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Account by Edward Wiliams of a dream he had on Friday morning, May 11 1804,

Account by Edward Wiliams of a dream he had on Friday morning, May 11 1804. He dreamed that he had been informed that Joanna Southcott was at a house in Summers Town, and he had a wish to see her. In a note at the end he states that he was afterwards informed that J. S. had been for some time in Town and that she had on that morning left London.

E. Williams at Chancery Lane, London, to Miss Mary Thomas, St Asaph,

E. Williams at No. 1 Star Court, Chancery Lane, London, to Miss Mary Thomas at the Dean of St Asaph, St Asaph. Sending her two sets of his little publication. He has been informed that she had procured him many respectable names and subscribers, but why they were withheld from him by a certain gentleman to whom she had transmitted them he has not yet learned. He hears that she is soon to return to Glamorgan, where he hopes pretty soon to be able to wait on her with personal thanks. Copy.

E. Williams to Peggy (Flimston, Cowbridge),

Why he has delayed writing to her. Her fears of his being involved in any distress are needless. His disorder - he is now much better. She complains that he does not send her the paper - if he had been able to afford it she should have had it. Times are now a little better. His intentions. Is acquainted with truths that no newspaper dares publish, 'which assures me that the man will be happy who will either die or escape out of this kingdom before the year 1796, and perhaps much sooner'. She may be assured that he has no concern with anything; his papers are often wantonly examined but nothing is to be found - the danger is over, for he is on his guard. Is now in a field writing this lest the bloodhound should come in whilst he is writing. Telling her to be cautious what she says in her letters, etc.

Edward Williams, London, to Peggy (Margaret Williams, Flimston, Cowbridge),

His health. If he possibly could he would come home to try what he could do for his dear little Nancy. A receipt which has done wonders in many cases. The great mortality at London - it was this that induced him to make a will, which he will send her soon lest the worst should happen. He wishes he could find a good place for a school, or a place for a little shop, but not at Flimston or St Athan. Is now convinced that he will never receive much of the money due to him (for his books). The Poems have been highly commended, etc. 'The attention of the Public is so taken up with politics that neither poetry or any thing besides politics sells'. She is mistaken in supposing Bristol to be as dangerous as London. Asking her to tell his father that he hopes to see him soon: 'I should be glad to see the last of him'. Requesting a particular account of Nancy's complaint. Asking her to let him know what Mrs Morgans of Landough and Basset of Bolston told her. He will have an opportunity of paying everyone in an account of his life that will be published sooner than many believe. Telling her to drop a hint to Mr Walters of this - how she may do it, etc. He wrote a song some time ago which the Constitutional Society printed - asking her to let him know whether she had it. How is the house for thatch? On the dorse is an extract from The British Critic in the autograph of Peggy Williams.

E. Williams, Reading, to Peggy (Margaret Williams, Flimston, near Cowbridge),

Is now about 50 miles on his way home. Out of 60 subscribers whose [?names] he had from this town and neighbourhood he can find only three. He goes this evening to Oxford, then to Bristol and Bath. Asking her to write to him there (at Bath); he will if he stays any time there send her a little money - he has no opportunity of remitting any from here. Is far from being well and cannot travel as hard as he could some years ago.

[Edward Williams], Flimston, to Owen Jones, esq., No. 148 Upper Thames Street, London,

A request for a copy of one of Cuhelyn's Odes from the Macclesfield MSS. Cuhelyn lived in the ninth century and he and other poets of that period must be particularly noticed in the little work which the writer intends for publication next winter (in November). Englynion Hugarfel. As soon as he has finished the Agriculture business he will prepare his Defence of Turner's Vindication for the press, and it shall be the last employment of his pen on anything concerning Welsh Literature, in Britain at least. He has settled with a West India merchant at Bristol to take him and his family in October or November to Jamaica; thence as soon as convenient he will go to some part of America. If they will come he believes he will be able to take with him Mr Owen and his family. He greatly laments that the first volume of the Archaiology was so precipitantly put to the press. Mr Thos Jones of Bath. The writer has some thoughts of taking two or three thousands of his books to Bristol in hopes he may be able to sell them. He is preparing to make his will. His intentions with regard to his MSS. He has an occasion to write a letter in a few days to a cousin of his, Mrs Cartwright, and he wishes for her to have it unknown to Mr Cartwright or any of the family; will the addressee be pleased to take it in and send one of his men with it to her?

Edward Williams, Flimston, to Rev. Mr Maurice, Librarian, British Museum,

Edward Williams, Flimston near Cowbridge, to Rev. Mr Maurice, Librarian, British Museum, London. Mr Jenkins, the bearer hereof, is now on a visit to London and wishes to see the British Museum. A request to have Mr Vallancy's opinion if the addressee has sent him the specimen of the ancient method of cutting letters or inscribing on wood amongst the Welsh of old times.

Edward Williams, Flimston, to [?William Owen, London],

As he has had no answer he infers that the addressee has taken offence at something: he supposes that it is on account of his late conduct towards Owen Jones. He has now finished his narrative of OJ's behaviour to him and has lately transmitted a copy to the Literary Fund Society. His son, the youngest of his children, will complete his 21st year on July 9, and about that time the writer intends coming with him to London - the Jamaican property. The evil consequences of the acquisition of great wealth. Unitarianism as opposed to the Religion of Joanna Southcott, to which the addressee belongs. When he comes to London he will print his Narrative. His distresses are now diminishing. He has now collected into a book the letters which he had written from time to time to the addressee but which he delayed sending because he was doubtful of the correctness of some of his ideas; a few of them may possibly be admitted into the Cambrian Register. Work in progress. Project of going over to Jamaica. The Yniales. Copy.

Edwd Williams, Gileston, to his daughter 'Nancy' (Ann Matthews Williams, Bridgend),

Edwd Williams, Gileston, to his daughter 'Nancy' (Ann Matthews Williams, at Mr Llewelyn, at Coomb, Bridgend. 'To be left at Mr Bevan'). He returned last night from Dunraven in a much better state of health than when he went from home. Was sorry to find that she had gone from home without his having seen her. Advice to her (?in her situation with Mr and Mrs Llewelin). Peggy's health, etc.

Edward Williams, Gileston, to Taliesin Williams, Neath,

Edward Williams, Gileston, to Tally (Mr Taliesin Williams, at the Rev. David Davis, Parade, Neath). Acknowledging his letters of the 3rd and 9th inst. The addressee may be easy with respect to the affair at the Quarter Sessions. What he can collect relating to the History of Kidwely he will soon send to Mr Ths Rees. Telling the addressee not to send the Cardiff Gazette song to any printer before he (EW) sends him his improvements of it. He would be glad to see the addressee's Tutor &c. before the addressee prints them. What the addressee says of Southey is right - he (EW) has some thoughts of preparing an ode (burlesque) for the New Year under the signature of Auxiliary Laureat or something similar. He intends to be soon at Neath and will bring the marble &c. &c. He will enquire for Mr Garby. He hopes the artificial earthquake (referred to in the addressee's letter) did not open the earth so as to swallow up the town of Neath - 'this grand Act of High Treason against the Sovereign Majesty of Nature'. He is going to Cardiff - Wm Morgan's petition, he hears, succeeded, and if the common report is true it succeeded beyond the writer's expectation, for it is a reprieve for 99 years, the usual form of a pardon. The last part of the letter is dated Cardiff Sunday (? 17th). More about the petition - this morning an account has been received here from the Secretary of State's office that the poor fellow has been reprieved, but to be transported for life. Telling the addressee to go as soon as he can to the Abbey and inform Mr Price and his family &c. of this.

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