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Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603 File English
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Amrywiaeth gan 'Wilym Cowlyd'

Miscellanea by W. J. Roberts ('Gwilym Cowlyd') - notes on Welsh books, literary figures, the 'chart of Queen Elizabeth for holding the Caerwys Eisteddfod, 1568', 'Achau teulu Pentref y Foelas', extracts from a Welsh pedigree book by Owen Gruffydd in the possession of Owen Jones ('Meudwy Mon') (Wynnstay MS 6), a note of reservation of a right to the Glan Geirionydd Bardic Union to hold Gorsedd Meetings at the Taliesin monument in Glan Geirionydd, 1895; and a transcript of a book of medical recipes.

Gwilym Cowlyd, 1828-1904

Court of the Marches, etc.,

Transcripts by Robert Vaughan of tracts and documents relating to the Council in the Marches of Wales, including 'The Inconveniences of exemptinge English sheires [Gloucester, Worcester, Monmouth, and Salop], shewed to Queen Elizabeth'; propositions concerning the jurisdiction of the King's Bench in the Marches; precedents for installing plaintiffs in possession; 'The effecte of the King's speech ... 3 November 1608'; 'A Treatise of Wales and the Marches thereof'; an abstract of records in the Tower concerning the Marches; 'A discourse or relation of the ancient and moderne estate of the Principalitie ... by Serieant Dodderidge'; instructions to the Council of the North, 1595/6; a survey of lands in Tal y Bont, Merioneth; a note on the lordship of Glasbury; and 'A description of the Councell and Court established in the Principality and Marches of Wales', and 'An exemplification touching proceedings in Chancery at the request of ye right honorable Ralphe Lo: Eure'.

Robert Vaughan.


Securities for money advanced by two Antwerp merchants for the use of Queen Elizabeth, 1559-1563.
Both deeds still have their seals attached.

Law and heraldry,

A fragment of two manuals, one for attorneys and the other for officers of arms, with directions for marshalling funeral and state processions, including details of the state procession of Queen Elizabeth, 1588, her funeral procession, 1603, and processions of James I, 1603.

Letters to David Pennant, etc.,

Eight holograph letters to David Pennant [son of Thomas Pennant], at Downing, from [the Reverend] T[homas] D[udley] Fosbroke, Walford, near Ross, 1823 (2) (personal, enquiring whether there was a plan of Tre'r caeri in Caernarvonshire amongst the papers of the late Mr. [Thomas] Pennant, the writer being in need of one for his encyclopaedia [? Encyclopedia of Antiquities . . . (London, 1825)], information concerning the Weston family, who held the earldom of Portland [1633-1688], support for the proposed encyclopaedia, thanks to recipient for his promise of a new sketch of Tre'r Caeri), G[eorge] P[erfect] Harding, Strand [London], 1812 (a visit by the writer to the Savoy Chapel, a brief description of some of the monuments there, including those of Sir Robert Douglas, Lady Dalhousie, and ? a countess of Nottingham, and of the brasses in memory of William Chatterby and Thomas Halsey, the raising of the floor of the Savoy Chapel in 1801, an intended visit to St. Stephen's Chapel, portraits copied by the writer during the previous summer, including those of Sir F[rancis] Bacon, Thomas, earl of Cleveland, and Queen Elizabeth (by [Nicholas] Hilliard), at Gorhambury, and of Algernon, earl of Northumberland ('a very fine picture by Vandyke'), and Lady Jersey at Cashiobury), [the Reverend] J[ohn] Jones, the Vicarage, Holywell, 1819 and undated (2) (unrest amongst the colliers, threats to use violence against Mr. Clarke and Mr. Storey, and to destroy the Bagillt coal works, the writer's orders to innkeepers not to provide the Bagillt colliers with beer, his belief that parish relief could not be provided, and that it was necessary to summon military aid), Messrs. Longman & Co., London, [18]18 ( a reply to recipient's enquiry concerning his father's Tour in Scotland), Henry Parry, undated (a reply to a query relating to the sheriffs of cos. Denbigh and Flint, sixteenth and first half seventeenth cent., giving occasional biographical detail), and N. Roberts, clerk of the peace [for co. Flint], Mold, 1823 (enclosing a copy of a letter the writer had received from the Rev[eren]d Whitehall Whitehall Davies, from Broughton, 1823, in which he tendered his resignation as chairman of the magistrates, owing to the state of his health); and a holograph letter from [the Reverend] R[obert] W[ynne] Eyton, Llangollen Vicarage, to ? Mr. or Mrs. Pennant, 1824 ( personal, requesting recipient's assistance in finding a person to be responsible for the cleanliness of [St. Winifred's] well at Holywell, money for the purpose having been given by Mrs. Coutts).

Lloffion Llenyddol,

A scrap-book lettered 'Lloffion Llenyddol' compiled by John Jones ('Myrddin Fardd') and containing press cuttings under such titles as 'Y diweddar [Aneurin Jones] Aneurin Fardd', 'Anne Griffiths' (1864), 'Gweithiau Williams, Pant y Celyn', 'Beddau ein Henwogion', 'Cofgolofn Llewelyn [ap Gruffydd, 'Y Llyw Olaf']', 'Ein Gwroniaid Meirw', 'Edward Jones, Maes-y-plwm', 'Eisteddfod Llandudno, 1864', 'Dechreuad a chynnydd llech-chwarelau Llanllechid a Llandegai', 'Yr Eisteddfod', 'Elizabeth a Phrotestaniaeth', 'Llenyddiaeth Gymreig', 'Ysbryd yr oes - Cyfarfodydd Llenyddol', 'Cywreinfa i Gymru', 'Amgueddfa a Llyfrgell i'r Genedl', 'Y Proffeswr Kuno Meyer, ar iaith a llenyddiaeth Cymru', 'Llyfrgell Genedlaethol i'r Cymry', 'Elusenau y Rhiwlas a Thlodion y Bala a'r Amgylchoedd', 'Ar i bob un godi ei flodau ei hun (Darlith gan Elfed)', 'Ymgom gyda'r Athraw Owen M. Edwards', 'Rhai llyfrau a ddarllenais (Gan Proff. D. J. Evans, MA, Athens, O.)', 'Barnwr Cymreig i Gymru', 'Gorsedd y Beirdd', 'Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 1894', 'Cymdeithas Gymreigyddol Powys' (1861-2), 'Y Barnwr Vaughan Williams yn Llynlleifiad (Anerchiad ar "Y Cymeriad Celtaidd")', 'Y Llawysgrif [Codex B] yn Llyfrgell Athrofa y Bala', 'Pontrhydfendigaid', 'Pobl Fychain Fawr [y Gymry] (gan Mr T. O. Russell)', 'Llyfrgell Syr Thomas Phillipps [Middle Hill]', 'Gobebiaeth o Gymru (Gan Dr Cefni Parry)', 'Adgofion mebyd ac ieuenctyd (Gan y Parch O. R. Morris, Minnesota)', 'Y Dyn Cyntefig (Gan y Parch. D. Roberts, Cazenovia, N.Y.), 'Disgyblion Moses versus Monsieur Voltaire (Cyfieithedig gan [Thomas Williams] Asaph Glyn Ebwy)', 'Ymweliad a'r Bala', 'Fy Adgofion o Sir Benfro'. (Gan [ ] 'Ioan Medi'), 'Cilgeran fel y mae', 'Dechreuad yr Ysgol Sabbothol', 'Trysorau y diweddar Mr Nicholas Bennett', 'Darganfyddiad o hen lyfr Cymraeg gwerthfawr yng Ngheredigion', etc.

Monmouthshire miscellanea

Fifty-three files of unbound material accumulated by Bradney during the preparation of A History of Monmouthshire and containing press and proof copies, transcripts and abstracts of, and extracts from, manuscripts, deeds and documents, holograph and autograph letters, pedigrees and genealogical notes, press cuttings, etc., generally arranged under parishes. Much of the material is in the autographs of friends and official copyists. This volume contains miscellaneous documents, including an abstract of a court roll of the lordships of Usk and Caerleon, 1539-1540, in the autograph of Edward Owen, an abstract of a survey of the lordship of Monmouth, 1613, and a facsimile of the instrument of association of the residents of Monmouthshire for the protection of Queen Elizabeth, 1584; letters, 1902-1929; and a large number of pedigrees, chiefly printed, of the families of Lorimer of Rockfield, Phillips of Risca, Davies of Penbiddle, Lawrence of Llantarnam, Powell of Llantilio Crossenny, Powell and Williams of Llangasty Talyllyn (Brecknockshire), Powell of Castle Madoc (Brecknockshire), Gunter of Tregunter (Brecknockshire), Evans of Llangeler (Carmarthenshire), Howell of Penycaerau (Carmarthenshire), Williams of Aberglaslyn (Caernarvonshire), and several border-county and other English families.


A volume of transcripts of miscellaneous poems in English, Latin, and Welsh. The Welsh verse consists of one 'cywydd' each by Davydd Nanmor, Gr[uffydd] ap Ieuan, Iolo Goch, Ll[ewely]n ap Holl ap Ieuan ap Gronwy, and Mredydd ap Rys, and some thirty 'englynion', all anonymous except one which is attributed to Gruffith Llwyd. The English verse includes poems entitled 'A l[ett]re to Ben Johnson' by Nic[ ] Oldisworth, 'A Poem made on Rob[er]t Deuorex, Earle of Essex, by Mr. Henry Cuff, his Chaplaine', 'Epit[aph] on Prince Henery', 'On 2 lawyers who mett at the Hoops tauerne nere Billingsgate', 'On Queene An's Death', 'On Queene Elizabeth', 'On Dandy, sometyme Steward of Greyes-In who died suddenly', 'On Mr. Whitehead, an Attorney', 'On the death of S[i]r Fran[cis] Vere', 'Epit[aph] on S[i]r John Spencer', 'Epit[aph] on John More', 'On The Marriage of the Arts plaid before the King at Christ Church in Oxford', 'Epit[aph] on the Butler of Christ Church in Oxford', 'The Distracted Puritan', 'On one Samborne (a miserable fellow), Sheriff of Oxford', 'On the Remoue of Queene Elizabeth's body from Richmond (where she dyed) to Whitehall', 'Epit[aph] on Prince Henry', 'Sonnett by Queene Elizabeth', 'Made by K[ing] James, 1622', 'Epit[aph] on S[i]r Philip Sid[ney]', 'Mr. Carew on the Fly ', 'Verses mad[e] on ye Duke of Buck[ingham]', 'On feltons hanging in chaynes', 'S[i]r Peeter Mutton', 'Dauenat's neweyeares guift to K[ing] Charles, 1631', 'An Elegie on Gabriell lloyds horse', 'An Epitaph written by S[i]r Andrew Corbett, Knight, vppon a monument w[hi]ch was laid ouer the bodie of Edward Burton, Esqr., who liued and died a true protestant in the later end of the Reigne of Queene marie and was not admitted christian buriall, and . . . was laid in his owne garden at Longner neere Shrewsburie', 'An Epitaph made by S[i]r Thomas Bromley vppon two yonge babes of S[i]r Thomas Littletons w[hi]ch were bewitched to death', 'A Prophesie found in Saint Bennetts in Norfolke', 'An Epitaph on Dr. Dunn, Dean of St. Paules', 'An Elegie vpon the death of S[i]r John Burrowes', 'S[ i]r Walter Rawleigh's Pilgrimage', 'An Elegy on the Death of the Religious and noble gentleman Edward Price of newtowne, Essqr.', 'Poetry made on ye suspected marriage of o[u]r soueraigne w[i]th ye Lady of Spayne', 'An Epitaph on queene Eliza[beth]', 'Clauell his verses when he was arraigned at the king's bench for robbery' by Joh[n] Clauell, 'A poeme as it was presented before his M[ajes]tie in Cambridge . . . To the tune of Bonny Nell', and 'On Doctor Corbets sermon before the King'. The volume appears to have been compiled in the mid and late seventeenth century. As marginalia or on blank pages, etc., and generally in a later hand than the text of the poems, are various inscribed names (see note below) and memoranda, including a copy of a note signed by Edward David, Evenechtyd.

Sir Nicholas Bacon,

  • NLW MS 10905E.
  • File
  • [1557x1799] /

A volume of transcripts containing a collection of speeches by Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, delivered in Parliament, the Guildhall, the Privy Council, and the Courts of Star Chamber and Exchequer, 1557/8-1571 and undated; a prayer by Sir Nicholas Bacon; a collection of poems entitled 'The Recreatyons of his Age'; letters from Sir Nicholas Bacon to Queen Elizabeth, William Cecil, baron Burleigh, Robert Dudley, 1st earl of Leicester, the Privy Council, and Sir Francis Walsingham, 1564-1578 and undated; and an undated letter from Queen Elizabeth to Sir Amyas Powlett. At the end of the volume is a free-metre verse in Welsh in an eighteenth century hand.

Sir Nicholas Bacon and others.

Succession to the crown,

  • NLW MS 10772D.
  • File
  • 1584 /

A treatise on the succession to the Crown, with supplementary notes and questions 'ffor the better disclosinge of the frutes of this litle Collection', compiled by Roger Edwards and dedicated by him to Queen Elizabeth, 'Werenthii decimo Calend. Januarii [23 December] 1584'.

Edwards, Roger fl. 1568.

The borough of Caernarvon

An incomplete copy of an inspeximus of letters patent of Queen Elizabeth touching the twenty-four cursitors of the court of Chancery (ff. 1-24); and notes on the constitution of the borough of Caernarvon, with reference to riots there in 1712 (ff. 1-3).


Transcripts made for John Ballinger of an order by Sir Walter Raleigh taking over for Queen Elizabeth the empire of Madock ap Owen Gwyneth, 1595, a letter by Edward Thowrlowe, commanding officer at Fort St. Michael, 1568, and a letter by 'Siluris', for publication in the Public Advertiser concerning Cardiff Castle, 1777.