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Flintshire (Wales) -- Politics and government. English
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Flintshire parliamentary elections,

  • NLW MS 9494E.
  • File
  • 1891-1910.

A file of draft and printed election addresses, with correspondence relating to the same, by Sir John Herbert Lewis, 1891-1910.

Letters from John Lloyd of Wigfair,

Forty-one holograph letters, etc., 1769-1813, from John Lloyd from Oxford, Dublin, London, Bewdley, Brussells, Calais, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Worcester, and Wygfair, and on board the Courageux at Spit Head, addressed to Mr. Brittain, Chester, 1793 (instructions relating to the handling of cases containing inter alia a clock and instruments sent from London to Wygfair), Mr. Jones, Wygfair, St. Asaph, 1795-1797 (2) (description of conditions on a voyage from Holyhead to Dublin, the taking over of a gold mine [in Ireland] by the government to prevent the peasants working it, an intended visit to Mr. Mills's house at the copper mine at Cronbane, a stay with Sir Joseph Banks in London, the writer's presentation to the King and Queen, speculation as to the outcome of negotiations between the ambassadors from France and Lord Malmsbury), Mr. Nat. Jones, Wickwer, Denbigh, 1789 [? the same person as the Mr. Jones of the two previous letters] (personal, a visit to Brussells and a meeting with the Abbe Mann, a proposed trip to Paris, details as to the terms, conditions, etc., of education in the convent at St. Omers), 'Dear Nat', 1791 [? the same person as the Nat. Jones of the previous letter] (personal, news of acquaintances, plans in connection with a proposed trip to the island of Shetland with Sir Thomas Dundas in Sir Thomas's yacht to inspect land belonging to Sir Thomas for copper, the said land being adjacent to ground on which copper had already been found), Mrs. [Dorothea] Lloyd, [writer's mother, Soughton near Northop and Hafodunos, 1769-1784 (16) (personal, family and estate affairs, financial matters, a receipt for money received from the Rev. William Conway as one of the executors of the will of Mrs. Eliza Conway, observations made by the writer and a friend in Bewdley on the comet and his keen interest in the science of optics though not to the neglect of his business (1769), impressions of London and places and persons seen ( 1770), a visit to the Herald's office [in London] to examine the pedigree of the Lloyds of Havodunos and comments on the said pedigree (1770), the cost of a new coach and harness, a visit to Calais and thence in Mr. Shuttleworth's yacht to Amsterdam and Antwerp and some account of activities in these places (1777), plans for a proposed trip to Bruxelles (1777), a stay with Sir John Cope at Bromshill, Hants. (1778), a visit to Spit Head to witness the King's review of the fleet (1778), a Snowdon expedition (1778), the writer's belief that all were 'to be ruined in Wales by a scheme of our diabolical cursed Ministers . . . to inclose all the waste lands in Wales for the Benefit of the Crown solely' (1778), a violent gale which had struck the ships of the fleet at Spithead where the writer was on board the Courageux (1781)), Howell Lloyd [the writer's father], Soughton near Northop and Hafodunos, 1770-1776 and undated (4) (personal, arrangements for a journey to Llangernew (1770), the price of clover and trefoil, bequests made by Sir John Wynne (1773), an account of proceedings of a commission to determine whether Mrs. S[ ] Lloyd was a lunatic and matters arising there from (1776)), the Rev. J. Conway Potter, 1801 (2) (the death of the writer's mother [Mrs. Dorothea Lloyd]), the Rev. Rice Pugh, Llysfaen, Carnarvon, 1796 (a request that recipient would deny reports that he was going to vote against Sir Robert Williams after promising to vote for him [? in the Caernarvonshire parliamentary election, though the letter is dated 8 June whilst the election date is given as 7 June in W. R. Williams, Parl. Hist. Wales and other returns), John Lloyd Salusbury, Galtf . . . aenan, 1813 (suggestions relating to the act for inclosing lands in the parish of St. Asaph), Sir George Shuckburgh [who later adopted the additional name of Evelyn], Margate, 1784 (a balloon ascent by [Vincenzo] Lunardi), Mr. [John] Topham [treasurer of the Society of Antiquaries], undated (the intended resignation of the writer from the Society [of Antiquaries], a complaint that he had not been receiving copies of the society's publications, mention of talks or correspondence with Mr. [William] Norris [secretary of the society], a recommendation on behalf of Dr. [? Thomas] Meredith [for membership] signed by the writer [see N.L.W. MS. 12420]) (copy?), Sir W[atkin] W[illiams] Wynne, 1795 (the stewardship of the lordship of D[enbigh]) (draft copy), the gentlemen, clergy, and freeholders of the county of Flint, 1796-1799 (2) (offering his services as parliamentary candidate for the county in 1796, his resignation as parliamentary representative of the county in 1799) (draft copies), the Commissioners of the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Denbigh, 1797 (the writer's resignation of his commission as a lieutenant in the supplementary militia of the county and the reasons for his action) (copy), a copy of an application by Lloyd for 'such an Office as will vacate my Seat for the county of Flint' in 1799 [? a copy of his application for the Chiltern Hundreds]), and five incomplete or fragmentary letters.

John Lloyd.

Letters to John Lloyd of Wigfair,

Seventy-seven holograph and autograph letters, notes, etc., addressed to John Lloyd at Garden Court, London, at Hafodunos near St. Asaph, at Wigfair near St. Asaph and elsewhere, 1775-1814.
They comprise letters, etc., from John Rennie, London, 1810 (enquiries on behalf of a friend who was interested in purchasing the Lleweny and Cotton Hall estates in the county of Denbigh, which were for sale); D[avid] Richards ['Dafydd Ionawr'], Dolgelley, 1807 (requesting Lloyd to become a subscriber to his epic poem in Welsh on the subject of Joseph, the Governor of Egypt [Joseph, Llywodraethwr yr Aipht, Awen-Gerdd yn Saith Ran, Dolgelleu, 1809], the uselessness of applying to the bishops as they were 'entire strangers to the Welsh Language', Sir R[obert] W[illiams] Vaughan of Nannau's subscription for twenty copies); Thomas Richards, Holywell, 1803 (matters relating to an allotment of common on Mold mountain); W[illiam] Richardson, Moy, Portrush, Colerain and Antrim, 1810 and undated (6) (personal, agricultural and botanical matters including drainage and the cultivation of various crops, particular references to 'florin grass'); [Trevor Charles Roper, 18th baron] Dacre, Lee, [Kent], 1794 (matters relating to a coroner); W. L. Rose, Gwaynynog and St. Albans, 1803-1804 (2) (personal, the death of Sir George Shuckburgh Evelyn); H. Langford Rowley, Dublin, 1780 (payment for seed wheat); R. [ ] Salisbury, Edgware Road, [London], 1811 (personal, news of acquaintances, horticultural matters, the digging up of old swords in Ireland, [ ] Chalmer's pamphlet on bank notes); W. Scott, [London], [1803] (personal, military preparations); [Jonathan Shipley], bishop of St. Asaph and Mrs. Shipley, Bolton Street, [London], undated (an invitation to dine); W[illiam] D[avies] Shipley [dean of St. Asaph], 1784-1807 and undated (5) (personal, requesting Lloyd to appear on his behalf at the ensuing Assizes (1784), the discovery of a pavement at a depth of fifteen feet in the parish of [?St. Asaph], introducing a ?Russian traveller, a meeting at Newmarket to sign land tax assessments); Edw[ar]d Simon, Denbigh, 1803 (enclosing a copy of an order directed from the Council Chamber at the Queen's House to Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, Bart., as Custos Rotulorum for the county of Denbigh, concerning the impressing of seamen and seafaring men for service in the navy); John Sinclair, Edin[burgh], 1795 (conditions for instructing applicants in Mr. Elkington's mode of [agricultural] drainage, the writer's hope that every exertion would be made to complete the agricultural survey of the county [of Denbigh]); Dan[iel Charles] Solander, London, etc., 1776-1779 and undated (3) (personal, news of acquaintances including the marriage of Mr. [Thomas] Pennant and Miss [Anne] Mostyn [daughter of Sir Thomas Mostyn, Bart., of Mostyn Hall], mention of [British] Museum appointments, the elections of Lord Palmerston and Mr. Wales to the Royal Society, biographical and descriptive details relating to Mrs. Banks [née Dorothea Hugessen, wife of Mr., later Sir, Joseph Banks], Lord Seaforth's marriage, Lord Mulgrave's departure to take command of [HMS] Courageux); [Charles Stanhope, earl] Stanhope, Stratford Place, 1807 (his intention of publishing a description of his method of burning lime, remarks on a certain type of lime); R. S. Sutton, Flushing, Falmouth, 180[8] (news of the defeat of [General Joachim] Blake's army [in Spain] by a division of the French Grand Army under Marshal Ney and the complete confusion of the Spaniards, the march of the British Armies to cover Madrid, the opinion of Major General [James] Leith that the French could never succeed 'as the lower orders of the Spanish were so inveterate against them'); Cha[rles] A. Tisdall, Burford, Oxfordshire, 1803 (personal, an offer of a benefice to the writer [?St. Martin by the bishop of St. Asaph]); [Thomas Townshend, baron] Sydney [of Chislehurst, Kent, later viscount Sydney of St. Leonard's, Gloucestershire], Whitehall, [London], 1786 (acknowledgement of receipt of an address to the king from the gentlemen and freeholders of the county of Denbigh); [Monsieur] de Traytorrens, [1782] (a request for a letter of recommendation to recipient's friends in London); [Sir] R[obert] W[illia]ms Vaughan, Nannau, 1801-1814 (4) (personal, a journey to Nannau ?from London (1805)); [Messrs.] Wakelin and Garrard, London, 1804 (enclosing a ring in memory of Sir George Shuckburgh Evelyn); [John Warren] bishop of Bangor and Mrs. Warren, Bangor, 1783 (2) (personal); Sarah Wells, Old Windsor, 1776 (personal, news from America); Frederick West, Chirk Castle, 1802 (a request for Lloyd's attendance as a friend at Denbigh on the day of the election); Mr. Wilson, Strand, [London], [1799] (personal); Sir Richard Worsley, Stratford Place, 1781 (an explanation of the place name Appuldurcombe in the [Isle of Wight]); C[harles] W[atkin] W[illiams] W[ynn], Lincoln's Inn, undated (apologies for being unable to meet recipient); Thomas Wynn, Grosvenor Square, undated (an offer to show recipient any antiquities found on Bardsey island); Wat[kin] W[illia]ms Wynn, St. James's Square, 1779 (a memorial to the Treasury Board, the circumstances connected with the leasing to Mr. Edwards of one of the writer's farms previously let to Mr. Langford); Watkin Williams Wynn, Stratford, [17]95 (enclosing a communication from the Duke of Portland); Lady Williams Wynn, Bodryddan, [1790] (personal); J. Wynne, London, 1802-1803 and undated (4) (personal, the loss incurred by the death of the bishop [Lewis Bagot of St. Asaph], comments on the new bishop [Samuel Horsley], his patron Lord Thurlow and his pamphlets against dissenters, and speculation as to his relations with the dean [William Davies Shipley], the appointment of Sir W[illia]m [Wynne] to the headship of Trinity Hall [Cambridge], the recruiting, training, etc., of the Volunteers of the Temple, good harvests, legal matters); John Wynne, Coed Coch, 1776 (personal); Maurice Wynne, Gwernhaylid, 1808 (the death of Mr. Fletcher); R. Wynne, Garthewin, [17]77 and undated (2) (personal, rumours that the writer was to be nominated sheriff of Carnarvonshire); W. Wynne, Mold, 1779 (arrangements to receive Lloyd, who was representing the sheriff at the ensuing assizes); Will[iam] Wynne, Mold, 1810 (the sale of Broncoed and Bromfilt and the proposed sale of Tyddyn); W[illia]m Wynne, Doctors' Commons and Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1775-1807 (6) (personal, legal matters, the administration of the estate of Mr. [William] Conway, deceased, by Mrs. [Dorothy] Lloyd [sister of the deceased and mother of recipient] and the division of his real and personal property (1775), the wreck of the Athenienne off Sardinia with the loss of Mr. Bankes's son, comments on the [parliamentary] representation of Flint boroughs, a new road in Carnarvonshire which the writer believed would pass near Festiniog, Bonaparte in Russia); and Ph[illip] Yorke, Erthig, Dyffryn Aled and Abergele, 1776-1796 (9) (personal, a request for assistance in tracing the descent of the lordships of Bromfeild and Yale, comments on references to the said lordships by David Powell and [William] Camden, the descent of the lordship of Chirck, enclosing 'a very coarse card of the Dyffrynaled Alliances' which he would like recipient to fill up, Mr. Johnson's wish to succeed Mr. Graves at Newnham house, a request for 'any anecdotes not common that relate to our eminent Welsh', a proposal by the writer and his son Simon to give 'an account of each Tribe and its several descendants of Distinction', queries relating to the Kyffyns of Maenan, the Wynns of Soughton, the Prices of Vedu deg, Sir John Wynn 'the historian', etc., a request for recipient's influence at the Quarter [Sessions] in recommending a bridge over the Dinant at Rhydyr arrion, a historical note on a former bridge at that spot and suggestions as to the type of bridge suitable then, a person to copy manuscripts relating to Welsh families at the [?British] Museum, progress with the Tribes and hopes of 'a book of them e'er long' (1796) [The Royal Tribes of Wales, 1799], a request for a copy of Sir John [Wynn] of Gwydir' s minutes of his journey to London 'to kiss hands on his Baronetage'). Also included are three summonses, undated, to J. Lloyd requesting his attendance at the House of Commons; an invitation, undated, from the Lord Mayor [of London] to breakfast; and a statement giving statistical details relating to the import trade of the port of Liverpool, complaining re. the stagnated state of the market for West Indian produce and requesting a loan by Exchequer Bills to help the merchant importers [endorsed by J. Lloyd, January 1800 'This Statement was sent to me by the Committee of the Liverpool delegates who came to London in October 1799 to sollicit the Loan'].

Pennant (of Downing) papers,

Papers connected mainly with the activities of David Pennant of Downing, Flintshire, son of Thomas Pennant. They include material relating to affairs in Flintshire and north-east Wales in general and the Holywell district in particular and consist of letters from Henry Chambers, Edward Jones (David Pennants secretary or agent), F. R. Price (Bryn-y-pys), C. Oldfield (Perthyterfyn), Henry Parry (vicar of Llanasa), J. Oldfield, David Edisbury, D. Scott, etc.; drafts and memoranda by David Pennant; papers relating to The Charity for the Relief of the Poor Widows and Orphans of Clergymen who officiated in the diocese of St. Asaph, Flintshire and Denbighshire parliamentary elections and political affairs, parliamentary reform, poor-law relief, soup kitchens, canals, collieries and colliery strikes, public celebrations, the Holywell Loyal Volunteers, church schools, clothing clubs, eisteddfodau, auction sales, the Flintshire Dispensary, the Holywell Annual Vestry, the Holywell Hunt, etc.; a Latin poem; etc.