Welsh poetry -- 18th century



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Welsh poetry -- 18th century

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Welsh poetry -- 18th century

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Welsh poetry -- 18th century

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  • NLW MS 12071A
  • File
  • [c. 1673]-[1700x1715]

A volume of popular Welsh poems on religious and scriptural themes written c. 1673-1674 by James Phillipp(es), with additions made a generation later by Phillipp James. The poems belong to the type of verse known in Cardiganshire as 'halsingod'. Linguistic evidence suggests that the authors were natives of East Carmarthenshire.

Phillippes, James

Cywydd y Farn a charol Plygain,

  • NLW MS 16197B.
  • File
  • 1764, 1778 /

'Cywydd Farn', 1764, gan, ac yn llaw, Rice (Rhys) Jones o'r Blaenau. Ceir copi arall ohoni, a ymddengys i fod yn llaw Rhys Jones, yn NLW MS 3059D (tt. 77-84), ac fe'i cyhoeddwyd yn Gwaith prydyddawl y diweddar Rice Jones o'r Blaenau, Meirion (Dolgellau, 1818). Ceir hefyd eiriau 'Carol Plygain', 1778, gan Evan Arthur. Ar f. 8 verso mae testun crefyddol aneglur (?carol) wedi'i briodoli i Robert Jones. = Poem, 'Cywydd Farn', 1764, by, and in the hand of, Rice (Rhys) Jones of Blaenau. A further copy of the poem, which appears to be in the hand of Rhys Jones, is included in NLW MS 3059D (pp. 77-84), and it was published in Gwaith prydyddawl y diweddar Rice Jones o'r Blaenau, Meirion (Dolgellau, 1818). Also included are the lyrics of 'Carol Plygain', 1778, by Evan Arthur. An obscure religious text (?carol) attributed to Robert Jones is included on f. 8 verso.

Jones, Rhys, 1713-1801