India -- Description and travel.



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India -- Description and travel.

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India -- Description and travel.

Termau cysylltiedig

India -- Description and travel.

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Photocopies of memoranda and letters on international affairs,

Photocopies of documents, 1931-1933, from the Lloyd George Papers held at the Parliamentary Archive at the House of Lords. There are memoranda, presumably prepared by Gareth Jones, 1930-1933, on the Five-Power Naval Conference; the American Tariff; The situation in Palestine; Poland after January 1931; the Gandhi-Irwin Agreement: its Effects upon India and upon Politics in England; 'Conversation with M. Litvinoff, at Moscow, March 23, 1932'; and Soviet Russia and the Caucasus. There are also photocopies of several letters from Gareth Jones to David Lloyd George.

Lloyd George, David, 1863-1945

Travel journal

An incomplete manuscript journal, 1781-1782, by Benjamin Millingchamp recounting his travels in India aboard the H.M.S. Superbe.

Sir Alexander M. Rendel Journals,

  • GB 0210 ALEDEL
  • Fonds
  • 1858-1868 /

Journals of Sir Alexander Meadows Rendel, 1858-1868, concerning his visits to India.

Rendel, Alexander Meadows, Sir, 1828-1918.

Abstract of log book,

A notebook containing an 'Abstract of the Log of the Ship Robert Small 6th Voyage To Calcutta and the Cape' kept by D. Evans, midshipman, from 30 July, 1840 to 2 March, 1841. At the end of the volume are accounts of payments, 1845-1851, made by Bridget Evans, Ciliau Wen, for her son Edward Higgon Evans 'From the time I settled him as an Apprentice to George Phillips Esquire Surgeon now living in Dark Street, Haverfordwest ...'.

D. Evans and Bridget Evans.


Reminiscences, [1893x1922], of Frank Phillips entitled 'First Voiage To India. Adventures in Burmah', containing a description of his voyage to India and from India to Burma with an incomplete account of his experiences there, 1884 (ff. 1-33 verso); an incomplete account of his experiences in Zimbabwe, 1892 (ff. 34-47 verso); and a description of a voyage to South Africa, [c. 1885]-1887 (ff. 50-56).

Frank Phillips.

Letters from India,

  • NLW MS 23288B
  • Ffeil
  • 1902-1903 /

Some thirty letters, 1902-3, from Gwynydd Sisson (d. 1909), wife of the Reverend Lewis Pryce (1873-1930), Wrecsam. Addressed to her mother Cornelia Elizabeth Sisson, Plas Gwilym, Wrecsam, they contain news of her stay in India.

Pryce, Gwynydd, d. 1909

Ship's sight book,

A sight book of the ship 'Mermaid', 1843-1845, kept by D. W. Evans, together with some miscellaneous memoranda and accounts (e.g. particulars of clothing washed at Bombay, Singapore, etc., 1848 and undated).

D. W. Evans.

Gwenfron Moss Papers,

  • GB 0210 GWENMOSS
  • Fonds
  • 1920-1983 /

Papers of Gwenfron Moss, 1920-1983, comprising letters, 1928-1964, from her to her family; journal letters giving an account of her voyages to China and India; circular letters and other printed material, 1920-1983; scripts, correspondence, contracts and other material, 1966-1979, relating to her broadcasts on radio and television; photograph albums; holiday diaries, 1966-1972; certificates and addresses presented to her, 1920-1964; and papers relating mainly to her work with the London Missionary Society in China and India, 1928-1964, including diaries, 1930-1938; correspondence, 1958-1972; and papers relating to deputation work and other public engagements, 1934-1977.

Moss, Gwenfron, 1898-1991