Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 20104 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Tredegar Estate Records,
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Bargain And Sale, in consideration of sixty pounds, of two closes of land in a place called the warth, containing ...,

  1. Lewis Thomas of Matharne, co. Mon., gent. 2. William Morgan of Tredegar, co. Mon., esq. Bargain And Sale, in consideration of sixty pounds, of two closes of land in a place called the warth, containing seven a. and half an a. and half a r., lying in p's Peterstone and Rumney, co. Mon., with covenant to levy a fine.

Lease for ninety-nine years of a m. and lands called Rysse ap Howell's lands in p. Baslecke as defined,

  1. William Morgan of Tredygir, co. Mon., esq. 2. Lewes Morgan Llewelyn of p. Baslecke, co. Mon. Lease for ninety-nine years of a m. and lands called Rysse ap Howell's lands in p. Baslecke as defined. Annual rent: twenty shillings, a heriot when it falls due, a couple of capons, and one manors labour for one day at harvest-time. Boundaries mentioned: lands called nant collston(?); (the name Rysse ap Howell's lands can also be interpreted as the name of boudary lands and not of the property demised).

Lease for ten years of a mansion-house, garden, orchard, and one close adjoining containing two a. called Kay y fynon ...,

  1. Miles Morgan of Tredeger, co. Mon., esq. 2. William Llewellyn of Baslecke, co. Mon., yeoman. Lease for ten years of a mansion-house, garden, orchard, and one close adjoining containing two a. called Kay y fynon, another parcel containing nine a. called the parkes, with six a. of meadow, of which four a. are called gwayne y kocshott and the other two a. as defined, all in said p. Basslecke; also seven a. of land in p. St Bride, co. Mon., with twleve milch kyne with calves, and also six a. of hay ready housed. Annual rent: ten pounds at two specified terms.

Lease for twenty-one years from the determination of the term specified in No. 83/59 [beth ddyliwn ei roddi yma?] of ...,

  1. Queen Elizabeth. 2. Rice Jones, gent. Lease for twenty-one years from the determination of the term specified in No. 83/59 [beth ddyliwn ei roddi yma?] of the site of the manor of Grenefeilde, alias Ebboth, with a garden lying in the south of the said manor of Grenefeilde, another large garden and twenty-two and a half a. of demesne land in Longlande, nineteen a. of land in Penkarne Myll, a meadow called Panismede, a fishery with a weir near the said meadow, another fishery called Gammeshull, a meadow called Beareland, and another meadow called Patrixsmeade, with their appurtenances, and all buildings within the site of the said manor of Grenefeilde, being parcels of the Ducy of Lancaster, and also of a tmt with a close of land containing four and a half a. in the manor of Ebboth, co. Mon., and a parcel of land called the Garrege, containing three a., being parcel of the manor of Ebboth and of the Duchy of Lancaster. Annual rent: four pounds four shillings and ten pence halfpenny. The said properties had been previously leased to Henry Jones, gent. For the present lease, the said Rice Jones paid fifty-five pounds three shillings and four pence halfpenny. Latin. Stained.

Estreat of the Court Roll of the Court Baron of Henry, Lord Herbert, lord of the manor of Bassaleg, held ...,

Estreat of the Court Roll of the Court Baron of Henry, Lord Herbert, lord of the manor of Bassaleg, held at Bassaleg, recording the surrender by Morgan Ieuane Thomas of a m. and four parcels of land containing two Welsh a. called Garowe Bagh, Kaye llydan dan y tee, Penddoren vagh, and Kaye yr Skibor, as defined, to the use of Howell Lewis and Cecilia Thomas, his wife, and of their heirs. Latin.

Settlement made after the marriage of the said George Lewis and Gyllian Bucke, daughter of John Bucke of Micheltroy, co ...,

  1. George Lewis of Lanedyrne, co. Glam., yeoman. 2. Thomas Morgan of Tredeger, co. Mon., esq. Settlement made after the marriage of the said George Lewis and Gyllian Bucke, daughter of John Bucke of Micheltroy, co. Mon., yeoman, and in consideration of thirty pounds. The said George Lewis covenants that, if the said Gyllian survives him, he will leave to her sixty pounds or goods to that value; he will also assure all lands acquired by him to the said Gyllian after his death, and, after her dec., to their heirs.

Grant of a m. or dwelling-house, barn, garden, orchard, and ten parcels of land with their appurtenances, called Kenhile bagh ...,

  1. Andreas (-ew) Jones of Newport, co. Mon., yeoman, and Elizabeth, his wife. 2. Sir William Morgan of Trediger, kt. Grant of a m. or dwelling-house, barn, garden, orchard, and ten parcels of land with their appurtenances, called Kenhile bagh, alias Cros blaydd, p. Lanbadock, co. Mon., as defined, with letters of attorney to Walter Jenkins of Newport, co. Mon., yeoman, to deliver seisin thereof. Latin.

Lease for the lives of Edward Lewis, Edward, his son, and Henry, another of his sons, in consideration of thirty-five ...,

  1. William Morgan of Tredegir, co. Mon., esq. 2. Edward Lewis of Basselegg, co. Mon., yeoman, Edward, his son, and Henry, another of his sons. Lease for the lives of Edward Lewis, Edward, his son, and Henry, another of his sons, in consideration of thirty-five pounds, of three m's, etc. and twenty closes of land containing twenty-four Welsh a. in said p. Bassaleg (see No. 83/31), excepting timber and minerals. Annual rent: ten pounds, a couple of capons, one man's work for one day at harvest-time, and a heriot when due. Counterpart.

Lease for the lives of Anne Price and Roger Price, in consideration of three pounds, of a cottage, garden, and ...,

  1. William Morgan of Tredegir, co. Mon., esq. 2. Anne Price of Tredegir, widow, and Roger Price, her son. Lease for the lives of Anne Price and Roger Price, in consideration of three pounds, of a cottage, garden, and one a. of ground adjoining in p. St Woolles and manor of Diffrin. Annual rent: five shillings at two specified terms, and a heriot of five shillings when due.

Lease for three lives, in consideration of forty pounds, of three m's, one smithy, two barns, etc., and twenty closes ...,

  1. William Morgan of Tredegir, co. Mon., esq. 2. Edward Lewis of Bassalegg, co. Mon., yeoman, Katherine Jones of p. Whitchurch, co. Glam., spinster (intended wife of the said Edward), and Edward Lewis, his eldest son, of said p. Bassalegg, yeoman. Lease for three lives, in consideration of forty pounds, of three m's, one smithy, two barns, etc., and twenty closes of land containing twenty-six Welsh a. in said p. Bassalegg as defined, excepting timber and minerals. Boundaries mentioned: Crose Urggie, Nant yr ochayn, Crose gare-Inon, Cruisfyrdd. Annual rent: ten pounds, a couple of capons, one man's work for one day at harvest-time, and a heriot when due; with suit of mill at one of the mills of William Morgan. Torn.

Lease for ninety-nine years, if the said Miles Morgan and Anne, his wife, shall so long live, in consideration of ...,

  1. John Morgan of Tredegar, co. Mon., esq. 2. Miles Morgan of p. Bassalleg, co. Mon., husbandman. Lease for ninety-nine years, if the said Miles Morgan and Anne, his wife, shall so long live, in consideration of the surrender of a former lease and a payment of thirty-six pounds, of a m., tmt, barn, etc. and several closes of land containing eleven Welsh a. in p. Bassalleg as defined; also of four a. of meadow land in p. St Bride's, co. Mon., as defined, excepting timber and minerals. Annual rent: six pounds and nine shillings a two specified terms, a couple of fat capons, and the work of one man for one day at harvest-time or three shillings in lieu thereof; also suit of mill, and a heriot when due.

Grant of the moiety of the manor of Llanvaire Kilgeddin, co. Mon., and all m's, lands, etc. appertaining thereto in ...,

  1. The Rt Hon. William, Earl of Pembroke, and the Rt Hon. Phillipp, Earl of Montgomery. 2. William Frowde, gent., servant of the said Earl of Montgomery. Grant of the moiety of the manor of Llanvaire Kilgeddin, co. Mon., and all m's, lands, etc. appertaining thereto in p's Llanvaire Kilgeddin and Bettus Neweth; also a capital m. with its appurtenances in Llanvaire Kilgeddin and all properties appertaining thereto in said p's Llanvaire Kilgeddin and Bettus Neweth; also the lands called Tire Palmer, Tire Croft, Enis y Kavan, Gwerlod y Velin, Tire y Cunstable, Enis Vawre, Enis Velin, Coyd y Comander, Enis Genole, Enis y Rhidie, Enis Veine, Kair urth y Ty, two orchards, Kair Glibor [sic for Skibor], Kay Lloyd, Kay baghe, Kay Cunstable ycha, Kay Cunstable by the highway, Kayr Coyd ycha, and Kair Coyd Issa, and three cottages with their appurtenances, all in said p's Llanvaire Kilgeddin and Bettus Neweth. Also of the rectory of Welcombe, Devon, with all its appurtenances. Copy.

Release, in consideration of forty-six pounds, of two separate parcels of land called Caye David Mirick, containing twelve Welsh a ...,

  1. Charles Phillipp Edward of Trevethin, co. Mon., yeoman, and Margaret George, his wife. 2. Richard Thomas ap Owen of Trevethin, yeoman. Release, in consideration of forty-six pounds, of two separate parcels of land called Caye David Mirick, containing twelve Welsh a., and a necessary way to the said two parcels in said p. Trevethin as defined. Latin.
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