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Papurau John Meirion Morris = John Meirion Morris Papers
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:


Deunydd yn ymwneud â chomisiwn John Meirion Morris i greu crochan ar gyfer arddangosfa am fyd y Celtiaid yng Nghanolfan Celtica (safle'r Plas), Machynlleth. = Material relating to John Meirion Morris' commission to create a cauldron for an exhibition about the world of the Celts at the Celtica Centre (on the site of the Plas), Machynlleth.

Erthyglau = Articles

Llungopïau ac allbrintiau o erthyglau printiedig a drafft-nodiadau llawysgrif ar gyfer erthyglau gan John Meirion Morris; llungopïau, allbrintiau ac erthyglau a nodiadau gwreiddiol o bapurau newydd, cylchgronau a llyfrau am John Meirion Morris a'i waith; ac erthyglau gan y bardd a'r academydd Peter Abbs (1942-2020), a fu'n gyfaill i John Meirion Morris dros gyfnod o hanner can mlynedd. Ceir rhestrau o'r erthyglau, ynghyd â manylion am y cylchgronau, llyfrau ac yn y blaen lle'u cyhoeddwyd, yn llaw Gwawr Morris, gweddw John Meirion Morris.
= Photocopies and printouts of printed articles and draft manuscript notes for articles by John Meirion Morris; photocopies, printouts and original articles and notes taken from newspapers, periodicals and books about John Meirion Morris and his work; and articles by the poet and academic Peter Abbs (1942-2020), whose friendship with John Meirion Morris spanned a period of fifty years. Together with an accompanying list of the articles, along with details relating to the periodicals, books, etc in which they were published, in the hand of Gwawr Morris, widow of John Meirion Morris.

Darlithoedd = Lectures

Deunydd yn ymwneud â darlithoedd a draddodwyd gan John Meirion Morris ym Mhrifysgol Sussex, 1994, ac yng nghanolfan y Morlan, Aberystwyth, 2006. = Material relating to lectures given by John Meirion Morris at Sussex University, 1994, and at the Morlan centre, Aberystwyth, 2006.

Cynhyrchiadau llwyfan = Stage productions

Deunydd yn ymwneud â dyletswyddau achlysurol John Meirion Morris fel cynhyrchydd llwyfan tra 'roedd yn athro celf yn Ysgol Uwchradd Llanidloes, 1961-1964, a thra 'roedd yn ddarlithydd yn Adran Addysg Coleg Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth, 1968-1978. Y cynhyrchiadau dan sylw yw: 'The Pirates of Penzance' gan Arthur Sullivan a W. S. Gilbert (cynhyrchwyd gan John Meirion Morris a perfformwyd gan Gymdeithas Operatig Amatur Llanidloes, 1963); 'Iolanthe' gan Arthur Sullivan a W. S. Gilbert (cynhyrchwyd gan John Meirion Morris a perfformwyd gan Gymdeithas Operatig Amatur Llanidloes, 1964); 'Y Llyffantod'' gan y dramodydd, athro a darlithydd Hugh Lloyd Edwards (cynhyrchwyd gan John Meirion Morris a perfformwyd gan Gymdeithas Drama Myfyrwyr Cymraeg Coleg Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth, 1975); a 'Pryderi' gan y prifardd, llenor a chyhoeddwr Myrddin ap Dafydd, oedd ar y pryd yn fyfyriwr yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth (cynhyrchwyd gan John Meirion Morris a perfformwyd gan Gymdeithas Ddrama Myfyrwyr Cymraeg Aberystwyth, 1976). Ceir hefyd lythyrau, 1968 ac annyddiedig, at John Meirion Morris oddi wrth H. Pierce Jones, Y Ficerdy, Pwllheli yn ymwneud â drama anhysbys (?'Y Gweilch'); deunydd yn ymwneud â drama 'Blodeuwedd' gan y gwleidydd, bardd, dramodydd a beirniad llenyddol Saunders Lewis, lle nodir John Meirion Morris fel 'cynllunydd' (perfformwyd gan Gwmni Drama Myfyrwyr Cymraeg Coleg Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth, 1978); a llythyrau annyddiedig at John Meirion Morris oddi wrth y gweithredydd gwleidyddol Emyr Llywelyn (Emyr Llew) ynghylch drama o'r enw 'Heledd'. Mae'r deunydd yn cynnwys gohebiaeth, rhaglenni printiedig, torion o'r wasg a ffotograffau. Ymysg y gohebwyr mae Myrddin ap Dafydd; Emyr Llywelyn; y cynhyrchydd, cyfarwyddwr a sefydlwr cwmnïau teledu Wil Aaron; a'r gantores, llenor a'r darlledydd Amy Parry-Williams. Ceir nodiadau cefndirol ar y deunydd yn llaw Gwawr Morris, gweddw John Meirion Morris.
= Material relating to John Meirion Morris' occasional duties as a stage producer while he was working as an art teacher at Llanidloes Secondary School, 1961-1964, and as a lecturer in the Education Department of University College of Wales Aberystwyth, 1968-1978. The productions are: 'The Pirates of Penzance' by Arthur Sullivan and W. S. Gilbert (produced by John Meirion Morris and performed by Llanidloes Amateur Operatic Society, 1963); 'Iolanthe' by Arthur Sullivan and W. S. Gilbert (produced by John Meirion Morris and performed by Llanidloes Amateur Operatic Society, 1964); 'Y Llyffantod' ('The Frogs') by the dramatist, teacher and lecturer Hugh Lloyd Edwards (produced by John Meirion Morris and performed by University College of Wales Aberystwyth Welsh Students' Drama Society, 1975); and 'Pryderi' by the chaired bard, writer and publisher Myrddin ap Dafydd, who was at the time a student at University College of Wales Aberystwyth (produced by John Meirion Morris and performed by University College of Wales Aberystwyth Welsh Students' Drama Society, 1976). Also included are letters, 1968 and undated, to John Meirion Morris from H. Pierce Jones, The Vicarage, Pwllheli relating to an unnamed play (?'Y Gweilch' ('The Hawks')); material relating to the play 'Blodeuwedd' by Welsh politician, poet, dramatist and literary critic Saunders Lewis, where John Meirion Morris is noted as 'designer' (performed bu University College of Wales Aberystwyth Welsh Students' Drama Society, 1978); and undated letters to John Meirion Morris from the political activist Emyr Llywelyn (Emyr Llew) regarding a play titled 'Heledd'. The material includes correspondence, printed programmes, press cuttings and photographs. Amongst the correspondents are Myrddin ap Dafydd; Emyr Llywelyn; the producer, director and television company founder Wil Aaron, and the singer, writer and broadcaster Amy Parry-Williams. Also included are background notes on the material in the hand of Gwawr Morris, widow of John Meirion Morris.

Papurau John Meirion Morris = John Meirion Morris Papers

  • GB 0210 JMEIRMOR
  • Fonds
  • 1960[x2020]

Papurau'r cerflunydd, dyluniwr ac athro John Meirion Morris (1936-2020), sy'n ymwneud â gwahanol agweddau o'i fywyd proffesiynol, o gychwyn ei yrfa fel athro newydd-gymwysedig hyd flynyddoedd olaf ei oes. Mae'r eitemau yn cynnwys deunydd yn ymwneud â'i gomisiynau cerflunwaith; ei gyhoeddiadau, megis A Celtic Vision (Y Lolfa, 2003); erthyglau a ysgrifenwyd a darlithoedd a draddodwyd ganddo; ei waith gyda'r cyfryngau, yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, cymdeithas Gweled ac â phrosiect Grŵp Glynllifon; a'r ohebiaeth a anfonwyd ato gan sefydliadau Cymreig a chan gyfeillion, cydnabod ac edmygwyr. Ceir nodiadau ar gynnwys rhai o'r eitemau yn llaw Gwawr Morris, gweddw John Meirion Morris. = Papers of the sculptor, draughtsman and teacher John Meirion Morris (1936-2020), which relate to various aspects of his professional life from his early career as a newly-qualified teacher to his final years. The items include material relating to John Meirion Morris' sculpture commissions; his publications, such as A Celtic Vision (Y Lolfa, 2003); articles written and lectures given by him; his collaboration with the media, the National Eisteddfod, Gweled and the Glynllifon Group project; and correspondence sent to John Meirion Morris from Welsh institutions and from friends, acquaintances and admirers. There are notes on the contents of some of the items in the hand of Gwawr Morris, widow of John Meirion Morris.

Morris, John Meirion, 1936-2020

Erthyglau am John Meirion Morris = Articles about John Meirion Morris

Llungopïau, allbrintiau ac erthyglau gwreiddiol o bapurau newydd, cylchgronau a llyfrau am John Meirion Morris a'i waith. Ceir rhestr o'r erthyglau, ynghyd â manylion am y cylchgronau, llyfrau ac yn y blaen lle'u cyhoeddwyd, yn llaw Gwawr Morris, gweddw John Meirion Morris. Mae'r rhestr cyhoeddiadau'n cynnwys Planet, Resurgence, Barn, Y Casglwr, Golwg, Y Cymro a'r Faner Newydd.
= Photocopies, printouts and original articles taken from newspapers, periodicals and books about John Meirion Morris and his work. Together with an accompanying list of the articles, along with details relating to the periodicals and books in which they were published, in the hand of Gwawr Morris, widow of John Meirion Morris. The list of publications includes Planet, Resurgence, Barn, Y Casglwr, Golwg, Y Cymro and Y Faner Newydd.

Erthyglau am John Meirion Morris = Articles about John Meirion Morris

Llungopïau, allbrintiau ac erthyglau gwreiddiol o bapurau newydd, cylchgronau a llyfrau am John Meirion Morris a'i waith, ynghyd ag adolygiadau o'r cyfrolau The Celtic Vision gan John Meirion Morris (Y Lolfa, 2003) a John Meirion Morris: artist gan Gwyn Thomas (Y Lolfa, 2011) a nodiadau ar John Meirion Morris fel rhan o gynnwys rhaglen arddangosfa gelf. Ceir rhestr o'r erthyglau, ynghyd â manylion am gylchgronau a llyfrau lle'u cyhoeddwyd, yn llaw Gwawr Morris, gweddw John Meirion Morris. Mae'r cyhoeddiadau'n cynnwys Planet, Resurgence, Barn, Y Casglwr, Golwg, y Western Mail, Y Cymro a'r Faner Newydd. Mae dwy eitem yn cynnwys sylwadau gan y bardd a'r academydd Peter Abbs (1942-2020), a fu'n gyfaill i John Meirion Morris dros gyfnod o hanner can mlynedd.
= Photocopies, printouts and original articles taken from newspapers, periodicals and books about John Meirion Morris and his work, together with reviews of the publications The Celtic Vision by John Meirion Morris (Y Lolfa, 2003) and John Meirion Morris: artist by Gwyn Thomas (Y Lolfa, 2011) and notes on John Meirion Morris as part of an art exhibition programme. Together with an accompanying list of the articles, along with details relating to the periodicals and books in which they were published, in the hand of Gwawr Morris, widow of John Meirion Morris. The publications include Planet, Resurgence, Barn, Y Casglwr, Golwg, the Western Mail, Y Cymro and Y Faner Newydd. Two items include observations by the poet and academic Peter Abbs (1942-2020), whose friendship with John Meirion Morris spanned fifty years.

Darlithoedd gan John Meirion Morris = Lectures by John Meirion Morris

Rhaglen brintiedig ar gyfer seminarau agored i'w cynnal ym Mhrifysgol Sussex, 25 Ionawr - 15 Chwefror 1994, a oedd yn cynnwys manylion am ddarlith gan John Meirion Morris ac am arddangosfa o'i waith; a nodiadau ar gyfer darlith a draddodwyd gan John Meirion Morris yng nghanolfan y Morlan, Aberystwyth, 23 Mehefin 2006, gyda nodyn ar wahân yn llaw Gwawr Morris, gweddw John Meirion Morris. Y ddwy eitem wedi'u arnodi yn llaw John Meirion Morris.
= Printed programme with details of open seminars to be held at Sussex University, 25 January - 15 February 1994, which included a lecture by John Meirion Morris and an exhibition of his work; and notes for a lecture given by John Meirion Morris at the Morlan centre, Abersystwyth, 23 June 2006, with a separate note in the hand of Gwawr Morris, widow of John Meirion Morris. Both items are annotated in the hand of John Meirion Morris.

Yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol = The National Eisteddfod

Deunydd yn ymwneud â chyswllt John Meirion Morris â'r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, gan gynnwys llawlyfr arddangosfa celf a chrefft Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Aberystwyth 1992 (sy'n nodi John Meirion Morris fel un o ddetholwyr cystadleuwyr y Fedal Aur Mewn Celfyddyd Gain (tud. 8)); llythyr, 30 Ionawr 1985, at Dr R. Geraint Gruffydd, Llyfrgellydd Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, oddi wrth Emyr Jenkins, cyfarwyddwr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, yn cymeradwyo ail-etholiad John Meirion Morris i Banel Celf a Chrefft Cyngor yr Eisteddfod; adroddiadau ar arddangosfa gelf a chrefft yr Eisteddfod, 1981 (arnodwyd ar frig y ddalen gyntaf yn llaw John Meirion Morris: 'Adroddiad cyntaf 1981') a 1989 (a gyfeirwyd at Emyr Jenkins, gydag arnodiad ar frig y dudalen gyntaf yn llaw John Meirion Morris: 'Yr ail adroddiad 1989 Adroddiad cyntaf 1981'); llythyr ymddiswyddiad o Banel Celf a Chrefft Cyngor yr Eisteddfod oddi wrth John Meirion Morris at Emyr Jenkins (25 Medi 1991), ynghyd â llythyr o ymateb, 16 Hydref 1991, oddi wrth Emyr Jenkins at John Meirion Morris; manylion treuliau John Meirion Morris tra'n gwasanaethu ar banel detholwyr Arddangosfa Celf a Chrefft Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Aberystwyth 1992; a llythyr, 29 Ebrill 1992, at John Meirion Morris oddi wrth Eirian Dulyn Owen, trefnydd Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Urdd Gobaith Cymru Bro Glyndŵr 1992 yn cydnabod gwasanaeth John Meirion Morris fel beirniad adran grefft, dylunio a thechnoleg yr eisteddfod.
= Material relating to John Meirion Morris' association with the National Eisteddfod of Wales, which includes an arts and crafts exhibition handbook from the Aberystwyth National Eisteddfod 1992 (noting John Meirion Morris as one of the selectors for the Fine Arts Gold Medal competition (p. 8)); letter, 30 January 1985, to Dr R. Geraint Gruffydd, National Library of Wales Librarian, from Emyr Jenkins, director of the National Eisteddfod of Wales, commending John Meirion Morris' re-election to the Eisteddfod Council's Arts and Crafts Panel; reports on the 1981 and 1989 National Eisteddfod arts and crafts exhibitions (the 1981 report annotated on the first page in John Meirion Morris' hand [translated]: 'First report 1981', while the 1989 report is addressed to Emyr Jenkins and is annotated at the top of the first page in John Meirion Morris' hand [translated]: 'The second report 1989 First report 1981'); letter of resignation from the Eisteddfod Council Arts and Crafts Panel from John Meirion Morris to Emyr Jenkins, 25 September 1991, together with Emyr Jenkins' letter of response, 16 October 1991, to John Meirion Morris; details of expenses incurred by John Meirion Morris while serving on the selection panel of the 1992 Aberystwyth National Eisteddfod Arts and Crafts Exhibition; and a letter, 29 April 1992, to John Meirion Morris from Eirian Dulyn Owen, organiser of the 1992 Glyndŵr and District National Urdd Eisteddfod of Wales, acknowledging John Meirion Morris' services as adjudicator in the eisteddfod's craft, design and technology section.

Erthyglau gan John Meirion Morris ar gelfyddyd ac addysg yn gyffredinol = Articles by John Meirion Morris on art and educaton in general

Llungopïau ac allbrintiau o erthyglau printiedig a drafft-nodiadau llawysgrif ar gyfer erthyglau mwy cyffredinol gan John Meirion Morris ar themâu celfyddyd ac addysg, nifer o'r allbrintiau wedi'u arnodi/cywiro yn llaw John Meirion Morris. Mae un eitem yn cynnwys llythyr atodedig o ganmoliaeth i erthygl John Meirion Morris yn rhifyn Chwefror 1973 o'r cylchgrawn Bulletin oddi wrth Archesgob Cymru ar y pryd, Gwilym Williams. Ynghyd ag eitem yn cynnwys datganiad ynghylch cynnwys a strwythur Cwrs Sail Adran Gelf y brifysgol lle'r oedd John Meirion Morris yn ddarlithydd ar y pryd (eitem yn annyddiedig, felly nid oes modd cyfeirio'n bendant at unrhyw sefydliad arbennig) (oherwydd ei chyflwr eitha bregus, cedwir yr eitem hon mewn amlen wedi'i nodi).
= Photocopies and printouts of printed articles and draft manuscript notes for more general articles by John Meirion Morris on art and education, many of the printouts including annotations/corrections in the hand of John Meirion Morris. One item includes an attached letter of praise for John Meirion Morris' article in the February 1973 edition of the periodical Bulletin from the then Archbishop of Wales, Gwilym Williams. Together with an item containing a statement relating to the content and structure of the Art Department Foundation Course of the university at which John Meirion Morris was then lecturing (item undated so no means of definite identification of the establishment) (due to its somewhat fragile condition, this item is kept in a marked envelope).

Erthyglau gan John Meirion Morris = Articles by John Meirion Morris

Llungopïau ac allbrintiau o erthyglau printiedig a drafft-nodiadau llawysgrif ar gyfer erthyglau gan John Meirion Morris. Ceir rhestr o'r erthyglau, ynghyd â theitlau a rhifynnau'r cylchgronau lle'u cyhoeddwyd, yn llaw Gwawr Morris, gweddw John Meirion Morris. Mae'r rhestr cyhoeddiadau'n cynnwys Llais Llyfrau, Taliesin, Barn, Golwg a'r Faner Newydd.
= Photocopies and printouts of printed articles and draft manuscript notes for articles by John Meirion Morris. Together with an accompanying list of the articles, along with details relating to the periodicals, books, etc in which they were published, in the hand of Gwawr Morris, widow of John Meirion Morris. The list of publications includes Llais Llyfrau, Taliesin, Barn, Golwg and Y Faner Newydd.

Erthyglau gan John Meirion Morris am ei waith ei hun = Articles by John Meirion Morris about his own work

Llungopïau ac allbrintiau o erthyglau printiedig a drafft-nodiadau llawysgrif ar gyfer erthyglau gan John Meirion Morris yn ymwneud â'i waith celf ei hunan. Yn yr erthygl sy'n dwyn y teitl 'Imagination and The Magic of Tradition', ceir cyfeiriad at y bardd a'r academydd Peter Abbs (1942-2020), a fu'n gyfaill i John Meirion Morris dros gyfnod o hanner can mlynedd.
= Photocopies and printouts of printed articles and draft manuscript notes for articles by John Meirion Morris relating to his own art work. In the article entitled 'Imagination and The Magic of Tradition', there is a reference to the poet and academic Peter Abbs (1942-2020), whose friendship with John Meirion Morris spanned fifty years.

Erthyglau gan Peter Abbs = Articles by Peter Abbs

Allbrintiau a llungopïau o erthyglau gan y bardd a'r academydd Peter Abbs (1942-2020), a fu'n gyfaill i John Meirion Morris dros gyfnod o hanner can mlynedd. Mae'r casgliad yn cynnwys un erthygl ar gerflunwaith John Meirion Morris. = Printouts and photocopies of articles by the poet and academic Peter Abbs (1942-2020), whose friendship with John Meirion Morris spanned fifty years. One item contains an article on John Meirion Morris' sculpture work.

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