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Disgrifiad archifol
Leila Mégane and T. Osborne Roberts Papers and Correspondence
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Leila Mégane manuscripts

Papers, [early 20 cent.]-1969, of or relating to Leila Mégane, including typescript copies of her autobiography, 1946-[c. 1960], letters addressed to her, 1914-1960, papers relating to Jean de Reszke, 1933-1959, a journal, 1957, and scrap-albums, [early 20 cent.]-[c. 1958].


A scrap-album compiled, [c. 1958], by Leila Mégane, containing correspondence, press cuttings and other papers, 1911-1945, relating to her career, family and friends, including letters from Frances Louise Stevenson (afterwards Countess Lloyd George of Dwyfor) (1), 1934, Dame Margaret Lloyd George (4), 1919-1935, Dame Helen 'Nellie' Melba (1), 1919, Robert David Rowland (Anthropos) (1), 1934, and Dame Sybil Thorndike (1), [mid 20 cent.], with notes by Leila Mégane.

Lloyd George, Frances, 1888-1972


Two notebooks, 1919-1943 and 1922-1943, containing hymn-tunes composed by T. Osborne Roberts, including settings of 'Wedi gadael gwlad yr wylo' (f. 1 recto-verso) and 'Gwlad y cystudd, gwlad yr wylo' (ff. 17 verso-18), words by Evan Rees (Dyfed), and of 'O Tyred, f'Anwylyd, fy Arglwydd yn ddyn' (ff. 2 verso-3), words by William Williams, Pantycelyn, with notes added, 1950, by Leila Mégane.

Anthems, hymns, songs, etc.

Manuscript and printed copies, 1905, 1948, of anthems, hymn-tunes and songs, composed or arranged by T. Osborne Roberts, including 'Berceuse' (ff. 8-10), 'I Loved a Lass' (ff. 32-35) and 'A Lullaby' (ff. 53-55), words by George Withers; 'Britain', words by John Ceiriog Hughes (Ceiriog) (ff. 16-17 verso); 'Seren fechan, Seren dlos' (f. 21 recto-verso) and 'Seren fechan yn y nos' (ff. 22-23 verso), words by Thomas Jones, Cerrigellgwm; 'Hiraeth' (ff. 30 recto-verso, 107 verso-108) and 'Y Mynydd' (ff. 78-81), words by Robert Williams Parry; 'The Kingfisher', words by William Henry Davies (ff. 38-40), and 'Y Lloer', words by W. H. Davies with a Welsh translation by R. Williams Parry (ff. 64-65); 'Medi' (ff. 58-61) and 'Y Wlad Annwyl Hon' (f. 133 recto-verso), words by Eliseus Williams (Eifion Wyn); 'Morfudd fy Mûn', words by Gerald Griffin translated into Welsh by Caradog Prichard (ff. 66-71 verso); 'Nefoedd', words by John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt) (ff. 82-90 verso); 'Stars of the Summer Night', words by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (ff. 131-132 verso); and 'Ymson', words by Heinrich Heine translated into Welsh by Sir John Morris-Jones (ff. 134-141 verso).
Notes are added in the hand of Leila Mégane on ff. 138, 143, 150-158.

Miscellaneous papers

Papers of Leila Mégane, [1948x1960], including a typescript with revisions and additions in her hand of 'The Parting', being an account of the life and death of her husband, Thomas Osborne Roberts (ff. 1-15); additional notes in her hand relating to his death (ff. 16-20); typescript and autograph copies of an account of her conversations with Dame Nellie Melba concerning Jean de Reszke (ff. 21-25); and her observations on life, death and the arts (ff. 26-33).


A scrap-album compiled by Leila Mégane containing press cuttings, 1925, 1955-1956, relating to her life and singing career, in particular a series of articles about her from the Caernarvon & Denbigh Herald & North Wales Observer, November 1955-April 1956 (ff. 1 verso-23 verso).

'The Battle of the Baltic'

The full choral and orchestral score with separate instrumental parts, 1910, of 'The Battle of the Baltic', a setting for male voice chorus and orchestra by T. Osborne Roberts of the words by Thomas Campbell, composed for competition at the National Eisteddfod of Wales, Colwyn Bay, 1910, together with printed copies of the work in reduced score and of the choral parts in tonic sol-fa notation.


A scrap-album compiled, [c. 1957], by Leila Mégane, containing correspondence, press cuttings and other papers, 1919-1957, relating to her career, family and friends, and including her engagement contract with the Opéra Comique, Paris, 1919 (f. ii), notes by her on the Delsarte method of acting (ff. iv-v), and a letter from the composer Reynaldo Hahn (1874-1947) to Jean de Reszke, [early 20 cent.] (f. vii), with notes by Leila Mégane.

Hahn, Reynaldo, 1875-1947

Miscellaneous papers

Miscellaneous papers, 1938-1969, consisting of autobiographical notes, [1950s], by Leila Mégane, including a list of corrections to the series of articles about her published in the Caernarvon & Denbigh Herald & North Wales Observer (ff. 1-6); inventories of her possessions, 1956-1959 (ff. 42-64); and her instructions, [c. 1959], regarding her death and burial (f. 69), together with notes, 1960-1969, by her daughter, Effie Isaura Osborne Hughes, and her sister, Jane Esther Jones Musgrove.

Hughes, Effie Isaura Osborne

T. Osborne Roberts manuscripts

Papers, 1905-1979, of or relating to Thomas Osborne Roberts, including notebooks containing hymn-tunes and songs, 1919-1945, scores and instrumental parts for various compositions, 1908-[c. 1926], and manuscript and printed copies of anthems, hymn-tunes, songs and Welsh airs, 1905-1950.

Roberts, Thomas Osborne, 1879-1948


Two notebooks, 1938 and 1945, containing settings by T. Osborne Roberts of 'Seasons' Dreams', words by C. G. Parr (ff. 1-6 verso); and 'Slumber Song', words by George Withers, with a Welsh translation by R. E. Jones (Cyngar) (ff. 7-11 verso).

Jones, R. Evan, Cyngar, 1852-1936

Welsh airs and songs

Manuscript and printed copies, [c. 1926]-1948, of Welsh airs and songs, arranged or composed by T. Osborne Roberts, including 'Acen y Glomen', words by Richard Davies (Mynyddog) (ff. 1-4 verso), 'Y Bwthyn Bach Tô Gwellt' (ff. 5-6 verso), 'Dafydd y Garreg Wen' (ff. 9-12), 'Melin Trefin', words by William Crwys Williams (Crwys) (ff. 13-14 verso), 'Hobed o Hilion', words by John Ceiriog Hughes (Ceiriog) (f. 22 recto-verso), 'Hwb i'r Galon' (ff. 28-29), 'Mae Nghariad i'n Fenws' (ff. 30-31), 'Pistyll y Llan' (ff. 36-39), 'Suo-Gân', words by Robert Bryan (ff. 40-44), and 'Trymder', words by Robert Davies (Bardd Nantglyn) (ff. 45-48).
Notes in the hand of Leila Mégane are added on ff. 32, 44 recto-verso.

Scrap-album relating to Thomas Osborne Roberts

A scrap-album compiled, [c. 1951]-1979, by Leila Mégane and her daughter, Effie Isaura Osborne Hughes, containing correspondence, photographs, press cuttings and other papers, [c. 1906]-1979, relating to the life, career and death of T. Osborne Roberts, including a letter, [c. 1949], from his brother, Conway Roberts, to Leila Mégane (f. 25) and a letter and testimonial, 1931-1934, from Sir Granville Bantock (ff. 22, 27 verso).
Notes in the hand of Leila Mégane are added on ff. 1, 17 recto-verso, 18 verso-19 verso, 21 recto-verso, 23, 24-25, 29 verso, 30.

Hughes, Effie Isaura Osborne

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