Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 1 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Iolo, Goch, active 1345-1397
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:


A volume of transcripts of miscellaneous poems in English, Latin, and Welsh. The Welsh verse consists of one 'cywydd' each by Davydd Nanmor, Gr[uffydd] ap Ieuan, Iolo Goch, Ll[ewely]n ap Holl ap Ieuan ap Gronwy, and Mredydd ap Rys, and some thirty 'englynion', all anonymous except one which is attributed to Gruffith Llwyd. The English verse includes poems entitled 'A l[ett]re to Ben Johnson' by Nic[ ] Oldisworth, 'A Poem made on Rob[er]t Deuorex, Earle of Essex, by Mr. Henry Cuff, his Chaplaine', 'Epit[aph] on Prince Henery', 'On 2 lawyers who mett at the Hoops tauerne nere Billingsgate', 'On Queene An's Death', 'On Queene Elizabeth', 'On Dandy, sometyme Steward of Greyes-In who died suddenly', 'On Mr. Whitehead, an Attorney', 'On the death of S[i]r Fran[cis] Vere', 'Epit[aph] on S[i]r John Spencer', 'Epit[aph] on John More', 'On The Marriage of the Arts plaid before the King at Christ Church in Oxford', 'Epit[aph] on the Butler of Christ Church in Oxford', 'The Distracted Puritan', 'On one Samborne (a miserable fellow), Sheriff of Oxford', 'On the Remoue of Queene Elizabeth's body from Richmond (where she dyed) to Whitehall', 'Epit[aph] on Prince Henry', 'Sonnett by Queene Elizabeth', 'Made by K[ing] James, 1622', 'Epit[aph] on S[i]r Philip Sid[ney]', 'Mr. Carew on the Fly ', 'Verses mad[e] on ye Duke of Buck[ingham]', 'On feltons hanging in chaynes', 'S[i]r Peeter Mutton', 'Dauenat's neweyeares guift to K[ing] Charles, 1631', 'An Elegie on Gabriell lloyds horse', 'An Epitaph written by S[i]r Andrew Corbett, Knight, vppon a monument w[hi]ch was laid ouer the bodie of Edward Burton, Esqr., who liued and died a true protestant in the later end of the Reigne of Queene marie and was not admitted christian buriall, and . . . was laid in his owne garden at Longner neere Shrewsburie', 'An Epitaph made by S[i]r Thomas Bromley vppon two yonge babes of S[i]r Thomas Littletons w[hi]ch were bewitched to death', 'A Prophesie found in Saint Bennetts in Norfolke', 'An Epitaph on Dr. Dunn, Dean of St. Paules', 'An Elegie vpon the death of S[i]r John Burrowes', 'S[ i]r Walter Rawleigh's Pilgrimage', 'An Elegy on the Death of the Religious and noble gentleman Edward Price of newtowne, Essqr.', 'Poetry made on ye suspected marriage of o[u]r soueraigne w[i]th ye Lady of Spayne', 'An Epitaph on queene Eliza[beth]', 'Clauell his verses when he was arraigned at the king's bench for robbery' by Joh[n] Clauell, 'A poeme as it was presented before his M[ajes]tie in Cambridge . . . To the tune of Bonny Nell', and 'On Doctor Corbets sermon before the King'. The volume appears to have been compiled in the mid and late seventeenth century. As marginalia or on blank pages, etc., and generally in a later hand than the text of the poems, are various inscribed names (see note below) and memoranda, including a copy of a note signed by Edward David, Evenechtyd.