Dangos 13 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
League of Nations
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:


Anerchiadau: 'Breuddwydio' a draddodwyd i Gymdeithas y Cymrodorion Bryste, 1924; 'The Welsh Ideal and the League of Nations' ac 'A ellir gwahanu crefydd oddiwrth wleidydiaeth', [1920]-[1961]; a phwyntiau ar gyfer anerchiadau gan gynnwys 'Diwylliant Sir Gaerfyrddin' i Aelwydydd yr Urdd yn y Cilgwyn, Castellnewydd Emlyn, 1949; 'Tri Syr Rhys o'r Cantref Mawr', 1955, Cymdeithas y Cymrodorion, Llundain, 1955, a Chaerdydd, 1956; a 'Cenedlaetholdeb yr Iddew' ar gyfer Cymanfa Dair Sirol yr Annibynwyr, 1958.

Alun Lewis lectures on World Affairs

Typescript notes, [?March 1941], by Spr Alun Lewis for three lectures on World Affairs, comprising Lecture I, 'Causes of the Present War' (ff. 1-6), Lecture II (original title 'How trade affects the problems of war and peace' crossed through) (ff. 7-11) and Lecture III (ff. 12-17). The lectures were given while Lewis was assigned to his Brigade's Education Office, and concerned the geopolitical background to the Second World War, the weaponisation of trade and the weaknesses of the League of Nations.
The first lecture appears to be the one infamously interrupted by Lewis's Colonel, accusing him of telling lies (see NLW, Alun Lewis Papers MS 20, ff. 56-58 and John Pikoulis, Alun Lewis: A Life (Bridgend, 1984), pp. 130-131), as suggested by a comment at the start of the second lecture that 'we finished, rather abruptly, last week' (f. 7). The second and third lectures, in particular, contain corrections, deletions and insertions in ink and pencil.

The Times: Letters,

Comprises the text of letters on international affairs and the League of Nations published in The Times between 3 and 21 May 1937 by L. P. Jacks and Sir John Marriott.

Jacks, L. P. (Lawrence Pearsall), 1860-1955.

Copies of Lloyd George Papers at the Parliamentary Archive,

Copies of memoranda, 1930-1936, most of them the work of Gareth Jones, taken from the Lloyd George Papers at the Parliamentary Archive at the House of Lords. They cover such subjects as India, the League of Nations, unemployment world-wide, the London Naval Conference, and the Foreign Press and the Three Power Agreement.

Peace Initiatives,

Notes and drafts of writings and articles by the Revd Gwilym Davies during the 1930s on the role of the League of Nations, international relations and peace initiatives.

Speeches, lectures and broadcasts,

Large file of speeches, lectures and scripts of broadcasts given by William George Arthur Ormsby-Gore in his capacity as Under-secretary of State for the Colonies, mainly concerning the economic and agricultural development of British colonies, especially in Africa and southern Asia; other topics related to colonial government include education, transport, human and veterinary tropical medicine, the administrative system, recruitment to the colonial service, government policies and diplomatic relations, 1925-1933. The file includes an address on the general economic geography of the British empire [1925], the typescript of a speech made to the League of Nations Conference in 1929 on the subject of forced labour in colonial Africa, and a reprint of Ormsby-Gore 's published report on the fourteenth assembly of the League of Nations, 1934.

Political and Parliamentary Papers,

Comprises mainly typescript memoranda on an array of political subjects including the 1923 Housing Bill; the capital levy; the new Liberal policy initiatives of the mid-1920's, including the new industrial and land policies; Germany and the League of Nations; the first Labour Government; the 1924 Russian Treaty; the organisation of the Liberal Party; the Liberal and Radical Candidates' Association, 1926; the funding of the Liberal Party; the 1937 Cost of Living Campaign; and the possible formation of 'a New Party', 1942.

Liberal and Radical Candidates' Association.

Peace Movements,

Various papers, 1937-54, relating to the League of Nations Union and similar bodies and organisations. They include the agenda and minutes of the Welsh National Council, and various committees and sub-committees, memoranda and reports, circulars and circular correspondence, and newsletters. Some of the documents concern the role and work of the League of Nations and other bodies like the National Peace Council, and the International Peace Campaign. Many of the documents from the period following the Second World War derive from the work of the United Nations Association, the United States Information Service and the Atomic Energy Commission of the United Nations.

League of Nations Union

Rev. Gwilym Davies Papers

  • GB 0210 GWVIES
  • Fonds
  • 1902-1955 /

Personal correspondence, 1916-1954; study notes, 1902-1952; biographical material, 1903-1954; notebooks entitled 'Tennyson Biography'; sermons and addresses, 1932-1952; orders of service for Victory, 1945, the United Nations 1946, Human Rights Day, 1951-1954, the Coronation and other occasions, 1931-1954; religious and international affairs, 1944-1945; Welsh Book Festivals, 1935-1938; Welsh School of Social Service, 1911-1940; The Gregynog Conferences on International Education, 1922-1937; Advisory Education Committee minutes, 1926-1929; international co-operation, 1933-1937; Welsh nationalism, 1910-1943, including nationalists' attitudes towards World War II, 1939-1941; broadcasting materials mostly of Marconi and Kemp, 1931-1953; Welsh broadcasting, 1923-1948; the Welsh Children's Peace Message, Pageant, and Wales and the Peace Movement, 1923-1955; BBC staff changes and administration in Wales, 1934-1952; the League of Nations, 1923-1952; the Welsh National Council of the League of Nations Union, 1923-1945; United Nations, 1942-1954; UNESCO, 1925-1947; addresses, radio talks and notebooks on the international situation, 1930-1954; Council for Education in World Citizenship, 1940-1950; London International Assembly, 1941-1944; Welsh Committee of the UNESCO, 1949-1953 and human rights materials, 1945-1953.

Davies, Gwilym, 1879-1955