Lectures and lecturing -- England -- Oxford.



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Lectures and lecturing -- England -- Oxford.

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Lectures and lecturing -- England -- Oxford.

Termau cysylltiedig

Lectures and lecturing -- England -- Oxford.

1 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Lectures and lecturing -- England -- Oxford.

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Rowland Williams, Ysceifiog, lectures notes on divinity,

  • NLW MS 23748C.
  • Ffeil
  • [1774?], 1801 /

A volume containing notes of the first eleven in a series of lectures on divinity, the first dated 20 October 1801, made by Rowland Williams, later rector and vicar of Ysceifiog, Flintshire, whilst a student at Jesus College, Oxford. The lectures were delivered by the Regius Professor of Divinity, John Randolph, Bishop of Oxford (see his Heads of a course of lectures in divinity, ([Oxford(?)]: [n. pub.], [1784(?)]) [ESTC T130135], which gives headings for thirty-five lectures).
Originally used as a wrapper (now ff. i, 36) is the final leaf from a copy of The Office of the Judge, promoted by Collet and Havard, against Evanson: Depositions of Witnesses ... ([Gloucester(?)]: [n. pub.], [1774(?)]) [ESTC T142453], relating to the 1775 trial in the Consistory Court of the Diocese of Gloucester of the Rev. Edward Evanson for publishing a tract contrary to Church doctrine. On f. i Rowland Williams has added a note recording his election, 9 December 1801, as a scholar of Jesus College.

Williams, Rowland, 1779-1854.