[early 18 cent], with the greater part appearing to be in the hand of John Davies (Siôn Dafydd Laes).
An index to the contents is on pp. xvii-xxvi.

Davies, John, d. 1694.

A commonplace book,

Copies of Welsh and English poetry and miscellaneous extracts, including poems by William Philip, Robert Hughes, Goronwy Owen, 1741, Rice Jones, Evan Evans ('Ieuan Brydydd Hir'), Thomas Jones, and anonymous poems ('Pan oedd Bess yn teyrnasu' and 'Cerdd Bett o Lansanffraid'); English poems- 'Arise and see the Building', 'Guardian Angels', and 'The Young Man's Wish'; a copy of a letter from Snoden Hill to Lord Penn, and forms of letters on various occasions; 'Select sentences, collected at diffrent times by I.E.'; triads; and 'Cyfarwyddyd i wneuthur Methodist'.


An imperfect volume containing transcripts of miscellaneous Welsh and two English poems. The Welsh poems include free- metre verse by Henry Humphreys (Llansilin), John Williams (o Ddymbych), John Cain alias Siôn Ceiriog, Ellis Roberts (o Landdoged), Thomas Edwards ( o'r Nant), David Thomas ['Dafydd Ddu Eryri'] (o sir Gaernarfon), Jonathan Hughes (Pengwern, Llangollen), Walter Davies, Will[ia]m Jones (Llannerchrigog), Daniel Owens (Llannerchrigog), and Humphrey Jones; and 'englymon' by D[avid] Thomas ['Dafydd Ddu Eryri'] and Rob[er]t Williams ['Robert ap Gwilym Ddu'] (Bettws Fawr). The titles include 'Cerdd I annerch Mr. Edward Bennion, Meddyg a Physygwr', 'Pennill a wnaid i Rich[ar]d Midllton Iengaf o Gastell y Wain dyfod i Dref Dinbech, Medi 9, 1776', and 'Cerdd o fawl I Gwn Hela Perchedig Esqr. Mytton o'r Garth'. There is a table of contents at the beginning of the volume (p. i), and this indicates that the 'englynion' by David Thomas and Robert Williams are later insertions.

Canlyniadau 1 i 20 o 51