


Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd


Termau cyfwerth


Termau cysylltiedig


27 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Carmarthenshire

27 canlyniad yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig Eithrio termau culach


A volume of sermons by David Lewis, Pantwdog [Cynwyl Elfed], Griff. Jones (at Cynwyl [Elfed], Llanllwch Church, Ll[an] D[eilo] F[awr] Church, and Abernant Church, 1735-6), Lewis Jones (at Pen y Rhyw), Jen. Tho., S. F., R. H., L. P., Da. Jones (at Ll[an] D[eilo], 1735), Thos. Jones (at Troed rhyw meirch), Thos. Morris (1736/7), Abel Francis, W. P., Jac. Rees, Enoch Francis, Jno. Richd., Sa. T., Jon. Harr., Jno. Cob., W. J., David Jenkins (at Pantwdog), etc., together with a few hymns and one early nineteenth-century sermon. According to a note on the last page the volume was 'Written by W. Evan'.


A volume containing rent accounts, 1802-43, with individual tenants in Pembroke (St. Mary and St. Michael), Narberth, Templeton, Monkton, Pembroke Ferry, Crunwear, Lawrenny, Crinow, etc., Pembrokeshire, and Carmarthen, etc., Carmarthenshire. Inset are holograph letters from J. Leach, Pembroke, to David Raymond, Crunwear, 1836 (the purchase of property), and G. Raynes to [John Leach], [18]65 (the purchase of hoops for a cooper's use).


Sermons, notes for lectures and articles, and a note of routes used by cattle drovers in Brecknockshire, Carmarthenshire, etc.

Thomas Price.


Notes of sermons and/or lectures delivered [by Edward Harries] at Eggremont and Llandissilio, 1838-1845.

Edward Harries.

Sheriff's court estreats, &c.

  • NLW MS 793B
  • Ffeil
  • 1731-1803

A manuscript containing estreats of the sheriff's court for Cardiganshire during the shrievalty of John Price, Blaen Dyffryn, 1731-1732; memoranda of agreements and rentals of several Cardiganshire and Carmarthenshire properties, 1742-1803; miscellaneous accounts and notes by Jenkin Davies, Glanrhocca, Llanddewibrefi.

Trewern estate maps

A volume originally containing seventeen numbered manuscript maps, with acreages, of the Trewern estate in the parishes of Llanddewi Felffre and Narberth, Pembrokeshire, Llangynin, Llanboidy and Llanwinio, Carmarthenshire, and Blaen-porth and Llangoedmor, Cardiganshire, by Alfred Thomas, land surveyor, 1826. The original foliation was disturbed, probably during rebacking, so that the index and map and acreages no. 1 are now ff. 36-40, and three maps (nos 9, 10, 12) have been lost. Two other maps, 1880s, of farms in the parish of Llanddewi Felffre have been tipped in (ff. 29, 34) and details of acreages added on the blank leaves of the original volume. Other later additions, 1873-1893, include plans and details of acreages of farms in the parish of Meidrim, Carmarthenshire (ff. 31 verso-3, 42 verso-3).

Undeb Dirwestol Dyffryn Taf,

  • NLW MS 22039A.
  • Ffeil
  • 1886-1908.

Minute-book, 1886-1908, of the Taf valley, counties Carmarthen and Pembroke, Temperance Union.

Canlyniadau 21 i 27 o 27