Calvinistic Methodists -- Wales -- Porthmadog -- Sermons



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Calvinistic Methodists -- Wales -- Porthmadog -- Sermons

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Calvinistic Methodists -- Wales -- Porthmadog -- Sermons

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Calvinistic Methodists -- Wales -- Porthmadog -- Sermons

2 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Calvinistic Methodists -- Wales -- Porthmadog -- Sermons

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  • NLW MS 5562B
  • Ffeil
  • 1853-1890

The second of two volumes containing a record kept by Robert Jones, 4 Garth Terrace, Portmadoc of the texts of sermons preached by Calvinistic Methodist preachers, possibly at Portmadoc, 1853-1890.

Testunau pregethau

  • NLW MS 5561B
  • Ffeil
  • 1853-1890

The first of two volumes containing a record kept by Robert Jones, 4 Garth Terrace, Portmadoc of the texts of sermons preached by Calvinistic Methodist preachers, possibly at Portmadoc, 1853-1890.