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Penrice and Margam Estate Records, Image With digital objects
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Gift by Amabilia, daughter of Walter the miller of Kenefeg to John Pervath and Alice his wife, of an a ...,

Gift by Amabilia, daughter of Walter the miller of Kenefeg to John Pervath and Alice his wife, of an a. of land in the field called Nulemannis fond, between the land of Walter de Magor and that of the grantor, reaching from the millpond to the meadow of Thomas Faber, at the yearly rent of one penny, and twenty shillings beforehand. Witnesses: David Beneyt, Walter Roddoc, William Terry, John Goh, Henry Willoc, William Aylward. Latin. Round seal, green wax, a rosette. + S' Amabille . Le Millerd.

Gift by Caradoc Uerbeis to the Cistercian Order, and Brother Meiler and the Brethren of Pendar, of all his land ...,

Gift by Caradoc Uerbeis to the Cistercian Order, and Brother Meiler and the Brethren of Pendar, of all his land between the three waters, Frutsanant, Cleudac, and Nantclokenig, in wood and plain, which wood is called Hlowenroperdeit, with concession of Margan, Caduwalan, and Meriedoc, sons of Caradoc, in whose fee the land stood, and of the grantor's brothers Joaf, Grunu, and Meuric, his son, and his wife Gladis; for 20s. Under seal of his Lord Margam, son of Caradoc. Witnesses: Master Peter de Landaf, Joaf Edighet, Roger son of Eniau, Kelin Wendot, Jeruert son of Madoc, Johan Landaf, Maredud son of Owen, Eniauun, priest of Pentirech; Philip the clerk his brother, Ris son of Joan, Adam son of Meiler. Latin. Round seal, red wax, 1? in. A knight in armour, with sword, conical helmet and nasale, spike-shield, and hauberk, riding on a horse galloping to the right. + Sigillvm . [Mar]gani . Filii . Cratoci. Cf. No. 87 [1175x1208] for a different seal of this Margan.

Gift by Espus, son of Caradoc Du, to the monks of Margam, of all the land in the fee of ...,

Gift by Espus, son of Caradoc Du, to the monks of Margam, of all the land in the fee of Peiteuin which he recovered from his niece Thathereh, at 1/2 mark yearly rent, and 4s. after his death to his heirs yearly, because he gives the balance 2s. 8d. to the monks in free alms; 6 years rent (3 marks) paid beforehand at Purification after the death of Wm. Reuel, Constable of Sweineshe (Swansea). Witnesses:- Henry, Bishop of Llandaff; Lord William de Brausia; Henry de Pennebrucge; Vrban the Archdeacon; James, Prior of Margam; William de Lichesfeld, William de Bedingtune, William de Punchardun, monks of Margam; Nicholas Gobion, Helias the Dean, Hernaid the Constable of Kenefeh, Richard de Dunester, Stephen the clerk, Hosmer Cuuien. Latin. Pointed oval seal, red wax: a dexter hand and arm holding a lance-flag. + Sigill . Espvs . Filii . Caradoci . Cf. a nearly similar charter, No. 15 [1175x1207], and Roll No. 289 (9) [1203x1275]; Cartae, No. DCLVII; History of Margam Abbey, p. 162.

Gift by G[eoffrey] Essturmi, with consent of his wife M[--], his sons R[oger], R[--], and G[--], and his daughter A[--] ...,

Gift by G[eoffrey] Essturmi, with consent of his wife M[--], his sons R[oger], R[--], and G[--], and his daughter A[--], to the church of St. Mary of Margam, of all the land between the land of Herbert, son of Godwineth, and the stream Kinithwini, as it descends through the hill to the moors as far as the lower water, and from the lower water as far as the way which leads through the mountains and separates the Earl's land from the grantor's land, for 12 marks silver, to each son a cappa, or cloak, and four nummi or gold pieces, and the monks undertake to receive him into their fraternity when he becomes infirm. Witnesses: Eglin, Sheriff of Glamorgan; R. de Bercoroles, Walter Luvel, and David his brother; Roger, son of Nest; Walter Lageles; Gislebert Burd[in]; Eadwine, Monk of Gloucester; Gislebert, priest of Newcastle; Thomas the priest, William de Londoniis, and Maurice his son, and William his other son, Willemmus Pincerna, Alexander de Corendune, Gislebert de Turbervilla, and A his wife, and Pagan his son, and Simon his son, Gislebert his son, and Robert his son. Latin. Pointed oval seal, red wax. G[eoffrey] Essturmi, with helmet and tunic, blowing a horn, and holding a lance, chipped. + Sigillvm . Galf[ridi . S]tvrmi. See Cartae, No. LIII; History of Margam Abbey, p. 77.

Gift by Gunnilda, wife of Roger Sturmi, with assent of her husband, to Margam Abbey, of the land which he ...,

Gift by Gunnilda, wife of Roger Sturmi, with assent of her husband, to Margam Abbey, of the land which he gave the monks for 1/2 mark yearly rent; the land includes her dower-land, viz. 80 a. between the stream of the ford Taus (of Taf?) and the stream of Chenewinus, and between the way which leads from the stream of the ford Taus to the stone well ('fons petre') and the old castle on the hill. The Abbot paying 4 marks of silver, and some lamb-skins for making a pellice, and twenty sheep. Sworn by Gunnilda before God and His Saints. Witnesses: W[illiam], Archdeacon of Llandaff, whose seal is appended; Abraham Gubiun and William Travers, canons of Llandaff, with appension of the Chapter seal; Isaac, dean of Pennechen; Brother Meiler the hermit, Rodbert Testard, Matildis, wife of Balduine; Matildis, daughter of Richard, son of Gunmund Cecilia, wife of Rodbert Testard; Cristiana, wife of Walter 'bianchi-gernonis'; Beatrice, wife of Osbert the miller; Elwinus Wetta; Vincent, monk of Margam. Latin. Two pointed oval seals, red wax:. 1. Chapter of Llandaff, 31/4 x 21/4 in. The Cathedral church, 1st state. + Sigillvm . Landavensis . Ecclesie. 2. 1? X ? in. An eagle displayed, head to the right. + Si .. ...ILL'I : Land' : Archidia:.

Gift by John de Boneuill to Margam Abbey, of 33 a. of arable land in his fee of Boneuill; and ...,

Gift by John de Boneuill to Margam Abbey, of 33 a. of arable land in his fee of Boneuill; and the land of William Harper (Citharedus), viz. 121/2 a. and 5 a., the gift of Susanna to the Abbey. Witnesses: Philip de Marcros, Walter de Sulia, William Sor, Richard Flamang, Richard, chaplain of Boneuill'; Walter, clerk of Cumkebir'; Robert Samson. Latin. Oval seal, dark green wax, imperfect, 1? x 1 in. Impression of an oval intaglio gem, inscribed with an Arabic sentence, engraved in an ancient character. Perhaps a relic of the Crusades. + Sigill': Johann': De: Bonevile.

Gift by John, Abbot of Margam, to William Cogh of Kenefeg, of 5 a. arable land in the district of ...,

Gift by John, Abbot of Margam, to William Cogh of Kenefeg, of 5 a. arable land in the district of Kenefig at Preostebereg. Rent: one pound of pepper and one of cumin. With power to the said William to appoint one son his heir; the land not to be given or sold except to Margam. Witnesses: Dominus Robert Prior; Philip, subprior; Ralph, porter; Geoffrey, monk of Margam; Brother Riered', Hugh, Espus, William Grossus, conversi of the same; Daniel, chaplain of Coithif; Daniel his son; Richard, clerk of Kenefeg; William Cole, Hugh, junior Walter his brother, Philip Cole. Latin. Pointed oval seal, green wax, 1? x 1? in. The Abbot, three quarters length, with staff and book. + Sigillvm :Abbatis: De: Margan.

Gift by Leisan, son of Morgan, to Margam Abbey, of all the land of Rossaulin, between the water called Wrach ...,

Gift by Leisan, son of Morgan, to Margam Abbey, of all the land of Rossaulin, between the water called Wrach and that called Cleudachcumkake, and between the water of Neth and the highway along the hills from Torbethel to Glinwrach, and common of pasture of all his land on the hills between Auena and Neth. Witnesses: Helias, dean of Newcastle; Maurice, Martin, Henry, and David, priests; Roger, son of Wian; David Puignel, John Sóór; Grunu, son of John. Latin. Large seal, red wax, as described in No. 110b.

Gift by Luwelin, son of Riered, and his brethren, to Margam Abbey, of all their land of Pennud with moor ...,

Gift by Luwelin, son of Riered, and his brethren, to Margam Abbey, of all their land of Pennud with moor and under-wood, and abjuration of all the land of Embroc which their father gave to the monks, and all the land which lies between Auene and Kenefeg. Sworn upon the holy relics of the church. And the monks of Margam have received the grantors into their family, and undertake to give them appropriate burial. Witnesses:- Henry, monk of Margam; Gnaitur, converse; Robert de Pulmor; Caradoc the clerk; Yewan and Gnaithu, sons of Wgan; Wrunu, son of Kandelan. Latin. Round seal, red wax, an ornamental star or rosette. + Sigill' Lvelin Map Rired. See Roll No. 543 (3) [1211x1250]; Cartae, No. MCCCCVIII; History of Margam Abbey, p. 168.

Gift by Mayoc Vaghan to Margam Abbey, and quitclaim of all right in the land of Pennud and any other ...,

Gift by Mayoc Vaghan to Margam Abbey, and quitclaim of all right in the land of Pennud and any other land of the monks between the source of Frudul direct to Thorkemereu, and across to the way which comes from upper Pennud', and then along the same way to Blainantdisculva, then across as far as Ridekouch', then along the water of Avene to the sea. Sworn upon the holy relics of the Church of Landaff. Witnesses:- Maurice, Archdeacon of Llandaff; Maurice the treasurer, John Gurda, Kenewrec ab Joruard, Idenard Vagh, Joruard ab Ririd; Leuky, mother of the donor; Cradoc, conversus of Karl[eun]; Osbern, Thomas de Cantelo, monks; Espus, conversus. Of Margam. Latin. Round seal, green wax: an ornamental star, with base of a fleur-de-lis. + Sigill' . Mayoc . Bohan .

Gift by Philip, Madoc, Ythenerd, sons of Kedic, and Madoc, son of Meuric, to Margam Abbey, of a meadow with ...,

Gift by Philip, Madoc, Ythenerd, sons of Kedic, and Madoc, son of Meuric, to Margam Abbey, of a meadow with marsh between the English Walda in the fee of Auene, and the meadow of Wronu Gogh, and near the arable land of Meles; also a meadow which belonged to Cleuyn in the same fee, between the meadow of the sons of Alaytho and the monks' 'Walda', and between the arable land of Meles and a wet ditch belonging to the monks; which meadows were given by the said Kedic and Meuric to the said Abbey. Rent 40d. Witnesses: Madoc ab Griffud, Lowarc ab David, Owen, Res, and Cradoc, sons of Alaytho; Meuric Gogh, Wronu ab Ythel. Latin. Four pointed oval seals, green wax, l? x 3/4 in. 1. An ornamental fleur-de-lis. + S' . Philippi : AB : Kiiedihk. 2. A bow and arrow; chipped. + Sigill' Madoc : AB : Kedic. 3. An ornamental flower; chipped. + S'i .......D : AB : Kedic. 4. An ornamental fleur-de-lis. + S' . Madoc . AB . Sievr'.

Gift by Richard Norrensis, or Norreis, to the monks of Margam of 1 a. of land near the stream which ...,

Gift by Richard Norrensis, or Norreis, to the monks of Margam of 1 a. of land near the stream which divides the land of Pishulle (at Kenfig) from the land of the donor. The donor, his wife and sons, are received into the fraternity of the Monastery. Witnesses:- Maurice de Cantelo, Robert Samson, Cradoc the physician, Philip the priest of Lambernagd. Latin . Fine and curious seal, red wax, 2 in. diameter: a wyvern with human face, wearing a cap, the tail flory. + Sigillv ......... I : Norreis . Endorsed in a late hand: Kenfig.

Gift by Roger Sturmi to Margam Abbey of all the land of his father which the abbey holds, and of ...,

Gift by Roger Sturmi to Margam Abbey of all the land of his father which the abbey holds, and of all the rest of the land which his father held of the Earl of Gloucester's fee in Margam, for the yearly rent of 1/2 mark of silver. Gaufridus, or Geoffrey, his brother, confirms the gift. For 6 marks, and 20s. for his aid in upholding the church from claimants, and remission of a debt of 1/2 mark due by his father, and 5s. which he himself owed for a horse bought from the cellarer of the abbey; to his wife Gunnilda, 4 marks to bar her dower; to his three children, each 1/2 mark of silver, and two cows for the nourishment of the little ones ('duas vaccas ad parvulos nitriendos'). Witnesses:- Eglinus, sheriff of Glamorgan; Robert de Purbic his brother, John de St. Michael, Walter Luvel, Gillebert Grammus, Walter Siward, Odo de Cruce, William the priest, chaplain of Kenefeg; Helias, son of Arth'; Stephen the clerk, son of William, son of Stephen; Robert, the esq. of Jordan the clerk. Latin. Fine large round seal, reel wax, a lion contourné. + Sigillvm : Rogeri : Stvrmi.

Gift by Roger, son of Wian, and Kenewrec his brother, with consent of Morgan, son of Caradoc, to Margam Abbey ...,

Gift by Roger, son of Wian, and Kenewrec his brother, with consent of Morgan, son of Caradoc, to Margam Abbey, of land which belonged to Saiet, and which the said Morgan gave to Robert, brother of Roger and Kenewrec, and after his death to the grantors themselves. Rent, 2s. during the joint lives of the grantors. With pasture and easements. Witnesses: Morgan, son of Caradoc; Leisan and Owein his sons; Alaithu, son of Ithenard'; Res Coch; Grifin, son of Cneither; Ithel, son of Samson; Meurich Boxach. Three seals, red wax. 1. 2 In., Morgan, son of Caradoc, the superior lord, in armour, with helmet, shield, and sword, riding on a horse. + ....... N .......Caradoci. (See No. 87 [1175x1208]). 2. 11/4 X 1 in. An ornamental fleur-de-lis. + Sigill . Rogeri. Wian. (See No. 94 [1175x1208]). 3. 11/2 In. A dexter hand and vested arm, issuing from the right, grasping a lance-flag. + S ....... L' : Kene . . ERC . . Ian.

Gift by Roger, son of Wian, to Margam Abbey, with assent of Morgan [son of Caradoc] his lord, and of ...,

Gift by Roger, son of Wian, to Margam Abbey, with assent of Morgan [son of Caradoc] his lord, and of Kenewrech his brother, of 10 a. land given to the Abbey by Robert Wian his brother. Witnesses: Rees Coed; Kenewrech, son of Wian; Enian, Rired, Espus, son of Kistelard; Richard Waleis. Latin. Pointed oval seal, red wax, 11/4 x ? in. An ornamental fleur-de-lis. + Sigill' . Rogeri . Wian.

Gift by Walaueth, son of William Gillemichiel, to Margam Abbey, of all the land which belonged to his father, in ...,

Gift by Walaueth, son of William Gillemichiel, to Margam Abbey, of all the land which belonged to his father, in the territory, i.e., the arable part of Kenefeg, and if any service for the Earl's kitchen, or anything else be required from this land, it shall be paid out of Walaueth's land of Ketlialanwir. Sworn upon the holy relics of Margam Church. Sureties:- Alaithu, son of Ythenard; Griffin, son of Cnaith,; Gaufridus, son of Cnaithu. Witnesses:- Ythel and Riereth, sons of Riwil; Res Coht; Einon and Tuder, sons of Ryerid; Ruatlan, son of Robert Ahenion. Latin. Round seal, red wax, a bow and arrow, etc. + Sigill,. Walavet . Gille. See Roll No. 289 (5) [1203x1275]; Cartae, No. DCXCIII; History of Margam Abbey, p. 33. Seal described at p. 32.

Gift by Walter de Reigni to Margam Abbey, of 15 a. arable land between Blakeberege and the land of William ...,

Gift by Walter de Reigni to Margam Abbey, of 15 a. arable land between Blakeberege and the land of William Norrensis, and between the way leading from Blakeberege to Penchoterich, and the way leading from the same to Landhary. Witnesses: Sir Henry de Vmframuille, Henry de Budicume, Nicholas, dean of Liswrony; Griffin, brother of the archdeacon; Owen, son of Owen Lug; William, brother of Walter de Reigni; Hugh de Landefei, John his son, Walter and Geoffrey, monks of Margam. Latin. Pointed oval seal, dark green wax, 11/4 x 1 in. A seeded fleur-de-lis. + Sigil' : Walteri : De : Rein'.

Gift by Wilim ab Joruerd, Madoc ab Joruerd, and Espus ab Joruerd, and Joruerd Vachan his brethren, with consent of ...,

Gift by Wilim ab Joruerd, Madoc ab Joruerd, and Espus ab Joruerd, and Joruerd Vachan his brethren, with consent of their mother Wenthian, to Margam Abbey, of their land between Cumkerum and the source of Frudul, co. Glam., formerly held by Espus, their grandfather, and Cradoc ab Jewan du. Witnesses: Walter de Sulia, Henry de Humframville, William Frandens', Morgan Vachan, Grifin ab Res, Grifin Vachan, Jewan ab Wronu. Latin. Four round seals, green wax, ? in. diam. 1. A banner flag, charged with four chevrons. The background replenished with pellets. + S' Will'i . Filh . Yoruer . AB . Esp'. 2. A nearly similar design. + S' Madoc . Filti . Yorviet AB . Esp'. 3. A nearly similar design. + S' Yspois . Fil . Yerviet . AB . Esp'. 4. A nearly similar design. + S' Yorviet. Vahan . Fil' . Yorv' . AB . Esps. The paper copy of the schedule includes a pedigree.

Gift by William Earl of Gloucester to Walter Lageles, of the land which his father held; rent, 8s,

Witnesses: William de Clif[or]d, sheriff; William, son of Nicholas Marscal'; William de Bosco, William son of Henry; Gilbert de Turberuille, Rodbert son of Richard, Hugh de Herford, Walter Luuel, Wakelin. At Cardiff. Latin. Fine large seal, self-coloured wax, the edge chipped, 3 in diam. Obv. A lion statant guardant, turned to the right, the tail uplifted Behind, a conventional tree or lily. + Sigillvm . Wil[lel]mi . Gloencestrie . Consvlis. Rev. A small oval counterseal. Impression of an antique oval gem; a helmeted bust to the right, between two figures of Nike, in the air, each holding a wreath towards the bust; below it, upon an estrade, an eagle rising reguardant, between two standards. + Aqvila . SV',. ET . C'tos . Comitis. [Aquila sum et custos comitis.].

Gift by William the chaplain, son of Kederech, to John Peruat and Alice his wife, of a m. and land ...,

Gift by William the chaplain, son of Kederech, to John Peruat and Alice his wife, of a m. and land which Kederech his father held in the town of Kenefeg, near the street called 'Monks' Street', between the grange of Margam Abbey and the land of Thomas Gramus; rent, 2d. to the lord of the fee, and one man's work for one day in autumn, and 20s. beforehand. Witnesses: William Terry, [occurs 1283, see No 189], Henry Willoc, [occurs 1283, see No 189], Adam Herding, Walter Magor, Nicholas Rotarius or Wheeler, John Jacobus or James, William Albus. Fine pointed oval seal, green wax, chipped, 11/4 x ? in. A tonsured head couped at the neck, profile to the left. Above it a hand of blessing issuing from the clouds. * S' . [Wi]ll'i . Ketheroch Capill'i. Beaded border.

Results 21 to 40 of 64