Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 64 canlyniad

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Penrice and Margam Estate Records, Image
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

64 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol

Confirmation by Leisan, son of Morgan, to Margam Abbey, of all the gifts made to the monks by Morgan his ...,

Confirmation by Leisan, son of Morgan, to Margam Abbey, of all the gifts made to the monks by Morgan his father in the territory or arable land of Newcastle. Witnesses:- Wilfred the priest, Lucas the clerk, Robert Segin, Robert Samson, Alaithur, Res Coh, Roger Wian, Roger Aithan, David Puignel. Latin. Seal of Leisan, equestrian type: red wax. See Roll No. 292 (4) [1205x1275]; Cartae, No. DCCXXXII; History of Margam Abbey, p. 228.

Demise by the Abbot and Convent of Tewkesbury to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, of the tithes of the ...,

Demise by the Abbot and Convent of Tewkesbury to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, of the tithes of the Church of St. Leonard, Newcastle, the houses which Ralph de Newcastle, canon of Llandaff, farmer of the said Church, formerly held, excepting the altarage, the minor tithes, and the hay tithe of Newcastle, the altarage of Lawelestone and of Tedegestowe, the tithes of Horegrave, and of the Chapels of Res and Weir and reserving the right of patronage to the vicarage, for 241/2 marks yearly. Under seal of Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, patron of the said Abbeys. Dated at Tewkesbury. Latin. Three imperfect seals, green wax:. L. 2? x 11/2 in. The Abbot of Tewkesbury, with staff and book Background replenished with triplets of pellets. Legend wanting. 2. ? In. diam. A six-foil rose, each leaf charged with a shield of arms of Clare. (Cf. No. 176, dated 10 April 1265). Sigillvm . Bert. De. Clare. 3. Tewkesbury Abbey, early seal; see No. 103 [1203x1214].

Agreement between Helias, son of Philip Alexander, and Amabilia his wife, and Margam Abbey to pledge to the Abbey for ...,

Agreement between Helias, son of Philip Alexander, and Amabilia his wife, and Margam Abbey to pledge to the Abbey for 80 years, for the sum of 60s beforehand, 3 a. arable land between Goylake and Kenefeg, and between Cardiff and Comely. Rent, 2d., to Maurice Gramus, and 11/2 d. to the Hospitallers. Witnesses: Adam Baker ('pistor'); William Terri, David Benet, John Pereuat, Henry Willoc, John Loue, Adam Herding. Latin. Two seals, dark green wax, chipped. 1. Round, 1 in. An ornamental rosette. + S . He[eie: Fie']: Ph': Alex. 2. Pointed oval, 1? x 1 in. A chalice; above and below it an estoile. [+ S'] Amabilie : Filie : Alexa[dri].

Deed to deliver seisin, restoring to Margam Abbey the lands, tenements, etc., between the Ogmore and the Garwe, which were ...,

Deed to deliver seisin, restoring to Margam Abbey the lands, tenements, etc., between the Ogmore and the Garwe, which were formerly given to them by William London, in accordance with a brief of King Henry VI addressed to Ralph Gamage, steward, John Turburvile, and John Andraw, deputy of the said Ralph, the said John Andraw, Receiver of Ogmore, dated at Westminster, 28 April 1440. Witnesses: David Mathew, William Stradiling, esq's; John Flemyng, Thomas Butteler, John Stradiling. Latin. Two small seals, red wax: 1, an exallop; 2, Octagonal: an eagle rising, and in the field the legend, 'Torborvyll'.

Quitclaim by Iuor Vaghan and his sons Madoc, Leulin Waleueð, and Gneithur, to Margam Abbey, of 12 a. land in ...,

Quitclaim by Iuor Vaghan and his sons Madoc, Leulin Waleueð, and Gneithur, to Margam Abbey, of 12 a. land in the fee of Kenefeg, between Sturmy Moor, Corneli dune, and the valley of Mey. Witnesses: Maurice the clerk of Languned, Rees his brother, Joruard ab Espus, Joruard' ab Gistelard'; Griffin, Philip, Hoel, sons of Cadugan; William de Duuelin, Walter Bagelan, monks; Riered, Espus, conversi of Margam. Latin. Round seal, green wax, 11/4 in. An ornamental seeded fleur-de-lis. + Sigill'. Yvor, Vachan . ET . Filior Ei'.

Quitclaim by Madoc, son of Knaytho, with consent of Madoc Boghan his heir, to Margam Abbey, of his right to ...,

Quitclaim by Madoc, son of Knaytho, with consent of Madoc Boghan his heir, to Margam Abbey, of his right to land on the mountains [Endorsed: 'Pennydd,' which points to the locality of the land] on the west of the spring or well called Bledsidewille, near the stream Frudul. Sworn on the holy relics of Margam church. Surety: Morgan Cam, son of Morgan, whose seal is appended. Witnesses:- Morgan, son of Morgan; Gregory, Chaplain of Aven; Owen ab Alaythur, Yoruard ab Espus, Res Vaughan, Howel Du, Wronu Du. Latin. Two seals, green wax . 1 Pointed oval, a fleur-de-lis. + Sigill' . Madoci . Filii . Kanaith'. 2 Equestrian. (Pointed oval is rare with this type.). + Sigillvm, Morgan . Cam .

Gift by Amabilia, daughter of Walter the miller of Kenefeg to John Pervath and Alice his wife, of an a ...,

Gift by Amabilia, daughter of Walter the miller of Kenefeg to John Pervath and Alice his wife, of an a. of land in the field called Nulemannis fond, between the land of Walter de Magor and that of the grantor, reaching from the millpond to the meadow of Thomas Faber, at the yearly rent of one penny, and twenty shillings beforehand. Witnesses: David Beneyt, Walter Roddoc, William Terry, John Goh, Henry Willoc, William Aylward. Latin. Round seal, green wax, a rosette. + S' Amabille . Le Millerd.

Confirmation by Nicholas [ap Gwrgant], Bishop of Llandaff [1148-1183], to Margam Abbey, of all things which Rodbert Earl of Gloucester ...,

Confirmation by Nicholas [ap Gwrgant], Bishop of Llandaff [1148-1183], to Margam Abbey, of all things which Rodbert Earl of Gloucester [d. 1147] gave for construction of an Abbey into the hands of the monks of Clairvaux, viz. all the land between Auen and Chenefeg, from the brow of the hills to the sea, as the waters descend from the hills, and the fisheries of Auen; and of the gift of William Earl of Gloucester [1147-1173], son of the above, all the wreck on that land, and the fishery of Chenefeg; and of the gift of Roger de Haubertunia, with assent of William Scurlag, [See G. T. Clark's Cartae, No. lxiv, 1205], the Grange of Langewi. Witnesses: Bertramnus, Prior of Eweni [founded in 1141]; Peter, Hugh, Adam, Edwine, monks of Gloucester; Herewald and William, canons of Llandaff; William, chaplain of Rumi; Adam son of Walter, Roger de Bona-uilla, Richard de Rumi, Thomas de Landiltuit, Alward de Penmarc. Latin. Pointed oval seal, red wax, edge chipped, 31/4 x 2 in., appended by a cord. The Bishop, with mitre and vestments, holding a staff or crozier in the left hand, lifting up the right hand in benediction. + SIGI......NICHOLAI. D[ei . Grac]ia . Landavensis . Episcopi.

Demise by Ketheréch, son of John Du, to Margam Abbey, of 15 a. of land of his free tenement in ...,

Demise by Ketheréch, son of John Du, to Margam Abbey, of 15 a. of land of his free tenement in the land of Peiteuín, adjacent to the 5 a. lying on the south of the highway from Kenefec to Cardiff, along the vill of Walter Lupellus, or Luuel. Under seal of the Prior of Oweni. [The Priory of Oweni, or Ewenny, was known at this time as the Priory of St. Michael the Archangel of Uggomore or Ogmore, being situate upon the bank of the river of that name.]. Witnesses: William Killemichel, Eniawo son of Richered, Breuel, Ketheréch son of Caradoc Dv, Grifin son of Keneithur ab Herebert, his kinsmen ('nepotes') who have sworn to observe the conditions of the deed, on the holy relics at Margam Church, together with Tanguistell his wife; Conan Abbot of Margam [c. 1170-1180]; James, prior; Roger, cellarer; William, porter; Godefrey, monk; Jordan, conversus; Roger, hospital conversus; Gregory; John, master of the Grange; Aithan the clerk; Robinus, priest/servant ('famulus') of the hospice; Ithell son of Ruwel. Latin. Fine pointed oval seal, chipped, red wax, 23/4 x 13/4 in. A prior standing, turned to the left, tonsured, holding a scroll and book. + Sigillvm : Prioris : SCI[ : Mic]hael' : De : Vggomor'.

Gift by Caradoc Uerbeis to the Cistercian Order, and Brother Meiler and the Brethren of Pendar, of all his land ...,

Gift by Caradoc Uerbeis to the Cistercian Order, and Brother Meiler and the Brethren of Pendar, of all his land between the three waters, Frutsanant, Cleudac, and Nantclokenig, in wood and plain, which wood is called Hlowenroperdeit, with concession of Margan, Caduwalan, and Meriedoc, sons of Caradoc, in whose fee the land stood, and of the grantor's brothers Joaf, Grunu, and Meuric, his son, and his wife Gladis; for 20s. Under seal of his Lord Margam, son of Caradoc. Witnesses: Master Peter de Landaf, Joaf Edighet, Roger son of Eniau, Kelin Wendot, Jeruert son of Madoc, Johan Landaf, Maredud son of Owen, Eniauun, priest of Pentirech; Philip the clerk his brother, Ris son of Joan, Adam son of Meiler. Latin. Round seal, red wax, 1? in. A knight in armour, with sword, conical helmet and nasale, spike-shield, and hauberk, riding on a horse galloping to the right. + Sigillvm . [Mar]gani . Filii . Cratoci. Cf. No. 87 [1175x1208] for a different seal of this Margan.

Gift by Luwelin, son of Riered, and his brethren, to Margam Abbey, of all their land of Pennud with moor ...,

Gift by Luwelin, son of Riered, and his brethren, to Margam Abbey, of all their land of Pennud with moor and under-wood, and abjuration of all the land of Embroc which their father gave to the monks, and all the land which lies between Auene and Kenefeg. Sworn upon the holy relics of the church. And the monks of Margam have received the grantors into their family, and undertake to give them appropriate burial. Witnesses:- Henry, monk of Margam; Gnaitur, converse; Robert de Pulmor; Caradoc the clerk; Yewan and Gnaithu, sons of Wgan; Wrunu, son of Kandelan. Latin. Round seal, red wax, an ornamental star or rosette. + Sigill' Lvelin Map Rired. See Roll No. 543 (3) [1211x1250]; Cartae, No. MCCCCVIII; History of Margam Abbey, p. 168.

Gift by Richard Norrensis, or Norreis, to the monks of Margam of 1 a. of land near the stream which ...,

Gift by Richard Norrensis, or Norreis, to the monks of Margam of 1 a. of land near the stream which divides the land of Pishulle (at Kenfig) from the land of the donor. The donor, his wife and sons, are received into the fraternity of the Monastery. Witnesses:- Maurice de Cantelo, Robert Samson, Cradoc the physician, Philip the priest of Lambernagd. Latin . Fine and curious seal, red wax, 2 in. diameter: a wyvern with human face, wearing a cap, the tail flory. + Sigillv ......... I : Norreis . Endorsed in a late hand: Kenfig.

Gift in frank almoin by Hugh de Hereford to Margam Abbey, of 30 a. of land upon Corneli, from the ...,

Gift in frank almoin by Hugh de Hereford to Margam Abbey, of 30 a. of land upon Corneli, from the old cemetery to the boundary of the land of Walter Lupellus, or Luuel, then to the land of Joaf son of Herebert, along the highway from the chapel of Corneli towards the water, etc. The charter offered on the altar for the soul of his lord, William, Earl of Gloucester, and others. Witnesses: Roger, cellarer of Margam; William de Bedint', monk; Jordan, conversus; Reginald son of Symon, Richard his clerk, Thomas de Corneli, Roger Sturmi. Herebert son of Turkill, Richard de Dunestore. Latin. Imperfect seal, red wax, as described in No. 32 [c. 1183?].

Acknowledgement by John Mygnoth of the receipt from Roger the Abbot and the convent of Margam, in perpetual farm, of ...,

Acknowledgement by John Mygnoth of the receipt from Roger the Abbot and the convent of Margam, in perpetual farm, of a house and manse in the town of Newcastle, co. Glam., and the land lately held by Ralph, rector of Newcastle, with 1 a. land in Hám. Rent: 31/2 marks. Reservation to the convent of a site for a mill, and the fishery on the water of Vgemor. Power to the Rural Dean of Gronouth and the bailiff of Cardiff to compel performance of the stipulations. Witnesses: Richard de Turberevile, Philip de Nereberd, Maurice, son of Griffin; Robert de Anne, John le Noreys, William de Turbérevile, Hamund de Turberevile. Latin. Round seal, green wax, 3/4 in. A device emblematical of the Passion of our Lord, consisting of a cinquefoil flower, of which the centre is a lion's face, the five leaves (for wounds) bear each a cup or chalice, and the five barbs each a passion nail. + S' IOH Is : Minot.

Confirmation by Henry [of Abergavenny, 1196-1218], Bishop of Llandaff, to Margam Abbey, of all the land of Langewi, according to ...,

Confirmation by Henry [of Abergavenny, 1196-1218], Bishop of Llandaff, to Margam Abbey, of all the land of Langewi, according to the charters of the grantors, and the Church of Langewi, saving episcopal rights. Witnesses: Nicholas, treasurer of Llandaff; Helias, dean of Newcastle; Richard, dean of Bonevileston; Master Roger de Culne, Robert de Bergeveni. Latin. Fine impression of the pointed oval seal, dark green wax, 23/4 x 13/4 in. The Bishop, standing on a short column or pedestal, with mitre and staff, lifting up the right hand in the act of pronouncing a blessing. + Sigill' : Henrici : Dei : Gracia : Landavensis : Episcopi. Rev. A smaller pointed oval counterseal.

Gift by John de Boneuill to Margam Abbey, of 33 a. of arable land in his fee of Boneuill; and ...,

Gift by John de Boneuill to Margam Abbey, of 33 a. of arable land in his fee of Boneuill; and the land of William Harper (Citharedus), viz. 121/2 a. and 5 a., the gift of Susanna to the Abbey. Witnesses: Philip de Marcros, Walter de Sulia, William Sor, Richard Flamang, Richard, chaplain of Boneuill'; Walter, clerk of Cumkebir'; Robert Samson. Latin. Oval seal, dark green wax, imperfect, 1? x 1 in. Impression of an oval intaglio gem, inscribed with an Arabic sentence, engraved in an ancient character. Perhaps a relic of the Crusades. + Sigill': Johann': De: Bonevile.

Gift by Leisan, son of Morgan, to Margam Abbey, of all the land of Rossaulin, between the water called Wrach ...,

Gift by Leisan, son of Morgan, to Margam Abbey, of all the land of Rossaulin, between the water called Wrach and that called Cleudachcumkake, and between the water of Neth and the highway along the hills from Torbethel to Glinwrach, and common of pasture of all his land on the hills between Auena and Neth. Witnesses: Helias, dean of Newcastle; Maurice, Martin, Henry, and David, priests; Roger, son of Wian; David Puignel, John Sóór; Grunu, son of John. Latin. Large seal, red wax, as described in No. 110b.

Grant by Leisan, son of Morgan, to Margam Abbey, of common of pasture in all his land on the east ...,

Grant by Leisan, son of Morgan, to Margam Abbey, of common of pasture in all his land on the east part of Neth. Witnesses: Helias, dean; Maurice, Martin, and Henry and David, priests; Roger, son of Wian; David Puignel, John Soor, Grunu, son of John. Latin. Oval seal, pointed at top, green wax, 1? x 11/2 in. A knight in armour, riding on a horse to the right. + Sigill' Leisan Fil' Morgani. Cf. Nos 106, 107, 108 (dated 1213).

General confirmation by Ohein, or Owen, son of Morgan, to Margam Abbey, of all the gifts, charters, and agreements which ...,

General confirmation by Ohein, or Owen, son of Morgan, to Margam Abbey, of all the gifts, charters, and agreements which his father, Morgan, made to them in meadows, lands, the marsh of Auene, the territory of Newcastle, in Pultimor, the mountains, etc. Witnesses:- Alaithur, son of Ithenard, Heneir; Heneir, brother of Alaithur; Res, son of Ruathlan; Madoc, son of Roger; Anharoud, son of Knaithur; Heneir, brother of Anharoud; Vrien, son of Weir; Ithelnard, son of Madoc; Keneurec, son of Madoc; Meuric, son of Ketheric; Hespus, son of Meiler; Philip, brother of Hespus; Elidir, brother of Philip. Latin. Round seal, red wax: equestrian type. + S ...... Oweni . Fil'. Morgani.

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