Manuscripts, Medieval -- Great Britain



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Manuscripts, Medieval -- Great Britain

Termau cyfwerth

Manuscripts, Medieval -- Great Britain

Termau cysylltiedig

Manuscripts, Medieval -- Great Britain

4 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Manuscripts, Medieval -- Great Britain

4 canlyniad yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig Eithrio termau culach

Medical texts,

The manuscript is in two parts: The first part comprises medical recipes, mainly in English; and a rubric entitled 'Incipit compendium salernie que membris valent aut nocent'. The second part comprises a fragment of a medical treatise.

Medical miscellanea,

Medical recipes; a religious text entitled 'cursus de eterna sapienta'; a herbal; charms; 'the boke of vertuse and of wateres' by Dr. Gylys; and transcripts of deeds.

Husbandry and recipes

A fragment of a tract on the war between England and France; a portion of 'the tretice off housbondry that Master Grosthed [Grosseteste] mad the which was Bischope of Lyncolne ...'; a metrical story of Saint Gregory and his mother; miscellaneous cookery recipes; 'a good book off keruynge and servis vnto a prince ...'; and medical recipes.