Inscriptions -- Wales -- Radnorshire



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Inscriptions -- Wales -- Radnorshire

Termau cyfwerth

Inscriptions -- Wales -- Radnorshire

Termau cysylltiedig

Inscriptions -- Wales -- Radnorshire

3 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Inscriptions -- Wales -- Radnorshire

3 canlyniad yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig Eithrio termau culach

Transcripts of monumental inscriptions

One of three volumes containing transcripts, almost entirely in the autograph of Bradney, of monumental inscriptions, 1435/6-1905, in the churches and churchyards of parishes principally in Herefordshire, Radnorshire and Brecknockshire, with some illustrations, extracts from parish registers and lists of incumbents. Each volume contains an index of places.

Monumental inscriptions

One of three volumes containing transcripts, almost entirely in the autograph of Bradney, of monumental inscriptions, 1435/6-1905, in the churches and churchyards of parishes principally in Herefordshire, Radnorshire and Brecknockshire, with some illustrations, extracts from parish registers and lists of incumbents. Each volume contains an index of places.

Monumental inscriptions

One of three volumes containing transcripts, almost entirely in the autograph of Bradney, of monumental inscriptions, 1435/6-1905, in the churches and churchyards of parishes principally in Herefordshire, Radnorshire and Brecknockshire, with some illustrations, extracts from parish registers and lists of incumbents. Each volume contains an index of places.