Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 20104 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Tredegar Estate Records,
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Final Concord in a fine levied in the Queen's Court at Westminster between John Thomas, plaintiff, and Morgan Griffith and ...,

Final Concord in a fine levied in the Queen's Court at Westminster between John Thomas, plaintiff, and Morgan Griffith and Dido, his wife, deforciants, when the deforciants acknowledged three closes of land called maes y garne, with their appurtenances, in p. Bedwelltie to be the right of the plaintiff. Latin. Lh&rh indentures.

Settlement before the marriage of the said John Stradlinge and Marie Williams, one of the daughters of the said Edmunde ...,

  1. John Stradlinge of Kelligare, co. Glam., gent. 2. Edmunde Williams of Kelligare, esq. 3. Lamorock Stradlinge of Roathe, co. Glam., esq., and William Williams of Kelligare, gent. Settlement before the marriage of the said John Stradlinge and Marie Williams, one of the daughters of the said Edmunde Williams, touching the following properties:- a capital m. with all its appurtenances, one mill with its appurtenances, all in p. Kelligare, containing two hundred Welsh a., and of the annual value of twenty pounds; another capital m. called Newe Courte with its appurtenances in p. Landowe, co. Glam., and all the lands and tmt's of the said John Stradlinge in said p. Landowe; one m. and garden in Kelligare; one m. and two a. of land, another m. and garden, another m. and garden, another m. and a mill, another m., barn, and two a. of land, another m. and twenty-four a. of land, another m., another m. and garden, another m. and sixteen Welsh a. of land, another two m's and fifty a. of land, all in p. Kelligare. Also all the properties of the said John Stradlinge in co. Glam. The said Edmunde Williams also grants in trust to the said Lamorock Stradlinge and Williams Williams the following properties:- a m., etc. and seven and a half a. of land in St Bride's, co. Mon.; one m., etc. and twenty a. of land in Koydekernewe, co. Mon.; one tmt called Tyre Langley, containing eight a., in p. Basselegg, co. Mon.; five a. of land in Peterston, co. Mon.; and twenty a. of land in Piterston and Koydekernewe; with covenant to convey before the feast of All Saints next following one cottage and nine a. of land in p. St Bride's, and to pay to the said John Stradlinge two sums of fifty pounds each, and a specified number of cattle.

Bond in eighty pounds for the observance of covenants touching a mortgage in thirty pounds of a m. and three ...,

  1. Roger John Thomas of Bedwellty, co. Mon., gent., and Thomas John of Bedwellty, gent. 2. Thomas Powell of Bedwellty, gent. Bond in eighty pounds for the observance of covenants touching a mortgage in thirty pounds of a m. and three parcels of land containing five Welsh a. called Maes y Garne in p. Bedwellty (see No. 82/101).

Final Concord in a fine levied in the King's Court at Westminster between Sir William Morgan, kt, plaintiff, and Roger ...,

Final Concord in a fine levied in the King's Court at Westminster between Sir William Morgan, kt, plaintiff, and Roger John Thomas and Elizabeth, his wife, and John Morgan and Lucy, his wife, deforciants, when the deforciants acknowledged lands in Bedwelltie and St Woolloes, co. Mon. to be the right of the plaintiff. Latin. Lh&rh indentures.

Bargain And Sale, in consideration of two hundred pounds, of their reversion in one m., etc. and forty Welsh a ...,

  1. Rosser John Thomas of Bedwellty, co. Mon., yeoman, and Elizabeth, his wife. 2. Sir William Morgan of Trediger, co. Mon., kt. Bargain And Sale, in consideration of two hundred pounds, of their reversion in one m., etc. and forty Welsh a. and a water-grist mill, with its appurtenances, in p. Bedwellty, all which properties were in the possession of Catherine Rosser for the term of her life.

Covenant to levy a fine concerning one m., curtilage, garden, and seven and a half a. in p. St Bride's ...,

  1. Thomas Morgan of Trediger, co. Mon., esq., and Rachell, his wife. 2. Thomas Harries of Newport, co. Mon., gent., and Water Jenkins of Newport, co. Mon., yeoman. Covenant to levy a fine concerning one m., curtilage, garden, and seven and a half a. in p. St Bride's, co. Mon.; a m., etc. and twenty a. of land in Coedkernewe, co. Mon.; one tmt and lands called Tyr Langley containing eight a. of land in p. Bassleg, co. Mon.; five a. of land in Peeterston, co. Mon.; and twenty a. of land in Peeterston and Coedkernew to the uses of the said Thomas and Rachel as specified.

Covenant to levy a fine concerning one m., curtilage, garden, and seven and a half a. in p. St Bride's ...,

  1. Thomas Morgan of Trediger, co. Mon., esq., and Rachell, his wife. 2. Thomas Harries of Newport, co. Mon., gent., and Water Jenkins of Newport, yeoman. Covenant to levy a fine concerning one m., curtilage, garden, and seven and a half a. in p. St Bride's, co. Mon.; a m., etc. and twenty a. of land in Coedkernewe, co. Mon.; one tmt and lands called Tyr Langley containing eight a. of land in p. Bassleg, co. Mon.; five a. of land in Peeterston, co. Mon.; and twenty a. of land in Peeterston and Coedkernew to the uses of the said Thomas and Rachel as specified. Counterpart of No. 82/18.

Decree of the Court of Wards and Liveries confirming to Sir William Morgan of Tredeger, co. Mon. quiet possession of ...,

Decree of the Court of Wards and Liveries confirming to Sir William Morgan of Tredeger, co. Mon. quiet possession of Court Henlys in p. Henllys, Lloyne Hade and Coed Rosser in p. Bettws, co. Mon., Penrue in p. Maghen, with its appurtenances, four other m's, with their appurtenances, in p. Machen, and lands and tmt's called Brocastle mortgaged in a thousand pounds to Sir Edward Lewis, kt. The decree mentions an inquisition taken after the death of Sir Edward Lewis, kt, son of the above-mentioned Sir Edward Lewis, kt. The next heir, Edward Lewis, esq., was under twenty-one years of age.

Bargain And Sale, in consideration of twenty pounds, of two parcels of land containing six a. in p. Malpas, co ...,

  1. John William Rosser of p. Lanvihangell neere Lanternham, co. Mon., yeoman. 2. Walter William of Dorston, Herefordshire, yeoman. Bargain And Sale, in consideration of twenty pounds, of two parcels of land containing six a. in p. Malpas, co. Mon., with all reversions and remainders, saving a term of life to one Katherine Thomas, widow.

Final Concord in a fine levied in the Court of the Common Bench at Westminster between Jenkin John David and ...,

Final Concord in a fine levied in the Court of the Common Bench at Westminster between Jenkin John David and John William Rosser, plaintiffs, and John Watkin John and Elizabeth, his wife, and Walter William, deforciants, when the deforciants acknowledged two m's, etc. and twenty-six a. of land in Pantege and Malpas to be the right of the plaintiffs.

Bargain And Sale, in consideration of two hundred and thirty-two pounds ten shillings, of a mansion-house, with its appurtenances, and ...,

  1. James Howell of Henllis, co. Mon., yeoman, and Lewis Howell of Henllis, yeoman. 2. Thomas Morgan of Machen, co. Mon., esq. Bargain And Sale, in consideration of two hundred and thirty-two pounds ten shillings, of a mansion-house, with its appurtenances, and fourteen Welsh a. called the lands besides or nigh the church in p. Henllis, as defined.

Final Concord in a fine levied in the King's Court at Westminster between Giles Earle, gent., and John Price, gent ...,

Final Concord in a fine levied in the King's Court at Westminster between Giles Earle, gent., and John Price, gent., plaintiffs, and Thomas Morgan, esq., deforciant, when the deforciant acknowledged one m., etc. and seven and a half a. of land in p. St Bride's, co. Mon.; a m., etc. and twenty a. of land in Koedkernew, co. Mon.; a tmt called Teer Langley containing eight a. in p. Bassalege, co. Mon.; three a. of land in Peterstone, co. Mon.; twenty a. of land in Peterstone and Koedkernew; a m., etc. and six parcels of land in p. St Woollow, co. Mon. called Ka yr Skibor, Ka kenoll, ka yr yskallog, Gwayne y Skibor, Ka yr lan, and Koed ka yr llan; a cottage and garden in the said parcel called Koed ka yr lan; a water grist mill called y ffelin faghe, with its appurtenances, together with two parcels of land containing three a.; one parcel of land adjoining the said mill containing four a. as defined; six parcels of land containing twenty a. called Kaye Pwll Marle, Ka gwin, Erw felen, y pimp Erw, and y tare Erw in said p. St Wolloes as defined; and m's and tmt's and lands in p. Aberistwith, co. Mon., containing two hundred a., to be the right of the plaintiff. Latin.

Bargain And Sale, in consideration of fifty-six pounds, of a tmt and four parcels of land adjoining, containing five a ...,

  1. Rowland Morgan of Gwal-y-vielast, p. Marchfild, co. Mon., gent., Kathrine, his wife, and Thomas Morgan, their son and heir. 2. William Morgan of Tredegir, co. Mon., esq. Bargain And Sale, in consideration of fifty-six pounds, of a tmt and four parcels of land adjoining, containing five a., lying in said p. Marchfild, as defined.

Final Concord in a fine levied in the King's Court at Westminster between William Morgan, esq., plaintiff, and Roland Morgan ...,

Final Concord in a fine levied in the King's Court at Westminster between William Morgan, esq., plaintiff, and Roland Morgan, gent., Katherine, his wife, and Thomas Morgan, gent., deforciants, when the deforciants acknowledged a tmt and four parcels of land adjoining, containing five a., lying in p. Marchfild to be the right of the plaintiff. Latin. Lh&rh indentures.

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