Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 64 canlyniad

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Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Penrice and Margam Estate Records, Gyda gwrthrychau digidol Saesneg
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Gift by G[eoffrey] Essturmi, with consent of his wife M[--], his sons R[oger], R[--], and G[--], and his daughter A[--] ...,

Gift by G[eoffrey] Essturmi, with consent of his wife M[--], his sons R[oger], R[--], and G[--], and his daughter A[--], to the church of St. Mary of Margam, of all the land between the land of Herbert, son of Godwineth, and the stream Kinithwini, as it descends through the hill to the moors as far as the lower water, and from the lower water as far as the way which leads through the mountains and separates the Earl's land from the grantor's land, for 12 marks silver, to each son a cappa, or cloak, and four nummi or gold pieces, and the monks undertake to receive him into their fraternity when he becomes infirm. Witnesses: Eglin, Sheriff of Glamorgan; R. de Bercoroles, Walter Luvel, and David his brother; Roger, son of Nest; Walter Lageles; Gislebert Burd[in]; Eadwine, Monk of Gloucester; Gislebert, priest of Newcastle; Thomas the priest, William de Londoniis, and Maurice his son, and William his other son, Willemmus Pincerna, Alexander de Corendune, Gislebert de Turbervilla, and A his wife, and Pagan his son, and Simon his son, Gislebert his son, and Robert his son. Latin. Pointed oval seal, red wax. G[eoffrey] Essturmi, with helmet and tunic, blowing a horn, and holding a lance, chipped. + Sigillvm . Galf[ridi . S]tvrmi. See Cartae, No. LIII; History of Margam Abbey, p. 77.

Gift by Espus, son of Caradoc Du, to the monks of Margam, of all the land in the fee of ...,

Gift by Espus, son of Caradoc Du, to the monks of Margam, of all the land in the fee of Peiteuin which he recovered from his niece Thathereh, at 1/2 mark yearly rent, and 4s. after his death to his heirs yearly, because he gives the balance 2s. 8d. to the monks in free alms; 6 years rent (3 marks) paid beforehand at Purification after the death of Wm. Reuel, Constable of Sweineshe (Swansea). Witnesses:- Henry, Bishop of Llandaff; Lord William de Brausia; Henry de Pennebrucge; Vrban the Archdeacon; James, Prior of Margam; William de Lichesfeld, William de Bedingtune, William de Punchardun, monks of Margam; Nicholas Gobion, Helias the Dean, Hernaid the Constable of Kenefeh, Richard de Dunester, Stephen the clerk, Hosmer Cuuien. Latin. Pointed oval seal, red wax: a dexter hand and arm holding a lance-flag. + Sigill . Espvs . Filii . Caradoci . Cf. a nearly similar charter, No. 15 [1175x1207], and Roll No. 289 (9) [1203x1275]; Cartae, No. DCLVII; History of Margam Abbey, p. 162.

Gift by Caradoc Uerbeis to the Cistercian Order, and Brother Meiler and the Brethren of Pendar, of all his land ...,

Gift by Caradoc Uerbeis to the Cistercian Order, and Brother Meiler and the Brethren of Pendar, of all his land between the three waters, Frutsanant, Cleudac, and Nantclokenig, in wood and plain, which wood is called Hlowenroperdeit, with concession of Margan, Caduwalan, and Meriedoc, sons of Caradoc, in whose fee the land stood, and of the grantor's brothers Joaf, Grunu, and Meuric, his son, and his wife Gladis; for 20s. Under seal of his Lord Margam, son of Caradoc. Witnesses: Master Peter de Landaf, Joaf Edighet, Roger son of Eniau, Kelin Wendot, Jeruert son of Madoc, Johan Landaf, Maredud son of Owen, Eniauun, priest of Pentirech; Philip the clerk his brother, Ris son of Joan, Adam son of Meiler. Latin. Round seal, red wax, 1? in. A knight in armour, with sword, conical helmet and nasale, spike-shield, and hauberk, riding on a horse galloping to the right. + Sigillvm . [Mar]gani . Filii . Cratoci. Cf. No. 87 [1175x1208] for a different seal of this Margan.

Gift by Amabilia, daughter of Walter the miller of Kenefeg to John Pervath and Alice his wife, of an a ...,

Gift by Amabilia, daughter of Walter the miller of Kenefeg to John Pervath and Alice his wife, of an a. of land in the field called Nulemannis fond, between the land of Walter de Magor and that of the grantor, reaching from the millpond to the meadow of Thomas Faber, at the yearly rent of one penny, and twenty shillings beforehand. Witnesses: David Beneyt, Walter Roddoc, William Terry, John Goh, Henry Willoc, William Aylward. Latin. Round seal, green wax, a rosette. + S' Amabille . Le Millerd.

General confirmation by Ohein, or Owen, son of Morgan, to Margam Abbey, of all the gifts, charters, and agreements which ...,

General confirmation by Ohein, or Owen, son of Morgan, to Margam Abbey, of all the gifts, charters, and agreements which his father, Morgan, made to them in meadows, lands, the marsh of Auene, the territory of Newcastle, in Pultimor, the mountains, etc. Witnesses:- Alaithur, son of Ithenard, Heneir; Heneir, brother of Alaithur; Res, son of Ruathlan; Madoc, son of Roger; Anharoud, son of Knaithur; Heneir, brother of Anharoud; Vrien, son of Weir; Ithelnard, son of Madoc; Keneurec, son of Madoc; Meuric, son of Ketheric; Hespus, son of Meiler; Philip, brother of Hespus; Elidir, brother of Philip. Latin. Round seal, red wax: equestrian type. + S ...... Oweni . Fil'. Morgani.

Final concord, by which Morgan, son of Owen, admitting the immensity of the damage which he has inflicted upon the ...,

Final concord, by which Morgan, son of Owen, admitting the immensity of the damage which he has inflicted upon the horses and cattle belonging to Margam Abbey, amounting to £153, agrees to reduce the rent of 20s., due by the Abbey to him for Hauothaloch, to 2s., with penalty of excommunication or interdiction by the Bishop of Llandaff in case of breaking the agreement. Under seals of Bishop William de Burgo [1244-1253], and of Richard de Clare, Earl of Gloucester [1229-1261]. Witnesses: William, Bishop of Llandaff; Master Peter official; Ralph de Newcastle, Nicholas, dean of Gronnyth; Stephen Bauzain, sheriff of Glamorgan; Walter de Sulia, Gillebert de Umframuille, John de Regny, William Le Flammeng, Leysan, son of Morgan Cham: Owen ab Alaythur. Yoruerd' ab Espus. Latin. Cf. No. 120 [1215x1222]. 1. Seal, red wax, of Bishop William (see No. 145, dated 1246), imperfect. 2. Round seal, green wax, imperfect, 23/4 in. diam. Obv. The Earl in armour, hauberk, surcoat, flat helmet, with sword and shield of arms, Clare, riding on an armorially caparisoned horse, galloping to the right. ...... De : C. Rev. A shield of arms, Clare, suspended by the strap from a tree, between two lions. ...... RE : Comit ....... 3. Pointed oval seal, green wax, 11/4 x ? in. An ornamental fleur-de-lis. + S' Morgan : Mab : Oein.

Demise by the Abbot and Convent of Tewkesbury to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, of the tithes of the ...,

Demise by the Abbot and Convent of Tewkesbury to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, of the tithes of the Church of St. Leonard, Newcastle, the houses which Ralph de Newcastle, canon of Llandaff, farmer of the said Church, formerly held, excepting the altarage, the minor tithes, and the hay tithe of Newcastle, the altarage of Lawelestone and of Tedegestowe, the tithes of Horegrave, and of the Chapels of Res and Weir and reserving the right of patronage to the vicarage, for 241/2 marks yearly. Under seal of Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, patron of the said Abbeys. Dated at Tewkesbury. Latin. Three imperfect seals, green wax:. L. 2? x 11/2 in. The Abbot of Tewkesbury, with staff and book Background replenished with triplets of pellets. Legend wanting. 2. ? In. diam. A six-foil rose, each leaf charged with a shield of arms of Clare. (Cf. No. 176, dated 10 April 1265). Sigillvm . Bert. De. Clare. 3. Tewkesbury Abbey, early seal; see No. 103 [1203x1214].

Demise by Ketheréch, son of John Du, to Margam Abbey, of 15 a. of land of his free tenement in ...,

Demise by Ketheréch, son of John Du, to Margam Abbey, of 15 a. of land of his free tenement in the land of Peiteuín, adjacent to the 5 a. lying on the south of the highway from Kenefec to Cardiff, along the vill of Walter Lupellus, or Luuel. Under seal of the Prior of Oweni. [The Priory of Oweni, or Ewenny, was known at this time as the Priory of St. Michael the Archangel of Uggomore or Ogmore, being situate upon the bank of the river of that name.]. Witnesses: William Killemichel, Eniawo son of Richered, Breuel, Ketheréch son of Caradoc Dv, Grifin son of Keneithur ab Herebert, his kinsmen ('nepotes') who have sworn to observe the conditions of the deed, on the holy relics at Margam Church, together with Tanguistell his wife; Conan Abbot of Margam [c. 1170-1180]; James, prior; Roger, cellarer; William, porter; Godefrey, monk; Jordan, conversus; Roger, hospital conversus; Gregory; John, master of the Grange; Aithan the clerk; Robinus, priest/servant ('famulus') of the hospice; Ithell son of Ruwel. Latin. Fine pointed oval seal, chipped, red wax, 23/4 x 13/4 in. A prior standing, turned to the left, tonsured, holding a scroll and book. + Sigillvm : Prioris : SCI[ : Mic]hael' : De : Vggomor'.

Deed to deliver seisin, restoring to Margam Abbey the lands, tenements, etc., between the Ogmore and the Garwe, which were ...,

Deed to deliver seisin, restoring to Margam Abbey the lands, tenements, etc., between the Ogmore and the Garwe, which were formerly given to them by William London, in accordance with a brief of King Henry VI addressed to Ralph Gamage, steward, John Turburvile, and John Andraw, deputy of the said Ralph, the said John Andraw, Receiver of Ogmore, dated at Westminster, 28 April 1440. Witnesses: David Mathew, William Stradiling, esq's; John Flemyng, Thomas Butteler, John Stradiling. Latin. Two small seals, red wax: 1, an exallop; 2, Octagonal: an eagle rising, and in the field the legend, 'Torborvyll'.

Deed of exchange by Dominus Gilebert de Turbevile to Margam Abbey, of 2 a. land in the fee of Newcastle ...,

Deed of exchange by Dominus Gilebert de Turbevile to Margam Abbey, of 2 a. land in the fee of Newcastle, near the road leading from Kenefec to Cardiff, for 2 a. in the same fee. Witnesses: Robert de Cantulupo John, son of William; William Le Deneys, Richard Le Noreys, Wronu ab Cradoc. Latin. Round seal, green wax, imperfect, 11/2 in. diam. A knight with surcoat, flat helmet, sword, and shield of arms, a chevron (?) riding on a horse galloping to the right, and blowing a horn. + Sigi ....... Berti .....

Confirmation by William, Earl of Gloucester, of the gift by Griffin, son of Iuor, to Margam Abbey, by the hand ...,

Confirmation by William, Earl of Gloucester, of the gift by Griffin, son of Iuor, to Margam Abbey, by the hand of Brother Meiler, Awenet, to make a hermitage or an Abbey there, upon the Taf, viz. the land called Stratvaga and Brenkeiru, and from Berkehu Taf to Bargau Remni, and Karpdawardmenet, and Mais-l'ette, and from Manhanis head to Taf, and fisheries in Taf, and the land of St. Gladvs, etc., and the land Masmawan. Witnesses: Hawisa, Countess of Gloucester; Hamo de Valoniis, Alexander de Tiches', Wido de Rupe, William de la Mare, Master Ernisius, Osbert the Clerk. Latin. Imperfect seal and counterseal of the Earl, as described.

Confirmation by Roger Sturmi the younger, son of Roger Sturmi, to Margam Abbey, of the gift by his grandfather Geoffrey ...,

Confirmation by Roger Sturmi the younger, son of Roger Sturmi, to Margam Abbey, of the gift by his grandfather Geoffrey Sturmi, of land in Margam; and of all the gifts of his father Roger, with assent of his brothers Geoffrey and William; the monks paying an annual rent of 1/2 mark as provided for in the charter of his father and of Earl William of Gloucester. Witnesses:- Henry, Bishop of Llandaff; Walter, Abbot of Caerleon; Cnaithur, Prior of the same: Eustace, Prior of Cardiff; Wrgan the Archdeacon; Richard, Sheriff of Glamorgan; Herbert de St. Quintin, Philip de Marcros, Walter de Sulie, William de Cantelew, Hameline de Thorington; John, son of Herbert de St. Quintin; William Flamang, Richard Flamang, William Sor, Adam de Sumeri, Ingeram de Penmarc, Luke de Barri, Master Maurice, Robert Tregoce, John de Boneville, William de Reini; John, brother of the Lord Bishop of Llandaff; Grifin Abiuor. Latin. Pointed oval seal, red wax, figure of Roger Sturmi, to the right, blowing a horn and holding a lance. + Sigill' . Rogeri . Stvrmi . Ivnior'.

Confirmation by Nicholas [ap Gwrgant], Bishop of Llandaff [1148-1183], to Margam Abbey, of all things which Rodbert Earl of Gloucester ...,

Confirmation by Nicholas [ap Gwrgant], Bishop of Llandaff [1148-1183], to Margam Abbey, of all things which Rodbert Earl of Gloucester [d. 1147] gave for construction of an Abbey into the hands of the monks of Clairvaux, viz. all the land between Auen and Chenefeg, from the brow of the hills to the sea, as the waters descend from the hills, and the fisheries of Auen; and of the gift of William Earl of Gloucester [1147-1173], son of the above, all the wreck on that land, and the fishery of Chenefeg; and of the gift of Roger de Haubertunia, with assent of William Scurlag, [See G. T. Clark's Cartae, No. lxiv, 1205], the Grange of Langewi. Witnesses: Bertramnus, Prior of Eweni [founded in 1141]; Peter, Hugh, Adam, Edwine, monks of Gloucester; Herewald and William, canons of Llandaff; William, chaplain of Rumi; Adam son of Walter, Roger de Bona-uilla, Richard de Rumi, Thomas de Landiltuit, Alward de Penmarc. Latin. Pointed oval seal, red wax, edge chipped, 31/4 x 2 in., appended by a cord. The Bishop, with mitre and vestments, holding a staff or crozier in the left hand, lifting up the right hand in benediction. + SIGI......NICHOLAI. D[ei . Grac]ia . Landavensis . Episcopi.

Confirmation by Morgan, son of Cradoc, to Margam Abbey, of the gift by Roger Cole, his homo and serjeant, of ...,

Confirmation by Morgan, son of Cradoc, to Margam Abbey, of the gift by Roger Cole, his homo and serjeant, of land at New Castle, for 4 a., lying to the east of the stream called Hellene-wille-lache, near the land of Coit Kárt. Witnesses:- William, cellarer of Margam; Godefrey, the monk; Walter, the Master of Lantgewi; Helias, the clerk of New Castle; Walter, the provost; Moysete; Thomas of Newcastle; Jordan, Gregory, and Roger, conversi of Margam, Res, son of Res ap Blether'; David Pugnel; John Sorus. Latin. Seal of Morgan, equestrian type, as described. See Roll No. 292 (20) [1205x1275]; Cartae, No. DCCLVI; History of Margam Abbey, p. 137.

Confirmation by Leisan, son of Morgan, to Margam Abbey, of all the gifts made to the monks by Morgan his ...,

Confirmation by Leisan, son of Morgan, to Margam Abbey, of all the gifts made to the monks by Morgan his father in the territory or arable land of Newcastle. Witnesses:- Wilfred the priest, Lucas the clerk, Robert Segin, Robert Samson, Alaithur, Res Coh, Roger Wian, Roger Aithan, David Puignel. Latin. Seal of Leisan, equestrian type: red wax. See Roll No. 292 (4) [1205x1275]; Cartae, No. DCCXXXII; History of Margam Abbey, p. 228.

Confirmation by Henry [of Abergavenny, 1196-1218], Bishop of Llandaff, to Margam Abbey, of all the land of Langewi, according to ...,

Confirmation by Henry [of Abergavenny, 1196-1218], Bishop of Llandaff, to Margam Abbey, of all the land of Langewi, according to the charters of the grantors, and the Church of Langewi, saving episcopal rights. Witnesses: Nicholas, treasurer of Llandaff; Helias, dean of Newcastle; Richard, dean of Bonevileston; Master Roger de Culne, Robert de Bergeveni. Latin. Fine impression of the pointed oval seal, dark green wax, 23/4 x 13/4 in. The Bishop, standing on a short column or pedestal, with mitre and staff, lifting up the right hand in the act of pronouncing a blessing. + Sigill' : Henrici : Dei : Gracia : Landavensis : Episcopi. Rev. A smaller pointed oval counterseal.

Charter of King Henry II, confirming to the monks of Clarevallis [Clairvaux] the gift which Robert, Earl of Gloucester, and ...,

Charter of King Henry II, confirming to the monks of Clarevallis [Clairvaux] the gift which Robert, Earl of Gloucester, and the Countess Mabilia his wife, and Earl William their son, made to them of all the land between Kenefeg and Auen-ulterior, to the west of the Hermitage of Theodoric; all the fisheries of Aven; the fishery in the water of Kenefeg; all wreck on their lands; a burgage in Kenefeg; a burgage in Cardiff. viz. Siward Palmer, with his house and curtilage; and land in Margam, in exchange of that which they had from Baldwine the Harper, near Newborough; and the liberty of buying and selling free victuals which Earl William granted to them; in accordance with the charters of Robert, Earl of Gloucester, and Earl William his son. Witnesses: R[ichard], Bishop of Winchester; G[eoffrey], Bishop of Ely; R[oger], Bishop of Worcester; Richard the treasurer, Richard de Luci, Earl William de Mandeville, William son of Audeli, steward; Reginald de Curtenai, Seiher de Quinci, Thomas Basset, Randulf de Glanuilla, Robert de Stute[villa], Reginald de Paueilli, William de Lanual, Hugh de Gund', William de Albineio, Gerard de Canuilla. Latin. Dated at Westminster. Second great seal of Henry II, red wax, imperfect.

Charter of King Henry II, confirming to the Church of St. Mary of Margam, and the monks therein, for the ...,

Charter of King Henry II, confirming to the Church of St. Mary of Margam, and the monks therein, for the soul of Henry I, his grandfather, and the soul of the Count of Anjou, his father, whatever Robert, Earl of Gloucester, and others have given, or are about to give to the monks, viz. of the gift of Earl Robert, the land between Chenefec and Aven, the fisheries of Aven, and the Grange of Langewi; of the gift of William de Ponchardun, the land of Kinewerdesham; of the gift of Hugh de Raelega, the Grange of Grenedona; and granting quittance from toll, passage, portage, and all custom, for all things, bought, sold, or deported for their own use, 'because they and all their things are in my hands, and custody, and protection.'. Witnesses: Master Geoffrey Ridell', Count Reginald, William Fitz Hamo, Peter de Bello Campo, Geoffrey de Valoniis. [Occurs 1157-1166],. Dated at Leon [Lions-la-Forêt, Normandy]. Latin. Second great seal of Henry II, dark red wax, imperfect.

Bull of Pope Innocent III, directed to the Archbishop of Canterbury, his suffragans, and the regular and secular prelates of ...,

Bull of Pope Innocent III, directed to the Archbishop of Canterbury, his suffragans, and the regular and secular prelates of the Province, confirming the privileges of Margam Abbey granted by his predecessors in respect to exemption from payment of tithes, and forbidding any infringement thereof under penalty of excommunication. Begins: 'Audivimus et audientes.'. Dated at Anagni. Latin. Leaden Bulla of the Pope, appended by silken strands, as described in Nos 82, 83 (dated 10 and 20 Nov. 1203).

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