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A commonplace book,

  • NLW MS 5000B.
  • File
  • [18 cent., second ½]-[19 cent., first ½].

A commonplace book of Robert Edwards, Tai Draw, near Bala. It contains notes on astrology, witchcraft, legerdemain, geography, natural history, Biblical history, medicinal and household recipes, arithmetical and other tables, algebraical problems, poems, and a copy of a Welsh letter written in 1722-3, by a man born and bred in America to his kindred in the Bala district.

Edwards, Robert, of Tai Draw, Penllyn.

Barddoniaeth ac anerchiadau

  • NLW MS 6787B
  • File
  • 19-20 cents

One of five volumes containing 'Cyfansoddiadau Barddonol a Rhyddiaethol E[van] Edwardes, yn y drefn y'u cyfansoddwyd, gan ddechreu tua'r flwyddyn 1876 neu 7, pan yn yr U.C.W. Aberystwyth'. Besides original poems, translations and adjudications, they include notes of addresses given on such subjects as 'Defodau Eglwysig', 'Trichan-mlwyddiant yr Archddiacon Edmwnd Prys', 'Awr gyda Hen Ddiarhebion Cymraeg', 'Mynachaeth, Mynachod, a Mynachdai', 'Hen Arferion a Dywedion Cymru', 'Coelgrefydd a Dewiniaeth', 'Derwyddiaeth a Derwyddon', 'Lloffion o'm Dyddlyfr', etc.

Barddoniaeth ac anerchiadau

  • NLW MS 6790B
  • File
  • 19-20 cents

One of five volumes containing 'Cyfansoddiadau Barddonol a Rhyddiaethol E[van] Edwardes, yn y drefn y'u cyfansoddwyd, gan ddechreu tua'r flwyddyn 1876 neu 7, pan yn yr U.C.W. Aberystwyth'. Besides original poems, translations and adjudications, they include notes of addresses given on such subjects as 'Defodau Eglwysig', 'Trichan-mlwyddiant yr Archddiacon Edmwnd Prys', 'Awr gyda Hen Ddiarhebion Cymraeg', 'Mynachaeth, Mynachod, a Mynachdai', 'Hen Arferion a Dywedion Cymru', 'Coelgrefydd a Dewiniaeth', 'Derwyddiaeth a Derwyddon', 'Lloffion o'm Dyddlyfr', etc.

Barddoniaeth ac anerchiadau

  • NLW MS 6788B
  • File
  • 19-20 cents

One of five volumes containing 'Cyfansoddiadau Barddonol a Rhyddiaethol E[van] Edwardes, yn y drefn y'u cyfansoddwyd, gan ddechreu tua'r flwyddyn 1876 neu 7, pan yn yr U.C.W. Aberystwyth'. Besides original poems, translations and adjudications, they include notes of addresses given on such subjects as 'Defodau Eglwysig', 'Trichan-mlwyddiant yr Archddiacon Edmwnd Prys', 'Awr gyda Hen Ddiarhebion Cymraeg', 'Mynachaeth, Mynachod, a Mynachdai', 'Hen Arferion a Dywedion Cymru', 'Coelgrefydd a Dewiniaeth', 'Derwyddiaeth a Derwyddion', 'Lloffion o'm Dyddlyfr', etc.

Barddoniaeth ac anerchiadau

  • NLW MS 6791B
  • File
  • 19-20 cents

One of five volumes containing 'Cyfansoddiadau Barddonol a Rhyddiaethol E[van] Edwardes, yn y drefn y'u cyfansoddwyd, gan ddechreu tua'r flwyddyn 1876 neu 7, pan yn yr U.C.W. Aberystwyth'. Besides original poems, translations and adjudications, they include notes of addresses given on such subjects as 'Defodau Eglwysig', 'Trichan-mlwyddiant yr Archddiacon Edmwnd Prys', 'Awr gyda Hen Ddiarhebion Cymraeg', 'Mynachaeth, Mynachod, a Mynachdai', 'Hen Arferion a Dywedion Cymru', 'Coelgrefydd a Dewiniaeth', 'Derwyddiaeth a Derwyddion', 'Lloffion o'm Dyddlyfr', etc.

Barddoniaeth ac anerchiadau

  • NLW MS 6789B
  • File
  • 19-20 cents

One of five volumes containing 'Cyfansoddiadau Barddonol a Rhyddiaethol E[van] Edwardes, yn y drefn y'u cyfansoddwyd, gan ddechreu tua'r flwyddyn 1876 neu 7m, pan yn yr U.C.W. Aberystwyth'. Besides original poems, translations and adjudications, they include notes of addresses given on such subjects as 'Defodau Eglwysig', 'Trichan-mlwyddiant yr Archddiacon Edmwnd Prys', 'Awr gyda Hen Ddiarhebion Cymraeg', 'Mynachaeth, Mynachod, a Mynachdai', 'Hen Arferion a Dywedion Cymru', 'Coelgrefydd a Dewiniaeth', 'Derwyddiaeth a Derwyddion', 'Lloffion o'm Dyddlyfr', etc.

Charms against witchcraft

  • NLW MS 4937E
  • File
  • Early 19 cent.

Two charms found in Merioneth which were procured by one Thomas Thomas for the protection of himself, his family, and all his livestock against witchcraft and 'all evil diseases whatsoever.'

Charms against witchcraft,

Two examples of charms against witchcraft, described by D[avid] R[ichard] Thomas in 'Demonology and Witchcraft' (Montgomeryshire Collections, XXXVII, pp. 143-50).

Llyfr dewiniaeth,

An incomplete manuscript of texts and tables on astrology and witchcraft and medical and other recipes in the hand of 'Dauidd Dafis', 1804. The following are some examples of the titles included in the volume - '... y Deuddeg Arwydd', '[D]rych wynebau', 'Tabl i wybod pa Flauned a Riwlia Bob awr Dros Byth', 'Hyfforddiad i alw Ffasiwn ar ysbrydion a elwir Tylwyth Teg', 'Y Ffordd ar modd I gaul Trysor giddiedig a ffotho wedi Ei gadw oddiwrth iws Dun', 'Ffordd i alw math ar ysbryd a elwir ysbryd Brestt', 'y Ffordd i Ddwad i hyd i Leider a Ddygo Riwbeth oddi arnoch chwi ...', 'ffordd i wneudd Temting Powder i Beri Cariad', 'Dyma Ddeuddeg rhinwedd Croen neider', '... y Graddau', 'Dyma Deyrnasiad y plaunedau', 'Rhod Pithaoras', 'L[l]yfr Ew. Daflus i adnabod Dun wrth i wyneb...', etc. The manuscript is imperfect at the beginning (pp. 1-12 wanting) and probably also at the end (pp. [74] - ). There is a fragment of a late 19th century transcript in the form of an insert, and also three charms in other hands which have been bound into the volume.

Notes on theology

A volume, 1696-[early 18 cent.], in the hand of John Tibbots, later Vicar of Darowen, compiled mostly whilst a student at Oriel College, Oxford, containing notes and transcripts in English, Latin and Welsh on subjects including theology, church history and logic and including also several sermons.
The notes are taken from several books, including [Matthew Parker], De Antiquitate Britannicae Ecclesiae (London: J. Day, 1572, STC 19292) (f. 3); Henry Aldrich, Artis Logicae Compendium (Oxford: e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1691, Wing A896) (ff. 6-11); Jeremy Collier, Essays Upon Several Moral Subjects, Part 2 (London: R. Sare and H. Hindmarsh, 1697, Wing C5253), pp. 17, 25 (f. 23 verso); John Tillotson, Sermons Preach'd Upon Several Occasions (London, 1678, Wing T1260bA), pp. 175-200 (ff. 24-33); three sermons from The Works of the Reverend and Learned John Lightfoot D.D. (London, 1684, Wing L2051), pp. 1135-40, 1163-4, 1303-5 (ff. 33 verso-45 verso); [Simon Patrick], A Discourse of Profiting by Sermons (London: T. Basset, B. Tooke, F. Gardiner, 1683, Wing P790), pp. 2-9 (ff. 46-48); John Goodman, A Sermon the Guild-Hall Chappel on Decemb. 18th 1681 (London: R. Royston, 1681, Wing G1126), pp. 1-33 (ff. 52-62); James Ussher, The Annals of the World (London: J. Crook and G. Bedell, 1658, Wing U149), pp. 1-2 (f. 63 recto-verso); John Tillotson, Six Sermons (London: B. Aylmer and W. Rogers, 1694, Wing T1268), pp. 247-286 (ff. 64-71 verso); [Charles Leslie], An Answer to a Book (London: [n. pub.], 1692, Wing L1120), pp. [vii]-[xxii], 1-19 (ff. 77 verso-82 verso); [Francis Gastrell], Some considerations concerning the Trinity (London: E. Whitlock, 1696, Wing G303), pp. 1-12 (ff. 83-86 verso); [Louis Jobert], The Knowledge of Medals (London: William Rogers, 1697, Wing J755), pp. 1-5 (ff. 88-89 verso); and John Wagstaffe, The Question of Witchcraft Debated (London: Edward Millington, 1669, Wing 198), pp. 4-15 (ff. 90-91). The single text in Welsh is a short homily to be read to repenting adulterers, entitled 'Coffaad bur neu Ddarn o rybydh i dorwyr priodas a godinebwyr...', apparently unpublished (ff. 74 verso-77). A short memorandum concerning butter, [1792], is on f. 2 verso.

Tibbots, John, 1677 or 1678-1735

Sermons, etc.,

A volume containing sermons and miscellaneous religious memoranda written in a small regular secretary hand of the early seventeenth century (ff. 1 verso-37, 53-59, 128-143, 144 verso-148), with additional sermons and memoranda written in shorthand, probably in a system personal to the scribe (ff. 1, 5 recto-verso, 37 verso-52, 60 verso-121, 143; '1625' occurs on ff. 72 verso, 78, 82 verso, 89, 100 and 120 verso, and may be part of a date).
The texts and preachers of the sermons written in secretary are: Genesis xlix.3-4 by 'Mr Maine Petri' (ff. 2-5); Esay l.4 by 'Mr [William] Perkins' (ff. 6-32), together with other sermons on the same text (ff. 33-35, 36-37 verso, 53-59 verso); Luke ii.16 by 'Mr Crowder of St Johns' (ff. 129 verso-131 verso, inverted text); Psalm cxix.1 by 'Mr [George] Estye of Cayes' (ff. 132-139 verso, inverted text); Job xiv.14 by 'Mr Burne' (ff. 140 verso-142 verso, inverted text); and 2 Timothy iii.15 by 'Mr Newton of St Johns' (ff. 144 verso-147 verso, inverted text). Most, if not all, of the preachers seem to have belonged to Cambridge colleges; those that can be identified with any certainty are the puritan divine William Perkins (1558-1602) of Christ College and the divine George Estye (1566-1601) of Caius College. The memoranda include 'Mr Chattertons argum[en]t' relating to the casting of lots and playing cards and dice, probably a reference to the puritan divine Laurence Chaderton (?1536-1640), master of Emanuel College (inside front cover); the views of 'Mr Fisher of Caius' on the qualities of a minister of the gospel (f. 148); and notes on witchcraft and the identification of witches (f. 1 verso, continued f. 128 verso, inverted text), on various sins and virtues (ff. 128-132), and on conscience (f. 143).

Testunau swyngyfaredd,

A mutilated volume containing texts on witchcraft entitled 'Hyfforddiad i alw rhyw ffath ar Ysprydion y rhai ai geilw nhw yn Dylwyth Teg', 'Y Ffordd ar modd I gael trysor cyddiedig a fyddo gwedi ei gadw oddiwrth Iws Dyn', and 'I alw neu gyfarch yr Yspryd Brett'; 'Scot's discovery of Witchcraft. A Charm against a shot, or a Waistcoat of proof'; and 'Conjuration. An inventory of the names, shapes, Powers, Gover[n]ments and affects, of devils and spirits, of their several signorus and Degrees'.