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Clare, Gilbert de, the Red, 9th Earl of Clare, 7th Earl of Hertford, 8th Earl of Gloucester, 1243-1295 File
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Agriculture, etc.,

A volume containing miscellaneous notes, observations, extracts from printed sources, etc., in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'), the contents, with the exception of a few literary and other items, relating almost entirely to agriculture, horticulture, botany, rural economy, and associated topics. The contents of pp. 1-252, pagination in brackets, include, inter alia, notes on the following topics, viz. sowing of haws to produce shrubs (22-5), methods of constructing hedges in Glamorgan and the various trees and shrubs which could be used for this purpose (25-31), potato planting (31), fruits in Glamorgan orchards (32-3), mazard cherry trees, chestnut trees, and wild apples (34), ancient lime quarries and marl pits on Pentrebain farm [co. Glamorgan] and the use of lime and marl as manure (35-41), and inclosing, ? in co. Glamorgan, by means of hedges and the consequent 'stair' or 'terrace' pattern to be found on 'rising grounds or uplands of easy ascent' (41-3); examples of varying courses or rotations of crops in relation to varying types of lands with notes on manuring, dressing of soil, etc., the courses being grouped as 'Old Vale Courses' and 'Gower Courses' and all presumably being related to conditions in co. Glamorgan (45-81); a note on references to types of yokes used in Wales (82); miscellaneous notes (83-8); a note on the planting of 'slips and cuttings of apple trees' in Devon and ? the Vale of Glamorgan (88-9); comments on the use of small coal-or coal slack by a Mr. Crawshay as a fertiliser (90-93); a brief comment on dissenting meeting houses in co. Glamorgan and a list of '[Glamorgan] Churches in the Mountains' (93-4); agricultural miscellanea (95-100); notes on mazard cherry trees and on the medicinal uses of salt (100-01); a list of three 'Norfolk course[s] adopted by some in Glam[organ]' (102); agricultural miscellanea (117-22); notes on 'Fish in Daw River', 'Sea fish at Aberthaw', and 'Lakes [in Glamorgan] affording fish' (122-5); a section headed 'Abstract view of Glamorgan' containing brief general observations on the soil, crops, geology, fish (in rivers and the Severn sea), landscape, seashore, appearance of villages and cottages, roads, bridges, the need for monthly markets, etc., in the county (126-31); a note on the construction of board fences for the cultivation of fruit (132); notes on references in written sources (all pre-1600) to the following in connection with Glamorgan-the existence or non-existence of inclosures, the existence of orchards and apple trees, the activities of Sir Gilbert de Clare, lord of Glamorgan, late 13th cent., in building two thousand cottages for the poor, his further activities in building village houses the upper appartments of which consisted of halls previously used for holding courts, markets, dances, etc., and then, ? in the late 18th cent., for keeping school, holding dances, meetings of benefit societies, Methodist meetings, etc., and William Herbert (Earl of Pembroke)'s action, temp. Henry VIII, in sending to France and Flanders for fruit and vegetables to restock gardens and orchards-the writers referred to including Dafydd ap Gwilym, [John] Leland, Rhys Meyrig, Ieuan ap Hywel Swrdwal, and Rhys Brydydd, and the unnamed author of 'a Ms. History in Welsh of the Lords Marchers of Glam[organ]' allegedly written in the time of Queen Mary (133-8); a list of twelve points of advantage afforded by mountainous as opposed to flat country (140-42); notes re the pruning of trees (143); notes re the saddling of cows as well as oxen to carry manure and the yoking of cows, oxen, and horses for the plough with three illustrations relating to horse yokes (144-6); comments on the possible use of coal or coal slack for manuring, experimentation in manuring, the nature of peat or bog, composts of coal or peat with lime or lime and ashes, etc. (148-55); notes relating to [rural] poverty, parish relief, and the system of parish work-houses, new proposals for a system of communal parish houses of industry 'adapted to the vale of Glamorgan or any other place where the inhabitants live in villages rather than in detached farmhouses', suggestions re free education for the children of cottagers who did not seek parish assistance in schools set up for three or four parishes and having a schoolmaster paid thirty pounds a year, proposals for holding harvest dinners, vestry meetings, and parochial markets in the hall of the parochial house of industry, and suggestions as to general principles to be observed in awarding parochial assistance which should be 'a reward in some degree at least for something meritorious' (160-75); (continued)

Brief agricultural, botanical, etc., notes headed 'Excursion to Merthyr Tidvil, May 6th 1813' (205); brief agricultural and other observations relating to certain mountains in co. Glamorgan, with a brief reference to the cessation of the iron trade in Merthyr, Aberdare, and Tredegar (206); notes relating to the nature of ? mountain soils in Glamorgan and to the manuring and dressing of soils (209-12); notes relating to crop husbandry headed 'Norfolk soils and husbandry' (213-18); and agricultural and botanical data and comments including extracts from, or notes based upon sections of, [Arthur] Young [: The Farmer's] Calendar, [Benjamin] Stillingfleet [:The] Calendar of Flora, etc. (225-45). P. 253 is inscribed 'Contents of the Agricultural Survey of the County of Glamorgan by Edward Williams 1796' and is followed on pp. 255-76 by a list of some fifty-six subject or chapter headings such as 'Geography of the County in General', 'Coal and Iron Tract', 'Metals', 'Sea Coast and Harbours . . .', 'Agricultural Produce', 'Farm Buildings', 'Implements', 'Population . . .', 'Manufactures and Trades', etc., these presumably being the main divisions of the survey referred to on p. 253. Some of these headings are accompanied by a list of the titles of sub-sections of the main heading, these in some instances amounting to over twenty in number. P. 254 contains a list of the titles of nine appendices which, presumably, were to be added to the survey. The contents of pp. 277-307 again relate mainly to agriculture, horticulture, forestry, and botany, and include extracts from, or notes based on sections of, The Transactions of the London Society for the encouragement of Arts . . ., 1798, Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, vol. V, [William] Marshall: [The] Rural Economy of the West of England, [John] Boys: [General] View of the Agriculture of the County of Kent, and [William Beeston] Coyte: Hortus Botanicus Gippovicensis. Pp. 308-24 contain material of a literary nature including transcripts of the eighteen-stanza poem entitled 'The Exile' from [Matthew Gregory] Lewis's novel The Monk, and of sonnets, etc., from Charles Lloyd: Poems on the death of Priscilla Farmer, [Mary] Robinson: Sappho and Phaon, and Brooke Boothby: Sorrows. Sacred to the Memory of Penelope, notices of books published circa 1795-1797, and brief extracts from, or brief notes on reviews of, some of these works. From p. 325 to p. 412 the contents again relate mainly to agriculture, horticulture, rural economy, and associated topics, and consist largely of extracts from, or notes based on sections of, [William] Marshall: The Rural Economy of the Midland Counties (325-?45), [John] Billingsley [: General View of the Agriculture of the County of] Somerset (353-68), [John] Clark [: General View of the Agriculture of the County of Brecknock] (369-71), and [Arthur] Young: Tour in Wales from the Annals of Agriculture, vol. 8 (385-400, with interpolations by E[dward] W[illiams]). P. 413 is headed 'Mehefin 23. Treigl o Aberhonddi hyd Drecastell' and pp.413-28 contain notes and observations in Welsh on agriculture, forestry, etc., appertaining to the area [of co. Brecknock] specified in the heading to p. 413 and also of more general relevance. Pp. 429-64 contain a brief note on the marketing of Glamorgan cattle (429); an extract from [Arthur] Young: Annals of Agriculture, vol. 32 relating to an experiment in ploughing with three different breeds of oxen, a note by E[dward] Williams on the same three breeds of oxen, and a note relating to long-legged cattle and attempts to change characteristics by cross-breeding (429-32); notes headed 'Dairy and tillage farm in Gower' (433-5); a course of crops for light soils (435); a note on Eglwysilan [co. Glamorgan] downs sheep and a wool 'manufactory' established at Caerphilly (436); a brief note re Dorsetshire sheep (436); historical notes based upon the recollections of John Spencer of Sarce [co . ], born circa 1710, relating to the introduction of clover, trefoil, rye-grass, and turnips [into Glamorgan] and to certain liming practices in the said county (437-8); a historical note, again originating from a John Spencer, relating to Aberthaw harbour [co. Glamorgan] (439); geological notes relating to petrification in white limestone, rag or grey lias, coal mines, ironstone veins, flag lias, etc., ? in co. Glamorgan (445-7); further historical notes based partly if not entirely upon the recollections of Mr. Spencer of Sarce aforesaid, ob. 1802 aged 88, relating to the introduction of clover, trefoil, rye-grass, and turnips, and of a new system of liming into Glamorgan, and to cropping and liming practices in that county (451-4 + 456); an extract from [Nathaniel] Kent: [General] View of the Agriculture of [the County of] Norfolk concerning cropping courses (455); and a further historical note, again based on information from John Spencer, relating to the aforementioned port of Aberthaw and its trade (457-8).


A composite volume containing notes, lists, transcripts, etc., of a very miscellaneous nature in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'). The contents, pagination in brackets, include reflections on looking at the ruins of medieval castles more particularly those of Glamorgan (xi + xiv); lists or groups of Welsh words, sometimes with English definitions and / or illustrative excerpts from Welsh poems (5-8, 11, 13, 42-3, 45-52 72, 117, 124, 145-7, 163, 215, 218, 221-2, 227-9, 231, 233, 243-7, 251-4, 268, 302, 307, 316); a list of the titles of 'Cywyddau Ior[wer]th Morganwg' i.e. Edward Williams himself (9-10); a seven-stanza poem entitled 'Cân y Bore' by [Edward Williams] 'Iorwerth Morganwg' (15-19); brief lists of events with dates extracted from [Henry Rowlands:] Mona antiqua [restaurata] and [William] Camden [:?Britannia] (20-21); an extract relating to the 'cantrefi' of Morgannwg from 'Vol. 17, Plas Gwynn' [i.e. Panton MS 17 now NLW MS 1986] (22); notes on laws promulgated by Sir Robert Fitshammon [in Glamorgan in the late eleventh century] (53); brief notes headed 'Peculiarities of the orthography of Mr. Bassett of Lanelays Welsh MS. History of the 13 Knights' (41); brief notes referring to the Norman knights Sir Lawrence Berckrolls, Gilbert Humphrefil, and Sir William Le Esterling and the lands given to them [on the conquest of Glamorgan] (39- 40); brief notes headed 'Llyma son am Dywysogaeth a Phendefigaeth a Bonedd Morganwg' (36-7); a list of sixteen [Glamorgan] castles with brief notes thereon (34-5); notes relating to Morgannwg ? in the late eleventh and first half of the twelfth century with references to Paen Twrbil, an attack on Cardiff Castle ? led by Ifor Bach, a political and judicial system ? set up by Ifor Bach, a law promulgated by 'ffwg Morganwg' against foreigners, etc. (30-33); brief notes relating to meetings of the Welsh bards held in the various princes' courts four times a year ? during the second half of the eleventh century, the supervision of the bards' use of Welsh by the princes, the patronage of the bards by Rhys fab Tydyr Fawr and Nest, wife of Iestyn [ap Gwrgant], and a meeting arranged between the said Rhys, Nest, and Iestyn (27-9); brief notes relating to the division of his domain by Rhodri Mawr amongst his sons, the conditions imposed on them, the status and duties of the kings of various parts of Wales, etc. (24-6); drafts of a proposed title-page for Cyfrinach Beirdd Ynys Prydain to be published in 1822 (57, 68); lines of Welsh verse to illustrate 'cynghanedd' of the 'groes rywiog' type (58, 67); brief notes on and a sketch to illustrate 'Cylch yr Abred', 'Cylch y Gwynfyd', and 'Cylch y Ceugant' (59); a list of bardic 'gorseddau' (60-61); notes relating to the creation of the twenty-four Knights of the Round Table by King Arthur and to the qualities and duties expected of such knights, a list of the twenty- four accomplishments they should be capable of, and a list of the names of sixteen of the said knights (62-6); a brief note relating to the bardic 'Cadair Tir Iarll' ? instituted in the time of Gilbart y Clâr (69); a brief note referring to the bards Risiart ap Iorwerth Fynglwyd and Hywel Hir ap Rhys ap Llywelyn (78); notes headed 'Y Ford Gron' referring to the organising of the Welsh bards, musicians, etc. (81-2); notes relating to procedure in connection with bardic meetings (86-7); a brief note attacking 'Win. Owen, Edward Davies, a'r Hen darn Tant E. Jones' (87); a note relating to the contents of 'Greal Beirdd Morganwg' ? an intended quarterly periodical (94); notes relating to the knowledge of letters amongst the Cimmeri on their arrival in Britain and amongst the Druids with references to Roman inscriptions and ancient British inscriptions (95- 6); brief notes on solemn days or festivals observed by Glamorgan bards and the bardic 'Round Table' of Morgannwg (113); an extract from a 'cywydd' attributed to William Cynwal ? illustrating certain bardic terms (115); an example of the bardic alphabet allegedly used by the Welsh bards (118-19); notes relating to the migrations of the Cymry and their coming to Britain ( 125); a brief note on the possible uses of inscribing on billets of wood, etc. (127); a list of ancient Welsh musical instruments ('offer cerdd oslef yr hen Gymry') extracted allegedly from 'an old imperfect MS. in Goetre Hen Library circa 1767 borrowed by John Bradford' (128); a note referring to the genuine poems of Taliesin and the spurious poems attributed to him, the writer disclaiming responsibility for including some of the latter in the 'Welsh Archaiology' stating that his main work in connection therewith had been 'travelling thro' Wales in search of old MSS.' (132 + 129); notes relating to 'coelbrenni rhin', 'coelfeini cyfrin', etc. (137-8); notes referring to the reintroduction of the bardic 'Dosparth y Ford Gron' into Wales from Brittany by Rhys ap Tewdwr, a meeting ? in 1075 between Rhys and Iestyn ap Gwrgan for this purpose and ? to organise the order of Welsh bards and musicians, a further meeting between the two in 1077 leading to a quarrel concerning Nest, wife of Iestyn, the coming of Robert fab Ammon and the Norman knights to Iestyn's aid, and their eventual conquest of his realm (139-41); a suggestion relating to 'Y Bardd Glas o'r Gadair' and 'cynghanedd' (142-3); notes relating to bardic ceremonial headed 'Dosparth y Ford Gronn' (149-51); notes relating to ? the proclaiming of 'eisteddfodau', etc. (161-2); a brief note on the 'bardd teulu' (163); a brief note relating to the intellectual state of the [early] Cymry (169); general remarks contrasting the poets of North and South Wales (170-71); notes relating to the fate of the souls and spirits of men after death (177-9); a note relating to the work of the 'Welsh bards as tutors' (181); an anecdote relating to Einigan Gawr and Menw ap y Teirgwaedd and the origin of knowledge (183); transcripts of two 'awdlau' attributed to Prolh o Gil Fai and Iorwerth Llwyd ap y Gargam, stanzas attributed to Gwalchmai ap Meilir, and unattributed verse (187-97); extracts from [Edward Davies's series of 'Letters on Celtic Literature to Mr. Justice Harding previous to the publication of The Celtic Researches'] with occasional comments [by Edward Williams] (205-11); (continued)

A transcript of three of the old Welsh 'englynion' usually designated 'englynion y Juvencus' with a version in modern orthography [all probably transcribed from Edward Lhuyd: Archaeologia Britannica, p. 221] (212); copies of two 'englynion' by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' himself (215); extracts relating to the early Cimbrians or Kimmeri and their connection with Thrace (223); miscellaneous extracts from Welsh verse (225-6, 239-40); a list of titles headed 'Odes by E. Wins.' (232); an agricultural note headed 'Irish Course of Culture' (233); a list of personal names headed 'July 28th Bath. Poems delivered to' (234); a list of Welsh phrases headed 'Phrases in common use in Glamorgan & also amongst the Persians and other Mahometans' (249-50); two lists of Welsh triads the first headed 'Dewisolion o Drioed[d] Cerdd Iaco ap Dewi gerllaw dechreu Llyfr Mr. Thos. Evans o Frechfa', and the second 'Trioedd gweddus ar ddyn & ex idem (Dewisolion)' (273-6); extracts by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' from one of Lewis Morris's manuscripts called Prif Ancwyn Gorhoff' being No. 43 of the Welsh School Manuscript Collection in London including a version of the statute for Welsh bards and musicians attributed to Gruffydd ab Cynan ('Statud y Gwyr wrth Gerdd o waith Gruffydd ab Cynan'), bardic triads, a list, with examples of some, of the twenty-four Welsh strict poetic metres, lists with headings such as 'Saith cas ar ferched', 'Chwe casbeth gan Dduw', and 'Cas gan hwsmon bum peth', etc. (277-93; this manuscript numbered 43 was one of the manuscripts listed as missing from the Welsh School Collection when it was presented to the British Museum in 1844, see B. M. Additional MS 14955); a list of Welsh triads headed 'Dewisolion o Drioedd gweddus eu dysgu Iaco ab Dewi (Ll. Th. Evans)' (294-6); a copy of a proclamation that a 'Cadair wrth Gerdd Dafawd' would be held 'ar dwyn y Bettws yn Nhir Iarll' in 18[?2]1 (301); extracts from the preface to Thomas Jones: [An] English [and] Welsh Dictionary, 1811, with a comment by E[dward] W[illiams] (304-05); a list of eleven Glamorgan river-names ('enwau nentydd ag afonydd Morganwg') (312); historical notes relating to Welsh poetry including notes on the 'Silurian School', 'a monster to whom we may apply the appellation of the School of Carmarthen . . . engendered between the false Taste of Dafydd ap Edmund and the ignorance of Gruffudd ap Nicolas', the establishing of the Carmarthen school in North Wales and its duration for two centuries, the decline of the said school and the emergence of a new school with the coming of bards such as Hugh Morris, Edward Morys, etc., the attempts of the Gwyneddigion Society to revive the Carmarthen school in North Wales, the song-writing tradition in South Wales, and Richard Hughes, the sixteenth century Caernarvonshire poet, described as 'the oldest song writer of undoubted authenticity' [in North Wales] (313-14, 311-12); horticultural and agricultural notes giving instructions what to do in each month of the year (324, 321-3, 326, 319-20 ); and notes headed 'Llyma'r ddosparth a wnaeth y Brenin Arthur ar gadw achau a chof am fonhedd Cynhenid Cenedl y Cymry' (328-9). Some of the notes are written on the verso or margins of an incomplete copy of a pamphlet announcing a literary competition (composing a 'cywydd') organised by the Gwyneddigion in 1822, a ? holograph letter from William Williams from Cowbridge to Mr. Williams, Geilston, 1806 (requesting assistance in 'taking estimat of the work unfinis'd at the bridwell'), and copies of a pamphlet announcing the printing of Edward Williams's two volumes of English poems entitled Poems Lyric and Pastoral. Inset is a printed copy of a circular letter from Thomas Stephens as honorary secretary of the Merthyr Cymreigyddion Society, 184 . . ., announcing the society's intention of holding an eisteddfod on (blank), stating what the objectives of the society were, and asking for subscriptions.


Miscellaneous papers and home-made booklets containing transcripts, notes, lists, jottings, etc., in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound together in one volume. The contents are extremely varied. Prose items include items such as a brief note on Dafydd ap Gwilym (40), notes relating to Gruffudd ap Cynan and the 'eisteddfod' at Glyn Achlach in Ireland (41-2), a list of 'Constellations in Glam[organ]' (46), a list of 'Rhannau'r Dydd' (47), a version of the tale of Elphin and Taliesin at the court of Maelgwn Gwynedd copied 'Ex 37 P.P.' (i.e. Paul Panton MS 37 now NLW MS 2005, of which see ff. 26 verso-48 verso) (75-96), a list of Welsh bards, 11th - 15th cent., with occasional notes (104-05), an anecdote relating to Owain Glyndwr taking refuge in Syr Lawrens Berclos' s castle (106), genealogies of Iestyn ap Gwrgant, lord of Morgannwg, 1091, Meuric, lord of Gwent, descendant of Iestyn, and Syr Rhaph Rhawlech (107- 10), an anecdote relating to Owain Cyfeiliawc (112), a note on the descendants of Iestin ab Gwrgant (114), a note on Richard y Fwyalchen sef Syr Richard Williams, fl. 1590-1630 (116), extracts from [Dauid] Powel [: The Historie of Cambria now called Wales, 1584], pp.191-2, relating to the Welsh bards and minstrels (123-5), genealogical notes on members of the Cecil family from the time of Sir Rotpert Sitsyllt, late 11th cent., to the time of Sir William Cecill, Lord Burghley (127-33), a brief note on the computation of time and on 'Elinor Goch o dir Iarll' (140), notes relating to Welsh bardic grades (149-54), extracts from the review of The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales which appeared in The Monthly Review, July 1802 (159-60), a list of Welsh proverbs (161-3), a note relating to, and extracts from, Thomas Jones [: Carolau a Dyriau Duwiol, 1696] (165-6), a list headed 'Deuddeg Prifgampau Gwybodau Gwrolion' (169-71), a section headed 'Mangofion am yr hen Brydyddion a hen gerdd dafawd' containing notes and triads relating to Welsh bardism and more particularly the 'bardd teulu' and 'cerdd deuluaidd' (175-85), a copy of the bardic oath ('Adduned neu Dynghedfen Bardd') (191), notes commencing 'Pum Cenedl gynhwynawl a wladychant Ynys Prydain' (207-08), a note relating to Gilbert y Clar (ob. 1295) and his son (ob. 1313) (223), triads (224-5), brief notes on the five stages in the development of ? the Welsh bardic alphabet ('Pumoes Llythyr') (226), notes relating to Gruffudd ap Cynan's flight to Ireland, 1096, and his organising of a meeting of bards and musicians at Glyn Athlach (227), a note on 'Cadair arddangos Tir Iarll' (228), notes headed 'Glamorgan School (Poetry)' containing references to Rhys Goch ab Rhiccert, Norman literary influence in South Wales, Walter de Mapes, D[afydd] ap Gwilym, translations into Welsh, 'Saith Doethion Rhufain', 'Ystori Siarlymaen', the 'Mabinogion', and Walter, archdeacon of Oxford and the original of Geoffrey of Monmouth's 'Historia', and an anecdote relating to Rhys Goch Eryri, etc. (245-7), notes headed 'Bardism lost in North Wales' relating to the state of bardism in North and South Wales from circa 1400 onwards with comments on the restoration of the Welsh language in which Dr. John Davies [of Mallwyd] is referred to as 'the saviour of our language, its regenerator . . .' (253-7), a list of words and phrases ? from [Hugh Lewys:] Perl mewn Adfyd (263-4), a note on translating (295-6), a version of a conversation between teacher and disciple concerning creation, the nature of created matter, the first man, the first three letters, etc., with a note by Edward Williams on the word 'manred' (? the substance of created matter) (307-09), notes relating to the three bardic brothers Madawc, Ednyfed, and Llywelyn ap Gruffudd of Marchwiail [co. Denbigh], an 'eisteddfod' held at Maesaleg [co. ], ? temp. Edward III, another 'eisteddfod' at Marchwiail, temp. Edward III, Gwilym Tew and an 'eisteddfod' at the monastery of Penn Rhys in Glyn Rhodni [co. Glamorgan], an 'eisteddfod' at Caerfyrddin, N.D., successive re-organising of the rules and regulations relating to bards and bardism and musicians in the time of Morgan Hen, prince of Morgannwg, and his brother Ceraint Fardd Glas [10th cent.], of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn [11th cent .], of Rhys ap Tewdwr, lord of Dinefwr (with references to a quarrel between the said Rhys and lestyn ab Gwrgan, lord of Glamorgan, because the latter had carried off 'Rhol y Ford Gronn'), of Gruffudd ap Rhys ap Tewdwr, and of Gruff. ap Cynan, and the patronage of the bards by the squirearchy after the fall of the princes (311-16), rules of the bardic order headed 'Llymma ddosparth y Ford gronn ar Feirdd a phrydyddion a gwyr wrth gerdd Dafawd yn Llys yr amherawdr Arthur . . .', with a note on the disappearance of 'Dosparth y Ford Gronn' and its subsequent restoration by Rhys ap Tewdwr (323-32), another ? incomplete list of regulations for the bardic order headed 'Llymma Hen Ddosparth ar Freiniau a defodau Beirdd a Phrydyddion a phob gwrth (sic) wrth Gerdd Dafawd o Hen Lyfr Watkin Powel o Benn y Fai' (333-5), a version of the gorsedd prayer ('Gweddi Talhaiarn neu weddi'r orsedd') with an English translation (337), a short list of miscellaneous Welsh triads (343), brief notes on the saints Elli and Twrog and 'Llyfr Twrog' (360) (continued)

a list of 'Words collected in Blaenau Morganwg, anno 1770' (361-2), a list of eight ? chapter headings under the superscription 'Dissertation on the Welsh Language' (364), copies of, and a note on, inscriptions 'on Ffynon Illtud near Neath', and on a tombstone in Margam Abbey (371), a note on the institution of 'Y Ford Gronn' by the Emperor Arthur (372), anecdotes or notes relating to twelve Welsh saints (385-8), an anecdote relating to a quarrel between Dafydd ap Gwilym and Gruffudd Grug (389), notes on the fifteen tribes of Gwynedd ('Pymtheg Llwyth Gwynedd o Drefn y Brenin Alfryd ac Anarawd ap Rhodri Mawr . . .') (391-402), ? extracts from the letters of Goronwy Owen with comments by Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') (409-15), a list of the names of authors of carols in a volume belonging to 'Mr. Davies o Fangor' (417-18), a note on the bard Llawdden (418), notes under the heading 'Eisteddfodau Gwynedd' referring to 'eisteddfodau' at Marchwiail (14th cent.), Nant Gonwy (15th cent.), Croesoswallt, Caerwys (16th cent.), and Bala (late 17th cent.), Gruffudd ap Cynan's visit to an 'eisteddfod' at Castell Dinefwr and his introduction of the bardic regulations formulated there into North Wales, etc. (included is an 'englyn' attributed to Dafydd Llwyd 'o Fathafarn') (418-22), an anecdote relating to the bard Llawdden and Gruff. ap Nicolas and the convening of an 'eisteddfod' at Carmarthen, 19 Henry VI (428-9), brief notes referring to 'cynghanedd' usage prior to the 'eisteddfod' at Caerfyrddin in 1451, changes inaugurated by Llawdden with regard to 'cynghanedd' and the strict metres, etc- (431-2), notes headed 'Llyma gyfarwyddyd parth ag am y Naw cwlm cerdd a fuant yng ngherdded Oesoedd amrafaelion ar arfer gan Feirdd a Phrydyddion Cymru' (433-4), notes on 'poetical talent' in the family of Meilir Brydydd, the Gower family in Glamorgan, the family of Einion ap Collwyn, and the 'Avan Branch of the House of Iestin ap Gwrgan', and general observations on the possibility of the development of poetic taste and ability in an individual, etc. (435-40 ), an ? incomplete list of triads headed 'Trioedd y Ford Gronn yn Nhir larll' (453-5) a note relating to 'cerddi teuluaidd' found in manuscript volumes in Glamorgan (463), a note on a bardic 'cadair arddangos' (464), an anecdote relating to Ifor Hael, Llywelyn ap Gwilym, and Dafydd ap Gwilym and a bardic convention at Gwern y Cleppa circa 1330 (466), a note on the bard-brothers Siôn, Wiliam, and Richard Philip of Ardudwy (467), a short list of three triads headed 'Trioedd Cadair Morganwg' (468), notes relating to an 'eisteddfod' at Nant Gonwy, 1 Edward IV, where the strict- metre poetic system devised by Dafydd ap Edmwnt at the 'eisteddfod' held at Carmarthen, 9 Henry VI, was ? officially accepted ('breiniwyd'), incorporating 'englynion' attributed to Dafydd ap Edmwnt and Twm Tegid of Llan Gower in Penllyn (479-81), a list of Glamorgan proverbs ('Diarhebion Morganwg Cymmysg') (499-506), two sets of outline notes headed 'Ancient British Literature' and 'Characteristics of ancient Welsh Literature in its several ages or periods' (507-10), a list of English proverbs headed 'Lantwit and Gower proverbs. The Devil's name in every one of them' (513), miscellaneous triads headed 'Trioedd Cymmysg' (515-16), two lists headed 'Deg Peth ni thalant ei hachub o'r Tan' and 'Deuddegpeth drwg a drwg fydd eu diwedd' (531), a list of 'Mesurau cerdd dafawd Cyffredin', which, according to a note at the end, were also known as 'Mesurau arwest' and 'mesurau cerdd deulu' (536-9), a note on poetical works which appeared in Wales circa 1350 and later in the same century and were attributed to Taliesin and other bards (540), notes referring to 'eisteddfodau' at Caerfyrddin in 1451 and 1460, Nant Conwy [temp. Tudur Aled], and Caerwys, temp. Henry VIII and temp. Elizabeth, with references to changes introduced in the bardic rules and regulations and incorporating an 'englyn' attributed to Ieuan Tew Ieuanc (541-3), and a brief note on the bardic 'Cadair Tir Iarll' (543). Verse items include transcripts of poems, largely 'englynion', or sections of poems attributed to D[afydd] ab Gwilym (40), Taliesin, Iolo Goch, and Llywelyn Goch ap Meyryg Hen (49), Y Bardd Glas o'r Gadair (97-8, 134-7), Caradawc Llancarfan (99), Gwgan Farfawc 'o Landathan' or Gwgan Fardd (100-04), Edward Rhisiart 'o Lan Fair y Bont Faen' (113), Dafydd y Blawd (115), Rhys Meigen (117), Thomas Morgan 'o'r Tyle Garw' (118-20), William Davies or Gwilym Tir Ogwr (122), Siôn y Cent (126), Elis Wynn 'o Las Ynys' (144-5), Edmund Prys, Ficar Clynog Fawr ('mab yr hen archiagon') (145-6), Siôn Morys 'o Lanfabon' (148), lorwerth ap y Gargam (223), y Parchedig D. Dafis, 'gweinidog Llwyn Rhyd Owain' (353-5), Daf. Benwyn (378), Dafydd Nicolas, Aberpergwm (390, 426), Dafydd Alaw (403- 04), Siôn Brwynog (405-06), Llawdden (406, ? 426, 428), Wiliam Cynwal (408 ), Richard Philip (408, 467), Wm. Llyn, Dafydd ap Edmwnt, Robert Clidro, Howel Bangor, and Cadwgan ap Rhys (425), Thos. Llewelyn 'o Regoes' (426), Gruff. ap Maredydd ap Dafydd, Rhisiart Iorwerth, and Siôn Tudur (427), Gruff. ap Dafydd ap Tudur (428), Tudur Aled and Huw Llwyd Cynfel (430), Prohl (with a note 'Einon offeirad, Bardd Syr Rhys Hen o Abermarlais, a elwid y Prohl . . .') (461-2), [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' (467, 507 ), and Dafydd o'r Nant (481). Also included are lists or groups of Welsh words sometimes with English definitions, excerpts from the works of Welsh poets, these sometimes to illustrate specific words, miscellaneous genealogical data, notes relating to Welsh grammar and etymology, miscellaneous memoranda, extracts from a variety of printed sources, etc.