Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 5 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Papurau Mary Silyn Roberts (Archif Menywod Cymru) = Mary Silyn Roberts Papers (Women's Archive of Wales) Is-gyfres
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Gohebiaeth bersonol Mary Silyn Roberts = Personal correspondence of Mary Silyn Roberts

Gohebiaeth bersonol Mary Silyn Roberts oddieithr rhyngddi hi a'i gŵr, Robert (Silyn) Roberts, y gohebwyr yn cynnwys ei mab, Glynn Silyn Roberts; y gwleidydd Llafur a'r ohebwraig Eirene Lloyd Jones (wedyn Eirene White, y Farwnes White); a'r ffeminydd, addysgwraig ac ymgyrchwraig heddwch Danaidd Henni Forchhammer. = Personal correspondence of Mary Silyn Roberts other than that between her and her husband, Robert (Silyn) Roberts, the correspondents including her son Glynn Silyn Roberts; the Labour politician and journalist Eirene Lloyd Jones (later Eirene White, Baroness White); and the Danish feminist, educator and peace activist Henni Forchhammer.

Gohebiaeth swyddogol Mary a Robert (Silyn) Roberts (Cymdeithas Addysg y Gweithwyr) = Official correspondence of Mary and Robert (Silyn) Roberts (Workers' Educational Association)

Gohebiaeth a chopïau o ohebiaeth, 1929-1944, yn bennaf rhwng Swyddfa Ranbarthol Cymdeithas Addysg y Gweithwyr, a leolwyd yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Cymru, Bangor, a Choleg Harlech, ynghyd â gohebiaeth oddi wrth bencadlys Cymdeithas Addysg y Gweithwyr yn Llundain (prif ohebydd Ernest Green, ysgrifennydd cyffredinol y Gymdeithas) at y Swyddfa Ranbarthol a gohebiaeth rhwng y Swyddfa Ranbarthol a darpar-fyfyrwyr Coleg Harlech. = Correspondence and copies of correspondence, 1929-1944, primarily between the District Office of the Workers' Educational Association, located at the University College of Wales, Bangor, and Coleg Harlech, together with correspondence from the Workers' Educational Association headquarters in London (main correspondent Ernest Green, general secretary of the Association) to the District Office and correspondence between the District Office and prospective Coleg Harlech students.

Gohebiaeth rhwng Mary a Robert (Silyn) Roberts = Correspondence between Mary and Robert (Silyn) Roberts

Gohebiaeth rhwng Mary a Robert (Silyn) Roberts yn dyddio o'u perthynas cynnar ym mlynyddoedd olaf y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg hyd at fis cyn marw Silyn ym 1930. = Correspondence between Mary and Robert (Silyn) Roberts dating from their early relationship during the closing years of the nineteenth century until a month prior to Silyn's death in 1930.

Gohebiaeth bersonol Robert (Silyn) Roberts = Personal correspondence of Robert (Silyn) Roberts

Gohebiaeth bersonol Robert (Silyn) Roberts oddieithr rhyngddo ef a'i wraig, Mary Silyn Roberts, y gohebwyr yn cynnwys Jane Parry ac Evan Parry, mam a brawd Mary Silyn Roberts; y bardd a'r ysgolhaig W. J. Gruffydd; a chasgliad pwysig o lythyrau o'i gyfnod yn y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf oddi wrth y bardd R. Williams Parry. = Personal correspondence of Robert (Silyn) Roberts other than that between him and his wife, Mary Silyn Roberts, the correspondents including Jane Parry and Evan Parry, mother and brother of Mary Silyn Roberts; the poet and academic W. J. Gruffydd; and an important collection of First World War letters from the poet R. Williams Parry.