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Envelope containing 6 letters,

08 September 1914. Letter from J. Towyn Jones expressing his sympathy for the circumstances Ifor and his parents find themselves in. -- 20 October 1914. Letter in reply to Mr Evans letter to Mr David Thomas concerning his son. It gives the legal opinion of the Foreign Office that caution money should not be paid out for prisoners. -- 11 November 1914. Letter from Thomas Cook and Son, Bankers and Tourist Agents. Confirms they have received instructions for transferring 100 marks to Ifor L. Evans. -- 12 November 1914. Letter from J Keir Hardie regarding the caution money required for Ifor's release. -- 25 November 1914. Letter from Equ A. Crowe stating that he has been directed by Sir E. Grey to write that the United States Ambassador to Berlin has been requested to make enquiries and in some cases representations in cases where bail has been demanded. He write that under the circumstances money should not be sent. -- 27 November 1914. Letter from the Foreign Office stating that all that can be done via the United States embassy. It also states that it seems likely that the prisoners have been transferred to a prison camp, likely Ruhleben.

Jones, Josiah Towyn -- Thomas, David. British Foreign Office -- Thomas Cook and Son. Bankers and Tourist Agents --Hardie, J. Keir -- Crowe, Equ A. -- British Foreign Office, London, UK.

Letter from Berruch,

Sending thanks to Mr Evans for supplying him with Ifor's current address, which he did not have. He knew Ifor was a prisoner of war but had not heard any news for 6 months. They have always been good friends and spent 4 months together in Germany. He hopes they will be in correspondence for a long time.


Letter from J. Arthur Sibly,

Writes that he would like to hear any news Mr Evans hears about his son. Mr Sibly writes that the war will upset the career that Ifor planned for himself, but hopes his study of modern languages continues. He then goes on to disagree with a statement that Mr Evans had made stating that European Civilisation had broken down entirely. Discussing what he believes to be the causes of the present war and what is likely to bring their country to ruin in the long run.

Sibly, J. Arthur. Wycliffe College.

Letter from R. F. Scott,

Writing to Mr Evans with regard to their previous correspondence during 1916 and 1917 about Ifor. He asks that if his son is still considering a university career, that Mr Evans contact him at his convenience. So his case can be considered in the recommendation process.

Scott, R. F. St John's College, Cambridge.

Letter from Desmond Warren, Dublin,

He writes to Mr Evans thinking it will ease his mind to learn that he knows for a certainty that the prisoners of war were to be placed in the hands of the military authorities, after a few days confinement. This should result in much better treatment. Mr Warren understands that the American Consul is willing to send money to prisoners of war; to his knowledge he has lent several Englishmen at Nuremberg money. Any money deposited with any American Consul on the continent can be paid out by another. Desmond writes that Ifor sees this as an excellent opportunity to learn German. He further states that he does not believe that his detention will last long.

Warren, Desmund. Dublin.

Letter from Helen B. Derby,

Her cousin Borgmastaren Pettenson has received a postcard from Ifor L. Evans dated 11 October 1914. The card requested that his parents be informed that he is quite well and that he requests that they send £150 (3000 marks) to the American Consul as security for his release. He is currently in Nuremberg.

Derby, Helen B.

Letter from Lucie Darnell (wife of E. Darnell),

She writes that she sympathises with Mrs Evans having her only son taken from her and that she knows she sympathises with them also. She hopes their sons have met each other. She writes that as Ifor is musical he must have taken part in the xmas performance. Mrs Darnell says that she is getting regular postcards now and her boys are well though they long for home; it is especially difficult for her eldest who had just become engaged shortly before leaving home.

Darnell, Lucie.

Letter from John Rees,

Writes how strange it is that Ifor has ended up in the very same place as a Mr D. Evans who had stayed with John on his way back to Germany. He is sure that they will make each other's acquaintance soon. Mr Rees has only just recently heard from Mr D. Evans. He has asked for many things so John thinks they are in great straits; he doubts he will get anything he sends. John writes that the war is terrible; the sight of a Red Cross Ambulance train the previous Tuesday made him feel sick.

Rees, John.

Letter from G. Velluot,

The writer's son has not received news about ILE for a long time. The writer and his family are anxious to know what has happened to him. They get news from time to time of some young Englishmen being released and returned to their families. It would be happy news if ILE was one of them. They hope ILE will be released from his captivity at the same time this horrible war ends. The writer's son still fulfils the same role as at the beginning of the war in the medical corps and is not in immediate physical danger. He does his best to relieve suffering and has plenty of ill people on his hands. He has borne himself well. Hope ILE's mother's sufferings will be at an end soon.

Velluot, G.

Letter from G. Velluot,

ILE's family is remembered by the writer and his family and they take part in their anguish over ILE's fate. He thanks ILE's mother for her letter and her concern over Georges [the writer's son]. One must be indulgent to our soldiers and forgive them faults that would otherwise be inexcusable. Georges left for the front 21 February. The start was not too hard, but afterwards he was sent to one of the most dangerous parts, from which he emerged unhurt. Thank God! Now he is again in a region with frequent battles. The courage of our brave soldiers is marvellous and they will win in the end. Do not doubt this. But how sad all this is at the same time. So many sufferings, so many chagrins. One must have confidence. The enemy is a coward, once they feel themselves beaten and only the fear of retaliation prevents them from hurting their prisoners. Send best wishes to Leslie and that he may preserve his courage and good health during his captivity. The writer's daughter will pray for him. All need God's help during this time.

Velluot, G.

Letter from Holland Harper,

In reply to Mrs Evans letter of 02 August encloses letters from Mr G. R. Thorne and Mr Kannreuther of Birmingham (the Dutch Consular), as well as copies of letters he has sent them. They concern arranging for Ifor L. Evans to be part of a prisoner exchange.

Harper, Holland. Thorne, G. R. Kannreuther, Mr. Dutch Consular.


Message of thanks from Mary Harold for passing on word of the joint transmission of parcels. Due to being so far north they don't always receive the London papers until it is too late to act on the information contained. She then describes what she has sent and mentions that though they missed the joint transmission and are still in London, Mr Gaston has said he will do his best to ensure delivery. Mary feels it is risky sending things out when the solders aren't receiving things, but writes that they will just have to hope they will be delivered. Finally she hopes that teachers will be set free next.

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