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2015 General Election

Selection and Election Campaign Documents: Parliamentary Selections Procedure, Ann's standing down and re-election,.
Correspondence, lists of Labour Membership, Representation of the People Act 1983, articles, election leaflet

Tower Colliery

The box contains materials covering Tower Colliery. It covers the campaign, it and other mine closures, the film and opera. There are reports, documents, press releases, articles, correspondence, letters, parliamentary questions and a folder on the collieries.

Subject Files N-P

The box contains folders N-P containing Reports, letters, correspondence, meeting minutes, documents, bills, address, press releases, articles and parliamentary questions. The topics include, The Severn Barrage, Planning Bill 2007-8, Northern Ireland WW1 Centenary Committee, Organophosphate, Private Member's Bills, Protection of Children Bill, phone tapping and President Clinton.

Coal (Misc)

The box covers topics such as the Phunarcite plant, Coal, tower colliery, sale of the mining operations and Orimulsion. In the folders there are correspondence, letters, documents, reports, cases, consultation draft, Welsh Coalfields Map, information sheets, and parliamentary questions.

Subject Files S-Y

The box contains folders covering topics like, the Heathrow expansion, Stephen Lawrence, telecom, soundbite politics, voting system, and youth parliament. They have Periodicals, parliamentary questions, articles, letters, correspondence, transcripts, parliamentary Voting and Constituencies Bil.

Subject Files E-F

The box contains folders covering topics like, Education, Equitable life, Euthanasia, Estate Agents, Fuel Duty and Tobin Tax and Tuition Fees. They contain briefings, The politics of the nursery pack, news releases, discussion papers, Education (Student Loans) Bill, letters, correspondence, newspaper, and Parliamentary Questions.


The box contains folders on Freedom of Information, Data protection and Whistle-blowing. There are news release, documents, transcripts, research paper, reports, consultation paper, research note, submissions, speeches and lectures.

NHS Complaints H-I

The box contains folders with letters, correspondence,reports, articles, briefings, documents on NHS Hospitals.

NHS Complaints - S

The box contains folders with letters, correspondence,reports, articles, briefings, documents on NHS Hospitals.

NHS Complaints M-O

The box contains folders with letters, correspondence,reports, articles, briefings, documents on NHS Hospitals.

NHS Complaints J-L

The box contains folders with letters, correspondence,reports, articles, briefings, documents on NHS Hospitals.

E. Kynaston to Sir Robert Owen at Porkington,

Apologises for being unable to see Owen. This week he has been so far out of order that he could not stir especially since Wednesday's meeting at Hanmer with Sir Richard Mydleton. He will not be free until Thursday on which, being coronation day, his namesake of Hordley and he meet at Ellesmere where they would be glad to drink the King's health with Owen. Hopes Lady Owen will be quickly up again, and good wishes for the increase of their family with as many little ones as they may desire.

J. Humphreys to Sir Robert Owen at Porkington,

The fine is recorded. There was great noise at the beginning of the Great Sessions of a writ of partition which caused the writer to stay there to watch the same until yesterday morning. Told Mr Pierce Pennant that he did not well to neglect the advice of his counsel ... and that Owen was by knowing men in law and equity much blamed for his generous offer at Wrexham. Thomas David's account is in such order that there must be at least two or three days in settling the sum; and to that purpose care must be taken to divide it into several columns of what was particularly paid to Owen's mother-in-law and Mrs Pennant since the death of Mr Owen Wynne, payment of servants' wages, for the use of the house, and the burial of Mr O(wen) W(ynne) and his wife. Let there be mentioned in the account to what use Lady Owen took money from Thomas David, for the writer found in the book £80 delivered to her, which money he supposes was to be sent to Chester to pay for things had at Chester for the funeral. Returns £8 of Owen's money.

William Griffith, at Plasnewydd, to Sir Robert Owen at Porkington,

Congratulates Owen on the apparent hopes he has of comfort from Lady Owen who he understands is in a brave and thriving condition. Reminds Owen of a former kindness in trying to arrange for the writer to become his neighbour in Oswestry. But at that time Mr Evans was not provided for, although he had a promise of another thing more suited to his genius and inclination, which he hears is now adoing if not already done. Has also been informed that the Bishop and the Town have come to an accommodation about that school's concern and that Mr Evans is to quit that employment very suddenly. If all this be true and the Bishop and the Town think fit, the writer can now comply with Owen's former kind motion to serve his friends in that troublesome and thankless employ to the best of his capacity.

England v Wales

Souvenir match programmes, 1939, 1948, 1950, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1960, 1962, of international quoits matches played between England and Wales on English ground. All items annotated.

Miscellaneous material

Online printout relating to the Allen Valley Quoits League, Northumberland. Date noted as that of printout, not of the original article.

Rules and regulations

Online printout containing the English Quoiting Association's rules, originally taken from Spalding's Athletic Library, New York, 1931. Date noted as that on which item was printed out.


Letter to Joe Wooldridge from Amanda Brooks of Guinness Publishing in response to Wooldridge having provided details of his family's involvement in quoiting.

Press cuttings

Original and photocopied press cuttings relating to English quoits clubs in Herefordshire, Shropshire, Yorkshire, Essex and Stratford, London.

Match programmes

Souvenir British Quoiting Championship match programmes, 2006-2019, of quoits matches whose players include members from Welsh, Scottish and English clubs, with all matches played on either Welsh or Scottish ground. Programme for 25 August 2007 includes handwritten list of players. Some items annotated.

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