- J
- Cyfres / Series
- 2018-2019
Material relating to the Welsh Beekeepers' Association's 75th anniversary in 2018.
Material relating to the Welsh Beekeepers' Association's 75th anniversary in 2018.
Material relating to the 75th anniversary of the Welsh Beekeepers' Association, comprising: material relating to the WBKA 75th anniversary conference, held at University of Wales Aberystwyth, 13-15 July 2018; WBKA 75th anniversary metallic lapel badge; and WBKA 75th anniversary medal and lapel badge donated to the WBKA by long-time Swansea and District WBKA branch member Commander Eric George Verge, with accompanying letter dated 16 October 2019 (the 50th anniversary medal also mentioned in the letter does not appear to be present).
Material relating to the accounts and expenditure, 1945-1969, 1986-1991, 2003-2004, 2008-2014, of the Welsh Beekeepers' Association; together with documents outlining recommended practice for accounting and reporting on the part of charitable bodies.
Material relating to the accounts and expenditure, 1945-2014, of the Welsh Beekeepers' Association; includes ledger book containing Welsh Beekeepers' Association accounts, 1968-1989. Together with documents outlining recommended practice for accounting and reporting on the part of charitable bodies.
Additional material (May 2023)
Additional papers donated by the Welsh Beekeepers' Association in May 2023, comprising: records of WBKA Annual General Meetings, 2021-2023; records of WBKA Council meetings, 2021-2023; WBKA Annual Reports for 2021 and 2022; and WBKA examination results, 1945-2022.
Welsh Beekeepers' Association administrative papers, comprising agendas and minutes of meetings; records of accounts and expenditure; reports; insurance documentation and claims; correspondence; and details of orders, receipts and invoices, mainly for the purchase of honey jar labels.
Advertising and advertisers: Gwenynwyr Cymru / The Welsh Beekeeper
Material, mainly comprised of correspondence and invoices, relating to advertising in Gwenynwyr Cymru / The Welsh Beekeeper periodical, published by the Welsh Beekeepers' Association. Some items include affixed notes written on 'post-it' notes.
Records of advertisers appearing in Gwenynwyr Cymru / The Welsh Beekeeper periodical, 2012-2013.
Minutes and agendas of the Welsh Beekeepers' Association's Annual General Meetings, 1956, 1960- 1962, 1968, 1990-2003, 2005-2021. Including manuscript notes relating to an undated Annual General Meeting to be held at the Unicorn Hotel, Caersws (kept in marked envelope).
Welsh Beekeepers' Association annual reports, 1960, 1962, 1964-1966, 2014-2020.
British Standards Institution papers outlining rules and regulations as they relate to beekeeping and the production of honey.
British Standards Institution papers outlining rules and regulations as they relate to beekeeping and the production of honey, with items of earlier provenance having historical importance. The items include printed BSI booklets dating from 1947 to 1960; BSI newsletter (Autumn/Winter 1996); draft international standard document, 1988; minutes of BSI meetings, held 13 August 1980 and 19 November 1985 (the list of attendees at the latter meeting including a representative from the British Beekeepers' Association); correspondence from the BSI, 1972, 1979-1981, 1985, relating to the reviewing of standards within beekeeping; and BSI reports and revisions, 1951-1959, 1980-1981, in relation to beekeeping and the production of honey.
Papers relating to the constitution, aims and objectives of the Welsh Beekeepers' Association, which include a photocopied copy of the WBKA's original 'Constitution and Rules'. One item relates to the constitution of the Council of National Beekeeping Associations of the United Kingdom (CONBA) and one early item titled 'Draft Constitution', possibly dating from 1946, relates to the constitution of the South Wales Federation of Beekeepers' Associations.
Papers relating to the constitution, aims and objectives of the Welsh Beekeepers' Association.
Minutes and agendas of the Welsh Beekeepers' Association's Convention Sub-Committee meetings, 1989-2006.
Conventions, conferences, summer schools and symposia
Material relating to Welsh Beekeepers' Association participation in conventions, conferences, summer schools and symposia, 1950, 1957, 1959, 1960, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1980, 1986, 2000, 2003-2005, 2015, 2017-2020.
Conventions, conferences, summer schools and symposia
Material relating to Welsh Beekeepers' Association participation in conventions, conferences, summer schools and symposia, 1950, 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1978, 1980, 1986, 2000, 2003-2005, 2015, 2017-2020.
COPA/COPEGA Honey Working Party
Details of meetings of the COPA/COPEGA Honey Working Party, held in Brussels, 1985-1986.
Correspondence dating from the establishment of the Welsh Beekeepers' Association in 1943 to 2021, which includes a folder of correspondence, 1969-1972, between the Welsh Beekeepers' Association and the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society (kept in separate box from remainder of correspondence material).
Correspondence dating from the establishment of the Welsh Beekeepers' Association in 1943 to 2021, mainly to and from Welsh Beekeepers' Association officials - who include J[ohn] E[mrys] Anwyl (Honorary Secretary), J. H. Ball (Honorary Secretary, later Honorary Editor), John E. Lancaster (Honorary Secretary), Mr D. A. Thomas (Honorary Secretary), Commander Eric George Verge (Honorary Secretary), Wally Shaw, Tom Rowlands (President), Lynfa Davies (Secretary), John Page (Secretary) and Lynda Christie (Chair) (tendering her resignation from her post) - and other members, writing either as individuals or as representatives of their respective county/district beekeepers' associations. Other correspondents include the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society (see also under Royal Welsh Agricultural Society correspondence within this archive); the Forestry Commission; the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF); the National Library of Wales; the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA); the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD); the Welsh Office; the Council of National Beekeeping Associations (CONBA); the (then) Welsh Assembly Government (one of the correspondents being Elin Jones, who at the time was the Assembly's Minister for Rural Affairs); the Food Standards Agency (Wales) (Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd (Cymru)); and various Welsh county councils and education authorities/committees. Topics of discussion include Association membership, the appointment of Association officers, bee diseases and the environmental effects of crop spraying and other forms of pollution on the health and wellbeing of bees.
Correspondence relating to the deposit of Welsh Beekeepers Association records at the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth includes a letter, 25 July 2014, from then Chief Executive and Librarian Aled Gruffydd Jones informing John Page of the Welsh Beekeepers' Association that WBKA papers held at the Library had been destroyed by fire in April 2013 (see note in main section of archive).
Correspondence with the National Library and undated correspondence kept in marked envelopes in box labelled '1969-2021'.
Together with folder of correspondence, 1969-1972, between the Welsh Beekeepers' Association and the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society (kept in separate box from remainder of correspondence material).
Correspondence on topics such as insurance policies and claims, festivals and shows, grant applications, training and assessment and conferences and summer schools may be found under their relevant headings within this archive.
Minutes and agendas of Welsh Beekeepers' Association Council meetings, 1943-1949, 1950-1961, 1964-1968, 1971, 1973-1982, 1989-2021, together with some related material; details for each year kept in separate marked envelope or folder.
Please note that the minutes of a Special Council Meeting held 9 May 1962, the minutes of the Education, Research and Experiments Standing Committee held 8 June 1962 and the minutes of the Council Meeting held 20 June 1962 run on continuously from the minutes of the Council Meeting held 14 March 1962 and cannot be separated one from the other.
Please note that the minutes of the Council Meetings held 21 November 1962, 3 April 1963 and 19 June 1963 run on continuously from the minutes of the Council Meeting held 26 September 1962 and cannot be separated one from the other.