Agricultural administration -- England -- Warwickshire -- Accounting



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Agricultural administration -- England -- Warwickshire -- Accounting

Termau cyfwerth

Agricultural administration -- England -- Warwickshire -- Accounting

Termau cysylltiedig

Agricultural administration -- England -- Warwickshire -- Accounting

1 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Agricultural administration -- England -- Warwickshire -- Accounting

Dim ond canlyniadau sy'n uniongyrchol gysylltiedig


Miscellaneous notes, [c. 1726]-1756, by John Dyer, including farming accounts and memoranda, draft poems, extracts from devotional and secular literature, prayers and meditations, and various jottings, together with transcripts, [1847x1855], by William Hylton Dyer Longstaffe of poems and related material from other Dyer manuscripts, now dispersed.