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- [1625x1650]. (Creation)
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Scope and content
Manuscript Map of the lordship of Narberth, co. Pemb., giving the names and delienating the borders of the manors of the said lordship [cf. P2-3]. On the left hand corner is a note stating that the lordship holds one court 'but by reason of the severall Languages of Englishe and Welshe used in the severall Reeveshippes, severall Juryes are sworne for tryall in the same Courte accordinge to the Reeveship wherein the cause is' and the names of the reeveships wherein Welsh and English is used. -- Subscribed: 'Soe as Mr Barlowe is much to be Claimed that would sett on the Contractors for his private endes to desmember soe greate and well compacted a Lordshipp of the Crown lyinge uppon the important haven of Millford and consistinge of the soe grate a Number of able ffreeholders for his Maiestis services, bothe Martiall and Civill'. -- 300 x 440 mm.
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Notes area
Preferred citation: MP2.