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Hensol estate records
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Copy Court Roll of the manor of Ogmor recording a suit between Robert Smith, esq., plaintiff, and Watkin Mangell, defendant ...,

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Ogmor recording a suit between Robert Smith, esq., plaintiff, and Watkin Mangell, defendant, touching a messuage and 401/2 acres of land, etc., in Broughton, Westreeg and Wicke, formerly the lands of Gervase Hawkins and Nicholas Hawkins. See also Nos. 123-134 which relate to the history of these lands and the dipute here tried at law.

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Ogmor recording the surrender by Gervase Hawkins of lands called The Westry at ...,

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Ogmor recording the surrender by Gervase Hawkins of lands called The Westry at Wicke in the said manor to the use of Edward Watkins of Wicke and Watkin Roberts of Muncknash as feoffees of Humphrey Windham, esq., with a memorandum that the surrender was made to secure the payment of £150. Latin. Fragile.

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Pentirch and Clunne recording the surrender by Edward Edmond and Cheritie his wife ...,

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Pentirch and Clunne recording the surrender by Edward Edmond and Cheritie his wife of lands in the parish of Lantwitt Vairdre and lands called Tyr Ievan Bach and Kae Ievan Bach in the parish of Lantrissent, and the admission of Robert Llewelin to the same. With a note of fees involved, viz., the steward's fee 10s., the recorder for the copy and entering 5s., and the bailiff for summoning the tenants 1s., all which sums were disbursed by Robert Llewelin. Signed M[organ] Griffins, sub-steward.

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Pentirch recording the surrender by Evan Morgan, senior, Friswid his wife, and Evan ...,

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Pentirch recording the surrender by Evan Morgan, senior, Friswid his wife, and Evan Morgan junior, their son, of a messuage and customary lands called Cae Shion, Gwern Dywill and Tir Llewelin Gethin, a messuage and lands, etc., called Tir veich Lethyn otherwise Tir braich Lethyn, a messuage and lands lying in to closes called le Hendre and le Coed Cae bach, a messuage and lands called Tir pen y Ton, Caer Wal and Tir Llewelyn Gethin, all in the parish of Lantwitt Vairdre, and the admission of Evan ap Evan and Thomas ap Evan, senior, customary tenants of the manor, to uses specified.

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Pentyrch and Clynne recording the surrender by Evan ab Evan, Thomas Evan, and ...,

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Pentyrch and Clynne recording the surrender by Evan ab Evan, Thomas Evan, and Morgan Evan, gentleman, feoffees of Catherine Morgan, widow, and Morgan Evan, second son of the said Catherine Morgan, of a messuage and customary lands called Cae Shion, Gwern Dywill, and Tir Llewelin Gethin, a messuage and lands called Tir verch Lethin otherwise Tir bach Lethin, a messuage and lands in two closes called Hendre and Y Coedcae bach, and a messuage and lands called Tir penny Ton, Cae Wal, and Tir Lewelin Gethin, all in the parish of Lantwitvairdre, and the admission thereto of the said Catherine Morgan and Morgan Evan, and a subsequent surrender of the same premises and admission of Lewis Thomas and Richard John as security for the payment of £59 and interest to Henry Nicholls, shoemaker.

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by Anthony Gibbon and Jenkin William of parcels of ...,

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by Anthony Gibbon and Jenkin William of parcels of land called Kae Adam vawr, Kae verch Adam vach, Kaer Duttail, Kaer Wrgah, Dwy erwr gors, yrerw velen and Erwrkyn in the parish of Pendoylon, enfeoffed to Richard Jenkins to the use of David Jenkins, esq. Latin.

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by David ap William of messuages and lands which ...,

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by David ap William of messuages and lands which he had of the feoffment of Lewis Jenkin to the use of the said David ap William for life, and after his death the bakehouse, cowhouse, Y Ty Kaer and land called Yr Erw Bant to the use of Margaret Evan wife of the said David for life, and after her death to Cecil daughter of the said David and Roger David and his heirs. Latin.

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by David Jenkin and Richard David, feoffees between Edward ...,

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by David Jenkin and Richard David, feoffees between Edward John and Robert Thomas of Cardiff, of lands called Caer Gilvach and Caer Twmpath in the parish of Welsh St Donnattes to the use of the said Edward John, and the surrender by David Jenkin, feoffee between John Evan and Blanch his mother of land called Cae Pant in the said parish to the use of Edward John. Latin.

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by David Jenkins, esq., of one mansion house, etc ...,

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by David Jenkins, esq., of one mansion house, etc., and lands specified in No. 29 of equal date to the use of John Thomas Phillip and Evan Jenkin as feoffees to the use of Thomas Lyson of Priske and Richard Thomas his heir, rendering to the said David Jenkins £10 yearly during the life of the said Richard Thomas and if the latter should die before Thomas Leyson the latter shall render £15 during his life, one day's work at harvest, two capons, two crannucks of coal delivered to Hensoll and heriots. Latin.

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by David Jenkins, esq., of one messuage and lands ...,

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by David Jenkins, esq., of one messuage and lands called Katihir, Ka r saer, Tir y Crigg, Dwy erw ka tir hiddon, erw a hanner ka tir hiddon, Erw r pooll, Dwy erw y quarrey, Kae r brin, and Yr Erw Bant, lying in Tre r Pooll in the parish of Lanblethian to the use of Evan Rice and Jenkin Lewis as feoffees to the use of Leolin Jenkins, esq., doctor of civil law, for 41 years, rendering to David Jenkins 12d. annually.

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by David Jenkins, esq., of one parcel of land ...,

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by David Jenkins, esq., of one parcel of land called Ka Olemarch and two parcels of land formerly in one parcel and called Kar Mynith in the parish of Welsh St Donattes to the use of Jenkin Lewis and John Thomas Phillip as feoffees to hold to the use of John Rosser and Joan his wife and after their decease to Edward Rosser their son. Rent to David Jenkins 10s., two capons, one day's work at harvest time, one cart load of coal delivered at Hensoll and 5s. for heriot after the death of each of them. Latin.

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by David Jenkins, esq., of the premises specified in ...,

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by David Jenkins, esq., of the premises specified in No. 29 dated 11 May 1665 to the use of Evan Jenkins and Griffith Thomas as feoffees to hold to the use of Thomas Lyson of Priske, Richard Thomas his son, and Blanch wife of the said Richard, rendering to the said David Jenkins 40s. annually during the lives of the said Richard Thomas and Blanch his wife and after their decease if they should die before Thomas Lyson £15 annually by the latter, one day's work at harvest, two capons at Easter, two 'cranucks' of coal delivered at Hensoll annually, and heriots. Endorsed: Richard Lisons now lease. Latin.

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by Evan Rees, surviving feoffee between Robert Llewelin, deceased ...,

Copy Court Roll of the manor of Talavan recording the surrender by Evan Rees, surviving feoffee between Robert Llewelin, deceased, and John Harry, deceased, Harry John and George John sons of the said John Harry, of a messuage, etc., and lands called Tairerw Ka r ffynnon goeg, Yr erw wrth y ty, Dwy erw r allt, Pedeir Erw r allt, Dwy erw r allt yssa, Erw r ffynnon goeg, Gwayne ffynnon goeg, y ka dan y dre and y ka dan y Lan, to the use of David Jenkins, esq. Latin.

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