Apiculture. Wales



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Apiculture. Wales

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Apiculture. Wales

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Apiculture. Wales

1 Archival description results for Apiculture. Wales

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Welsh Beekeepers' Association Records

  • GB 0210 WELBEES
  • Fonds
  • 1943-2023

Papers of Cymdeithas Gwenynwyr Cymru (CGC) / the Welsh Beekeepers' Association (WBKA), comprising WBKA constitutional and administrative papers, the latter including a significant amount of correspondence dating from the WBKA's establishment in 1943 to 2021; copies of WBKA periodicals and newsletters dating from the 1940s to the present day; material relating to grant applications, training and assessment, summer schools and conventions and to eisteddfodau and shows; documents and papers relating to the genetically modified (GM) crop debate and to pesticide control; items relating to the WBKA's 75th anniversary events in 2018; and a certain amount of miscellaneous material relating to the WBKA.
Additional papers, containing similar material, were donated May 2023, for which see under relevant heading.

Welsh Beekeepers' Association