Congregationalists -- Wales -- Llanbrynmair.



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Congregationalists -- Wales -- Llanbrynmair.

Termau cyfwerth

Congregationalists -- Wales -- Llanbrynmair.

Termau cysylltiedig

Congregationalists -- Wales -- Llanbrynmair.

1 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Congregationalists -- Wales -- Llanbrynmair.

Dim ond canlyniadau sy'n uniongyrchol gysylltiedig

Letters to John Roberts and Samuel Roberts,

Holograph letters addressed to John Roberts the elder and his son Samuel Roberts ('S.R.'), Congregational ministers, of Llanbryn-mair, etc., with some copy replies: (a) Six letters to John Roberts from [the Reverend] J. W. H. Pritchard, Old College, Homerton, 1825 (an invitation to 'S. R.' to a pastorate at Chesterfield); A[nne] Williams, Ynys y towyn [Portmadoc], 1827 (an invitation to 'S. R.' to the pastorate of the new church [Salem] at Portmadoc); John Williams [Ynys y towyn], Port Madoc, 1827 (soliciting help to clear the debt on [Salem] chapel); Sarah Yallowley, Tythe Hill Cottage [co. Salop], 1827 (2) (a diary of a preacher called [Samuel] Bradburn, an invitation to preach at Lythe Hill, a book sent to the recipient); and John Bulmer, Haverfordwest, 1833 (a review by 'S. R.' in Y Dysgedydd of the writer's Hymns and Evangelical Songs, the progress of David Griffiths, son of the Reverend [Benjamin] Griffiths, Trefgarn, at the writer's school, a volume of hymns to be published by the writer). (b) Fourteen letters to 'S.R.' from Walter Davies ['Gwallter Mechain'], Manafon, 1828 (comments on the recipient's essay on 'Yr laith Gymraeg'); Wm. Williams, Carnarvon, 1833 (a request for an essay on 'Anghyfiawnder a Drygioni Sefydliadau Eglwysig' and for the establishment of a local Society to propagate information on the subject); [the Reverend] Thomas Lewis [of Builth], from Bristol, 1835 (collections in England for liquidating debts on Welsh Congregational chapels); Edward James Herbert, 3rd earl of Powis, 1849 (the succession to the Douglas peerage); D. Jones [ London], 1872 (interment of Mr. E. Jones); Edward Hooker, for Mr. Williams of George Hitchcock, Williams, & Co., London, 1872 (declining to respond to the recipient's request); Miss [ ] Edwards [London], 1872 (a subscription towards rebuilding the Welsh chapel in Southwark Bridge Road); J. T. Beighton, London Congregational Chapel Building Society, 1872 (a clause in a [Southwark] chapel trust deed relating to the use of the Welsh language); Thos. Barnes, Chirk (confining assistance to local chapels); D. Howell, Machynlleth, etc., 1876 (2) (thanks for a packet of autograph letters, the success of the 'Cronicl bach', personal and family news, the writer will endeavour to ascertain the view of Mr. D. Davies [of Llandinam]); R. M. Davies, Lancashire and Cheshire Congregational Chapel and School Building Society, from Harrogate, 1878 (the case of the Queen's Road people); Wm. Thomas, Park Glas, Carmarthen, 1879 (collections towards Y Celt, etc.); and R. Ivor Parry, solicitor, Pwllheli, 1885 (returning letters, etc.); together with a post office order for £1/1/0 from Erasmus Jones [London] to 'S. R.', [18]72.